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Many people stopped playing

Discussion in 'Release 21 Feedback' started by Edward Newgate, Sep 6, 2015.

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  1. Ancev

    Ancev Avatar

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    Treasure randomization is something that holds my interest. Also item deconstruction through the salvage system is something that will hold my interest. I would like to see the salvage system extend itself deep into the treasure system. The resource based PvP model of UO is one of the most enjoyable experiences I encountered in MMO's and I would love to see a robust implementation of it in Sota. Being able to destroy items and capture rare and valuable materials for the creation of new items is something that I think will contribute to the long term interest of the game - the ultimate reward for slaughtering countless amounts of monsters and players.

    Perhaps it's a bit evil, but in UO, I found it quite satisfying exploring the meatbag that was once my opponent and discovering a plethora of items scattered about his corpse. The visual aspect of seeing so many layers of items stacked upon each other in a player's treasure chest/corpse and being able to add to my own riches by furiously left clicking and dragging into my inventory before someone else comes around and grabs their share of loot - it was an exciting element of the game. The limitations of time, and item weight restrictions formed a sense of quasi-realism to the game - there were only so many actions you could do in a period of time. I'm a big fan of common sense and logic in game design.

    This is one reason I'd like to see a different item view when looking at containers - one that allows you to list items in a detailed view as it currently stands, but also a picture view of the items. For standard containers this would let me stack similar outfits together, visually. For monster loot, stuff would be scattered all over the place. You could still say Take All, and also switch to detailed view. But for me, item art scattered all over the place gives me more of a sense of 'loot'

    I'd say one way to help casual gamers in this skill system is to put some type of offline xp bonus for the Adventuring and Crafting xp pools. So power gamers get diminishing returns on gains, but they still do gain - but casual gamers get good gains during the times they play because of the offline xp bonus. Similar to how XP works in (shudder) World of Warcraft. This would sit on top of the skill decay system. Skill decay would still function as designed, but during the times that casual gamers play, they'll be getting increased skill gains.
  2. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    I regularly get groups together to try and clear out Vertas Pass which gives a LOT of experience... I'll invite you next time I head there (I did once but you must have been busy stabbing something).

    I've been playing more than ever and use the game to chat with people while killing things. Things I like/do not like.

    I love the use-based system and don't mind the tiny amount of decay there is going to be one bit (I love that it is tiny and capped at two days). I love the people.

    I do not like the speed at which I get resources so I have stopped gathering for now. I also do not like how needed heal is so I stopped using that to test builds without it. I don't like having skills I don't want/use.
  3. Doctor Mephisto

    Doctor Mephisto Avatar

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    ROFL! Yeah I may have been busy stabbing something :p Due to some real life things I'm afk pretty often so I probably have missed a lot of messages or invites. I also pop back and forth from the game window to read some of the external sites or watch
    some of the good videos that have been made by several people here. I went ahead and deleted my character and started over because I like to do things in repetition sometimes so I don't forget. Probably a habit learned from the military.. but hey, it works. I'm not in a huge rush anyway with possible future wipes. I need to get a lot of things nailed down anyway. I had a good laugh a few days ago when a caster requested a duel and I got stomped. The movement and timing is a bit awkward but I'll get used to it. Besides, I'm the type that I don't care if I know I'm going to lose.. I just want to hit something :p It's a game and suicide missions can be funny.

    Yeah a lot of the people are great. I didn't think I'd end up playing as much pre-launch, but the folks in my guild are cracking me up and I've also met several outside the guild both PvP and a few PvE players that aren't in rage mode that I like a lot. Now that I'm figuring out who the favs/hypocrites/snobs are I'm making my list of targets to watch for in game :D

    I like the use based system a lot as well. I hated everything at first, but it grows on you. I haven't even noticed or known about the decay until a few minutes ago so I doubt it will even bother me. I do hope that the armor system is being worked on. I've always played rogue types so I don't really care much for plate. I also think casting spells in anything other than cloth should be a lot more difficult, yeah I'm saying that as a non-caster but as much as I like stabbing people, I think it should be fair and being able to cast so easily in leather/plate doesn't seem fair for the caster types.

