Magic schools & their names

Discussion in 'Quests & Lore' started by redfish, Jul 24, 2016.

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  1. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    I see I'm in good company at least.. :)
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  2. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    I thought you might like that ;)...

    Take a close look and see the early 7 pointed star similar to our Cabalist's star...


    "You've killed the reporter from Wired you moron!"
    Riding the controversy of D&D which has since faded...

    Controversy and uncomfortable elements and subject matter is the single element which causes a success unless the bar or money mark for that success is placed much lower in expectations. When what our producers have to say deals with their past more than their future, this indicates where the sensational feelings of what comes next either to be a re-run of "the old band getting back together for a nostalgia tour" which is much the same as Star Trek conventions were before Star Trek made it's comeback... or it must again head into a controversy or at least controversial subject matters which provided the gun powder which launched success for them in the past which was D&D.

    Our SOTA is a game that has thus far little or no controversial subject matter within it. Thus, if we downplay what controversial subjects we have, we are only shooting ourselves in the foot with our own producers pulling the trigger.
    So our good people as @Bowen Bloodgood are in good company for nailing a coffin, building a mausoleum or a museum, unless our game can cause controversial fascination.
    We have the game mechanics which are, because this will be the first game ever to have such a robust astrology system built around an NPC following in the Cabalists, yet each time we downplay those great elements instead of promoting them as the controversial subjects they can be, we loose much of what we have because they are not brave enough to say a word like astrology and not have some disclaimer of astronomy come out of their mouths. "It's their own perspectives that need the changing because they keep referring to out game from the outside looking in, instead of from the inside out where astrology is a part of every day life and Cabalists acting on it are both very real things.

    Again... "we don't navigate by using the planets, so it can't be a modern name which does not describe it" and the rest of the magic structure and their names should follow suite or they do an injustice to the most unique things in our game which are our planets. In all good style, the frame of a picture should enhance and fit the style of the picture it will contain.

    When our producers are asked since they say the word astrology instead of mentioning astronomy and if they believe in astrology, they should say, "why don't you come play the game and find out" instead of spoiling the plot and downplaying it's most unique item.

    the key words of controversy whenever astrology is mentioned in any public forum is always the same (trust me I am an astrologer so I should know)... is that people will say they either "believe in astrology or they don't believe in astrology" as if it were some sort of religion. We can't "pick on or pun" religion as we have in the past which caused the last D&D sensation in controversy, so astrology is a fine candidate, "because people believe that it is one", because of the Cabalists who were and are real, even today with a small sect of mysterious people's beliefs.
    ~Time Lord~o_O
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
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  3. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    At what point does controversy make good game design? If you need to do something controversial then you're not doing the game any favors. That alone is not a reason to do something.. you just want to change the terminology cause you're into that stuff which isn't a very compelling reason either.

    There is as of yet no such lore that says the cabalists choose to act according to the planets. Nor are other NPCs affected in their daily lives.. There is no established astrological system in either Ultima or SotA lore. While you may draw comparisons it's largely just an interesting game mechanic you can use to predict a very limited number of specific things because there's a hard rule embedded in the system but nothing beyond that. As you are regularly reminding us that you are an astrologer.. is that really worth calling astrology?

    We could just as easily speculate in the realm of magical theory.. that the reason the planet's motions are significant, is that they themselves have large quantities of obsidian.. much like the moons. As proximity to obsidian has obvious consequences on magic as producers or disruptors of aethereal waves.
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  4. Quenton

    Quenton Avatar

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    I still have no idea what you're talking about. It sounds like you're on another planet
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  5. Time Lord

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    Come on @Bowen Bloodgood , you surely know how D&D and UO began out of controversial headline issues of demonology... To deny that is to say that Tracy Hickman makes the same $ as he did before and that Richard does the same out of just this game right now.
    And, that the same as saying that you like astronomy because you are into that sort of stuff. It's a vale argument that vales truth of our history and how it was a big deal back then and not such a big deal now. This entire genre has been dwindling in popularity from that time and not expanding an enduring increasing paycheck for everyone with as many games as there are available.

    This is the one thing that places everything in motion, unless what we've head before has been abandon.

    That's good tech stuff and seems to allow for some sort of Star Citizen hook up, "which we could have", yet to say that the people on our Novia are somehow technologically advanced to also call things by such technical terms of understanding, is to assume a vast education system which isn't here.

    We have cabalists, there's no doubting that and the Novians don't seem to have any regard for the planets in the sky (as of yet).

    Now as for astrology, there is none in a technical sense of astrological here as we know it from earth. What we do have is something new as if each planet is acting as the Earth's moon, "or that's what has been indicated through SOTA's design talk".

