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SoS PvP !!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Release 33 Feedback Forum' started by Abydos, Sep 11, 2016.

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  1. Abydos

    Abydos Avatar

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    PvP players leave the game slowly but surely.
    It is sadly true :(

    Give a goal to PvP and fast please.

    The PvP love and pleasure are not enough,

    To the 3-4 PvE players-Anti-PvP-Master-Troll in this forum, for the love of PvE, would you kill monsters if they did not give you anything ? Bah, yup .....
  2. agra

    agra Avatar

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    The current goal is the Monty Haul resources you get in the Shardfalls. Which are now forced PvP Multiplayer.

    Unless you're saying the change to forced PvP Multiplayer for the Shardfalls didn't work? :):p:D
  3. Inevitability

    Inevitability Avatar

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    Maybe if when they came out it was forced multiplayer might have made a change. A lot of pvpers already left and not coming back so making a change this late changes nothing..
    Time Lord, Abydos and Ravicus Domdred like this.
  4. Abydos

    Abydos Avatar

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    Shardfall are just are unattractive. Who really need to go in SF for ressources ? No one. It's a waste of time, in addition, there is no xp to do in SF.
    Time Lord and KuBaTRiZeS like this.
  5. agra

    agra Avatar

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    Then why did so many Pro-PvP players insist on the change? Seems odd.. Each shardfall in each region has either the best available trees or cotton bushes, at the very least. And it's a source of Obsidian Chips for awesome Chaos magic!
    Time Lord, Jivalax Azon and Net like this.
  6. Net

    Net Avatar

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    The xp from gathering is quite good there and for anything but ores they are really good gathering spots. The flayers give 1000 xp irc, which is not bad, but I know most people prefer AoE at higher leves for higher xp per second gains...
    Also I think the ruins scenes are PvP multiplayer only too now.

    Though when you are flagged, you should see other flagged people in most scenes, no need to go in shardfalls then.
    Time Lord likes this.
  7. Drothar Battleforge

    Drothar Battleforge Avatar

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    I don't PvP in this game because it is Mage/Ranged or bust, so I will just get my PvP fix in BDO till it is more flushed out.
  8. Inevitability

    Inevitability Avatar

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    Because it should have been that way from the start
    Dhanan, Time Lord and Abydos like this.
  9. LiquidSky

    LiquidSky Avatar

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    Hmm...I decided I need a refill on my Obsidian chips so I thought I would brave a shardfall to get me some.

    I was there for 2 hours farming. Not a single person came in during the whole 2 hours I was there.

    I guess pvp'rs cant be bothered to check.
  10. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    To the 3-4 Open PvP Full Loot people here, this system obviously doesn't work for many people. Otherwise much more games would use it but instead more and more games offer consensual PvP with zones or just arenas or very strict PvP rules. Which MMO with Open PvP and Full Loot has been very successful in recent time? Why did Ultima Online have to introduce Trammel and Felucca?
    I think this is a dying playstyle as it can cause much frustration and no one wants to be frustrated while playing a game. Players want to have quick sense lf achievements. I think it is a handful of very load people who are asking for such things.
    I don't do PvP and wanting to force me to do it or introduce frustrating features just causes me to hate it even more.
    Snazz, Blackheath, Dariog and 5 others like this.
  11. Myrcello

    Myrcello Avatar

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    So you call the Sandbox DayZ a handfull?

    So you call "Albion" that is under develoment and surpassed easy the amount of SotA Gamers a handfull

    So you call "Das Tal" a handful

    So you call "H1Z1" a handfull.

    Why is the long dominant MMO market falling apart and Companies moving away.

    Why are Competition, PvP and Sandbox Survivals the new "Huge Market"
    DotA, Smite,LoL easy over 100 Million Gamers market!

    Even Solo Games with "Survival,Punichment" are on the rise everywhere.

    The Long Dark and countless others.

    On TV the Survival Movies hype.

    I tell you one 100% truth i believe in.

    If SotA would have gone from start a clear message to build up on the current market trend and create a SotA respecting the "today market" then we would have lost some Social Players maybe but would have gotten a fresh "on the edge of time" game.

