Mingo's White Raven Inn

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Mingo, Sep 1, 2020.

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  1. Mingo

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    Magencia Hotel
    (White Raven Inn)--One morning the weather was unusually warm for November. "There is a big storm to the south," Gerta warned Mingo, refilling his coffee mug as he sat on the front porch. "Minogame is having a good time."
    --"the big sea turtle? How do you know?"
    --"Oh," Gerta smiled slyly, "I know...where he is, what he is doing, what he is seeing...."
    --"tell me Gerta Cheada-sama, when you ferried us all across the sea on Minogame, you were not as young as you seemed were you?"
    --Gerta tilted her head up and looked down at Mingo. "Asking a woman about her age are you?" she half smiled.
    --"tell Emiko she does not need to pull the daggers from her hair," Krisskar said, glancing at one of Gerta's "maids", it's just that I thought you were close to the age of your sister, the one who seduced Krisskar with that dance."
    --"You saw the dance and lived?" Gerta wondered.
    --"Only part of it," Krisskar rapidly explained. "and my ears were stopped up with magic earplugs, I didn't hear her sing."
    --"Oh," Gerta nodded. "Well, actually your assessment of my age then was incorrect by 10 years. I just looked little."
    --"You don't so much anymore," Mingo observed with a less-than-grandfatherly smile. "I think you would easily give your sister a run for her money."
    --A far away look came to Gerta's eye. "Yes, it is a big storm south of us, drifting up the coast. It will pump a lot of warm humid air up here and there will be much rain."
    --Standing up Mingo headed toward Frida's Farm to the side of the White Raven Inn. "I need to harvest the last of the pumpkins then."
    --"Pumpkins?" Lilith asked having crossed over from Cafe Istanbul. "Good, Ms. Crescent wants to teach me to make pumpkin pie."
    --"Miz?" Gerta commented more than asked.
    --Emiko spoke up, "Miz can be used for both Miss and Mrs. It used ta be only common in tha Saouth, but now everone sez it."
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
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  2. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (White Raven Inn)--TimeLord walked up and heard Lilith talking. "I like pumpkin pie," TimeLord said wistfully. Just then Frida emerged from the Inn, dressed in her Elvish Archer Armor, with her twin daggers strapped to her side.
    --"Do you poison your daggers?" TimeLord inquired eyeing the sheathed weapons.
    --"Yez," Frida answered tersely before she vanished into stealth mode.
    --"Frida is not happy of late," Mingo sighed. "I am not exactly sure why...."
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  3. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (In the city of Meridian)--The wind began about noon, lashing the sakura trees and blowing leaves around like snow. Those whose windows had shutters went about securing them to protect the fragile and expensive glass panes. Then close to sunset the clouds pressed against the town and rain began.
    --In a way, it was a relief from the high humidity, at least outdoors. The indoor humidity and closed doors and windows created a stifling environment in which people began to shed garments in search of relief from the intolerable and unseasonal heat. Mingo took off his hat and coat. Some of the women hiked up their skirts, lifted the hair off the nape of their necks and used whatever came to hand as impromptu fans; including some actual fans.

    --"I've always been a fan of fans," Mingo ventured a seemingly safe gender neutral comment.
    --"In sum kuntries fayans are used fer flirting," Emiko responded, hiding part of her face behind an ornately decorated fan with only her eyes showing; eyes that slowly blinked in a smoldering gaze.
    --"Too hot! Too hot!" Mingo objected. "I'm trying to be gentlemanly here and you ladies are going all 'Game of Thrones' on me!"
    --Peals of laughter rang like bells from the ladies.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  4. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (In the city of Meridian)--Rain. Throughout the night rain blew in torrents against the side of the buildings in the city of Meridian. The pools before the shrines along the river overflowed and the stream rose to surround the shrines like marble islands in a shallow sea. Fortunately the stream spread no higher than the base of the door to the Oracle, and the buildings were in no danger.
    --All the crops in the small farms, however, were ruined by the torrential rain, the carefully worked soil flooding over the wooden sides of the raised plots along with the various flowers and vegetables. From the hill leading up to Chiasma's castle, water cascaded down over the twin cobblestone streets toward the stream in a constant, shallow flow.
    --Different people reacted differently to the long rainy night. Mingo found the sound of rain against the Inn soothing and slept well. Gerta sat at her writing desk and wrote a kind of highly stylized poetry, abiding by certain established literary rules. She wrote in the common tongue, not the language of her country:
    ** Love to hatred turns **
    ** Wind to pouring rain gives way **
    ** When will the sun shine? **

