Unofficial poll: What do you most want out of Shroud?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tekkamansoul, May 3, 2013.

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  1. Matheryn

    Matheryn Avatar

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    yeah but in the real world there are also rules so fundamentally the game needs rules aswell otherwise it will explode and be subject to only a few people wingeing caus there is noone for them to kill
  2. Matheryn

    Matheryn Avatar

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    P.S dont get me wrong i dont want it to be a ******** game that holds my hand either i do however want it to be like pre trammel but with a few slight modifications that give a few area where the carebears can feel a little safe
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  3. JJLats

    JJLats Avatar

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    1st post here. I'm thrilled to be pledging at the citizen level and to be involved in the creative process of this game. I have never played a MMORPG before, but am a veteran of Ultima I-IV and Autoduel in the 80s on my Atari 800, and many internet MUDs and single-player console RPGs since then.

    What's most important to me with a few items from my wish list for this game world?

    Social aspects:
    Vibrant Player driven economy that gives me many ways to make an honest or dishonest living in the virtual online world. Soap Opera-like drama in my interactions with PCs and NPCs. I want to make friends and enemies and feel as if the decisions I make actually matter in the grand scheme of the world's events.

    I want to wander the world as I see fit by myself or with others, solving complex puzzles and discovering undreamt of wonders. I want to risk life and limb for rewards of glorious treasure and a boost to my in-world reputation. I also want to be put one step closer to realizing my character's true good or evil potential with each significant conquest.

    PvP Combat:
    This should be a part of life in any open online fantasy world, including our game. The threat of attack should be constant with no inherent safe zones, but so should the consequences for the uninvited aggressor. The community and the game should police this mechanic. Out of control player killers should be shunned socially and hunted on sight by city guards as in Ultima. Notorious player killers should have their mug shots displayed on wanted posters. Rewards should be offered and players should be allowed to turn the criminals in dead or alive to collect on the bounty. Certain zones or places could be designated as penalty-free PvP areas for those who want to entertain this kind of player interaction without negative social consequences.

    Other content mechanic ideas:
    Getting around: Fast travel is OK, but as I roam the world in real-time, I want to do it in stye and have a bunch of options: Horses, donkeys, giant flightless birds, elephants, big cats, creatures, etc... Let me outfit my mount w/ custom gear that I purchased, looted or crafted myself. Let me catch and domesticate a mount from the wild, not just purchase or steal it.

    Sailing: Real-time ship travel on the high seas. Give me combat at sea with other ships or creatures I encounter in grand Ultima style. I want to fish off my boat as a trade, or just to relax and catch a meal for myself. I want to earn money as a ship captain like Han Solo, carrying passengers or goods from one port to the next.

    Training: I want to purchase or earn skill training from PCs and NPCs, and also be able to reciprocate.

    Inhabitants: Hundreds of creature and plant species. Overwhelm and constantly surprise me with the scope and ecological variety of this world. I don't want to have seen it all after a few weeks. Variety is the spice of life and fresh discoveries and world interactions will keep me engaged.

    Thanks for listening and I'm looking forward to contributing.
    crossbowsoda and majoria70 like this.
  4. tgrace0121

    tgrace0121 Avatar

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    I want the feeling of danger and the thrill of exploration. I remember the moment I left UO for good. Log in, lightening strike PK in one shot, all my reagents stolen. I want a fighting chance but aside from that danger is good. I have an idea for PvP. Every time you kill an innocent your "infamous" rating goes up and is on display for all to see. "Good" players can kill you for a bounty equal to your infamous rating. When you kill someone infamous, your Bounty Hunter rating goes up which also is for all to see.
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  5. Matheryn

    Matheryn Avatar

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    @ tgrace0121

    I see your point but i highly doubt the pvp side of things will be anything like what UO used to be like and as for your description of the bounty\reward system it is a good idea and it has been inplemented in UO in the past but as other threads have mentioned it is extremely exploitable and needs alot of refinement for it to work.

    As im unaware asto what the accual mechanics are going to be like in the game as of yet due to it being very early days im sure in time to come we will be able to have a better wish list of what sort of methods would work better in terms of pvp and pve
  6. Zed3

    Zed3 Avatar

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    1.) I want to be able to go where I want, and do whatever I want, with who ever I want. Regardless of my time played, level, class or any other artificial segregation. I hate "massively multiplayer on-line games" that rail road me and don't allow me to play the games with friends I make in the game, or bring in from outside of it.

