Tale of the Red Hat Gnomes- Part 3

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Mingo, Oct 1, 2019.

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  1. Mingo

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    --TimeLord sat in the Fire Lotus Tavern in Owl'sHead drinking green tea. Suddenly he noticed an old man, with long white hair and a long white beard,enter the main room with a dazed and confused look.
    --("How does a room have a dazed look?") TimeLord wondered.
    --Standing and walking over to the confused old man TimeLord said with a smile, "Welcome back, Mingo. I see you have forgotten how to colour your text....."
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
  2. Mingo

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    (In the Fire Lotus Tavern - present day) Mingo sniffed haughtily, who shied away in fright, "Color....not colour," he admonished. TimeLord picked up the frightened cat, Haughtily, and stroked it as he said, "Mingo my old friend, you have returned to a different phase of the Metaverse than that which you left four years ago."
    --"when you speak of time," Mingo said with an arched eyebrow, "I am always suspicious, TimeLord. You manipulate time like a CEO manipulates accounting ledgers."
    --"Perhaps. Never the less, I hope to hear a bit more of that story you were telling....four years ago in your lifetime. The story of a time and place in the Metaverse that is now disconnected from this present.....existence."
    --"....there are no gnomes in this Metaverse, are there?"
    --"no. They live now only in your memory."
    --"So," Mingo sighed heavily seating himself at a table, "Is anything the same?"
    --"I am!" said a perky cheerful voice.
  3. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (Fire Lotus Tavern - present day) Lurker looked at the huge pile of logs, wondering where to begin. "I'm afraid finding Part 1, while possible, is a bit difficult," Mingo said sheepishly. Then seeing that Lurker did not speak Sheep, Mingo repeated it in the Common Tongue.
    --"As long as it doesn't begin 'It was a dark and stormy night.' "
    --"No no," Mingo assured the new reader, "that comes later in the story..."
  4. Mingo

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  5. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (FireLotus Tavern-present day.....I put this here because we will be jumping around the Metaverse) --The owner of the perky voice stamped her diminutive foot. "Hey!" she shouted crossly, "I am here!"
    --"What's that?" Mingo, which is me, asked in the 3rd person, which I shall forego in future...maybe...I do so like the "...." thing... 'I'm a bit deaf in my left ear."
    --"My younger cousin is standing on your right...." TimeLord pointed out.
    --"Left, right," I muttered, switching to first person. "It's so hard to remember..." I looked up to see the grinning face of Gerta,dressed in a fetching serving wench outfit of knee length gray dress with a tight leather bodice and soft shoes. I leave it to the reader to speculate on any other garments that may or may not have been worn.
    --"I remember you, Gerta. Twice." I said
    --"Ah, in the four years you have played 'Rip Van Winkle' my cousin has been back to the earlier Metaverse in which part of your story is set." TimLord commented.
    --"He gave me my own sonic screwdriver!" Gerta gushed with an approving glance at TimeLord. "and taught me some tricks of the trade!"
    --"You have a trade? I thought you just meddled," I said with a wry smile.
    --"What?" huffed TimeLord.
    --"Never mind. Gerta, WHICH past Metaverse did you visit?"
    --"Ah Master Mingo, that is a tale in and of itself!"
    --"??? You grew a tail?" I asked trying to peer at Gerta's backside....
    --"groan," groaned TimeLord "some things never change..."
  6. Bodhbh Dearg

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    Bodhbh laughs heartily at the silly exchanges, and as they look up startled, he turns his attention back to Mingo... "Pray, do tell us more of the Gnomes, who - like Schroedinger's cat, who was't called Haughtily, by the way - may or may not exist in this Metaverse or any other!"

