Launching SOTA Radio today! ""

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maya SaintClaire, Jul 29, 2019.

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  1. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Greetings fellow Britannians! I am DJ Maya, and it gives me great pleasure to announce the launch of SOTA Radio! You can tune in 24/7 everyday at "".

    Our format is rock, old and new, though we will play a variety of different genres during live DJ shows, parties and special events. In the near future, as we get more and more organized we will have our full featured website up with show schedules, DJ profiles and SOTA Events. You'll be able to whisper DJ's directly and let them know about interesting happenings, special events, parties, shout outs and anything else of interest to fellow players and we'll get it on the air right away.

    For now,, we are broadcasting around the clock and ready to rock your avatar as you craft, hunt, shop or hang out with friends. Stay tuned as we roll out new features!

    I want to offer a special thanks and salute to the founders and staff at Avatar's Radio and Radio Free Britannia for inspiring us to take this leap. Especially Amber who broke ground for radio stations to exist in Shroud of the Avatar and made it possible for others to follow. Get well soon Amber! You are sorely missed!

    SOTARADIO.COM - Rockin' your avatar 24/7.
  2. Lazarus Long

    Lazarus Long Avatar

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    New Britannia
    Welcome to the Airwaves !!!

    Pulled the url for the in game radio for anyone in need.. do you guys have a shorter one available?


    EDIT: Oh hold on... I got this station plugged in already
    this is..... The Jester KOTV :)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2019
  3. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Heya Lazarus! Thank you so much for that welcome and for posting that url.

    Yes, was the first short URL we used when we first started uploading and setting up the station configuration.... until we found that was available and is a much easier to remember url for players to be able to add us manually to the Vibration Consoles. I contacted the dev team to see what we need to do to qualify for a listing in the vibration units..... hope to hear back from them soon.

    As of now, players can listen using either of the following web addresses....

    Browser address:
    Aether Vibration Address:

    When our website is finished the address will point to that for listening or interaction with our staff.
    Tailz, FrostII, Sentinel2 and 7 others like this.
  4. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    Hudson Valley area of NY
    Congrats, look forward to checking it out! Thanks for being a part of an awesome SOTA community.
  5. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Thanks Sean! I am thrilled to be here, and sincerely appreciate the warm welcome I've received since my arrival. SOTA is indeed an awesome community!
  6. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    Chicago, IL
    Welcome! I'm super excited to see another radio station take to the airwaves :) I wish you and all your staff a joyous musical journey and lots of support from this great community. <3
  7. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Thank you Fionwyn! :) We are excited to be here participating in this awesome community and thrilled to be able to contribute! We will do our best to live up to the legacy of excellence Radio Free Britannia and Avatar's Radio have established. We'll be starting our live DJ shows in the coming days, and soon begin scheduling events too. We sincerely appreciate your warm welcome, kind wishes and support!
  8. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Good morning all!

    I wanted to answer some of the questions we've received from fellow Britannians regarding SOTA Radio, and to thank everyone who has offered their best wishes here on the forums, in private messages and directly in-game. I can't tell you how much we appreciate the warm welcome we have experienced to this community of players and the eagerness and appreciation for this new radio project.

    Here are some of the questions we have been asked so far...

    Can we listen to SOTA Radio on Aether Vibration Consoles?
    Yes you can!

    Just open any Vibration device (console, backpack or headphones) and click the "Add" button. Then enter this data in the blank fields in the little pop-up panel...
    Station Name: SOTA Radio
    Once you enter our data you wont have to do it again. We will be there for you on every Vibration device in-game... even if you don't own it, and even when you are not on your own property. The stream list is attached to the players account, not the individual device, so all devices will "remember" any station you add to any device..

    Note: I have contacted the game devs and asked how we can qualify to be listed automatically in all the Vibration devices along with Avatar's Radio and Radio Free Britannia, so hopefully we'll be included in the default stations list in the units soon. In the meantime you can add SOTA Radio or any other active "Shoutcast" or IceCast" stream you have an address for. There are thousands of great internet stations out there that play every format and genre imaginable. The Aether Vibration units in SOTA are simply "players" for internet radio streams. You are not limited to the stations listed in the devices by default.

    Is SOTA Radio affiliated with Portalarium, Inc?

    No, we are players just like everyone else. We actually started the station under the call sign "KOTV Radio" a few weeks back but discovered that the "" domain was available and eagerly adopted it. KOTV was the abbreviation for one of our guilds, "Knights of the Vale". We are a "by players, for players" project and have no affiliation with the publishers or the devs other than as players and subscribers.

    Is this new station legal?
    We are indeed! SOTA Radio is licensed and authorized to transmit in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The USA is covered via ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, and SoundExchange, Canada is covered via SOCAN and Re:Sound, and the UK is covered via PPL and PRS for Music. Our coverage is provided through finalized agreements, interim agreements, and consent decrees with respective collection societies. So yes, we are legal and paying royalties to the respective artists and publishers who own the rights to the music we play.

    Are you going to have live DJ's?
    Yes! At this moment we have 5 experienced DJ's who will have regularly scheduled broadcasts on SOTA Radio. Each of us will also host in-game dance parties and special events, and we hope to be able to participate in events hosted by other players and player groups, guilds and POT's. We welcome the opportunity to participate in any event where a DJ is needed or appreciated. "If you build it, we will come." In the meantime we are broadcasting 24/7 and you can listen on the web or on any Aether Vibration device in-game. You can use this address for both...