    2.) I want you to stick to your vision, and give us the greatest ultima ever.

    3.) I loved ballooning around britania and exploring castles, discovering new places, and going on random adventures. Please keep the sense of exploring and learning, to go along with our fighting, and adventuring. I loved how the game and ultima online was about our own personal unique adventure in the world.
  7. shrinkwrap

    shrinkwrap Avatar

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    A lot of good ideas here. I would also like to explore in an open world. I'd like to be able to solve puzzles as well. You know, move the stone to the left, twist the knob to the right and pull on the candle holder to open a secret passage, that kind of stuff.

    If you are going to have npc's give them alot of dialog. Lots of it.

    Allow for trap building. I used to laugh like a hyena when newbies would open trapped boxes and blow up.

    Give us the excitement of having to look over our shoulder.

    If you have resources which require harvesting, make them randomized, instead of having them always in certain spots.

    Get away from complicated armor and weaponry. I hate it when a game adds all these modifiers and abilities to weapons and armor.

    Make it take a lot of time to be the best.

    Try to get the fighting balanced. Remember nerfing bows in UO? Then, nerfing this, then that, until it seemed everything in turn got nerfed.

    Make the game especially hard to cheat in. Nobody wants to play a game where billy griefer becomes a god and they die.

    Good luck!
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  8. Rufio

    Rufio Avatar

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    great storyline;i was never that into the lore of a game but with shroud its part of the game
    i am so glad that we have a great story writer in tracy hicks,
    i got very irritated the other day when i watshed a discushion on
    the biggest mmo releasing end of the year and the story is:
    a entity stole your soul and now you must get it back
    this storyline has been done over and over before
    the storyline must be so good that even if your not that interested
    little bits of the lore should make you want to discover
    most writers in games are bored or boring it looks like
    hey eso.
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  9. Cadogantes

    Cadogantes Avatar

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    The thing I look forward to most is the promise of openworld sandbox multiplayer RPG. What i would like to see?

    1) Opportunity to add a lot of RTS elements (I was always crazy for them in RPG's). If I can build a home, let me also build a village, populate it with NPC's, create my own faction, conquer the world...You know how it goes :) I see it a bit as Mount&Blade faction creation, but deeper.

    2) Possibility to play online and offline during one campaign. Allow people to drop in and drop out. Let them mess with the world my character live in. For example: let them build their own house in my world, or raze a village, things like that.

    3) I am well aware that such an open world could only be achieved by compromising storyline. The problems like "He king of XXX would have a terrible problem and very interesting quest for me, but alas I conquered his capitol a few weeks back". But maybe answer to the question "how to make a good storyline in a world where almost everything WILL be turned upside down by players?" is the Holy Grail of this type of games. Whoever finds it will rule the genre.

    4) I am pretty interested in new combat system. I just expect it to be fun to play and satisfying. If it will be something no one has ever seen before- all the better.
  10. villain904

    villain904 Avatar

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    1. PvP without Stat Loss: After turning Red in Ultima Online I hated when someone finally got the best of you and there was a ton of skill and stat loss. Unlike others after me who figured out much faster methods of gaining stats, I was more traditional in play to regain those that were lost. Unfortunately, this took forever. Maybe a more balanced repercussion is in order?

    2. & 3. Exactly what LordSlack stated:

    "Sensible crafting incentives ? Imagine being a crafter in town and walking into a pub and talking to the NPC bartender. This NPC might tell you he needs bulk orders of beer, wine, tables, and chairs because there was a bar brawl the other night and they trashed the place. A supply/demand system for NPCs who would sensibly use your crafted items would really add to the depth of crafting rather than players just churning out whatever item they can make that vendors for 6 gold instead of 5."

