How much more effort are we going to dump in to pvp development?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Olddog, Apr 25, 2019.

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  1. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Pacific Northwest
    Forgive me, Earl, but it was you who stated:
    Which made me curious about who these "specific people" were:

    @Earl Atogrim von Draken
    How were "most of the PvPeers" pushed out of the game, and who are these "specific people" ?

    And you give me more ambiguity:
    Ok, then you can't be bothered to be more specific, I get it.
    I'm more of a fact person myself....... :)
    Have a great day, Earl. ;)
  2. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    Uhh, to be fair, i answered the "how" part and due to forum rules i can not answer the "who" part.

    I guess i could PM you all the facts you want with names, links and so on. Dunno what you would get out of that but if that helps you in some way I will gladly oblige *shrugs*
    Timrath and Dhanas like this.
  3. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    But the option to do them either privately or in open was there before. So the PvP guys could use it as a makeshift PvP battleground and the non pvp folks could just farm em like normal.

    And regarding the things wrong with pvp @Antrax Artek mentioned, the two things my reason for not PvP is lack of motivation (I dont really get anything out of it). Plus ive never really liked magic in games, and it's a must have to PvP in this one which is really still more of a lack of motivation. Like telling me i have to jog 2 miles every morning before i can start PvPing any good.
  4. Gorthyn

    Gorthyn Avatar

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    It's perfectly possible to have good and rewarding PVE and PVP within the same game.

    In all the MMO's I have enjoyed most over the last 20 years - Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, Lord of the Rings Online and even Warhammer online all had/have both that worked well and were great fun. They are not mutually exclusive in a well designed game.

    No reason why SOTA should not have a proper PvP element. Shame it doesn't due to the usual misguided priorities.
  5. parallelogram

    parallelogram Avatar

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    A lot of PvPers that were pushed out of the game: Kor(Everyone knows why), Swamp Thing(griefed by anti pvpers), Jacob Canaan(griefed by anti pvpers), Kinkara(griefed by anti pvpers), PK Ghost(griefed by patch changes), Themo Lock (pushed out by Australian connection problems), Jack Pirate (griefed by anti pvpers), Turin(griefed by patch changes), Nukem (pushed out by changes to rewards), Hexus (same as Nukem), Ryu Jin (pushed out by lack of pvp and pvp griefers), Crystal Method (lack of pvp +anti pvp griefers), Elmwan (anti pvp griefers), Tedio (anti pvp griefers), Titania Dragonbane, (anti pvp griefers), Valio Bestaglio (anti pvp griefers), Mighty Adrien (anti pvp griefers), Blake Blackstone (spent 150k on PvP with Portalarium and dumped everything due to the anti pvp grief on forums.)

    There are hundreds of people actually, go to the docks of New Heaven and go look at all the skulls of people who don't play anymore on my dock who obviously used to PvP considering I have their skulls. It's really depressing.

    In reference to the data from the API, it is public on both the API and Steam. There is not much math to do. There are hundreds of people who share stats, if not thousands over the course of many patches. That data is public and is available on SOTA. I did not claim this was an accurate number. While I am likely off on the population, I do believe PvP accounts for a great deal of the economy in this game. Most people I see are walking around in really, really cheap gear. Most people who see me ask if I am a higher level than Mac because my stats are so crazy. How do you have 1600 hp on a mage?!?! Spend 5-10 million gold on one suit of armor like the rest of us PvPers.

    I doubt that there are more than 1k real players (not dual boxing) playing at peak hours.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  6. Dreadwhisper

    Dreadwhisper Avatar

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    This was all too common. I know personally know 10 players who left the game because there wasn't a centralized and supported PVP system in place. It's hard to explain to players who never PVP or even PVE for that matter why there are serious parts lacking in the game. Portalarium has done a couple things very well in the game. I, for one, think they're decorating is finally up to a high standard. High end PVE and PVP... not so much. Hopefully when they institute the queuable ranked pvp system and raid sized groups, new players will come back. I recently quit due to high lvl PVE issues but, at the very least, would try out these additions. The 10 aforementioned friends would also come back to try it.

    Think of it this way, crafting allows for new gear and consumables. This is then used by PVE/PVP players. These things don't last forever and will have to be renewed. It boosts the in-game economy and brings new players in. Whether you like it or not, PVP is an important part of every MMORPG. Heck, In Ultima Online it was the baseline.
    Gia2, Dhanas and parallelogram like this.
  7. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    I'm like... the heck is "anti-pvp griefers"?

    Oh... are you serious? People disagreeing with them in the forums is "griefing"? Hyperbolic.
  8. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    I read all of this. But this is the one sentence that stuck with me, and it needs to happen now. Stop F-ing around and give us something fun, seriously now.

    Just give us some substantial pvp content that has no issues with the uptight anti-pvp crowd. Please!!!
    Boris Mondragon, Gia2, Dhanas and 3 others like this.
  9. Dreadwhisper

    Dreadwhisper Avatar

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    Release after release we've gotten so much decorating love... any new PVE zones? no. Any PVP love? no. Its become a "build your own game" game now...
  10. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Don't get me wrong I like a lot of the junk they've been doing lately. Lots of good stuff there.

