Through the Eyes of a New Player

Discussion in 'New Player Welcome' started by thesometimeslurker, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. thesometimeslurker

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    Hello Everyone!

    I only recently bought SOTA a few days ago, and I wanted to share my thoughts and provide some feedback on the game by giving my experiences and feedback about each individual tree that I train (the first of this would be Chaos).

    Before I begin though, I want to thank my friends and guildmates in the Order of Chivalry, as well as the other people who posted in my first new player thread to help me get started. Seriously, you guys are the best and I probably wouldn’t have gotten very far without you all!


    My first tree that I have currently leveled past one hundred, I absolutely love the concept behind the tree: High risk, high reward, high chance of disruption, and unpredictability. I'm a little annoyed about just how hard to get obsidian chips can be for low levels, but I guess power does come at a price.


    When I first purchased this spell, received a few obsidian chips, and cast it for the first few times, I was excited: I could finally contribute in high level fights with my friends! But, as time went on through my continued castings (when the spell would connect, and the mob wouldn't resist it), I felt like my excitement was premature. The debuff would appear, but any mob hit by it would still continue to act normally! Talk about a huge letdown!

    After some reassurance from a hospitaller that the skill was FAR from useless, in PVP anyway, I resigned myself to the fact that Confusion would most likely be a skill I never use again, unless I plan to PVP. I think it should have some form of additional effect, like maybe a slight speed decrease since Confusion already messes with your movement, or some form of alternate behavior for mobs only when they are hit.

    Chaos Bolt:

    Remember how I felt let down from Confusion? Felt nothing of the sort with this skill, though I had my reservations about it because of the nasty increase to enemy damage chance. However, the beneficial effects and the damage that Chaos Bolt does outstrip that one negative effect. With this, I was actually able to contribute to the raids I went with by dealing damage (very small amounts though, but still) since one of the effects for Chaos Bolt is a penalty to damage avoidance.

    The only gripe I have with the spell, is that it usually doesn't go off when the casting animation is complete. It usually takes a couple of seconds for the actual animation to play and the damage to be inflicted. Other than that, I feel like this skill is in a good place right now.


    I'm not sure how I would place this skill. I know you use it for a combo, but I don't see most of them as being useful right now. The combos to summon the opposite elementals, and the combo to extinguish light in an area don't seem worth it. The rest seem really good though, with pulling a target closer to debuffing one of the three stats. I think adding more combos (especially from other trees, like Sun-Moon, Death-Life etc) would help boost the skill's overall usefulness.

    Chaotic Clone:

    I don't like skill. Not one bit. Why? Because it's borderline useless for the price of an obsidian chip. The clone you summon does nothing besides follow you. Mobs will rarely attack it, and that is only if they aggro onto it in the first place, and it never fights back (or at all for that matter). It doesn't even do anything for PvP, because of the subtitle "owned by ( x player )!"

    This skill definitely needs to be worked on. My suggestion would be to make the clone temporary, using the same skills as the summoner (with reduced damage of course) and hide the subtitle. I would also add an additional effect for the clone that makes it generate aggro, to make it more useful in PVP. I think this would make it far more useful to everyone.

    Torpid Torment:

    I feel like this skill is geared more towards PvP, as the only time I've seen this skill work in PvE is when I used on mage enemies. Still, I believe this skill is most definitely useful. Being able to deal indirect damage whenever an opponent uses focus is one hefty advantage, and definitely worth using up obsidian chips for! Though I've been told that it doesn't do much damage even while leveled, but I've yet to experience that.

    Chaotic Feedback:

    When first I used it, I felt like it was the, "Give your designated healer a heart attack for 30 seconds." You can probably guess when I used it. That being said, being able to cast skills faster and draw faster made me feel real powerful.....Even though I was missing most of the time. Be very careful when you use it though, because although I've found it pairs with life drain spells beautifully, it's not something you should use a lot. If you are in a raid, coordinate with your healer so they don't go and lecture you afterwards (SORRY AGAIN).

    Chaotic Step:

    When I used this spell, I admit I enjoyed it. Being able to teleport randomly is extremely useful! However it is currently really buggy. When leveling the skill, I discovered that the chance for the skill to consume obsidian chips would drop from 65%. So I leveled it to the point where the chance became 0%. However, the skill still consumes my chips regularly, like nothing has changed. Is the chance for the chips being consumed supposed to go down or stay at 65%?