    Smoking his pipe filled with a vanilla-scented tobacco he raises a fist-sized tumbler of smooth, but tangy, Irish Peat Whiskey and continues:
    "We have waited a long time to learn more of their fates and that of the others, so guide us further in to that Universe in your head, which may or may not be a legitimate part of our Metaverse, for I do not know whether I can stand another century in Tír na nÓg..."
  7. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    ---setting his bottle and glass on the table Bod joined the growing group. Rentier, Spoon and Couldelayne lurked within earshot though. "Welcome Bod!" I said, welcoming my friend whose name I cannot pronounce, or type. "Welcome Lurkers all!" I added
    --"You didn't tell us where this part is set," frowned TimeLord. "How can I know where we are if you don't state the obvious at the beginning of the post?"
    --"You must rely on subtlety," I answered, "and I'm too lazy now to go back and add it.
    --With unexpected brilliance Gerta spoke up in an authoritative voice, "Subtlety is lost on the reader unless it is blatantly obvious."
    --We all blinked for a moment then I said, "Yesssss....well Gerta you have the floor."
    --"I do?" Gerta looked down. "It looks kind of dazed and confused. But never mind. I shall begin my tale ....SHUT UP!....you were about to make that awful running gag, weren't you?"
    --"who?me?" I protested having bit my tongue when she yelled at me.
    ---"harrumph....by recounting the introduction to Part 2, for the benefit of those who don't wish to spend half a day reading all the logs."

    (this is the introduction to Part 2 which helps new lurkers be more confused) (In the Fire Lotus Tavern) --Time has passed. Spring outside the Fire Lotus Tavern warms into early Summer. A small group gathers around an old bard, listening as he tells songs and sings stories. Mingo has droned on for 20 pages in "Tale of the Red Hat Gnomes - Part I" and now it is time to drone on for even more pages

    PROLOGUE TO PART 2 --There are many zones within the Metaverse. Ancient and obliquely viewed worlds of old give way to existences seemingly more solid, but perhaps more illusory. Those who inhabit these worlds, those we today refer to as Avatars, live, love, and adventure in ways that we here can only imagine. In fact we DO imagine. There is also a Twilight Zone, but we aren't going there....
    --Our cast of characters in the story line include:
    *Mingo TheBard - yours truly, who was there in the time of this tale of long ago. A long lived, white bearded player of tinwhistles (to annoy the birds) and sometime singer (when solitude is desired, and folksies won't leave). Mingo once existed in the land of Lord British, and resided on Moonglow Island....but has been dormant for long years since then.
    *Krisskar the Mage - Although he never adventured with Mingo, only visiting Mingo's former world via a backstory, Krisskar has seen two versions of the Metaverse. Once he was mayor of Tuskn Flats, on a dry dusty planet a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Then Krisskar found himself in a world of sword and sorcery; first as a Warlock, then a Death Knight. In Part I we read the Dreams of Krisskar which went into his background. In his current guise Krisskar is a wielder of Water and Air magic.
    *Jeb Stuart - Guildmaster of the Raiders of Valor, Jeb adventured with Mingo. Later by other names, he and the Raiders of Valor founded the town of Tuskn Flats, Later in the lands of Azeroth, and then for a short while fought amongst the stars in an Old Republic somewhere....Heavily armored, Jeb's current nickname is "tank."
    *Shania Twain - wife of Jeb, who also traveled the metaverse in many guises, typically a warrior, with sidelines in crafting. Currently Shania pursues the Rogue life.
    *Lyra - Captain of the good ship PossumRose, Lyra is a Healer. Also she is a cook, famous even before the Internet for her Rose Petal Koffee Kake. She is a part time pastry chef for Katya's Koffee Klutch in the fishing village of Writer's Ink, in the small land of Prodigy....or was at the time of this tale. She was also a Raider of Valor in Britain long ago, and briefly was on that dry dusty planet, as well as very briefly on Azeroth.
    *Ed and Terra, the bounty hunters of Tampa - Brother and sister, Ed is an off tank, armored more lightly but somewhat more agile therefore than a Heavy Tank. Terra wields ranged weapons. They also are Raiders of Valor from Britain, then Tuskn Flats, and have played many roles in the Metaverse.
    *Hamster Fizzimix -A new main character, recently introduced. Hamster previously existed in Azaroth as a gnome mage and alchemist. In our story he plays the part of a Blue Hat Gnome mage, and alchemist. His specialties are Earth and Sun magic. Hamster knew Krisskar quite well in Azeroth. It is Hamster more than any other who remembers that particular time.
    *BlueBell - also recently introduced toward the end of Part I, BlueBell is a Blue Hat Gnome, daughter of King Dohlar. She is a mage apprenticed to Hamster. Her father is overprotective of her, and although she is of age having finally reached her 300th birthday, she has not seen the big wide world of which she dreams.
    --Our Tale has three separate parts, much like an old episode of Love Boat, that weave and mix together, often one part influencing the other. First is the main story being told by Mingo, set long ago. Second is an even older part, just after the shattering of the moon, which is the setting for Krisskar's back story. Finally the third part, which is set in today's current Fire Lotus Tavern
    --In this third part, you the reader are invited to join us around the fire! You can see in Part I there are discussions amongst the patrons, sometimes leading to odd tangential offshoots. You are welcome to contribute in the setting of the Fire Lotus Tavern as you "listen" and you, and others, comment.
    --And so good gentles, in closing this Prologue, if perchance I should offend in the telling of my story... deal with it; I ain't Shakespeare!
  8. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (Fire Lotus Tavern) Gerta grinned at herself for recounting perfectly the long passage. "If I can confuse you further," she told the Lurkers, "do not hesitate to ask!"
    --"So, Gerta," I paused musing on how to write in politically correct speak then giving up that line of thought to say something else. "Pray, continue! We are all interested in your .... story."
    --"You aren't as funny when you inhibit yourself," Bod complained.
    --"I'm trying to be subtle!" I protested.
  9. Bodhbh Dearg