    So, on the advertising stump, we shouldn't use the term astronomy, because it's not astronomy that effects us through the planets, it's the magic which they contain, which is assumed by most people to be what astrology is, which it's actually not. Because to the real public astrology is controversial then it's good for selling a magical game when anyone mentions it in talking about our game. Anyone coming to our game looking for astronomy, will be extremely disappointed that there's such a small connection to it. Then there's the style in which our game is made in, which is not the age of discovery, it's the dark ages of the medieval times. If astronomy was so big in our game, then we wouldn't be attempting to have our get togethers be in a medieval times restaurant, we'd be better off eating at some planetary observatory of science. These Novians are one step away from the black plague and your talking space ship stuff and navigation which we don't have any usage in our game.

    Cabalistic things do have a place here because we have cabalists. We also have elves here, which conventional magic seems quite fitting if adapted into a fairytale style such a lord of the rings, yet also is a beaten path where so many are out there, that one more rock thrown in that pond makes little splash because there's so many other larger rocks hitting that water.

    I don't see any Galileo's (who was also a astrologer) looking for Bode's Law or the presence of orbiting moons around the outer planets in space here. The closest we have is small tripod telescopes and magic moondials. He's a guy from the 17th century.,ssl&ei=hjUMV96mAuTTmwX3q4bgDQ#q=bode's+law

    I don't see any muskets around our game, so it can't be Galileo's 17th century;

    So this is a much earlier time, though we do have modern machine guns on the new Star Citizen Blimps.

    Cabalist magic and it's terms could be useful;

    I'm not saying that astrology needs to be the inner term, for what we do in the game, I'm saying that trees of skills rather than circles of skills need to become styled in a tree that is similar to the ways of the cabalist, because in our Novia, they seem to have a very good grasp of magic and as such much of the way magic is displayed needs to conform to a tree rather than a circle, while in the planets, it needs to conform the circle in what each planet effects or means.

    We are on another planet and that's why it needs some difference. If we are on similar planets from other games, then it's not as compelling a world. Instead it's the re-creation of every other game.

    Within gaming mechanics, we need the planets to effect everything and each with their own effects and magic to effect all our skills.

    When it comes to naming the schools of magic, which is the subject of the OP, we need those to the planets which would effect each school.
    In short, they all need to be congenial with a planetary connection within the naming of those schools and thus far, the only people who know enough to name schools of magic and trees of magic are our producers. We don't have that information.

    I am not suggesting an idea of anything specific, I'm saying that we need it all in the same style of something unique and connected to our planets.
    Without specifics of all things being known, then we are speaking of concept design and I'm saying our concept design needs to properly frame something that will be unique to our game.
    ~Time Lord~o_O
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  6. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Noo.. they began first.. THEN came controversy.. which doesn't mean that controversy actually helped. UO certain wasn't trying to be controversial for controversy's sake.

    To be clear.. I have never said I like astronomy or that I'm into that kind of thing.. I have in fact said the opposite. I'm NOT into astronomy. I only took on the challenge of vetting the system in place as a design challenge and because it needed doing. I stay in the role I find myself in only because I seemed to be set up for it. It's called laying in the bed you made. :)

    Did you miss the words "speculate" and "theory"? Advanced technology is required for neither.. but a certain level of understanding of magic can be safely assumed from magic scholars in the world. Enough surely to be able to speculate on at least that much.

    Controversy.. can be a dual edged sword. For every bit it could help.. it could also harm. There is no guarantee of a net gain. Unreliable at best.

    I've no idea where you come up with that.

    You do recall there was a musket in UVII right? And don't forget the kobold air-gun during the hat quests.. and all manner of other things the devs have said were coming. If you're trying to make some kind of case based on tech or lack there of.. you'll have to also consider radios, towers, airships and everything else that's coming.

    No we don't and that level of interaction is beyond the scope of what was ever shared with us. You have any idea how much harder that would make everything to balance?

    In other words.. you want astrology. :)
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  7. Brickbat

    Brickbat Avatar

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    Sounds like someone should design, develop, market, and lead their own game design team and field another product on a saturated market.

    V/R Brickbat
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  8. Time Lord

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    D&D began the controversy and provided that game fame, UO and the internet gave such flavors in gaming a boost through the newness of the internet. What the indicator is that controversy helped the genre can be seen in the genre's steady decline as that controversy faded. What Tracy Hickman and those that rode that wave are experiencing now is the decline of the genre from it's excited past.
    I want an algorithm that sends waves of influence from each planet as it appears in the sky. This is different than balance, yet has balance within it. This meaning that when skills are balanced, they are then subject to the world from off the Q&A Server which should not have planets effecting their skills. If that's what you call astrology, then yes, yet I wouldn't name it such inside the game, I'd only use it as a selling point of the game's talking points when advertised.

