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Gold Crowns of the Obsidians

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, May 27, 2016.

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  1. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Not at 500, with the current npcvalue of in gameitems.

    The whole thing makes me feel dirty but as long as the in game economic impact isnt negative.

    While its not very expensive, it does still give folks who pay dor them an advantage in-game and im probly gonna buy 8 of them a month to make sure i can stay on top of gathering and keep my resource prices down
    Budner likes this.
  2. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    That's what I got as well. Unlike everything else being subject to regional fluctuations - gold is the King's currency and will have a consistent market value.
  3. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Any ammount of gold its worth is gold injected into the economy in addition to whats already there. If you grind mobs for an hour for 2k, 2k isinjected, if u grind mobs for 2k andspend 1 dollar, in thesame ammount of time youve made double if the 1$ converts to 2k, just for example. If people pay 2k for a good sword but dont feel like grinding an hour they will spend the 1$. If enough people do that itll steadily drive up prives of in-game goods until they reach a threshold where demandvs Real Money ammout vs time spent grinding meets the consumers satisfaction. It could mean the difference between grinding all day to get 1 item or spending 10$
    Budner and Katrina Bekers like this.
  4. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    If people pay 1$ To 2$ per week to keep thier gathering efficient and/or another dollar a week to keep thier regeant usage down + whatever other buffs they think are worth it +spending a dollar to keep thier +3 masterworked stuff functioning, it would deffinately be sufficient.
  5. syxs

    syxs Avatar

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    How is the econ going to have balance if someone who has money to spend can spend that money on buffs that last 1 week?

    Here is a situation that needs to be addressed with these buffs. If I don't have money to spend I have to make or buy new gear when it wears out, someone else can spend $1 for that +3 masterwork item and get to keep using it. So the in game gold I got from doing my grinding needs to pay for a new one but the other person doesn't have to spend that. The person uses the regent one and can keep the amount of regents they need down where I don't have that option so I have to buy my regents or go farm them. Again I'm out in game gold cause I didn't spend RL money. It takes me longer to harvest and I have to make more trips back and forth cause I can not carry as much cause he got the crown vendor item.

    Crowns should be used in place of gold sinks, ie deeds/houses/lot tax
    Crowns should not give buffs that last 7 days long with no down side. If you want a buff that is helpful to causal players then say only 1 can be active, it has a in game use time of X hours and that buff has a 7 day cool down. So its active for X hours in game(play time) or 7 days which ever comes first. This way your not creating a free and non-free tier of players for crafter/fighters. But in no way should Crowns be used for repair.
    Matheryn and Miracle Dragon like this.
  6. Leelu

    Leelu Avatar

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    This Side Of the Mountain
    ok pay to win:rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
  7. Chris

    Chris Tech Lord Moderator Ambassador SOTA Developer

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    Howdy guys, I just wanted to chime in on what we knew would be a hot topic.

    So first off, we have always said we would be using something like Guild Wars 2 model. So GW2 model is that you can buy secondary currency for real money or you can buy it in game for gold. How much gold it costs varies based on how much is being bought. You can’t exchange secondary currency and secure item trades are forced through a trading post.

    We obviously have always wanted a more open economy than GW2 so we went a slightly different route. So first, the premium currency will drop in game at a rate that will be throttled based on server concurrency. The throttling is largely a security measure so in case some exploit comes up, we don’t have to worry about the server being flooded with premium currency which would obviously be devastating.

    Since we have it in game, we also chose to make it tradeable and sellable. Why? Because unlike GW2, we didn’t want to set the value for them, we want the player economy to figure out what they are really worth. We also wanted them tradeable so players in game can give them to others they think are deserving. For example, I already suggested that our in game radio stations could set up in game donation boxes for people to give crowns to.

    We had a value of 2500 gold on them which we thought it was so low that it would not compete with players but due to the sudden, large influx of crowns from pledge rewards driving down the player value, the price was way too high. We’ll be dropping their vendor sellable price to 250 or 500 in the next server push. Our intent was not to make these something players would want to buy and sell for gold as obviously, that would cause some serious inflation in the long run.

