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SoS PvP !!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Release 33 Feedback Forum' started by Abydos, Sep 11, 2016.

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  1. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    I agree with you. But SotA lacks in gameplay and gamemechanics. So no hurt in trying to get more content for players that don't want to spend money on content (housing and pots) and rather play the game.
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  2. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    From every experience I've had with PVP in MMORPGs, that's exactly what they want. All the PVPers that enjoyed the challenge of a fair fight jumped ship to MOBAs years ago. What we are left with are those that enjoy the destination more than the trip and griefers.
    Time Lord and DancingShade like this.
  3. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    So my question is then what's a pvper? Why can't sota do something and gain its own followers? Why does it have to fit into some "pvp box". PvP didn't exist until a game created it and now everybody expects the same thing redon over and over... I guess that works. If it aint broke then don't fix it. First person shooters are really popular because they give people that same experience with better graphics each time. Does a game with a pvp element need pvpers, or can people just start playing and determine what they like or don't like on their own?

    before there was a game with pvp, there were no pvpers. So how did they get pvper's to want to play their game that had pvp in it when pvpers didn't exist yet?
  4. EtherBunny

    EtherBunny Avatar

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    Easy.....THE MATRIX!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
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  5. Lifedragn

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    Some of them accidentally stumbled upon it because they did not have special You Can Attack This But Not That flags for players and it became an immersive behavior.
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  6. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    is it possible that game review websites don't really know anything? What if the people commenting on all this stuff don't even know what is going on at all? Maybe we don't know what is going on at all? So there is no reason we can't just pretend like we don't know anything at all and strip our minds of everything we know and reexamine the facts and maybe find something new even if the new thing that is done is actually the same thing that has been done before. Let's pretend it has never been done before and make due with what we got, and weave the best pvp experience from the materials at hand.

    For instance, I just watched Apolo 13 last night. They told a few guys to go make a square fit into a circle or whatever... they had to fix a filter using only the materials at hand. Well they did it. I don't know how it all played out in real life but it made for a great movie. If it is aboslutely true then that whole movie is really just awesome. True or not that movie is awesome, because that shows the ideal team. Conflict resolution, putting aside assumptions, innovating with a time limit, and throwing away the instructions and starting from this point now and fix your eyes on the ideal outcome and work towards that, and as new problems arrise make adjustments and from that point forward focus on trying to reach the best posible outcome from that point forward. Even if it were a fairy-tail it makes for an inspiring story.
    Time Lord and DancingShade like this.
  7. GraveDncer

    GraveDncer Avatar

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    Its called cowboys and Indians, snowball fights, fishing with your buddies, hockey, soccer etc. There was PVP long before video games ever became a "thing". Now its virtual and has a name.
    Inevitability, StevieD and Oba Evesor like this.
  8. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    I put a thread in Dev+ asking if the Oracle was torpedoing PVP.

    If you don't have access, here's a copy of the OP
    Is the Oracle torpedoing meaningful PVP?

    The Oracle: (to you) You may have already heard of the Prophecy about the arrival of Otherworlders such as yourself. Due to the potential impact in the world that they represent, I have provided you all some semblance of protection, which blocks you from attacking one another until your fates are known. However, if you are brave if not foolhardy, I can remove those protections. Just ask me to remove protection if you desire that I do this.
    Duke Avery: (to The Oracle) remove protection
    You are now flagged for Open PvP.
    The Oracle: (to you) Very well, Duke Avery, if that is what you truly desire, other outlanders are now free to attack you. If you ever change your mind, simply ask me to restore protection.
    Duke Avery: (to The Oracle) restore protection
    You are no longer flagged for Open PvP.
    The Oracle: (to you) Very well, Duke Avery, if that is what you truly desire, my protection of you versus attacks from other otherworlders has been restored. If you ever change your mind, simply ask me to remove protection.