    "Outside the box RP elements ? What I mean here is the ability to allow players to fulfill some parts of their character?s back story in game. An example is you want your character to have a drinking problem. You would consume a beer every 20-30 minutes and stay a little tipsy to remain in character, but you would not want the game?s drinking mechanic to just make your screen wobbly and unplayable, you would never be able to have a drink and fight anything. Perhaps you lose 5 dexterity and gain 5 HP if you only drink a few, then role play with this ?burden? you?ve placed upon yourself. Maybe you are a better musician if you?ve had a few so your ability to play an instrument increases when drinking.
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  11. Guerrilla

    Guerrilla Avatar

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    1. Open World Full - Loot
    2. No Trammel
    3. Risk Vs Reward
    4. Unique Crafting
    5. Events

    I believe in you Mr. Garriott, this is long anticipated, we are all lost... as far as the next UO replacement goes.
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  12. CorruptGoat

    CorruptGoat Avatar

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    1. I hope to be able to battle as a stealth mage. Honestly, through all of my different characters I created in UO, my two favorites were my stealth mage and my blacksmith. As such, I would love to see a skill tree that goes even beyond what UO offered. The unique customize-ability that UO allowed was what drew me to the game, and an enhanced and expanded feature set akin to what UO brought us is what would keep me interested in the game.

    2. A massive crafting system. If games like Minecraft have taught us anything, it's that players want the ability to create whatever their imagination can conceive. Granted there would be limitations within the bounds of the type of world SotA is set within, but those types of options will also extend gameplay for me.

    3. An ever expanding world to explore. Discovering new locales and being the first adventurer to visit a secret temple or an oceanic shipwreck, where those characters are written into the history books of the game as the first explorers to discover those locations.
  13. Segalleon2

    Segalleon2 Avatar

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    Nesbit, MS
    There is only one thing I want:
    1) Completely Open World - roleplaying isn't always about killing monsters. I want to role play an old miner who has spent his life digging through the earth for precious minerals. He has seen empires rise and fall as he has outfitted their armies. He is a coward who felt it better to supply the armies than to fight in them. He spends his day picking away at rocks and melting his bounty down to produce fine metal armor and weapons. Perhaps from time to time he dons his creations and lives out a warriors fantasy chasing rabbits. But he never fails to come home to the same hut and lay in the same bed every night.

    I want to be able to live out any story I choose.
  14. Onore

    Onore Avatar

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    1. A game where the path is more fun than the end goal (no grinding, no achieves, etc)
    2. A game with a clear path forward (EVE online is a great example of huge sandbox but no clear path forward)
    3. An involved combat system, whether turn based like Heroes of Might and Magic or twitch based like God of War it should be fun, involving and different everytime so it won't get boring and grindy

    The big question is that lots of people seem to talk about this as just another MMORPG where you live in the world just to gain standing (through crafting, houses, achievements, etc.) Please make sure to keep the adventure side of the game so this doesn't turn into another WOW or UO clone.
  15. Guerrilla

    Guerrilla Avatar

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    Onore, since when was there ever a UO clone....
  16. Enerrzoow

    Enerrzoow Avatar

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    I would love to be able to duel wield on my warrior, like a berserker fighting stance.
    crossbowsoda likes this.
  17. VZ_

    VZ_ Avatar

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    <b>1.</b> A vast, interesting and open world to explore and feel part of
    <b>2.</b> A moving, deep and meaningful story that doesn't just grip me with intrigue and curiousity, but also makes me feel like I matter
    <b>3.</b> I want to be a criminal eventually, or maybe with an alternate character. I want to rob, steal and murder other players in the woods. I want to be on a wanted poster and the infamy that comes with it.
    smack likes this.
  18. Alex_Wildeagle

    Alex_Wildeagle Avatar

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    What do I want most out of SOTA?
    Well story is good, but honestly if my priority was story I'd read a book or go to a movie.
    As this is 2013 I would expect a visually beautiful game. Sure you should be able to turn it down for those who are still using TRS-80s but people with good computers should be able to use those capabilities.
    Also there are current technologies that help server-side and client side software better use available resources (DX11).

    After listening and learning I still see no reason for not having multiple races. In a world with dragons and magic I see no reason someone stepping from our world into NB not be transformed into another humanoid race. Be it will, be it karma or even an affinity. An outdoors minded person might be an elf, a spelunker could be a dwarf. Yes, I know the original Ultima was humans. But we're making another groundbreaking game based around the ultima line, hopefully not a clone.
  19. Baer

    Baer Avatar

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    S California on the beach
    Easy, the openness of Skyrim and the deep story and feeling of Ultima 5 through 7. I also do not want to be forced into PVP as the early PKers are what drove me out of U O very early on.
    crossbowsoda and smack like this.
  20. Baer

    Baer Avatar

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    S California on the beach
    From a teckie aspect, I would hope that it can make use of high end graphics and Surround/Eyfinity monitor set ups for those that have capable rigs. I would also hope that the developers could find a way to squeeze "Stones" into the sound track.
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