SOTA Characters...Please don't stick a fork in it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by majoria70, May 8, 2014.

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  1. Frost

    Frost Avatar

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    Glad you enjoyed it. The clip was Published on Mar 7, 2012 by a tech developer Quantic Dream is/was working with -- but it's not Quantic Dream's new game. I wish there was more too, but found a making of video that's neat.

    (edit) Quantic Dream news
    majoria70 and Time Lord like this.
  2. abovenyquist

    abovenyquist Avatar

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    If you'd seen WoW -- or, for that matter Black Desert, or anything else -- at the same stage of development that SotA is in, you'd be saying it looks like crap too. It might not have been a wise decision for them to do so -- they've taken a lot of hits -- but Portalarium decided to let people poke at the game much, much earlier than any other developer ever has for a game of this scale. (Part of the reason, I suspect, is that their networking tech is quite novel -- they had to do shakedown tests of it early, and they need to do them repeatedly). The level of early access to the game is remarkable, even if we restricted the discussion to the world of crowdfunded projects.

    Unity is unique in the degree of rapid iteration it allows. There's a reason so many companies use it for so many projects. The thought of trying to do as many new things as SotA is striving for in something like Unreal or CryEngine would make me, uhm, cry.

    Ultimately an engine gives out what you put into it; you are spot-on in that Portalarium has a *lot* of work to do in terms of putting better things into it.
    Mata and Time Lord like this.
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