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The cause i quit SotA - Feedback

Discussion in 'Release 51 Feedback Forum' started by Stundorn, Mar 7, 2018.

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  1. Vodalion [BEAR]

    Vodalion [BEAR] Avatar

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    @Stundorn - I´ll play Sea of Thieves too (played the alpha in December and immediately ordered the game afterwads) - hook me up if you want a companion (Ich bin aus der Nähe von Köln - also nicht weit weg)

    GT: Vodalion

    see you on the Sea !
    Leelu and Stundorn like this.
  2. Thadeus Crook

    Thadeus Crook Avatar

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    Minneapolis, MN
    It's great to have you here!
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  3. Last Trinsic Defender

    Last Trinsic Defender Avatar

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    I talked to David (eMail) and Richard (in person) some time ago about support for local media but they always said - we will see, not now, lateron, lets get started first, no special media or infos for press right now, ... I have eMails from 2014 with David but unfortunately it has not changed much since. We have offered a wide varity of support but it's not the top-priority it seems. And honestly .. there are others who do as well and are more interested in support of their game. Maybe later ...
  4. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    yes, its all perspective, I just know I can just have my near by players list open and add over 20 people a day to it.
    Kain Darkmoor likes this.
  5. jammaplaya

    jammaplaya Avatar

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    This is pretty much the perfect example of the developers recent comments on it not being possible to please every single individual.

    I personally don't feel obligated to focus on developing my Avatar or bankroll at all. Not to mention that I haven't even bothered doing any quests in ~2000 hours of gameplay. Even after that long my main is still only level ~84ish.

    I think the worst thing any casual player could do is play to win. It just isn't possible, and that isn't the developers fault. It's life. They've done everything I think is needed to please casual players by allowing them slight advancements through supporting the project.

    I also don't see "not having a strong RP element coming from a certain country" having anything to do with developers. If anything, roleplaying to me has everything to do with making use of their imaginations and coming up with ideas for things to do outside of needing (or especially asking) developers to hold their hands.

    So this feedback seems totally pointless to me.

    As for group content and PvP I don't doubt that there will be more events etc in the future that will breathe life into these aspects. Like hopefully capture the flag. Pretty basic necessity IMO.
  6. CatweazleX

    CatweazleX Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    In einigen Punkten hat Stundorn recht.

    Irgendwie fehlen die "Gespräche an der Bank" oder einfach mal Tage an denen man nicht daran denkt das man noch Beute heranschaffen muß. Die Pacht für die Grundstücke sind nicht ganz so dolle, auch wenn man sie eigentlich mit Leichtigkeit einfahren kann.
    Dieses "Grinding" liegt vielleicht auch daran, das einen Erwartung ausgesprochen wird, das solche Spiele den Spielern fortwährend ein Aktionsprogramm anbieten müßen, weil ja niemand selbsttätig auf irgendwas kommt, was man denn nun machen könnte. Vielleicht werden auch die Medien das Spiel eher daran messen wie dicht es mit vorgefertigten Aktionen gepackt ist, als es Möglichkeiten zur freien Gestaltung bietet.

    Charakterentwicklung gehört numal zu einem Rollenspiel. Allerdings hat sich seit DAoC/WoW vieles geändert, "Welcher Level bist du?" ist Heutzutage wohl die wichtigste Frage um den Wert eines Charakters festzustellen. Kann mich in den UO:T2A Zeiten nicht daran erinnern das das je ein Thema war, oder nur für wenige. Allerdings kommt das nicht von SotA, man kann auch mit geringer Entwicklung sein virtuelles Leben "finanzieren". Vielleicht wird man nur viel zu sehr mitgerissen von dem ewigen Vergleichen. Es liegt aber auch an einem selber ob man das mitmacht. Unterhalte mich viel mit anderen die schon groß sind, stelle keine Probleme fest.
    Wann dein Charakter "fertig" ist, liegt wohl eher an den eigenen Entscheidungen als an irgendwelchen Begrenzungen.

    Es gibt mindestens zwei Städte die von Deutschen geführt werden und sogar eine die von Italienern geführt wird. Auch habe ich in der eher weniger belebten Langfall Ecke deutsche Spieler getroffen. Sowenige sind wir nicht. Es würde mir auch besser gefallen durchgängig deutsch zu reden und auch einen vernünftig übersetzten Klient zu haben. Und es mutet auch etwas seltsam an ersteinmal englisch zu sprechen, auch wenn jmd. deutschsprachig ist. Aber am Ende des Tages wird die meist verwendete Sprache wohl englisch sein. Habe Finnen, Schweden, Italiener, Türken und Asiaten getroffen spreche allerdings keine dieser Sprachen.

