Racing to Release - Taming ? ? ? what is it going to look like ? ? ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Weins201, Jan 19, 2018.

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  1. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    ATM if oyu leave it as it is oyu might as well just delet the whole tree. If any new player starts this and figures out what it is really all about they are going to just - well you can guess. We have been told "do not like it unlearn it . . " but taming is actually one of the things that some players really want to have as part of their template.

    SO here is my suggestions,

    Taming Tree is in need of a overhaul - Here is my Ideas Counter Clockwise from Tame

    Tame Creature - is fine as the Main Skill and seems to work as intended - just needs some major adjusting on the % and range.

    Heal - Fine as is, the Healing targeting thow needs adjusting. It would be really nice if we could have a button like UO had next to the pets Health Bar

    Cure (Purify) (this needs to be added) (and a quick button just like healing)- Need to add this for pets that could remove Poison / Roots / Debuffs . . . .

    Resurrection - GtG as a sub skill from Healing and the ability to resurrect while in the scene on a timer is working ok. I would however add that if you are resurrecting a pet out of range, once it is resurrected it is sent to the stables. This would give meaning to the Summoning (changing) skill. You should suffer more from ressing a pet that is on the other side of the scene. Now if oyu res from long away the pet runs to you if semi close. If really far away it just spawns at you feet.

    Obedience - This is nice but generally pointless, if the pet runs away it should go home to stable not just out of range. Tie this to pet efficiency and special move use and it sure would be nicer. As pet gets more and more beat up it loses its special abilities and eventually just runs away. At some point tie with the Creature Control and pet will just head back to stables (the two next skills could be made subskills of this to give it more purpose) Also this could work with effectiness of commands. If close and fighting lower tier mobs easy but as you get higher and are commanding oyu pet to attack critter that are much higher levels than it or you you need this to make the pet do what you want

    Concentration - which is the focus reduction - this needs a MAJOR overhaul. Needs to be brought more in line with pet and effectiveness combined with skill. I know in works but this is one of the major setback compared to plain old summons. Just need to work on the numbers to make it viable. Concept is solid, just numbers.

    Combat Training - just need to know how it works. This is great for low end tames but if the same effect goes to higher levels this would create utter monsters. Possibly look at tier of tame - then this skill could boost pet effectiveness a certain percentage per tier. So this skill would give a % Boost to the Pet BUT it would work like this % Boost = Level % x a pet tier modification (Tier 1 - 10 = tier 1 100% effective / tier 10 10% effective) SO a GM in this skill with a tier 10 would only be a 10% boost I know seems a pittance but 10% stronger FRS would be insane) Spit balling and of course massive balancing, just an idea to make skill viable

    Summoning gets completely changed (renamed) - Creature Control - It could still be a summoning skill that you would have to have to bring pet out of stables, but it would also work as to how long pet would be able to stay available, tie it with obedience. Stronger the control the more the pet could use its special moves. Or even a drop down for it Aggressive / Defensive / Passive Add - Offensive Spells / Defensive Spells / Offensive Attacks The strong control you have you could have the pet stand back and cast attacks / If it can use defensive spells / or just outright bash away.

    Timer to control for how often and how fast you can summon / resummons pet. This would come in handy if the resurrection from distance sends pet back to stable.

    Success (actually more like Effectiveness) - this would boost the Control abilities tied directly to how the pet fights / defends. Tie it with obedience to determine when the pet just give up and runs home.
    Collar recovery - GtG but needs number adjusting - since at too low a level you get 100%. yes I know it is also tied to target level but that information needs to be in the tool tip then.

    Collars - another idea to add to them is the need for more elaborate collars for higher tier creatures. I know this could cause a huge issue with people who already tamed things but look like this. Hardened for higher tiers. Supple for crittes with more dexterity. Add ore types for Obsidian critters. Add gems this could give them abilities like Spiders need Green gems on collars to poison. Add Fire Gem to a Wolf Collar make them a Hell hound. Add a Earth Gem to a Bear to make the a Stone Bear. Add Air to Stag Collar = Lightning horns . . . . You get the idea. I know this is far reaching but would give crafting something to add to them for taming.

    In the instructions a whole new area just for taming needs to be introduced. I would give numbers and reason for tiers of pets vs taming ability / control(summoning) / special abilities . . . . .

    I know I have added some very deep abilities to some of the skill but just the basic changes could be made and more intricacies later on.

    How taming works in general needs an overhaul. By adding the creature control (rewording it) would go along way to give the summoning skill meaning. I know how the change made and how / why it was intended (to make it so a new player could not just have a FRS) but as it stands now taming is completely useless since a normal summons is 1000% more effective.

    The hot command keys need to work.