    The Gaming Market has changeg and what Games want.

    Maybe 1996 it was the right decision.
    Back then you did require handholding not only for the game but for the internet itself.

    But 2016 - are different customers and a different market.

    You are in my opinion 1000% wrong.

    SotA lost because it did not see the trend in my opinion even if it is right at there face

    Life is Feudal should have failed based on your assumption but has more Gamers then SotA??
    4 times the average player base then SotA.

    A peak of over 7000 compared to 600,700 at SotA ever online at once.
    Also a Early Access.

    Based on your argument it should be the other way?

    How come not?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    Maeryck, Time Lord and KuBaTRiZeS like this.
  12. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    Albion had to introduce special zones for PvP and add many PvE elements recently.
    The Kickstarter campaign of Das Tal failed.
    DayZ and H1Z1 run on the hype of zombies that is successful nowadays.

    Also the whole genre does have one problem: Why should I begin a new MMO if my friends are playing another one which we like and are successful in? Why should players from DayZ or H1Z1 suddenly begin to play SotA?

    Then there is the "focus" on story in SotA. Story, quests and open PvP don't work well together. SotA will realize this in some time when people try to follow the quests and are forced to do PvP in story related scenes and get frustrated. Why do you think there is such a discussion going on here about PvP? It is a concept for a niche. SotA does cater to a rather small number of players due to some of its design decisions and features. Further reducing those numbers could mean the end of this game.

    Also survival elements and PvP are two different kinds of things. And I doubt that those would work together well either.

    If you look at the gaming market in 2016 you can see that MMO after MMO has either to be canceled or they struggle to survive. But there is a boom regarding mobile games. This is the gaming market of today and at least for me it shows that people don't want to play complex games anymore like they did about 10-15 years ago. This may only be temporary but for me it definitely looks like this. Even Blizzard doesn't talk about numbers for WoW anymore, because they are shrinking. But on the other hand the card game Hearthstone, the MOBA Heroes of the Storm and the shooter Overwatch are immensely successful - they are small games with a fast gameplay that give players achievements very fast. Yes they are PvP games but a very different kind of PvP games. They are very focused games that are not wrapped in complex mechanics that take a long time to understand or much time to invest. If people want to invest much time in a game they don't want to get frustrated by being forced into open PvP with full loot, especially in a story driven game - just my opinion.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    uhop, Dariog, Arradin and 3 others like this.
  13. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    This could be an accurate assessment after all.

    I had a great time pvping in UO. I was on the positive side of the loot cycle or whatever. I began in an order guild and later moved to chaos which was far more fitting. I did that for about a year. Trammel came along and I had to go back to fel for pvp and then they opened up order and chaos on tram as well. Worked great for me till factions.... which was utter insanity. The massive lag and the sheer numbers of players... I think voice communications started becoming more common and I found that I began dying once or twice a day instead of once per week (huge difference).

    I liked pvp because I didn't make a habit of dying at all. When I did die I was furious and never accepted that another could be good enough to compete with me. Probably not a healthy perspective but not far off because I did have a good sense as to when to run and when I was at little risk. Also having dsl ensured a stable connection which not everyone had.

    So perhaps my memory of pvp was based upon my success. When my success tuned into loss I lost interest (after factions). I could no longer go back to order vs chaos because at that time everyone seemed to be going nuts over the factions thing, the lag and shear numbers ensured a loss and a full loot at any given moment and knowing when to run had become unreliable and I never had the even paced encounters like i did before when there were only at the most 3 or 4 enemies (order) in a given town and possibly some new allies (chaos) too.

    So maybe the fact that my gear was lost it made pvp unviable. The guarantee of death is the guarantee of dissatisfaction. If I know that by skill I can avoid death (while looting numerous people in the meanwhile) for quite a long time then full loot is fine for me. The reverse is not fun.
  14. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    I remembered feeling totally dissatisfied with WoW pvp because death was guaranteed because all players move the same speed and it was only a matter of time till the enemies turned on you and we die and wait to respawn and wash repeat and try to get a high number of kills or whatever before the time runs out. DPS was all that mattered, and PvP weapons were only good in PvP and the pve weapons were only good in pve.