    Tabula Rasa:

    A PvP only spell, this spell seems to be a bit of a gamble when you use it. The wording seems to imply that it is only useful against people who use combat decks or hybrids, instead of a static hotbar. Don't get me wrong, I think it is still extremely useful, it's just that if your opponent has a static hotbar, then this skill really isn't going to do much for you. Maybe an additional effect could be added, or it could change the numbers to activate the skills for the static hotbar?

    Summon Daemon:

    When one of my guildmates first showed me this skill, I was excited. The Daemon is the COOLEST looking combat pet in my opinion. However, I do feel really disappointed with it. The guildmate who summoned it challenged me to a duel, and reassured me that only the daemon would fight me. Reluctantly, I agreed. I soon discovered just how underwhelming the daemon was in combat! I only had around 115 health and the time, and it was only doing 9 damage to me! And this thing had more than TWICE my health pool, not to mention the guy who summoned it had FAR more than that! Still, that didn't stop me from picking up my own and giving him a test run. The only things I've seen him do are melee attacks and occasionally running back to cast Chaos Bolt. I like the last part, but from a Chaos Daemon, I do expect more out of it.

    In my opinion (after looking at all the pets and being told some of the gimmicks for them) I do think the Daemon should be the most powerful, since you have to burn another skill just to control it (in the future release anyway). I think it should deal the most damage, or deal a good amount of damage and have more Chaos spells such as Confusion, Torpid Torment, and Chaotic Step. Something to add to the emphasis of high risk/high reward concept that Chaos has.

    I think that Chaos is decent tree (still my favorite), but still has several problems that need to be worked out. What do you guys think? Hopefully this feedback helps out a lot!

    I'll be doing the Death skill line next in the future, as I'm curious about the summonable Lich and the more powerful life drains.
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  2. Max Bennis

    Max Bennis Avatar

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    Good to know you're enjoying!
  3. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Terrific feedback Perashim. Thanks for posting. :)
  4. thesometimeslurker

    thesometimeslurker Avatar

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    The generate aggro part was more for PvE use, than PvP.

    Almost halfway done with leveling up the Death tree, I still need to pick up the other two life drains, Death Shield, Summon Lich (Can't wait), Undead Mastery, and Mummified Undead. I'm not sure how I'm going to review the passives, but I'll think of something by the time I'm done.
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  5. High Baron O`Sullivan

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    Great write up, hope to see more!
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  6. thesometimeslurker

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    Thanks to a huge amount of help from the guild, this review is coming out a little early! Seriously, thank you guys. I hope that one day soon I can do more than just cast Torpid Torment on mobs when we go through dangerous areas that I'm underleveled for.


    "Necromancy, like any other school of magic, is a tool to be used. Although, we don't go flaunting it to the locals."

    My second tree past 100, currently my highest right now (over 300). This tree emphasizes the manipulation of the dead (be it EXPLOOOOOSION or making undead) and life drains. This skill line was much easier to level, at least in the beginner skills. Then it become a huge grind, especially with the passives and summoning.

    Tap Soul:

    Another “Guaranteed Healer Heart Attack” skill. Not something useful for combat, unless you feel like training up a couple of life drains at a greater risk for yourself. I find that this skill, is absolutely perfect for training healing skills out of combat. I found it a pretty common sight to see someone spamming Tap Soul and then following it up with some form of healing spell. That being said (I’m not sure if anyone else has come across this bug), sometimes the skill activates twice, despite me only pressing the input once. When that happens, I lose twice the health but gain only a small amount of mana back, like I’ve only used it once.

    Corpse Explosion:

    Part of my main source of damage while training up the earlier parts of this tree, this skill is extremely useful against everything….except undead. I find this skill to be very well done, as it’s lack of use until there is a corpse is offset by just how much sheer damage the spell does! The only thing I would suggest, is to make each corpse only explode once. Seriously, how many times can a destroyed skeleton explode? I would offset this by increasing the damage slightly, and increasing the amount of XP you gain overall, as well as increasing the xp gain per corpse you explode, rewarding players who kill mobs in a group.