    The pets themselves need to be tweaked, a FRS has the ability to poison and root so do all spiders but like them any other pet needs some abilities tied to it. Bears can Knock back - great but needs to be there for defense or offense, they could also lower range or speed since they are soo large ranged critters should have more issues firing around them . . . . .. Wolves are pack animals, since that is hard ( but you could work it so you can have 2 pets according to tier (tier 1 = ability for 3 pets i.e. 3 grey wolves, but as you move up less only ONE obs Wolf but possible an elder and a grey (again just ideas))) then give them a Bleed ability, they can also lower dex and movement speed this is due to their ability to move around the target quickly. An Obsidian Stag would be nice as it should be able to Skewer with Multiple Skewer (puncture) hits, tie this to combat effectiveness the more effective (older wiser the deer = more points) It really does not matter what / how it is done but they need work.
  2. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    I just noticed that in order to Summon you do not have to have ANY taming? Zero Taming prerequisite

    You do need 20 tame to work on obedience which is useless - sorry but truth hurts.

    need 40 Obedience to work on Combat Training - which was the only skill worth training but still did not very much

    You now need 80 in Combat to be able to open the specialization which is exactly nothing but Combat training boosters.

    I almost have 100 Summoning - no idea why but will get there for OCD then will go work on taming so I can at least tame my own FRS.

    I hope that they look at this in the next two weeks but not holding my breath and ant new tamers need to know what they are getting into and why?

    BTW any play can still work on nothing but Summoning to 79 and have a plain FRS to use which works just fine up to tier 3 with nothing else done, still a major sticking point for me also what is Creature Tame Max Level which is the summoning skill at 96 mine is only %88.2 what does this mean>?
  3. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    All in all IMo taming was a let down.

    Ignoring all other issues, i think the largest problem is simply :
    No individual pet stats.

    Uo nailed it.

    Right now.. sota has disposable pets. It simply ruins it for tamers.

    Honestly play 20 min as a UO tamer, and it revamps how taming should be done.

    Individual pet stats.

    I can use a spider for 500h of combat.. and yet someone who killed 200 mobs with a fireball can power cast heal creature with combat skill turned on.. and suddenly a spider they bought is stronger then mine.

    Poorly implemented.. make it meaningful. Or add weaponds n gear for pure tamers or SOMETHING to make taming a class.
    ( ignoring the fact 120 in ANY OTHER SINGLE SKILL does mor3 then 120 in 5 taming skills on anything past t5. )
    Ex. 120 in rapid fire.. bettee then 120 in summoning, combat, heal, rez, obedience and focuse.
    Kill monster in 3 sec.. or heal pet over 3 minutrs while casting de taunts because 1 heal * your new threat *.
  4. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    I think a lot of the 'downsides' associated with taming, particularly:
    - sacrificing the necklace gear slot
    - sacrificing a very large chunk of your focus pool
    were implemented early on, before taming was nerfed to its current level, to try and discourage EVERYONE from having a pet.

    Now that we have specialization, I'd suggest that these downsides be revisited.

    My alt character is levelling taming specialization, and even with all the skills at 90, it takes over 50% of her focus pool to maintain a pet.
    Which would be fine if the pet was doing 50% of the damage, but it isn't, not by a long shot. Except when I'm out of focus, which is the pets fault!

    I'm not convinced that taming, as it stands, is a 'substitute' for other damage schools. There's a lot of finesse missing, in terms of pet controls, pet AI, etc. which makes it even more dubious.
    If it is meant to be such, it needs the specialization to do more to eliminate the downsides. Bear pet should be able to taunt/tank, that sort of thing.
    Hunter OfSouls likes this.
  5. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    What is FRS?

    EDIT: never mind, I think I puzzled it out from the context: Ferocious Red Spider
  6. Pikegirl

    Pikegirl Avatar

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    Taming for me was one of the big draws in the game initially considering that it was related to the ultima creators who had some of the best taming experiences and balances out there .

    As mentioned even as a GM summoner with 80s in the relevant skills with a FRS, I had to force the pet into my combat rotation, usually more trouble than powerful to be honest.

    But I love pets and the idea of owning and controlling one, so I'm still with it even tho they wanted to reimburse our xp for the shambles which it became after its massive nerf.

    Fast forward to today, I'm back and getting ready to return to playing next week. I was in game talking to @Hunter_Ofsouls about how excited I was about taming and specialising for it, then his muted response told me to curb my expectations cos nothing that much changed.

    Did anything even change significantly, or will the official launch bring one of the coolest trees in the game nothing much again but a digital dps or hp add?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
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  7. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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  8. Pikegirl

    Pikegirl Avatar

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  9. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    That is correct. I would say my Obsidian Bear hits for twice the damage as before (after the initial nerf). He can adventure with me and take 2-3 tier 5 or lower on his own and have very little of his health yet this is with 80 in Taming Specialization. Without Taming Specialization, he can barely take one tier 5.

    Taming Specialization is not a total fix. Just puts the animals close to where they were before they were nerfed. Taming Spec fixed one component, Combat Training.

    My take is a positive one - If you like taming like me, for now make due while providing feedback.

    Does the tier need more work? Yes.

    Do we need to bash every taming thread out there with FIX THIS IT IS BROKE? No, we don't.
  10. Humbert_Humbert

    Humbert_Humbert Avatar

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    Devs, should we be patient for a fix coming soon or abandon the tree?
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