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    "Just say and write 'Bov' already" grumbles Bodhbh in to his tumbler... "If I've said it once dúirt mé go raibh céad míle uair ann..."

    "It's not as if pronouncing Irish is very difficult, I mean vowels are very easy. They are only single sounds, not diphthongs like English vowels. They come in two varieties, long and short. Long vowels are marked with a fada. Then with consonants, things work a bit like Spanish or Italian. Just like the different ways a "c" is pronounced "San Francisco": when a "c" is followed by an "i" or "e" it is pronounced differently than if it is followed by "a", "o" or "u".
    Irish does the same: "i" and "e" are called slender vowels, "a", "o" and "u" are broad vowels. Each consonant is pronounced either in a broad or slender way, depending on the vowels that surround it. Vowels must match on either side of a consonant, caol le caol, leathan le leathan
    Irish has fewer consonants than English, but most of them are pronounced very much like English. Actually there are a few subtle differences..."
    Bodhbh looks up from his tumbler and looks in to quite a few pairs of vacant eyes and grumbles "Ah feck it, just call me Bov ok?"
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2019
  10. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (Present day - fire lotus tavern-larger print so I can read it...) "Bov" I nod, educated now somewhat in Irish...Gaelic? Celtic? I am never sure, even though my ancestors came from the Highlands, and were know as the "wild Irish". thanks to this ancestry, my hair began to turn white....this type is too large....when I was 16....I guess I can read that type size.
    --Trinity spoke up, having lurked for some time. "So tell me Gerta, or Keeada-chan, what....who...tell us something to help us out of this fog."
    --"Beware Trinity," I warned. "I know from experience that putting words in other folksies' mouths can be a dangerous thing."
    --"It's YOU putting words in Trinity's mouth," Bov admonished me.
    --"I have to change to my story telling outfit first," smiled Gerta who bowed from the waist and sauntered out of the room.
  11. Bodhbh Dearg