    Death Touch:

    My first life drain, was originally going to be written off as low damage and useless. However, as I leveled up (and actually used it the closer I was to death) I don’t feel that way anymore. I feel this skill doesn’t need any work, though it is worth mentioning that Death Touch needs time and work in order for you to actually feel like it’s worth using. Maybe the initial damage numbers could be tweaked in the first few levels, but I’m really not sure. Again, I feel like this, and all of the drains, are in a good place.

    Death Mastery:

    The first passive I’m reviewing! Why are the numbers for this skill so small? I have this skill at level 40, and the only increase it gets is level 40…...I understand that increasing damage on life drains is risky, since too much and it becomes everyone’s new favorite main source of damage. However, I feel like this is just….too small. My suggestions would be to increase the overall effectiveness of the passive, maybe it could total 25% at 100? I’m really not sure. I would also increase the amount of XP this skill gains when you use a life drain skill at later levels. After getting frustrated about having to spam Death touch/ray on mobs just to get a small bit of xp, I eventually just resorted to spamming Corpse Explosion because I was getting the same amount.

    Summon Skeleton:

    I’ll admit, this one surprised me. While this combat pet still suffers from abysmal damage, it’s hardiness in combat despite having health decay and being damaged by mobs is a huge point in its favor. Out of combat? Not so much. If he’s out of combat, expect the skeleton to die very quickly. Despite it being a tanky little pile of calcium in combat, I do think a couple of things need to be changed (horrible damage aside). I think that the skeleton needs to have a weapon of some sort. Seriously, why is he charging into combat with nothing but his bare knuckles? I would expect a zombie to do this, but a skeleton? The next thing would be (and this goes for anything with health decay), have a few seconds of delay between the completed summoning of the skeleton, and when the health decay kicks in. Too many times have I summoned it, only to find it was already missing a portion of its health after its spawn animation was completed. Just enough time for the skeleton to get moving/get into combat (if summoned in combat) after it’s summoned before the decay starts.

    Death Ray:

    Again, these types of skills are in very good spots. However, there is only one thing that I don’t like: The Death Touch animation plays when the skill is done, but there is no other visual animation that tells the player (or other players) that it is an actual “ray.” Maybe an animation could be implemented?

    Undead Mastery:

    It does….Something? Only time I have ever noticed a change with my undead when I leveled this skill, was a simple +1 to hp. I mean, additional hp when you have health decay is good, but a +1 from a passive that is a nightmare to train? I really hope the additional percentage for effectiveness actually does something in the future, because right now….It’s just kinda wasting my xp pool since I don’t plan on using the undead combat pets much anymore(Though I have been told that more in it is better, I have yet to see it but I’ll take their word for it). My suggestion, would be damage increase, damage resistance increase, or maybe undead summoned by you now start life draining with their base attacks (it would help them gain more sustain), and the amount of life drained would be dependent on how high you have leveled this skill? Just some suggestions. One more would be to vastly increase the amount of XP you get when using and undead summoning spell. How many skeletons do I need to summon before my Undead Mastery finally gets to level 40? At least 30 more….Honestly, it’s more efficient just to spam corpse explosion, life drain spells, and tap soul.

    Mummified Undead:

    Another questionable passive. The concept is incredibly useful for this tree, especially if you plan on using undead combat pets commonly. However, I have this skill at 39, and I have NEVER seen any kind of decrease in the health decay for the undead that I have summoned, except for a slight increase depending on its health pool. This needs to be changed! The numbers could be tweaked a little, maybe a little increase, but if they’re gonna keep health decay, then it shouldn’t be too much of change. I get the whole point with the undead pets here: No focus upkeep, but you have a limited amount of time to work with the bundle of fun.

    Death Shield:

    Now this is a good buff for everyone to have: Being able to convert incoming damage into hp is a huge asset in any situation. It keeps you in the fight longer, and takes some stress off of your healer (who probably won’t chew you out for using Chaotic Feedback…. Probably). As if that wasn’t enough, the skill also increases your attunement to death as long as the shield is active. So if (somehow) your health is starting to get low and the shield is active, just spam every drain spell you know, you’ll get more out of them with this nifty shield. An alternative is to just kill everything with Corpse explosion. The only gripe (and it’s not even that big of one) I have is that the shield uses the death touch animation. Maybe the red skull could appear, disappear, and a dim outline of a black spherical shield could appear on the player as long as the shield is active?