    --There were other poems, all in the same style. Each hokku should have lead into a longer poetic renga, but in the common tongue Gerta could not compose even one, and she wanted her writings to be read in Novia. With a sigh, Gerta bundled the sheets of paper into a binding of leather and secured the leather strap and buckle . There were many pages that someday, perhaps,she would edit and publish.
    --Lilith returned to their shared room. "Where have you been Lilith?" Gerta asked her neice.
    --"I stood on the porch and watched the rain. The stream is flooding. I almost went to walk toward the shrines where they stood shining above the water."
    --"Best not walk in water, dear," Gerta said. "If your feet turn to fins you will find it difficult to walk on land."
    --"I hate the land!" Lilith wailed falling back to sit heavily on her bed. "I want to swim! I want to hunt! I want to eat fish that aren't burnt or boiled into mush!"
    --"Here," Gerta held out a bowl containing one last strawberry. "This is the last one you will get for a while...."
    --Reaching out, Lilith took the strawberry and ate it, her eyes closing in appreciation. "I would miss the strawberries, though."
    --Frida sat on the stage in the empty great hall, strumming a tune on the large harp: "Who'll stop the rain?" Mingo had once sung the words and she vaguely remembered it was a song about rain... she thought about going hunting as she had already had an hour's sleep (all that she needed in a typical day). Being wet did not phase Frida, as she had waterproof skin.
    --Emiko and Tomoko slept soundly. Their kind did require sleep from time to time...
    --Outside, the NPCs stood stoically in the downpour, holding their assigned posts. Mingo's un-named vendor, the Town Crier, the Banker, and all the various NPC merchants. Like golems created with a single purpose they stood at their assigned locations, ready, always ready to interact with the avatars and Novians of the land.
    --The rain stopped. No, it ceased as if a giant hand had turned off a faucet. Now the worst was about to come.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2020
  5. Time Lord

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Is anyone else feeling the Bard on this cool and gloomy afternoon?
    (from Richard III, spoken by Gloucester) o_O~TL~
  6. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (In the city of Meridian)--Silently, with a passive voice, the city of Meridian was attacked. From across the narrow sea to the north, from the great Ice Island which lay there, a blanket of cold air settled over the land. To go from warm, humid, rainy weather to freezing temperatures in the span of one day was unusual. Trees which were not quite in hibernation mode splintered as the sap froze in their outer later. The shallow water around the shrines from the swollen stream turned to ice. The NPCs shivered at their posts.
    --Jason and Crescent at Cafe Istanbul donned heavy cloaks and moved all the outside tables inside. Jason looked at the gray, sunless dawn sky and shivered. "This is unnatural," he muttered.
    --Inside the White Raven Inn Emiko, forgetting the parenthesis marks, stoked the fire--careful to avoid using the numbered logs on the front porch. She and her companion Tomoko didn't really mind the cold, although it made them a bit sluggish as their blood cooled.
    --"Coffee!" Mingo wailed, walking up to stand by the fire. "My kingdom for a mug of coffee!"
    --"You don have a kingdum, good sir bard," Emiko drawled. "But ah kin make sum coffee in a moment." Swinging a cast iron kettle over the fire from a hinged hook in the fireplace, she began to heat water.
    --Another figure grumpily entered the great room. "Iz cold," Frida groused. "let'z cook thiz grouze."
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2020
  7. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (White Raven Inn)--Gerta dug into her clothes chest for warm cloaks for herself and Lilith. Lilith stayed under the covers when her aunt threw a cloak over her. "Don't wanna get up," Lilith moaned, her breath foggy in the chill air.
    --"Ok. Stay here and freeze then, I'm going to Cafe Istanbul for something warm to eat."
    --"Ah, Gerta," Mingo said with a warm smile. "Come warm up your own smile by the fire. It will thank you."
    --Gerta said something in her own language that sounded like "baking" but meant something quite different.
    --"Who else is in the Inn right now," Mingo inquired of Gerta.
    --Standing before the fireplace with her hands extended toward the fire Gerta answered, "Lilith and Fire Angel."
    --Emiko poured the hot water from the cast iron kettle into a large French press loaded with coffee. Mingo thought a moment then said, "Rouse them all and we will go across to Cafe Istanbul. Their main room is smaller and easier to keep warm. Also Jason and Crescent cook good cheese grits and soft toast."

