overwhelmed by the pledge choices...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by QTIP, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. QTIP

    QTIP Avatar

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    Hi All,

    long time UO player returning to the lands of Sosaria. I have a few questions in regards to pledges that I hope you guys can help answer for me:

    1. At what level pledge do you get your basic, basic, basic house? :D
    2. At what level do you get the most value out of?
    3. Does it make sense to buy the $45 entry level and then buy a house add-on?

    I basically want to be able to log in come launch, place my home near a populated city/route (as in the old days- near WBB or Luna or in Skara) and begin my journeys through the realms. Any thoughts?


    * edit - if you get a reward or a referral fee for my pledge amount, I will promise to enter the email of the individual who helps me the best.
  2. Scolari79

    Scolari79 Avatar

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    1. $275
    2. ??
    3. You'll need to buy a plot deed. House add-ons do you no good without the plot. Also those plots are taxed in-game where pledge plots are tax free.
    Frosty likes this.
  3. Morgnes

    Morgnes Avatar

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    1) Ancestor Pledge for $275
    2) dunno
    3) If you get in with $45 you can buy a row lot deed for $85 and the cheapest house for $40

    But afaik Pledges get to pick their lot place earlier than those bought in the add-on store. Also the pledge deed is rent free, while the add-on stre deed comes with in-game taxes
    Frosty likes this.
  4. stile

    stile Avatar

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    2 and 3 dont have a final answer. Its very personal.

    2- what things are important to you? Maybe physical goods, maybe crafting stations, etc.. So the value of certain pledges will vary player to player

    3- i would rather spend a bit more money, contribute to the game more, get a rent free deed, and all the other goodies!! Some people may not care about the other goodies and dont care about rent free..so personal preferences play a role in this also.
  5. QTIP

    QTIP Avatar

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    a bit of everything to be honest Sir Stile Teckel. I enjoyed PVE, crafting/vending and PVP in the old days. Really depended on my mood at the time. Gathering the feedback recieved so far and from what I have been able to research on the forums, the $275 pledge seems best. My last question is do I get to choose where I place my home or am I stuck placing in a certain town/area?
    Sir Stile Teckel likes this.
  6. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    As the others mentioned before you can have row house lot with 275$ anchestor pledge tier. Don't forget your alienware bonus. I would recommend to start with 45$ pledge and put the referral. Then add the alienware bonus of 20$. Now you are to take part in the next releases. If you put the alienware bonus first you can't put in the referral. Regarding your second question, the value would you get with the lord of the manor pledge *g*. We have to know about your goals. I would say the citizien pledge tier gives you the most. Next to a bigger tax free lot you get a tax free vendor. You should also consider to buy a low level founder/royal founder pledge to get the special rewards. For your third question: a house is nothing without a lot deed where you can place the house. So if you buy the 45$ pledge + 85$ lot you would be able to play only the first episode and you have to pay tax for your lot and would be the last in the lot selection before the launch. If you don't care about the ingame tax you should take the explorer pledge tier + row house deed inclusive house. Then you have all 5 episodes and your house. Please remember you upgrade your pledge so no hurry with the decision.
    wenkai, Frosty and Gaelis like this.
  7. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    you stuck in a town no wild placement
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  8. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    Amen! When I first pledged it was for the game. Then I increased my pledge to make sure I got all 5 episodes. Before the Kickstarter ended they were offering a Kight'd keep. That was too cool. Then after playing some of the releases, I wanted my kight's keep to have more yard around it. I was like "hey I could go up to lord, get more room and be called "The Baroness!"

    My point is there are more reasons that people pick their pledges than there are pledges. Not all of the reasons make sense. You can start out with the most minimal of pledges and increase it as you decide on something that you just have to have. I wanted 2 things for sure: that house and a town lot. I'll probably trade a lot of the other stuff to people.
    Gabriel Nightshadow and Frosty like this.
  9. Trenyc

    Trenyc Avatar

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    These are tough questions to answer because they depend very much on your priorities and values.

    Ancestor is the most basic level that offers a house. The house at that level is super small, but the important thing is the property deed is tax free. That means you won't have to pay gold to maintain the property, which means you can save up in-game to buy a bigger Row type house to put on that same lot more easily. The lot and the house are separate things, and the lot is where the value is. The house is just gravy.