    Note: We are working our bums off building the official station website, an app so you can listen on any device, decorating a ballroom and dance-club in-game, uploading music for daily broadcast as well as each of our DJ's thematic shows, developing artwork, recording DJ Drops, Station ID's, Crossovers and Jingles as well as a slew of other projects. Stay tuned as we roll out new features, listener resources and in game facilities.

    Are you only going to play rock?
    Our "primary" format is rock but we will certainly be featuring many other genres during our upcoming regularly scheduled thematic shows and our DJ's are free to play other genres during their own shows too. So, no, we won't be airing rock music only. We have specific shows planned for Rock, Top 40, Pop, Dance-Pop, EDM, House, Hip-Hop, Disco, New Wave, Alternative, Indie, Goth, Celtic, Viking and more! Stay tuned as we continue our roll-out! Lot's of fun and exciting things to come!

    Are you guys accepting new DJ's?
    Yes! Give us a week or two to get better organized and finish some of the basic and necessary projects we have going to make the station viable and we'll be ready and thrilled to talk with anyone who would like to join us! In fact, we encourage any of you to consider creating a show of your own and broadcasting with us. You don't have to have technical experience as a DJ. We would be happy to train you to DJ and broadcast on our stream, and we will even help you develop your show concept and get it organized and ready for broadcast. I am the Program Director for the station and am happy to chat with any of you who might want to participate. So, whether you have experience in broadcasting or not, please feel free to contact me directly here on the forums or in-game. I assure you we are eager to talk with anyone who would like to contribute time and energy to SOTA Radio. My in-game name is the same as here on the forums... "Maya SaintClaire"

    Can we request songs?
    Absolutely! We appreciate song requests for our regular programming as well as during live DJ shows. Once our website is up you will be able to make requests directly on the site. Until then please feel free to whisper me in-game or leave me a PM here on the forums. If your request is compatible with our programming, I'll get it on the air. We might even include it in our daily playlist!

    Can we see the name and artist of some of these songs?
    Yes! If you hear a song you like and are not familiar with, you can go to and search "SOTA" to find our profile, or just use this link... (you can see the current song being played as well as the last 4 songs we have broadcast).

    Do you have radio or DJ experience or are you learning as you go?
    Yes we do. All 5 members of our staff are qualified DJ's with experience in either virtual communities, internet radio stations or in the real world in clubs or four-walled stations. In my case I come from a family with a varied music industry background. My dad (who is one of our DJ's BTW) spent 30 years in the industry as DJ, event promoter, venue operator, Tour Manager, and managing several successful rock bands / artists. My brother was in several bands and signed to major labels and toured internationally (he played UO and I am still trying to get him into SOTA). I too am also a musician/songwriter and have DJ experience online and in local clubs here in Las Vegas. DJ Kai has extensive experience in another virtual world and DJ's Colin and Grix both have internet radio experience too. So yes, establishing an in-game station here in SOTA was a very natural choice for us. Once we found out that radio existed here (streams could be played in-world), and that Avatar's Radio and Radio Free Britannia were player operated, it's pretty much all we have talked about since. The cool thing is we bring a variety of music tastes and experiences to the table, and we hope to add to the awesome tapestry of music already being provided by the other stations.

    I hope that answers the major questions some of you have. Please feel free to contact me directly here on the forums or in-game with any other questions you may have. Again, thank you all for welcoming us to this amazing community, and for your support and encouragement in this project!

    Ciao for now!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
  9. Tailz

    Tailz Avatar

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  10. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Congrats and Welcome. Would love to hear more music that is medevial type. Maybe have a LOTR or Hobbit block set going. LOL
  11. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Thank you Belladonna for the welcome and the suggestions! We will indeed have some show segments dedicated specifically to Medieval, Celtic, Viking, and other relevant specialty genres too. We will most definitely include music from (or inspired by) Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and other popular medieval fantasy. There are some amazing artists out there recording fabulous music in all these genres. Check out "Stary Olsa", "Omnia", "Two Cellos", "Celtic Woman" and "Blackmore's Night".
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
  12. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Love Blackmoors Night there are some other groups out there as well instrumental that are good too i will look them up and post later. My theme song pretty much is Ghost of a Rose by Blackmoors Night

    BrunuhVille is awesome. Rise of a Kingdom and Dance with Dragons are awesome adventuring tunes.
    Maya SaintClaire likes this.
  13. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Thank you for BrunuhVille Belladonna! I had not heard his music before. What a treat! *thumbs up*
    Belladonna Rose likes this.
  14. Alleine Dragonfyre

    Alleine Dragonfyre Avatar

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    Welcome to the dial! The more the merrier. :)
    Maya SaintClaire likes this.
  15. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Thanks Alleine! Happy to be here! High 5's for that 10+ hour set you did on your recent Beat Of Novia!
    Alleine Dragonfyre likes this.
  16. Alleine Dragonfyre

    Alleine Dragonfyre Avatar

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    Oh man! :) It was a LOT of fun - thanks.

    I'm just happy Avatars Radio didn't have to shut down after all!
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
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  17. Maya SaintClaire

    Maya SaintClaire Avatar

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    Me too Alleine! And hoping Amber gets back soon, feeling fresh and ready to jump back in. I heard through the grapevine that Atos is helping out and that's great! But also read something from DarkStarr saying AR was on "life support". I think it's safe to say that Avatars Radio is an iconic fixture in this community that none of us want to see it disappear. I am sure there are many of us who would do whatever is needed to help out during Amber's absence. Pretty sure you have a safety net, just say the word!
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