    --"Just as well, we'll have no customers today. Don't drink all the coffee!" Gerta insisted as she turned toward the steps.
    --"Everyone should find zome warmer clothing for the journey acrozz the ztreet," Frida advised as she returned to her own room for a heavier cloak.
    --It was just a walk across the two little cobblestone lanes and the grass median between them. Not very far.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2020
  8. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (About to leave White Raven Inn)--Snow continued to fall outside. It fell silently but with an active voice. No wind disturbed the silent small flakes, the kind of snowflakes that pile up deeper, and deeper, resistant to any melting. It was already two feet deep before the group at the White Raven Inn was ready to make the trek across to Cafe Istanbul.
    --"Everyone join my party," commanded Mingo in an unusually authoritarian voice. "I forsee using some...spells, and they won't harm any party members."
    --"Grumpf," groused Frida, glaring at Lilith.
    --"Growl...." Lilith mumbled in return, although in a soft voice, half hidden behind Gerta.
    --Opening the door Mingo felt the cold pushing through the doorway to the performance hall beyond. "Quickly now!" he said as he cast a fire ring just outside the steps of the Inn, melting the snow from the cobblestone lane. This actually was a mistake.
  9. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (Trekking through the snow in Meridian)--Mingo trod through the shallow puddle of water from the melted snow....for three paces. Then the water refroze trapping his boots. Fire Angel followed Mingo, after the water was frozen, slipped, and fell on her.....
    --"Careful Narrator!" Fire Angel warned from a sitting position.
    --um, yes,. well...after reconsideration the author deleted an unladylike expletive and decided she fell, most gracefully, to a seated position on the ice.
    --"Not much better," Fire Angel complained in a most fetching and ladylike way as Lilith and Gerta helped her stand.
    --"Give it a rest, author. It isn't you out here freezing your....."
    --Eschewing narration for the moment we shall return to a conversational style, omitting certain bits that are not....
    --"Let's jus wauk thru th snow," Emiko advised, trudging through a drift around the bell tower. "It ain't vurry far."
    --"Well I tried,"Mingo sighed as he joined the line. Under the overhang of Cafe Istanbul the group knocked snow off their boots then entered the warm main room.
    --"Hurry in and shut the door!" System Lord Elgarion demanded upon their entry. Mingo blinked. System Lords were a rare sight.
    --With a bow Mingo sat down across the table from Elgarion. "You visit on a miserably cold day, my lord."
    --"I get around. You usually don't see me and I don't actively speak a lot."
    --"You are welcome any time," Mingo invited.
    --"Lilith come and help me dear," Crescent Moryn said. "Take people's cloaks to the closet under the stairs."
    --"Yes mayam," Lilith replied. Emiko smiled.
  10. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (Cafe Istanbul)--There are two fireplaces on the first floor of Cafe Istanbul. Jason keeps them well stocked during the night, as he is a night person. The stones retained heat and radiated it out into the warm coziness of the Cafe. Mingo and his women.....
    --Fire Angel glared.
    --Ahem, Mingo and his group (this garnered a half smile and a raised eyebrow from Fire Angel) initially gathered around one or the other fireplaces then moved to a table, or maybe didn't, choosing to sit on a couch or chair near a fire. Lilith and Gerta sat down at the same table with Mingo and System Lord Elgarion, who is welcome to "speak" in the story any time.
    --"You are breaking immersion you know little girl," Elgarion said with a pleasant smile to Lilith. "We don't actually have mermaids in Novia."
    --"Do I look like a mermaid?" Lilith asked, blinking innocently.
    --"I saw you swimming," came the reply from Elgarion as he took a sip of the delicious spiced apple cider in his mug. Crescent called it "Wasail" and concocted it in a very large Samovar which was kept warm by three candles. "and no, in your present form you look human. Since your grandmother left you are now the only mermaid in this part of the metaverse."
    --"I assure you Lord Elgarion," Gerta said firmly, "Lilith will not actively break immersion....I don't want Fire Angel to be upset more than she already is."