    As for what level gets you the best bang for your buck, that's super debatable and depends very much what price range you can afford. With the Alienware promotion, the lower level pledges are super accessible now, so if money is an issue, you can get an Adventurer pledge (which nets you access to the pre-alpha releases, the beta, and Ep. 1) for just $25. That's a pretty good deal as far as games go. If, however, you're able and willing to put thousands of dollars into the game, Lord Marshal is probably the best bang for your buck in the Knight Marshal to Lord Marshal range. If a few hundred bucks is where you're looking, Ancestor is probably your best bet unless you really want the rewards from Developer, Citizen, or Edelman. But then, if you are interested in a pledge around the $1,000 mark, I'd suggest the Knight pledge, which includes a tax-free village deed, a generously sized house, and lots of goodies from the previous tiers. It all really depends on what you can afford (remember, you're spending on a game--real life should come first) and how much you want the items at any given tier.

    As for whether it makes sense to buy an Addon Store house, the answer is both yes and no. The Addon Store houses are cheaper than the pledge tiers that offer housing, so they're good way to get a house if you can't afford a higher up pledge. But the lots sold in the Addon Store are taxed, while pledge reward houses are not taxed. Tax-free status is a nice benefit to pledge houses. Moreover, the pledges offer lots of other rewards besides housing, so the extra amount you might spend on a pledge isn't wasted on the housing alone. As for which option is best for you? Well, that's your call!

    Referral rewards work on a per-referral credit. Every person who lists you as their referrer will get you a $25 credit toward your pledge level. In addition, both you and the person you referred become eligible for referral rewards. The more referrals you have on your account, the more rewards you get. I think right now there are tiers at something like 1, 10, and 25. Could be wrong on that. But the referrer still gets the $25 credit per referral, no matter how many referrals that person has.
    Frosty likes this.
  10. QTIP

    QTIP Avatar

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    to ALL: a big thank you for your answers-

    Trenyc you said: "Ancestor is the most basic level that offers a house. The house at that level is super small, but the important thing is the property deed is tax free. That means you won't have to pay gold to maintain the property, which means you can save up in-game to buy a bigger Row type house to put on that same lot more easily. The lot and the house are separate things, and the lot is where the value is. The house is just gravy."

    So basically at this package level I get a small house but a nice lot that I can always expand on down the road either for ingame gold or from the store?
  11. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    You can't make your lot bigger but you can sell it and buy another one when you're ready.
  12. Lord Andernut

    Lord Andernut Avatar

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    Referral Rewards are $25 per referral as well as higher rewards at 1, 5, 10. So if the person you give your referral to has 10 referrals already you'll also get the emote, hound and Darkstarr Moondial. (Many people don't seem to be aware of this).

    1. As people have stated Ancestor (275) is the base level pledge for a "tax-free" row lot deed.

    2. Additionally -
    Citizen (550) is the base level for a "tax-free" village-size deed which is four times the size of a row lot deed.
    Knight Marshal (1200) is the base level for a tax-free town-size deed (twice the village lot size).

    I personally love the Knight Tier and Knight Marshal tier's but that's a matter of preference for everyone.

    Ancestor is also a very attractive level - you'll have your property, 3 character slots, and all 5 episodes to be released (Explorer tier and onwards gives this).

    3. MY answer on this would be no. If you buy your pledge and a row house lot deed for 85, you still need to pay an in-game tax as well and you also miss out on a lot of attractive rewards (3 character slots, tax-free status, access to all 5 episodes, etc.).

    There is no reason you can't start out at a lower pledge and upgrade over time however if the rewards seem worth it to you after you've had a chance to explore the forums a bit more!

  13. Lord Andernut

    Lord Andernut Avatar

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    You can get a larger HOUSE that fits on the row lot (you get a 2 story house and can have up to 4 stories plus a basement) but if you want a larger square footage lot you cannot make the lot itself bigger.