    SotA has sprints and manoeuvres that can lend for a good escape (but not guaranteed but surely better than wow). Also the difference in knowing what is or isn't an ideal dps build is also good (or maybe not depending on how long it takes to figure out what works best for us and it might be too soon to tell how it will all play out).

    Looting might actually be the thing WoW got right considering how valuable items are in that game. SotA items are also extremely valuable and looting might be the biggest problem for pvp. The biggest disincentive (which was and is the most argued reason to have pvp). Full loot, or any loot might be the nonsense that needs to go.

    If as said above that the "pvpers" have left ... is it pvpers or just those wanting full loot? Full loot sailed long ago. Perhaps it is worth taking a look at the remaining players and the style of players for the target market and see if NO loot at all might be acceptable?

    ****I'm not trying to force any opinion either way. I've argued the opposite before, while my perspective might have changed my experience in the past remains the same. That may or may not be significant to anyone, but to me I'm shocked that I would come to a conclusion so opposite of what I thought I knew was absolutely right as far as wjat made pvp good.

    I now honestly don't know. Is looting good for sota at all I don't know. Is there something better? I don't know? What is portalarium's goal? I don't know. Whatever it is, is the solution different if they want to turn a profit vs just trying to make the game they believe is right, or are the two one? I don't have a freeking clue. Hope this helps.

    Sorry for the long texts. I've written so much on this topic befor I felt almost obligated to weigh in on it now. My thinking has evolved radically since the start of this... whatever I was then I don't think now that's for sure. Does that mean I was wrong then? I don't know. Am i right now... I don't know but my opinion has definitely changed and not without giving it a lot of thought.

    ***in any case I seem to think a reasonable ransom was the best and probably only thing needed**** now that i can get more gold I suspect I will venture into pvp zones sooner rather than later.
    Armaden Restal and Time Lord like this.
  15. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    We just need full loot for PVP players (when part of items are destroyed and other part is lootable by another player). It completely would not affect any players who dont want PVP. But 90% players who want PVP will support this changing. Also for high level characters (who usually do PVP) to lost their armor and weapon wouldnot be a problem at all. For hardcore players even lost of +11 bow and armor would not be a problem , finally we will have additional money sink and happiness of PVP player, and completely NOTHING will be changed for non PVP players:cool:

    EVE ONLINE - the most successfull sandbox mmorpg of all times.
    Time Lord likes this.
  16. Lord_Darkmoon

    Lord_Darkmoon Avatar

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    You just need full loot for PvP players when PvP is now forced in some scenes? Even story related scenes?

    The numbers of EVE Online are declining as well. Why do they now introduce some kind of a Free2Play mode? Why did CCP have to lay off many people and cancel World of Darkness? The game isn't as successful as it was.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2016
    DancingShade and Time Lord like this.
  17. DancingShade

    DancingShade Avatar

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    Maybe "full loot" should be a toggle option for players who like to live dangerously. If they toggle it on and die then anyone can full loot them.

    Best of both worlds!
    Sir Cabirus and Time Lord like this.
  18. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    The biggest reason you are not seeing many pvping right now is, most people cannot afford it with the current economy. If they made it full loot, that is only going to make it even worse. Another reason is we just went through a wipe, and many are still exping. I do agree they should do something to make the shardfalls more attractive.
    Vrunk Hrrk and Time Lord like this.
  19. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    It is not a problem which can not be solved. It just a few scenes of hundreds. Pretty sure that powerfull guilds would make a service - pay 300 gold and we will escort you in Midras to crypt of the avatar(as an example), and also as it is a source of money we will see good combat for right to control it... Sandbox is so good becouse it very flexible. For example for now I see completely zero reasons for PVP player go to ruins scenes, it is just waste of time.

    I dont believe that guys with 550+, 600+, 700+ hp havent got money for pvp. Imho for 90% who will participate in PVP still exping is main reason.
    Tibs and Time Lord like this.
  20. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    Double resources is not enough?

    Then the devs should remove resources from shardfalls and try something else.
    Beno Ledoux, agra, Blackheath and 2 others like this.
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