Player Basics - Logging into the Online Game and the User Interface

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Anpu, Jan 10, 2020.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This guide will go over some of the very basics of the User Interface that is very important to understand, when you begin playing Shroud of the Avatar. Starting out for the first time, it can be a bit confusing to know where some things are, and how some things are delivered to your character in game, and this guide will just go over the basics of them.

    Rewards Window

    The first of these that is the most important one is the Rewards Window. Move your mouse to the top right of your screen when you are in game. You will see a series of icons here and the one on the top right is a treasure chest:


    This is the Rewards Window. In here you will find:

    COTO's you purchase from the store option of the Shroud of the Avatar website will be delivered to you here in game for the specific account that made a purchase.

    Every month there is a Login Reward, that you will receive as long as you log into the game once a month, per account. These are green bags that you will find in the Rewards Window specifically named Login Rewards (month).

    If your account is in the optional Rewards Program, every month, a green bag will also be found in the Rewards Window specifically named Subscriber Rewards Bundle (Release Number). This is also one per account.

    Lastly, if you are in the optional Rewards Program, on the billing date for your account, there is a specific date, every month the monthly Rewards Program will bill you and then give you various other items that are rewards for being in the Rewards Program (like COTO's, Potions, Titles, Dyes etc...).

    Crown Store

    The another Icon at the top right of your screen is labeled Crown Store. This is our in game store where you can spend Crowns of the Obsidians (COTOS) that you can acquire from various ways.* There is a daily On Sale category, the From The Vault category, and then various other things.


    One other Icon on the top right of your screen is labeled Help. Here you can access the Published Player Instructions. This is an invaluable resource for detailed information to help you as you play and learn the game. This is usually updated every release as new things are added to the game. Take some time to read through this.

    And that covers the basics that I wanted to cover with the User Interface in the game.

    *COTOS are rare coins that can either be purchased from the store page, bought from other players vendors with gold, or sometimes found when adventuring in various adventure scenes.
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Great idea for a guide, thanks @Anpu :) You have earned an additional Hospitaller point! ;)
    Lorddread, Barugon and Anpu like this.
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