    I'm having a lot of fun now that I figured out there are a lot of people with pent up anger problems that you just have to feel sorry for and ignore :D I just look at it as if they want to be jerks or call on their guild mod. I just add them down and hope I see them flagged :D :D

    I also agree that it would be nice to see a few random drops and something beyond bear/skeleton/spider.. but I got to thinking and figured maybe there are things they have that they decided to save for release so not everyone will know 100% on release :D

    Hope to meet a few more cool folks and kill the others and also look for more laughs from my guild until they boot me :p
  4. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Oh alright lol. Like others have mentioned R22 is coming up Thursday and you will see tons of people, especially with so much new coming into the game such as music, fishing, dragons and I'm sure much more. I predict as we get closer to launch there will be more people staying in because more systems and things to do will be in to test out. Agriculture will be coming in so that will probably be another biggy. Right now you may find people trying to keep themselves busy doing some creative things, mazes, deco, gustball, pvp contests etc. Now we maybe able to add 'real' fishing contests to that. So hang in there and truly thanks for being so noble and thoughtful in how you handled yourself. I am honored to meet you.:) You can always friend majoria if you would like and send me a whisper or hello to hang out. **cheers**
  5. blaquerogue

    blaquerogue Avatar

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    its the game telling you to run away before something easy or average kills you! ;)
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  6. blaquerogue

    blaquerogue Avatar

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    Thats exactly what i do now craft (keep in mind i hate to craft! lol) then i go build up my arenas for various events, redecorate, totally clear plot, place another house etc.... I visit Serenite and other POTs and try to buy more stuff (if its reasonable priced!) Id rather buy from other players than an npc, it seems more personal! Then i go out and help new people, then go to bed!

    then this song pretty much sums up my time playing and typing in the forums, i have a hard time of getting my opinion, or point across without a ban or being moderated ! LOL

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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  7. blaquerogue

    blaquerogue Avatar

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    Someone up there mentioned the designers have not actually shown us all of the content and monsters, and there will be some we will never see until the final release! Im pretty sure they have a treasure trove of stuff to add in the game, so it wont be repetitive! If not then they need to stash away some things so the game will be more enjoyable to people that are getting burned out on things now! :)
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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  8. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Es steht ja auch dabei das viele von den Leuten mit denen ich spiele aufgehört haben einige denken auch darüber nach auf zu zuhören. Ich selbst habe nur mit dem Kampfsystem ein großes Problem. Und ich denke noch immer das es der Sargnagel für Shroud sein könnte.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
  9. Arradin

    Arradin Avatar

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    I am quite sure we have not seen anythign yet. Most of the ingame content are still to come.

    Atleast thats how i understand how its done . Game mechanics first, content after ( since its most likely limited by the mechanics )
    Lord Baldrith likes this.
  10. himmelweiss

    himmelweiss Avatar

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    Ja das Kampfsystem lässt noch zu wünschen übrig.
    Aber da wird sich bestimmt noch was tun.
    Obs noch radikal verändert wird? naja mal gugg.

    Aber ich könnt damit leben, es gibt schlimmeres.
  11. Duke William of Serenite

    Duke William of Serenite Avatar

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    I little bird once told me they have droves of content waiting to release.
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  12. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Sie sollten aufhören zu versuchen allen alles recht zu machen und aufhören ein hybrid system baun zu wollen. dann hätten wir ein gutes kampfsystem.
  13. Grave Dragon

    Grave Dragon Avatar

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    In response to the OP, I also know two backers who left the game and the reasons were centered around skill decay and the fact that the pool sets a temporary cap which prevents all day power leveling sessions.

    I personally feel the current system is good. If it were me, Id add a way to allow players to clean up their skill tree (clear out unused skills) and eliminate unwanted glyphs from the available glyphs to select from in the deck builder window. I'd also eliminate skill decay altogether. Why have it? Just set a maximum skill point limit and be done with it.

    On the flip side, I do not at all agree with the power leveling sessions. I think leveling and skilling up should be slow and take weeks to master skills. No instant gratification with skill gains. I feel it should be a marathon effort, but once you cross the finish line, you're done and don't need to perform maintenance.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
  14. Margaritte

    Margaritte Avatar

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    Is this what's happening to me? Tell me more about this cap, pretty please, either in this thread or here. I'm fine with slow and steady, if that's the way we're "meant" to play, but working your tush off trying to level something and hitting an invisible wall is frustrating. If we need one, I think it should at least be painted a pretty shade of chartreuse or something.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
  15. leilakin

    leilakin Avatar

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    Some lost island somewhere...
    I gave my 2 cents in the other thread you linked. :)
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  16. Tydes

    Tydes Avatar

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    It's a bit hard to see what you are actually doing Leila, but are you simply clicking the glyphs, or dragging them? Because you do not need to press R in order to combine glyphs if you are dragging.

    Perhaps this is where the confusion between you and tekkamansoul is. Perhaps he literally wants to *click* (not drag) the glyphs in order to combine them.

    Pressing R is just to combo them with keybinds.
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  17. Mystic

    Mystic Avatar

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    I've gone through and cleaned this thread up. Please keep it on topic and be respectful to each other. If you have to question what your posting may be against the forum rules, then refrain from posting it. We're all here to get along and discuss the game in a civil manner. We are many people with many differing opinions and won't always agree on how things should be in the game but we need to disagree in a way that promotes wisdom.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
    Duke Raas likes this.
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