    I'd like to dissect the Oracle text for a moment:
    • What does it mean when the Oracle says "until your fates are known"? Will there be a time when my virtue status determines my PVP flag?
    • In the opening dialog the Oracle says "brave if not foolhardy" and it leaves me feeling as though the Oracle is telling me that I'm being foolish and reckless by requesting a PVP flag; it's almost like the game doesn't want me to partake in PVP. Am I reading it wrong?
    • Moving forward, after I request remove protection the Oracle says to me "if that is what you truly desire, other outlanders are now free to attack you". Ok, I get that. But I'm also free to continue on a virtuous path where I may encounter others who wish to live and play in a meaningful Open PVP world where actions have consequences. Not everyone is going to be an outlaw. I think the Oracle's response here could be a little more optimistic.
    • Closing the loop, when I ask to restore protection the Oracle says to me "if that is what you truly desire, my protection of you versus attacks from other otherworlders has been restored". Again, I get that and it comes across as a little bit pretentious; almost like an I told you so when you give it context from her previous responses. There's an assumption in the Oracle's words that the PVP experience has been negative or unpleasant.
    I'd like the see the Oracle say things that are more supportive of the player's desire to participate in PVP and I hope that anything that Portalarium provides by way of factions allows for virtuous PVP. Not everyone want's to be just a victim or an outlaw, some encouraging words from the Oracle could go a long way to framing meaningful PVP in SotA.

    I think the Oracle needs to do a better job of introducing and talking up PVP.

    I also want to know what Portalarium means when they talk about meaningful PVP. I have a Keep in a PVP town and I like harvesting in the Shardfalls... and my idea of meaningful PVP is going to be something waaaaay different from most of you. I want PVP that vibes off the virtue system somehow, and skills, crafting, and decos that can leverage PVP mechanics - things that are specific to PVP would be great.

    I know the PVP game is being looked at by Portalarium. After I posted the list of Open PVP locations I shot Starr, LB, and Chris a message asking for comment on what meaningful PVP is.... I want a quote for the list, but I also want to know for myself - because I don't know what to expect. I got an answer back from Starr and he told me they'd work on one. So many people want loot, and more loot, and better loot, and full loot, and at the end of that conversation I could give two shits about loot to be honest. I want a solid PVP game that I can fold onto my PVE game, so for now I'm waiting for the quote.

    I think it was @Abydos that rolled me in a Shardfall a few days ago and walked away with a 9k ransom. Man, I really wish I could have paid that... I couldn't and I lost a +1 rockmaple bow. And that's my supporting example of why I think loot mechanics aren't going to make sense until the economy finds balance. All you UO players that miss the good ole days - I don't know what those were, I never played UO. But I do have an idea of what SotA is, and I want PVP to fit in a meaningful way and make sense.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    StevieD and Abydos like this.
  9. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Well PvP should work hand in hand with the Virtues... so the trick would be to make that meaningful from a mechanical sense without going with the obvious "I'm good and you're bad!"

    The alternative is "no PvP until you're at some arbitrary level"... and I hate that even more.
    Time Lord, Duke Avery and StevieD like this.
  10. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    When PvP was first a topic for SotA I thought the devs planned on making gear and level less important. That's not the case.

    I'm not about to PvP against someone that's been grinding to high levels and has a fully decked out set of gear when I'm just starting out. Would be boring for both parties.

    There are many things that can kill PvP. Some take a long time others kill PvP outright. A massive grind and gear check for anyone wanting to start makes it easy to say "why bother" right out the gate.
    Net, Time Lord and Ravicus Domdred like this.
  11. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    How about instead of a virtue hit for giving into the insanity of the shardfalls what if there is a small chance that a subtle insanity sets hold for a while after they gave ito the urge to murder in cold blood at the shard fall. Also the more people you kill the greater the likelihood that your avatar suffers from tgis temporary mental illness. ..

    It could manifest at first as if the NPCs are angry or rude to them. However it isn't real it is only perceived in conversation with the NPCs. So the player thinks the NPCs are being rude to them. Then it can get worse so that guards start muttering insults as that avatar walks by.

    The player might take offense and tell the guards to go f-off and then it can escalate to the guards trying to detain the avatar to calm him down (because from the guards' perspective the avatar is acting crazy but to the avatar the guards are aggressive and rude). Then the avatar can attempt to resist arrest by fleeing or worse attack and murder the guards.