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    "Gaeilge is what they call it in the Gaeltacht, if that helps any" Bodhbh interjected, "But mostly it's just called Irish..."
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2019
  12. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (In the Fire Lotus Tavern) --while we waited for Gerta to reappear we each opened our banter boxes to do some trading. "I have an idle one here," I started out.
    --"Mine is witty, want to trade?" Bov asked.
    --"If you will explain more about the word 'Gealge', a word heretofore unknown to me."
    --"You'll have to trade more erudite banter for that."
    --With a resigned sigh I replied, "Alas, the only other one I have is senseless."
    --"Admit it, Mingo, you just don't know the meaning of 'erudite'."
    --"I have a tyrannosaur tooth, but no thesaurus," I said with aplomb.
    --"I don't like plumbs," Trinity said.
    --"Said!" Bov exclaimed. "Said!?? Mingo you fraud, call yourself an author? ....said indeed, how pedestrian!"
  13. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (Fire Lotus Tavern-Present day) Owl's head is not close to the sea. Additionally it is on the other side of the known world from Aerie and the player cities of that part of the world. So CatherineRose, Pirate Queen of the Black Sails felt fairly inconspicuous as she took a seat at an adjacent table and ordered a drink. What kind of drink? We don't know...until lurkers make themselves known, it is risky to make too many assumptions.
    --but Mingo TheBard had heard of the Governor of Dragomir Mori, for he not only talked, he listened, and many travelers frequented the Fire Lotus Tavern. Yet it seemed wise not to make an overt recognition, nor put words in her mouth.
    --Pretending to ignore the silly banter at the next table, the Pirate Queen nevertheless was paying keen attention..
  14. Bodhbh Dearg

    Bodhbh Dearg Avatar

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    "Purposely ignoring anyone, including banters (even when they're pretty silly), is very impolite" Bodhbh noted to Mingo, "and calling someone silly isn't the best of form either!"
  15. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Rentier takes a big gulp of this brew, openly lurking now and toasts to the other table with the great banter saluting the greatness in silence and shimmers into and out of the shadows with the worn black robe...
    the big tumbler is raised again to greet, as Rentier becomes aware of the presence of the her great governor...
  16. Trinity

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    Lurking in the corner near the rear of the tavern,
    Trinity took a drink of her special rum from her drinking horn.

    (Actually the drink was what most know as Bumbo)
    (a girly type of rum with added sugar and pineapple juice and cinnamon.)

    But no one would dare tell Trinity her drink was "girly".
    If anyone said that to her, she removed a vital part of their anatomy.
    (After all, she is a PIRATE!)

    Trinity had accompanied Duchess CatherineRose, (her best friend) to the tavern.
    Trinity and CatherineRose often traveled together to far lands.

    Trinity nodded to Rentier.
    She knew if trouble arose Rentier could be counted upon to assist.

    Trinity settled comfortably in a chair in the corner where both exits could be seen.
    She knew CatherineRose loved to listen to stories and tall tales.
    They would be here for hours.

    (or maybe days... ugh)
  17. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (Fire Lotus Tavern-Present day) --two quiet characters joined the incognito Pirate Queen at her table. Mingo felt that Gerta would not be returning this afternoon, so he stood and took up his Lute.
    --"Ladies! Gentlemen! Patrons of the Arts!" Mingo said in a raised voice. "If I can get out of this raised voice, I shall sing a song for you!" Hopping up on the slightly raised stage, Mingo extricated himself and began playing and singing "A Pirate's Life for Me!" with a grin toward the table of known Lurkers, who are always welcome.
  18. Mingo

    Mingo Avatar

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    (fire Lotus Tavern with a balky caps key, present day) The hour was late, although TimeLord spoke up in its defense. Mingo had played and sung much of his repertoire, which included tunes from other parts of the Metaverse such as the theme from Mos Eisley Cantina, Bach Cello Suite 1, the Entertainer (Mingo played this on the piano), theme from The Magnificent Seven, and ending with his favorite, "Georgia on my Mind".
    --Having despaired of Gerta's return this day, the patrons went their various ways. Mingo took himself to a small upstairs room, paid for by proceeds from his published songs (only 250g.....music is to be enjoyed!). The October night was cool enough to leave the window open which lead to.....
    --"Corn!" squawked the large Raven sitting on the window sill the next morning. "Corn! Corn!"
    --Bleary eyed, Mingo awoke and sat on the edge of the bed, close to the Raven on the window sill. "Next you will tell me Winter is Coming, I suppose. Which one are you?"
    --"Quoth! Quoth!" cawed the bird. Mingo groaned, as did his readers....
    --"I'm retired. You talking birds need to report to someone else..."
    --"Quoth retired too." croaked the bird.
    --"That so," Mingo mused. "Well I guess you can follow me around, but beware! I'm not going to speak of myself in 3rd person very much. With that Mingo found a handful of corn for the old bird, which had served him well in the past.
  19. CatherineRose

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    I was standing in front of a beautiful portrait of a young virile and handsome man.