    Death Field:

    Again, nothing wrong with this spell, except I think there should be an AoE aesthetic that happens when you cast it so everyone understands which spell it is.

    Summon Lich:

    Oh man….This skill…..I actually feel really bad for asking my guild to help me with the quest to unlock this skill (I mean they got xp, loot, gold, and got to mine the ores….At least I hope all of them did) because of how bad it is. It’s not worth burning reagents to use, and here’s why with a little bit of what I was thinking when the first summoning happened:

    When I first summoned him, I had already resigned myself to the fact that it wasn’t going to do much damage. But hey, maybe since the skeleton was somewhat tanky in combat, this thing would be too, or have some good spells at its disposal (Like a certain undead pet you can summon). Despite my resignations about the spell, I was really happy about how it looked: Menacing, ancient and powerful, not to mention it radiated an aura of superiority and danger along with it (and don’t even get me started on the sounds it makes). Definitely my second favorite combat pet on looks alone, based on all of the ones I’ve seen. Then I actually tried to use him in combat….That’s when things became….disheartening.

    The Lich is a melee fighter. While this idea isn’t one I’m against (I’m used to liches being spellcasters because playing oblivion, D&D and a couple of other fantasy games will do that to you), but let me correct myself: The Lich is an extremely slow moving melee fighter with health decay that looks silly when it attacks due to the fact that in its current state, the axe is impaling its hand horizontally. In its first actual combat, it lost almost half of its health just getting over to the battle and it was only a few yards away. Even summoning this thing in combat doesn’t help, since it moves as fast as a sprinting snail when getting to an aggroed mob.....when leashed.

    My suggestions for this pet:
    1. Change the Lich into a spellcaster. Yes I know there’s already an undead pet that does this, but that one doesn’t take several subways and a bus just to move forward twenty feet! Give it a variety of Fire, Moon, Death, and maybe Water(Ice) spells that it can wield. Make it an extremely versatile spellcaster to compensate its slow speed and health decay.

    2. Remove the Health Decay on the Lich and turn it into a Death Focused spellcaster who occasionally summons a weak zombie: Give it all of the Life Drains, Tap Soul, Death Shield, Maybe some sort of Death Bolt, and maybe a summon weak zombie (with health decay), and I think this would turn it into a useful combat pet that wouldn’t do too much damage,but would just be an utter pain to put down. And since it would summon a zombie with health decay, you’d get more out of the passives Mummified Undead and Undead Mastery.

    3. Keep Lich as is, increase its speed to match player's (Not to mention fix the axe aesthetic for the Lich): Simplest solution, but I do feel more could be added to the Lich besides keeping it as a “basic melee pet.” Maybe add an aura effect it has that deals damage to enemies in its radius? Or maybe give it an improved Death Shield skill, something to really make it a solid close range fighter.

    Overall, I think that this skill line is in a pretty good state, but I think that Summon Lich and the three passives need some work, the Lich especially. I hope this review on the Death tree helps, but what do you guys think?

    My next review will be over the Moon tree, and hopefully I won’t need to ask my guild and friends for an armed escort to the Master Trainer, or to a tree specific raid.
    Ataniiq, Cordelayne, Numa and 7 others like this.
  7. Luca Xante

    Luca Xante Avatar

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    Awesome feedback, keep up good work my friend :)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
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  8. thesometimeslurker

    thesometimeslurker Avatar

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    Amendment to Summon Lich, Summon Daemon, and Mummified Undead:

    The lich is extremely hardy in combat, just as the skeleton is. The problem is the Lich actually getting to combat. This hardiness doesn't kick in unless the Lich is actually in combat (see Mummified Undead below), hence why my stance about this pet isn't going to change very much.

    Mummified Undead works in combat but not out of combat. I did see that both the skeleton and the lich began to lose less health in combat( it did drop from around 4 health lost per second to 3 health lost per second. Out of combat it still maintains a loss of 7-9 health per second, and those numbers seem to be random), which attests to their hardiness in combat (large hp pools help too).