    Currently we have the Sun effecting fishing in fluctuations of their best times to catch them correct? One down more to go then.... We have Moon Magic that was eluded to being effected by the moon right? Two down the rest to go then...

    Yet when naming things, it all needs to fit each other in a congenial way.

    Whether what the wall of text I've typed has any effect on Portalarium is up to them, but those are my views when it comes to magic schools, their names and I would prefer to stick with trees rather than any circle because trees can grow new branches when needed which may not fit into a circle style presentation which limits them.

    Naa... this is just deeper stuff you may need to catch up on... not that you'd agree with me or Portalarium even then, but just that it's been an issue since some telethon and deep dive stuff discussed long ago in concept talk and project desires of Portalarium.
    That's Portalarium information from one of the older telethons...
    Just cabalist style stuff that may become planetary (my speculation), but they I don't think mentioned anything deeper or totally confirmed on the subject :p

    They may be aiming for something similar in style to this for the Obsidian Order...

    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2016
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  9. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    First.. that's not what you said earlier.. you said both games "began" out of controversy. Secondly, however much it may have helped is purely speculative. You're not even considering that any decline may be coming from changes made to the game or the age of the games or any number of other factors.

    This line makes no sense.. anything that effects skills.... effects balance and has to be taken into account how those effects influence the system as a whole. And you're talking effecting every skill.. I'm talking game balance here. No idea what you're talking about never mind why even imply the QA server should be different.
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  10. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    The element of time itself within the balance of things is nothing more than applying mathematics to the balanced skills without outside effects or waves in the planetary timings. By adding such waves, we enter more tactical decision making needed by the player to apply any skill's use to the finest time possible for it's use. We are in a classless game, thus the cards used even have a more pronounced meaning when heightened by their best times of each skill's use.

    If a planet that effects one skill passes more swiftly than another, then the math and it's enhancement to the skill can be adjusted. This places our naming of the schools of magic into a different context than more simple circles and possibly into trees. It can remain in a circle, yet it needs to also then have planetary connections within the marriage between school, skill and planet that effects that school.

    Geometry is then brought when time enters as waves depicted by the planets. This allows and could better conform to our runic's geometry which is also an element from planetary geometry through runic relationship with sacred geometry.

    Because all games take their art through simple things, does not mean that ours should follow that ditch to nowhere. We see runic language within our game, thus why would we abandon it and it's background when it comes to naming schools of magic.

    As you can see, everything in our world disagrees with most magic connections with demonic or that of Solomon. Yet these to mesh well with in many contexts with a planetary connections. None of this is real, yet comes from a real past in searching through their intents of obtaining magic power. But the deeper one goes into these, then the deeper connections to religions they become, which is not the intent of our game.
    Obsidian connection to magic.

    This fellow is entertaining as he connects magic schools adapted to the cabbalistic tree.

    The actual history of the kabbalah... aka cabala...

    Time needs to further effect our world through our skills and it's events, because it's the direction of our game o_O We can deny this, yet it may be on it's way anyway, no matter if we agree with them, understand them, misunderstand them or not.
    Davici's heptagram;
    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
  11. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    I will bow out here as I am again at a point of not knowing what the heck you're talking about. For the record.. I don't speak astrologer and I don't have the bandwidth to spare to watch a bunch of videos either.
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  12. Time Lord

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    ~What's in a name depends on it's full description~
    I forgive you, I don't speak all languages well either, so I'll reference some of your earlier comments to help our communication connection. The rest is only structural issues of painting it into a more clear picture.
    When we speak of the planetary influences, this could be directly linked to the amount of resources being used, or needing to be used. As we move forward more deeply into a player driven economy (disregarding he insane amount of wealth that can be accumulated now) we can see where it may become more difficult within the player driven to accumulate so much wealth as before without such an economy. If the effects of the planets are more regent driven becoming more cheap to cast at certain times during the timing cycle. This offsets any power problems, as people even in a classless game enjoy building or relying on a class of magic or skill they most enjoy.
    We have unresolved issues when it comes to these energies which would effect any speculation within naming schools of magic, yet what we do have is history which may or may not come forward into our current game.

    If the generators use of black rock or the shard falls could localize an effect based on the shard fall's substance, then the planets should, or could act in this same way maybe using obsidian or whatever substance of magical enhancement. With the player attention personal needs in combat balancing, such connections or "proximity influences", could take the form of economic savings, instead of increasing or decreasing of power, which seems to be one of the issues when it comes to planetary involvement with our magic and our skills.

    With such unresolved issues, I just don't think it's fair to the subject to be able to name something before it's all clearly known what all it involves.
    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
  13. Quenton

    Quenton Avatar

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    I don't think the huge star picture or the big animated atom or whateverthatis really helped to get the point across either
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