    He was standing straight and tall with his carved staff in one hand in a small cloud of gentle smoke holding in his other hand the reins of the most beautiful horse I had ever seen.
    She was so regal with her mane flowing in perfect silkiness down the side of her head. Her tail brushed slightly away from her body.
    She appeared to be in some kind of deep thought.

    "As I stood looking at the portrait I felt a strange sensation as if she were interjecting her memories into my mind. There was peace for the moments I stood and listened to her quiet thoughts. The thoughts were replaying her young life before the eyes and ears of my mind. There, at the bottom of the portrait was the name Possum Rose."

    "Trinity". "I think we may have had too much rum to drink. My mind is about to be out of control.
    Rather than returning home tonight let's stay here in the tavern until the morrow. We can relax and meet some of these town folks as well."

    (CatherineRose , Governor of Dragomir Mori, Pirate Queen of the Black Sails pirates, as quite and caring as all others in the town, found herself in a most unusual dream. She started her journey in the Black Sails and Obsidian Purgatory yet as time continued,
    events , strange and wonderful, unfolded as they often do in this land called Novia,
    She saw visions of Gnomes, Red Hat ones even!

    CatherineRose realized she was in two dreams at the same time. How can that be? There surely are answers to be found!)

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2019
  20. Mingo

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    (Fire Lotus Tavern-present) Leaving the raven to his corn I went about my daily wake up routine and headed downstairs for some breakfast. "first person..." I mumbled to myself. "first person first person"
    --The first person I encountered was Capt. CatherineRose and what I surmised were a few of her crew,who were all eating a leisurely breakfast. "Well done last night, Master Bard," called the Captain. "Some of those songs brought back happy memories.'
    --"Why thank you! It is nice of you and your....associates...to add to our little story line here!"
    --"Ah! lurking is fun and all,but sometimes one wishes to express one's self."
    --At this last I pondered again the risks of putting words in other's mouths. Something caught my eye. Oddly I always carry a wooden eye, and it had fallen from my pocket when I withdrew my hand. "Meoufff" went the tavern cat, Serious, who dropped the eye and batted it across the floor. I retrieved it with a glare. The glare, however, would not fit in my pocket so I tossed it to the cat.
    --I had noticed a large, ornately carved, wheel of polished wood, about 7 ft. in diameter, against what had been ablank empty wall. From the center of this wheel protruded a handle/knob ?? of a different kind of wood. "What is that?" I asked the assistant manager of Fire Lotus Tavern......here I must make a brief explanatory comment, just in case the readers are not sufficiently confused: Fire Lotus herself, years ago, once made an automated comment, but never appeared in our story. Having been afk for four years I am not sure who actually runs the establishment these days, therefore we are introduced to the anonymous, nameless Assistant Manager.
    --"Ahhh yes. We have rented out our basement to a client for some event today. Behind the rolling door is the entrance, a kind of portal thing."
    --"Who is the client and what is this event you speak of?"
    --"Why, it is the Mingo party hosted by the family of our own winsome wench,Gerta. We rent the space and cater the events, so it adds to our income."
    --At her invitation I joined the Captain at her table. "There is a black feather on your shoulder," she observed with a raised eyebrow. "Also you have a raised eyebrow."
    --Reaching up to my left shoulder I did a brushing motion. "It's your other shoulder...." I located the feather then and held it in my hand; a black raven feather.
    --"Is from a raven?" asked Trinity, "What is its name?"
    --"Quoth," I ansered.
    --Trinity continued inquiring, "So, when shall we be seeing more of Quoth the Raven?"
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
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