    The Summoned Daemon seems to take a large amount of damage from itself. I usually notice this when it loses about 20 hp and becomes more attuned to a certain tree, and then less attuned to the tree's opposite. The cap for the attunement is 20. Not really sure how useful this really is, as I have seen the Chaos Daemon actually kill itself with this skill.

    In the future, when I get the magic schools trees all reviewed, I'll edit and amend each one of them based on my continual observations by resposting all of my reviews in a single post in a new thread.

    As of right now, I have almost half of the Moon skills, and they are all halfway to unlocking the next set.
  9. Time Lord

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    I'm enjoying the read @Perashim and looking forward to reading about the continuing journey through your skills :)
    ~Time Lord~:rolleyes:
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  10. Venusada

    Venusada Avatar

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    Awesome posts.
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  11. thesometimeslurker

    thesometimeslurker Avatar

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    Hey Everyone, sorry for not posting in awhile.

    To make up for this, I have not only the Moon tree nearly completed, but the Sun and Fire Tree as well. I hope to put down my reviews for all of them within a week.
  12. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    @Perashim you mentioned several thing in here that appear to be bugs, are you bugging them as you go?
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  13. thesometimeslurker

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    I'm just playing the game and noting repeating features/bugs/glitches/aesthetical problems as I go as well as writing down my thoughts as to what could be better or changed.
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  14. Vladamir Begemot

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    Are you filing the bugs in the bug forum? Since you are putting this much time into it you will probably be a top bug killer if you do.

    Just type /bug in the chat window when you find one.
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  15. Time Lord

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  16. thesometimeslurker

    thesometimeslurker Avatar

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    Most Likely I'll do this inbetween reviews for the magic trees.
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  17. thesometimeslurker

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    "Inside every one of us is an ember. How much you choose to feed it is up to you, but take care not to let it consume you."

    It's pretty easy to figure out what this tree specializes in: Damage, and Damage over Time. I had a fairly easy time leveling these, and the later ones I acquired helped me actually contribute to late game raids.

    Flame Fist:

    The first skill on this list, Flame Fist is an extremely close range damage and damage over time skill. It was my go to damage skill for a few days until I had leveled up several other spells to replace it. The damage for this skill felt good enough for me to keep using it, but since I'm going for cloth glass cannon mage, I had to change it out for another skill. Curiously, the skill also seems to have some sort of Frontal Cone AoE built into it, which makes it more viable to keep if you don't mind wading into the thick of things.

    Ignite Weapon:

    Another melee only skill. This skill adds fire damage and damage over time to whatever weapon you are currently holding (and gives it some cool flame particle effects as well). I rarely did use this skill, as I am focused more on playing a mage, but when I did I found that I could actually do fairly good melee damage. That being said, I never really saw anyone else use this, so I'm guessing it doesn't stack with enchanted weapons. In my opinion, it seems to be a powerful skill that you can drop when you get/enchant a better weapon.

    Fire Arrow:

    One of my primary damage skills at this current time, this skill does respectable damage and comes with the addition of a Damage over Time effect as well. The only issue I have with this skill, is that the DoT effect it has scales extremely poorly. I would increase the DoT's damage more, especially at later levels of the skill.

    Highly Flammable:

    This is a fantastic passive to have, especially since the DoTs this tree has don't scale that well at all!. Not only does it increase your damage output, but it also increases the power of your DoT skills in this tree as well! Definitely worth putting points into, and at later levels I could immediately tell the difference. If you plan on investing in the Fire tree, you should definitely take the time to level this one up.


    Our first actual AoE of the tree! It's okay, as it does decent damage and has it's DoT effect added. There are a few things to consider when using this skill: The DoT scales poorly which makes training the passives in this tree a must, there is cast time for this spell and you can't change the target location, and the last thing is that the projectile itself is extremely slow. The last two parts mean that it isn't a good idea to use it on exceptionally mobile enemies. I know I never do after I kept missing the Phoenix with it. Generally, I don't use this skill on single targets at all because of it. This is why I think the actual projectile needs its shot speed increased, to make it more viable against more mobile threats.