    --Crescent came around bringing more mugs of hot spiced apple cider. "Where are Bov and TimeLord?" Mingo asked her.
    --"Ice fishing."
  11. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    Magencia Hotel
    (Cafe Istanbul)--Fire Angel graciously accepted a mug of Wassail, glancing over at the Samovar on the counter. "Your Samovar doesn't put out a lot of smoke," she observed.
    --Crescent explained, "We don't put coals in the chimney to heat the water, we heat the water using a pot in the fireplace. There are some candles feeding heat up into the chimney to keep the Wassail warm. Coals just put out too much smoke. Maybe Jason will construct a small chimney flue some day to the outside."
    --"Ah don usually like burown tea," Emiko commented, "But this hear stuff is reel good."
    --"It's not actually tea. Mostly it is apple juice," Crescent said as she observed Emiko, noting the straight black hair, the epicanthic folds of the eyelids and the small rounded nose. "Your accent...." she began.
    --Emiko smiled. "Ah know. This is not my native langwidge. Ah learned furum sumone with this aksent. But then, we awl have a bit of aksent, don't we?"
    --Mingo overheard this conversation, and pondered on the difficulty of writing, and reading, accented text. Perhaps it adds to the story. Perhaps we may say it adds color. Perhaps we may say Mingo is actually a bicycle. Perhaps we may say anything we wish, for we are the narrator and sometimes we even plagiarize National Lampoon books....I need more coffee...
    --"you spelled 'plagerize' wrong dear," Fire Angel criticized.
    --"No, I didn't! Look it up for yourself!"
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2020
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  12. Time Lord

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
  13. Mingo

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    Magencia Hotel
    (Cafe Istanbul)--At a second table Frida sat with Tomoko, Emiko, and Fire Angel. They felt warm and cozy after their sojourn across the road from Mingo's White Raven Inn, lulled into a comfortable condition by the warmth of the room, the hot wassell, and the remnants of recent sleep.
    --" 'Wassail' is the correct spelling of......" Fire Angel began
    --Moving right along with the narration....Jason and Crescent began to bring out breakfast. Each diner was presented with a large bowl of hot cheese grits, topped by a fried egg cooked over easy and a strip of crunchy bacon. Frida stared at her serving, holding her large wooden spoon in hand but not moving. "What iz thiz white ztuff?" she asked no one in particular.
    --No one kept silent, but Emiko answered: "Them's gritz."
    --"Here dear, watch me," Fire Angel volunteered reducing the bacon and egg into bits with her spoon and stirring it all together, cooked egg white, crunchy bacon, golden goodness from the egg yolk and the grits, and taking a big spoonful. "Oh, yessss, I can taste the butter...and the cheese...delicious!"
    --Emiko followed suit, but returned to the table quickly, eating in the same fashion as Fire Angel. Tomoko however, chose to eat the bacon and egg separately, before eating the cheese grits.
    --With a sigh Frida tasted a half spoonful of the cheese grits. Fortunately they require no chewing; fortunate since Frida's actual teeth lacked any grinding molars. "Why do they alwayz burn stuff?" she whispered to herself as she chomped half the bacon. Herself started to answer, but lacking a union card was not allowed to speak in this story. Frida ate the rest of her food, mostly for the warmth.
    --"My compliments to the chef!" Mingo called loudly, accompanied by agreeable cries of "Hear Hear!" from the other patrons.
    --Jason walked up to Mingo wiping his hands on his apron. "I am honored dear Bard. Will you be getting the check for everyone?"
    --Mingo choked a bit and looked at System Lord Elgarion.
    --"Lord Elgarion is always our honored guest. No payment required for him."
    --Gerta reached for the coin purse hanging from her belt. "I'll get it," she told Jason. "Your food is really good, it might be the last we get for a while."
    --Outside the tiny frozen flakes of snow piled up higher and higher in the still air...
  14. Jason_M

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    Jason watches the snow piling up outside as he washes the dishes.

    "Must... adventure.... must... get out of kitchen..."

    He sighs and continues washing.
  15. Mingo

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    Magencia Hotel
    (Cafe Istanbul)--Tomoko, Emiko, Fire Angel and Frida stayed at their table. Fire Angel sipped hot coffee, the other three enjoyed some green tea Jason had acquired from far off Ardoris. Tomoko actually smiled.
    --"It's good to see you smile, Tomoko," Fire Angel said pleasantly, enjoying the warmth of the room and a belly full of a good hot breakfast.
    --Frida, sitting across from Fire Angel, turned to observe the usually silent Tomoko, "Usually,"Frida said thoughtfully, "Tomoko only haz a zmile when killing zomething."
    --"We aren't as bloodthirsty as you, Lady Frida," Emiko said in a kind of subservient rebuke. "We actually LIKE cooked food...."
    --Fire Angel was not as wimpy as one might think from her ladylike demeanor. She looked at her three companions. "I was there in Apsara when Frida was introduced to us,"she said. "I saw the two of you....transform...a little when you thought Cheada-sama, Gerta, might be in danger. All three of you are shape shifters, aren't you?"
    --"Not me,"Frida shook her head. "Only a little glamour magic."
    --"I remember your father, Krisskar," Fire angel said to Frida. "He looked quite fearsome, but yet...."
    --"Master Krisskar is a big softie," Emiko said with a small laugh. "he is a good father to his girls, and being the most powerful mage in all the Metaverse, a good teacher."