    So, the debate seems to be raging as to whether or not we are pay to win and the answer is obviously yes. Not the answer you were expecting from me? (and yes, I know some will quote that out of context for months to come.) So technically, anything at all that can be converted into some in game advantage, no matter how small, is pay to win.

    The truth is though that people who are thinking of pay to win as some type of binary system with it being either true, pay to win, or false, not pay to win, are either not thinking it through or are just looking for something to argue about. Pay to win is not some binary switch, it is a scale that goes from near zero impact to Zynga/Clash of Clans.

    So for example, for us to be zero pay to win we would have to prevent players from having second accounts. Why? Because that second account is an advantage you pay for. We would have to have only one single price and no in game rewards no matter how trivial. If you want to get right down to it, all games are pay to win because someone who pays more for a a bad ass computer, macro keyboard, and big monitor has an advantage over someone who is playing on their mom’s laptop and someone who pays for GB fiber has an advantage over the guy using 512kb/s dsl.

    So the core principal of a profitable free to play design(not us!) is make an addictive, repetitive game, get them hooked, and then add a bunch of artificial pain points and then make people pay to remove those artificial pain points. Our goal was and will continue to be to make the best game we possibly can that people can play for a single up front cost. We have not designed in any artificial pain points that we are making players pay to remove. (I know some people are currently screaming “CROWNS FOR REPAIR” at their screens right now but I’ll get to that in a minute)

    So my goal for crowns was to make them something that gives small benefits that would not unbalance the game and to use them to help steer the type of economy we want in game. What would I describe as a small benefit? 10% experience bonus is a good example of a small benefit. I have seen people screaming bloody murder about how this is pay to win but if you play 10 hours a week, you’re basically paying a crown per week to get 1 extra hour of experience.

    So the difference we’re talking about is the exps you would gain in 1 extra hour of play but not the gold or loot. In my judgement, that is not a significant amount of advantage. If you look at what that equates to in terms of actual power, you’re looking at significantly less than 1% power advantage in the long run. It is the difference between someone being level 20 or being level 20.9 if they paid for that advantage the entire time! Yes, really, less than one level difference. Why? Because every level is about 10.5% exps more than the last one. For the mathematically challenged, that doesn’t turn into level 80 and 83.6, it turns into 80 vs 80.9. As for other buffs that exist now and will be added, I have been very careful to make sure none felt like significant pay to win elements.

    So back to the crowns for repairs topic. First off, let me jump right in on what our crafting model is and was always intended to be. We want our crafting to be challenging enough and a significant enough investment of time and knowledge that crafting can be a career all in itself. We don’t want every person to be so good at crafting that they don’t need specialists. We want to make it possible for there to be a group of people who make their living buying raw resources from other players, turning those resources into meaningful items, sell those meaningful items to other PLAYERS (not merchants), and then using those profits to start the loop over again.

    There are several threads on crafting I have resisted jumping in on purely due to a lack of time but I’ll speak up on the issue now. We are not WoW. In WoW, everyone crafts and the items you make SUCK except for a few of the final items which are no drop. The crafting system was never intended to be a lifestyle choice but rather just a really long, grindy, boring quest with the result being gear. That isn’t what we’re making so stop trying to compare us to that.

    So crowns for repair and max durability in general is the most contentious element and definitely one we will consider changing or rebalancing. In this case, we are truly doing it to push players into not eternally repairing gear and instead buying it from crafters. Yes, it conveniently makes money for us but that isn’t the goal. The real goal is to drive people into the player economy to avoid having to spend secondary currency. This has already been debated pretty heavily but if secondary currency doesn’t do the trick then we try something else. As I’ve said probably 100 times, we’re not here to make a bad game. If it truly breaks things, we’ll re-evaluate it.

    Ok, I really need to go spend time with the family now so I’ll wrap this up with my usual tl;dr version:

    • We are making a game that will be fun with or without extra money being spent.

