Chris paraphrase: "Players need to sell better loot to NPCs"; yet they don't pay

Discussion in 'Crafting & Gathering' started by Vladamir Begemot, Nov 28, 2019.

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  1. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    that would work, or require items at full durability since going into the loot table cuts it some each time.
    Anpu and Fister Magee like this.
  2. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Considering we have our makers mark on items, I would go for that!
  3. Aartemis

    Aartemis Avatar

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    Cleveland, Ohio
    In order to prevent the increased sale price of crafted item to NPC from being worked, create a LOOT flag on every crafted item. Once the item is sold to an NPC, the LOOT flag is set and it cannot be resold for premium cost to an NPC.

    However, once the LOOT flag has been set, the SALVAGE amount of the item is then increased with the option to have Gold/Silver scraps drop from the salvage based on the enchantments/MW.

    So what we did is create a system that rewards the crafter for selling the item to an NPC over salvage thus increasing the LOOT for players, and then making that loot desirable as loot by letting the gold/silver/metal scrap increase only after its been dropped. Increase the desire to sell to NPC after crafted over salvage BUT then increase the desire to SALVAGE over sell once its been dropped thus removing it from the world.

    Everyone wins and you don't work the system.
    Yigg Endimion, Lace and Tirrag like this.
  4. Tirrag

    Tirrag Avatar

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    I like the idea of getting NPC pricing based on the masterworks/enchantments on an item crafted by you. The NPC sale price can be on a scale where the more successful enhancements on the item the better price the NPC seller gives. Having an NPC give good prices for a masterworked/enchanted item you created may not have the negative effect people are thinking on the economy since the cost of making that item will always greatly outweigh the price received from the NPC. It also means that selling just base loot equipment will not affect the economy since those prices will stay the same (as they are not created by you and their enhancements are low).

    I also like the BoD idea. Visit a local blacksmith to receive BoD for crafted equipment. You may only have one BoD at a time. BoDs can be low-end, high-quantity batches to arm the guards or high-end, low-quantity orders (even single piece or set of armor). BoD reward scales with type of equipment requested and can include crafting resources (rare resources for high-end) as well as gp and extra crafting XP. Equipment must match the order so if the order is for a +10 spear that is what must be provided and crafted by you. Different artisans could provide different BoDs (ie carpentry, tailor, housing deco, alchemy).

    There is already a mechanism in place in the quest system for the NPC to request multiple items from you to complete a quest. Also in that mechanism is a way to provide items back from the NPC upon completion including gold and crafting XP. There are limitations as to how many you can have at one time (ie bounties). Nearly all the pieces are there to make BoDs a reality with a little creativity.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
  5. Sentinel2

    Sentinel2 Avatar

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    In ESO, there are daily crafting quests where the reward is decent for the most part. I haven't leveled high enough for master writs (yet). Perhaps something like this should be implemented in SOTA?

    Crafting and selling items should be worth more than a pittance to NPC's. The whole risk vs reward thing again.
    Lace and Xandra7 like this.
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