    So in all this the avatar has numerous chances to make a better choice. If the guards try to detain the avatar and the avatar submits they might try to console him and call a healer to try to calm the avatar and help him recover, telling him he was acting bewitched.

    Or something like that. Which causes the player to think they have done bad deeds in the shardfall and thus are treated like a criminal and they then might choose to act like a criminal since they belive others think they already are criminals.
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  12. Time Lord

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Or... sinister or not... Because most RG games show us that we are not good or evil, but humans on a voyage of self discovery...
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  13. Gix

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    Whatever it is, it would have to work in the context of someone who would only be playing SotA for PvP... So the consequences have to go beyond the NPC interaction.
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  14. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    Positive/virtuous consequences too please. I don't want to be an outlaw - but happy to hunt them down. :)
    Gix, Time Lord and StevieD like this.
  15. Vrunk Hrrk

    Vrunk Hrrk Avatar

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    HRR'K Me hope PvP dunjon iz comingz, kobold frenz can kill hoomans. Yez, deep, dark PvP dunjon for uz Kobold to hunt in packz
    Retro, GraveDncer, Spinok and 3 others like this.
  16. Deiniak

    Deiniak Avatar

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    before there was a game with pvp, there were no multiplayer
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  17. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    Yeah. I suppose overcoming the fear of everyone possibly thinking you are a bad person is worthy of a virtue boost. Believing in yourself regardless what others appear to think of you especially if you have worked hard at trying to act like a good person and rather than praise you get treated like a scumbag. Thinking the world is unfair can lead to tough moral dilemma situations.

    Most people were nice to the avatar in ultima and thought of him as a hero. If you don't get the praise will you still act virtuous? What if you actually think you are not worthy? Selfloathing is worse since you can chalk up criticism as persecution, but if you think you messed up, you might contemplate giving up since your selfrigheous persuits were a failure.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    Ravicus Domdred and Time Lord like this.
  18. Inevitability

    Inevitability Avatar

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    I remember playing doom which was booted from dos over 2 telephone wires and 2 computers in a lan. My brother and I would fight each other. That was old school computer pvp!

    We definitely need some sort of pvp changes.. There is no incentive at the moment maybe if you transfer xp on a pvp kill and introduce lvl difference too. So if a player lvl 50 kills a 75 he steals 30k xp. The lvl 75 would only gain 10k xp if he killed the lvl 50. This would make people want to attack them so they can gain xp for killing them.. maybe also take out 10% for the oracle so no xp farming between characters can occur..

    We also need a revamp to the pricing of the oracle loot. All the regs should be buy back on a 1.25 of what the reg goes for the lowest. All of the crafted and enchanted armor and weapons need to be on some sort of economy pricing of what refined resources that were put into the item. Then take that total and divide it by 75%? or even equal so in theory it would cost the same to buy back as it would be to recraft? I am open for 50% to 100%

    Moveable player bars PLEASE!! So I can adjust my screen how I like not so i have to keep looking all the way up to the top left of my huge monitor :)

    Sticky combat mode either auto attack or charged attack.(or even a combo of the 2 its auto attack unless u hold in a key for charged attack - But still allowing left click hold for movement..) make weapons less clunky..(tired of hitting t)

    Make buffs and heals always hit yourself (unless you target someone in your party) tired of hitting healing touch as an emergency only to heal a party member and die.. Same thing with my stat buffs tired of always buffing party members of overwriting their stat buffs.. (especially harmful for lower level players in group who are casting these spells on a higher lvl player in the group (by accident or not knowing) hindering his damage and defenses.

    A (movable) Target of Target stat bar. Would be extremely helpful to healers who can target their tank then also still see the enemy he has targeted to attack it and also heal him

    There are many more things too but this is what I came up with right now..

    I have been suggesting things to them to change for years but they dont seem to listen so.
  19. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
    aye, the virtues are about the choices you make, there are no wrong choices really. Its just different paths.
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  20. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
    I to have made many, many threads on guild warfare Ideas and faction Ideas, but have had little to no feedback from the devs. I have had tons of positive feedback from the community though on them. I wish they would either tell me "hey great Idea" or "man that is a **** idea, quit posting" lol
    StevieD, Duke Avery and Time Lord like this.
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