    But I'm done losing my pvp friends and pvp enemies to a lack of pvp content. I think its time for us "non existent" pvp players to start making some noise... let's be as loud as possible guys. I'm sick of being swept under the rug.
  11. Dreadwhisper

    Dreadwhisper Avatar

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    I already shared why I left in another thread. Hopefully the devs finally listen and save one of the best parts of the game.
  12. parallelogram

    parallelogram Avatar

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    An anti pvp griefer is a term I have created to describe a person who griefs others pvping in the game, in chat, or in the message boards. PvPers are often chastised on these message boards, in game, etc where as in other games it's just normal. Being referred to as a "sociopath" in a game because you are killing other players is definitely grief behavior. You have never been cussed out for an hour by ten people for killing them in a PvP zone. Non PvPers say some pretty wicked stuff to me sometimes, I have even been threatened in real life by prominent players in the community. One did so very recently. Also, being talked to like a L33t HaXoR is a bit insulting. Treat other people like you want to be treated, if you treat a PvPer with disrespect in a PvP zone you better expect us to return the grief through killing and res killing.
  13. Dhanas

    Dhanas Avatar

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    And many many more, i have around 20 pvpers from my guild who left, and not talking about new players willing to do pvp who tryed the game for a couple of days and left cause lack of PVP or cause being "griefied by anti PVP player" as you said.
  14. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  15. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    I'm still tryin' to wrap my head around how these PvP'rs left because they were somehow "grief'd" by people.
    On the forums ? In game ?
    I always thought the PvP'rs were tough ...
  16. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    Yeah you two are making it very easy for yourselfs.
    There is tough and there is waste of time.
    We are talking about constant trolling with an incredible amount of acid over years.
    At some point most ppl just said: **** it, i don't have to deal with this trolls if I have dozens of games where I get better PvP and better people.
    Putting up with the anti PvP trolls here is a waste of time. Because they are mindless crusaders that aren't willing to reason with you.
    If I would collect 20 people and troll you every day on every topic you find important and rightout ignore all your attemps to reason with me, you wouldn't put up with this for years also.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
    Bjorn Fellhand and Dhanas like this.
  17. Gia2

    Gia2 Avatar

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    I think we forgotten and betrayed pvpers should really chill the f out, rent a Mt. Midir lot, start decorate and stoptrolling /black knighting while throwing money for a fishface or a candy muffin. (Dyeable).

    We dont understand, nor will do.
    Just relax, enjoy the Voodoo3 era perfomances, consider yourself as "The Mmo Niche" who really understood "The Way meant to be played".

    Don't focus on the success formulas of other games, don't focus on 20 years of progress since your precedent MMO ( i dont even consider tabula rasa)

    Keep those 20 years old ideas with 20 years old comprehension of 3D building and coding and go straight with this game who has clearly ANY direction given by productors/creative directors).

    Portalarium is just driving straight in Low Fuel Consumption mode.
    No direction left or given, just drive since you have gasoline.
    Theater system? Are you really serious?
    Sota is doomed guys, no new players will show up. Change lane.
    Start develop mid/long term stuff.
    Pixels are not enough anymore.
    Hillt and Gorthyn like this.
  18. Gia2

    Gia2 Avatar

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    Quoting Darkstarr, it was June 2018:
    Link for evidence:

    Quoting Darkstar:

    Greetings Avatars,

    Now that we are almost complete fulfilling our Kickstarter promises (brewing coming online in R55, physical rewards shipping very soon, progress being made on castle defense, etc.), we are adjusting our team size to better match our current monthly revenue.


    "progress being made on castle defense"

    Progress being made on castle defense....

    Did you lied to us Darkstarr?
    Did they lied to people who are maintaining their product alive?
    Did they griefed customers?
    Did they trolled customers?
    Where is the truth?

    24 hours left for SEC.
    Less than Twentyfour hours remaining for the Securities and Exchange Commission Files guys.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
  19. Drilikath

    Drilikath Avatar

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    The truth is, spend your F***ing money, and shut up. Port Style!!!!
    Hillt likes this.
  20. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Pvp discussions on the forums got toxic quick. Chris has plans that last year he had intended to begin with janurary but hasnt begun with likely to do with losing people, sick people, office moving and maybe other stuff he hasnt mentioned it so it probly be a good idea to ask him about it directly.

    I know very early on there were at least one person giving real life threats to folks (i think over pvp?), and a couple of folks that went out of thier way to ruin experiences including and incendent where someone was harassed in and out of game because she did not let 2 guys pretend to **** her in game, which sucked because she liked the pvp but those “pvp”ers took it too far.

    The “dont give pvpers anything” sentiment some folks on the forum have on the forum is destructive but the pvpers who bully and do whatever they can to make non pvpers mad “for the sake of pvp” are incredibly destructive too.

    The best idea i think is to just ask chris what the plans for pvp is or get a group together to go to sources like twitch or blood bay discord or wherever chris is most active to get some answers. I’ll halp
    Elwyn likes this.
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