    Another close combat spell, Immolation deals damage over time to any enemy that gets too close, and gives you a small increase to your Fire Attunement. I do like this spell, however to make it viable you have to train the Fire tree passives in order to increase its damage potential. That being said, I've seen many of the higher level people in my guild who use it, even though they are primarily melee. More damage is still damage, and the only thing I would change about it is again, the Damage over Time effect it has, since it is its only primary source of damage.

    Fire Speed:

    Another passive that is required for you to train if you invest heavily in the Fire tree. This passive increases the range and speed of your fire skills, but doesn't do it by much at first. That being said, this passive enhances every single fire skill in the tree, except for the Fire Elemental. I'm still training this passive up because of just how much it effects the skills! I find that it really shines when you use Flame Fist or Immolation.

    Fire Proof:

    This passive increases your attunement to Fire, but only for defensive purposes. Unlike the other two passives, this one is really optional, but useful. Similar to the other passives however, is that you will need to train the skill several levels before you will see any kind of results.

    Ring of Fire:

    Another AoE skill, but this one is sustained for a set amount of time. Unlike Fireball, I quite enjoy tossing this thing down no matter what enemy I come across. That's because unlike Fireball, this thing has a huge radius. Unfortunately, this skill doesn't do very much damage, but considering the radius of the skill? Totally worth it.

    Summon Fire Elemental:

    My first ranged combat pet! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't really use her. I use the Phoenix instead. It's not that she's not good (poor damage aside), she manages to avoid damage because she repositions herself every now and then. The problem with it is that the other ranged pets currently do more than just damage. The water elemental heals, the phoenix revives itself, the wisp debuffs, and the air elemental stuns (I think), the fire elemental only deals damage. I was a little surprised at this too, because the Fire Tree deals with Damage over Time, yet the Fire Elemental only has the same old reused projectile animation used by the Skeletal Mage, Phoenix, and the skill Fireball. Can we have more variety for their attacks please?

    Anyway, my idea for helping to fix the Fire Elemental (besides the damage buff); Give it a secondary attack for an AoE, and add a Damage over Time for both of its attacks. This will make it a much more appealing option for everyone.

    Sorry if this magic tree review seems short, it's just this tree is in an extremely good/stable place, even though you have to invest heavily into the passives in order to make it work. I think that the only things that need to be worked on is a tweak to the Damage over Time, and , of course, a huge buff to the Fire Elemental to make it viable. What do you guys think?

    My next tree review will either be Sun or Moon, depending on which one is completely finished first.
  18. thesometimeslurker

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    I'll also be starting to compile a list of bugs for each tree so I can submit them all, as well as making an idea for a completely new tree called Summoning. The Summoning tree would focus mainly on buffing the combat pets summoned from any of the Magic Tree, as well as fleshing each pet out to be unique in its own way.
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  19. Wintermute of CoF

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    I think it does stack, the main reason why I don't usually have it my deck however is that the cast time vs damage doesn't seem to be worth it compared to other things I could be doing (as melee, at AL 90 with the skill at 70). I am considering putting it in my buff deck and just re-applying it every few minutes of combat.

    The main benefits to the fire elemental compared to other summons are:
    • Even with the recent changes in NPC attack variety, it is basically invulnerable to mages
    • It's a much better light source when mining
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  20. thesometimeslurker

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    Interesting. I've never seen any high level melee fighters that use Ignite Weapons, so I thought that the enchantment issue was the reasoning. I'll put that in my Amendments.

    As for the Fire Elemental, I've noted that that Phoenix provides a similar light source, though it is somewhat weaker. As for the Fire Elemental's invulnerability to mages, the reason I didn't list it was because the Phoenix has the exact same advantage. Every spellcaster I've thrown the Phoenix at, the Phoenix would take no damage from any of its attacks, and the same could be said for the Fire Elemental.

    In my opinion, there's very little reason to use the Fire Elemental. It does damage, is invulnerable to AI magic attacks, and provides a good light source, while the Phoenix deals the same amount of damage, is also immune to AI magic attacks, provides a decent light source, and on top of everything the Phoenix can also revive itself.
    Numa, Time Lord and Wintermute of CoF like this.
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