Congrats on Launch

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Humbert_Humbert, Dec 14, 2017.

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  1. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    I do. Designing good quests, offering choices with consequences and a great offline experience doesn't take 500 people and lots of money. No one is comparing the size of SotA to Skyrim or the graphics of SotA to the graphics of Skyrim. It is about the design of the quests and the SP experience.
    Take a look at other smaller games which managed this. Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Divinity Original Sin 2 - even Balrum... Great games with great quests, choices with consequences and a great offline experience - without having a big budget.

    But we will see... March 27th will be D-Day for SotA.
    fantalio, Sir_Hemlock and AvatarGG like this.
  2. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Those Games developersers were focusing on a single player game. This one definitely was not. I don't understand why people continue to wish these devs to push out half heartedly the single player game the same time as the online game. Request more time to get it right. Imo opinion they cannot best serve the offline right now but still the pressure to do it continues. They need to be separate games with lots of separate features and release should not be rushed. I never respect the tricky wordmanship about release of either offline or online. I would far better respect honesty and bluntness. Such as 'we are shooting for March 27th commercial release and as we get closer to that date we will keep you informed as to the likelihood of it happening, so stay tuned'. Why play with words? We have been making such awesome momentum in the online game why do they constantly shoot theirselves in the foot this way?

    Why not a reasonable 6-8 months for sure strong statement? Also definitely separate out online and offline releases and be fair to give both games their honest and open chance.

    Imo devs need to Stop being so ripped in two pieces to appease both audiences. Offline needs a lot of work and should not be done at the same time as online. I feel it will be a half hearted attempt if that thought continues. It deserves better. Offline should get the love it needs separately from online with its own release. And it is imo we can't do it all in 3 months for either offline or online but what do I know.

    So I sit and watch enjoying the progress and hoping for a bit more time.
    fonsvitae likes this.
  3. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    We are beginning tests now to establish what is best in which segments, which will ramp up quickly toward Launch!
    Sempiternal Dragon likes this.
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