    You need to differentiate the house from the lot. There are the lot sizes - row, village, town, city, keep, castle. Then there are the size of the house on the lot. So for the village house the starter home is very different from say the Knight's Keep but both will fit on the village lot.
  14. Orion Astrium

    Orion Astrium Avatar

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    Frosty, it may be a personal choice but I personally think the "Knight" pledge at $800 brings the most bang for the buck, without getting too crazy.
    If you have even more funds the Lord Marshall at $2200 comes with a ridiculous amount of stuff and perks.
    It is probably best to check out the concise Rewards spreadsheet to see what you get at each reward level to determine what is important to you.
    Before the last new pledge tiers of Knight Marshall and Lord Marshall were added I thought Portalarium had intentionally overloaded the Knight's pledge to reward early backers, and give them so much more than a simple Citizens pledge, that used to be the lowest level to get a tax-free lot. The price was for the Knight is only $250 more than the Citizen.
    The Knight gets you:
    A decent size house.
    A pretty cool title.
    An expert crafting station.
    All the perks from the lower pledge levels
    If you are lucky you may even be able to buy a Royal Founder or Founder account, from one the account re-sellers. The early back Founder accounts comes with a lot of extras, as a special thanks to those that knew about and took the risk to support the game while it was still just a hopeful project.
    Lord Baldrith likes this.
  15. Trenyc

    Trenyc Avatar

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    The lot that comes with the Ancestor pledge is still the smallest lot size available, but the house that comes with that pledge is also the smallest available for that lot size. As long as you hold the lot, you can put whatever house you want on it, so you could upgrade your tiny Row type house to a bigger Row type house later by buying a new house either through the Addon Store or with in-game gold. For example, you could put the Four Story Row house on that lot later, but you could not put the Village Druid Tree on that lot. Remember, the lot and the house are separate.
  16. QTIP

    QTIP Avatar

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    hi all - well I started out with the simple $45 pledge and the $20 add on from Alienware to start. I am excited to enter the game in 20 days or so and see how it plays. Chances are I will be buying the ancestors package and possible even the Knight pledge.

    It may seem like a lot of money, however, when I add up all the transactions for Perfect World games over the last 2 years I could have had a significant pledge in SoTA *shudders*

    Looking forward to meeting all the players and building a community!
  17. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    then welcome to the SotA community
    Frosty likes this.
  18. Asclepius

    Asclepius Avatar

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    Welcome Frosty - glad to have you on board!
    All the others have given you excellent advice (ain't this a great community?); just want to add my 2c worth.
    It is true that pledging at $45 will get you into the game, and give you access to all the pre-alpha and beta releases. Cool! And for a slightly higher pledge you can play all 5 episodes. And for a bit more you can have a tax-free lot, complete with house. And so it goes.....

    The point is, this game is crowd-funded. Meaning that development costs are borne NOT by a publisher, who is going to meddle and probably ruin the end result, but by fans - like us - who get access to the game as it is being built, and who get the chance to interact with the development team continually. The team do respond to our input, and many features of the game are there simply because we, the community, asked for them. This is going to be the game that WE built!

    Your pledge - whatever it is - goes towards the costs associated with producing this awesome product. Those of us who pledged at higher levels, do so because (a) we can afford it and (b) we believe in this project and really want it to succeed. The cool houses and rewards are just Portalarium's way of saying "thanks" for significant support.

    So my advice to you - pledge as much as you can afford - you will never be sorry. But when you have done that (and even if it's only a small amount) remember that it is appreciated, and you are a supporter as much as anyone else. More importantly, when the game starts, and as far as adventuring, developing a character and solving the main quest are concerned, all of us are equal. The Lord of the Manor will be no better equipped to go out and slay monsters or solve quests than the $45 adventurer. Having a flash home to come back to is nice - and seen as desirable by many - but not at all necessary. It's really window dressing.

    Hope to see you in New Britannia - have a wonderful journey!
  19. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    Buy a pledge from the forums tho - there are founder and royal founder accounts available that have more rewards and titles
    Frosty, Duke NRaas and Kaisa like this.
  20. Favonius Cornelius

    Favonius Cornelius Avatar

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    Here is what u should do: donate the maximum tier and by doing so you have won the game! No need to figure out skills or quests and waste all that time. Problem solved.
    mikeaw1101 likes this.
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