    • Paying more money will give you less than a 1% combat advantage over someone else

    • We didn’t add crowns to be used for buying gold and I’ll be dropping the vendor price by 10x

    • Crowns are to push players to buy more from crafters, not an artificial pay gate. We’ll keep our eyes on this to make sure it is doing what it is supposed to and if not, we’ll change it.

    • And most important of all, we’re all here to make a great game. Our belief is this system will help the game in the long run without taxing those that don’t want a subscription or to spend another penny.

    I probably won't have time to defend the points in this post much so please keep feedback constructive and I'll say it one more time, if something is truly broken, we'll fix it. We're here to make a good game that will last decades, not some flash in the pan game to milk money out of people. Also, feel free to chat me up with PM in the forum or on Discord.
  8. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    True, but if they were easy to get then why would we buy them?

    I am likely going to buy some of them ince a month or so. as long as i find the game enjoyable and fun.

    I seriously doubt that I'm going to keep my weapons and armor indefinitely unless I have some particular need to have some unique item. I don't see a reason to not get new items unless they are super expensive for some reason. The only reason I would use them now to keep items is that we basically have to craft all our own stuff. I'm not going to do that. I want to fish and sellf fish products. Beyond that I'll need crafters.

    As for these crowns I hope I will mostly buy helpful potions or sell them for gold if i need it. It depends on how much pvp i do probably. And who knows wjat they will do in the future. It might be good to hang on to these crowns because of some one of a kind rare item coming to the store or a guild holds an auction for rare stuff or powerful stuff.

    As long as I can dye my items to make them have my signature look I don't care who makes them. Preferably a friend though.
    Bodhbh Dearg likes this.
  9. Kensing Ton

    Kensing Ton Avatar

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    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    Sara Dreygon and Vesper Merchant like this.
  10. Ancev

    Ancev Avatar

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    Chris mentioned the gold coins we know today will be copper, silver and gold coins will have more value.
  11. Curt

    Curt Avatar

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    Instead of a fix number of crowns for each pledge could make it a monthly allowance depending on pledge.
    Would spread the crowns a bit more over time instead of all the first day.
  12. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    Thanks @Chris

    That resolves my concern entirely, and added other context. Now since the price is lower does that mean it will still work for max durability?
    Chris likes this.
  13. Xi_

    Xi_ Avatar

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    having slept on it and thought about this strife, i will never again spend money on a video game. I'm through reporting bugs as well, it's not my job.
  14. Kensing Ton

    Kensing Ton Avatar

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    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
    Womby likes this.
  15. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    Where/when was this? I've been calling for this for 3 years! :)
  16. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    What you fail to understand in your "math" is that you can still sell gold and crafted items to trade with players for coins. The more TIME you put into it, the more coins you can trade for. And if one coin equals $1, then you only have to put in (in your example) about 4 hours of work to get one coin, you just have to craft an item that someone with one coin would like to have. That's how economies work. Supply and Demand.

    I recommend you find a good youtube video about supply and demand. Maybe one on Bitcoin and how Supply and Demand impacts it. It's virtually the same thing.
    Leelu likes this.
  17. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Not to be argumentative in regards to Chris' pay to win comments.. within the scope of his definition of pay to win he's right.. technically and on a very broad level. But I doubt that's what most of us are thinking when we hear "pay to win".

    I think two things. 1: You can't "win" without paying.. that is there are things you simply cannot achieve without paying for power. and that is not SotA. 2: You have to pay for a meaningful power advantage over other players and that advantage is by design to encourage people to pay. Which again.. is not SotA.

    In the end, much of any argument is about each side's definition. It's a bit difficult to understand all sides if you don't share the same definitions on the topic. Which I suppose is off topic but it's important to me at least that people understand where I'm coming from on the matter as I made an earlier comment in this thread on the topic.
  18. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    In Discord chat.
    Time Lord, Miracle Dragon and Leelu like this.
  19. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Chris, this was an amazingly coherent and focused post. Not the wall of text stream of consciousness you usually write. :)

    Thanks for putting the professor hat on for this one. Well done!
  20. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    hmm not finding it.. though I did find some encouraging comments about crafting. :)
    Time Lord and Ancev like this.
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