    --"You have an interesting family, Frida. Are all your sisters like you?"
    --Frida coughed a bit, choking on her tea. She kind of growled. "One iz like me, we take after Krisskar. Two are clownfishez like Mother and Lilith. The otherz are half-zizters who can tranzform into flying thingzez with wingzez. Thoze are empty-headed doltzez. If they take three ztepz they forget what they were zuppozed to do."
    --"Harpies," Emiko said nodding. "They do sing pretty though."
    --"....and Emiko and Tomiko?" Fire Angel dangled a leading question.
    --The two handmaidens looked at each other, almost troubled. Tomoko nodded her head and Emiko said with a halting voice. "We are dragonkin. Not like the dragons y'all have here, they are smart but not intelligent. We don' look like thayem......actually. No wings. Our fathers came from a part of the Metaverse similar to Tandosha, the ancestral world of Krisskar. In a way we are a cousin species to Krisskar, but while he can DO magic, we all are of those who ARE magic....a little anyway. Shape shifters, you would say."
    --"Do you have a tail?" Fire Angel asked. "I don't remember."
    --Everyone in the room groaned.
    --Outside the snow had deepend to the level of the window sill. Jason muttered to himself, "I have a bad feeling about this."
  16. Bodhbh Dearg

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    I recall right to the doorstep of the Cafe, after using Fyndoro's tablet to locate Mingo and shake off the snow as I enter the room. "Sé do beatha" I say half out loud, half mumbled, as I dispell the heatspell before it can set my clothing on fire... "This weather is something" I say as I nod to Mingo... "Good to see you up and about again, old Amadaun!"
    After ordering an Irish Coffee, I find a fauteuil near a hearth to sit in, and say "Ice fishing is no fun when the snow drifts are higher than the Igloo you built!"
  17. Mingo

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    Magencia Hotel
    (Cafe Istanbul-City of Meridian)--Beneath the overhang of the balcony of Cafe Istanbul the snow had not piled up. Bov (welcome back!) and TimeLord knocked the snow off their boots and entered, each of them carrying two largish salmon, about 25 lbs each. They were welcomed with enthusiastic shouts: "Shut the dang door!"
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  18. Fireangel

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    Oklahoma (earthly realm)
    The lady giggled at inappropriate moments during the adventures. She started when the door slammed. A golden fan unfolded with a quick flick of her pale wrist. Her eyes crinkled merrily over the top of it at Mingo. She dangled a word in amusement; "plagiarize". The back of her hand touched her mouth. "I do enjoy grits when they are done correctly."

    "Ah, the days of adventure in Britannia come to mind, my friends. The dungeon 'crawls', the demons we faced down together -- I with the guild people I loved and others with their experiences. There I first slew dragons and giant serpents and joined the side of right against --" She sighed, and shook her head. "Forgive me. I digress. One realm is not quite like another, though the struggle is much the same. Why even your tails are not the same. No, nor your tales, either, but please, do go on as you will."
  19. Bodhbh Dearg

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    "Ah yes, I recall Dreadhorn and Paroxysmus..." I mused, some sadness seeping through in my voice "... before my house between Trinsic and Destard disappeared... That was a few months before I found myself here in Novia..." Looking up at FireAngel I grin and continue "I could hunt Headless and Ettin from the rooftop terrace of my house, when I was bored!"

    "Alas, those days are gone, and I do not see myself returning there ever again!"
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  20. Bodhbh Dearg

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    "(You see, the collectors of the overlords of the cube and cone came monthly to collect gold for sustaining my house and goods... And then - through no fault of my own - they stopped collecting, and while I was away, my house disappeared with nothing I could do to prevent it! Around that time I learned that there were renewed traces of Lord British in another realm, and suddenly I found myself here in Novia!)" I confide to whomever, but even Whomever isn't really interested, so I will drop the topic now!
    Lily Byrd, Time Lord and Mingo like this.
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