    Was das echte Rollenspiel angeht, nun habe mich nie auf einem echten Rollenspielserver niedergelaßen. Ist nicht mein Ding. Allerdings ist die offiziellen UO-Server auch keine echten Rollenspielserver...
    Es gibt allerdings Spieler die an Rollenspiel interessiert sind und auch eine Stadt die ausdrücklich Rollenspieler sucht. Die Leute zu finden und zu organisieren liegt wohl aber nicht bei den Entwicklern, weil vieles davon keine technische Lösung braucht.

    Der "PvP"-Teil ist auch nicht das was ich erwartet hätte, würde es besser/aufregender finden wenn es eine ungeschützte Welt wäre. Wo man jeden Heilen, Stärken oder aber auch angreifen kann. Aber ein großteil der Spieler würde das nicht mitmachen.

    Für Leute die nur wenig Zeit haben für das Spiel, oder nur wenig Zeit aufbringen möchten, ist es tatsächlich schwer. Hauptsächlich liegt das an dem zu kleinem Bankfach. Ohne Hilfe durch Landbesitzer die wenigstens einen Platz für eine Truhe bereitstellen ist es eher schwer. Vielleicht und Hoffentlich hilft das Vermietersystem. Es wäre aber auch schön, wenn man einen Raum von einem rechnergestützten Charakter anmieten kann.

    Das Spiel entspricht nicht deinen Erwartungen, daran läßt sich nichts ändern.
  7. Parson Barr

    Parson Barr Avatar

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    I'm a very casual player myself but I find reasons to login every day. Sure, it's a lot of grinding for me because I want to make better and better stuff. That takes effort (i.e. Grinding). But honestly what would you do otherwise? Go fight more stuff? No game with a story can give you more than X hours of enjoyment before you run out of things to do. All this other stuff that seems to make players mad is what keeps me coming back. I haven't even played the story yet.

    I'm here because it's a place where people like me can forget their mind numbing marketing job for a short time. With the framework they built it's all up from here.
    Sean Silverfoot and rpgmaniac82 like this.
  8. Mugly Wumple

    Mugly Wumple Avatar

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    I'm a casual player who plays 4-6 hours a week. Granted, I've been around since persistence, but I'm still barely able to survive Tier 5 alone.
    I do not share any of @Stundorn complaints about casual players. I don't expect to compete with dedicated, daily players. I don't grind just to watch numbers go up. I don't manage skills. Choosing to concentrate on advancement while maintaining a casual playstyle would surely lead me to frustration.

    It seems that many of @Stundorn complaints revolve around the lack of players, a problem soon to be resolved.
  9. Senash Kasigal

    Senash Kasigal Avatar

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    Min. 7.
    I know 6 german Governors.
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  10. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    Well my reason is "Because it's Wednesday"
    But I'm a serial ragequitter so there you go. I haven't ragequit for at least a year so I hope that is a good sign.
  11. MasterWan

    MasterWan Avatar

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    People invest and wait forever for a game in development. Then quit weeks before launch. I don’t get it, I get your frustrations but not your decision. I took a year off of the game to get perspective and to wait for progress. You should too.
    Ronni and Kain Darkmoor like this.
  12. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    A permenent free trial might do that.

    How many are there 2-3 months later?

    Like i said. Its a moot point and hopefully enough people stick around they can finnally back pedal to some of the major issues that stopped me from putting more time in. That would be a nice surprise.

    But hopefully the claims of hoards of people waiting till release is true, otherwise the actual numbers dont support much confidence.

    Personally, i think GvG should have been a larger priority.. and have put in more theb enough feedback about it.
    Till then.. camalot unchained is starting beta 2 months after the Sota release.. so other crowdfunded projects will become tempting.

    At the very least* im very interested to see where this development leads.
    Sir_Hemlock likes this.
  13. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    United States
    I'm sorry to see you go Stundorn. I know you fought the good fight to try make this game work for you with all your ideas and examples. Really what is important is that you enjoy the game you are playing even if that means it is not this one for you. So I wish you many lovely days where ever you shall travel and truly just keep an eye out for this game and it's future development. Who knows perhaps something will come a long that will catch your interest in the future to bring you back to us.

    And off topic for this I did discover a German song that I am so hooked on. This is the song. Happy journeys Stundorn and come back if you miss us anytime.

    It sounds great in game on my piano or lute.

    Translated title says it means 'Everything from Love' if I am correct in my research. ;) Be well Stundorn.

    Viel Glück für dich immer Stundorn. Ich hoffe, eines Tages wieder von dir zu hören.

    oops edited the meaning of the title of the song for English. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    Leelu, Stundorn and Numa like this.
  14. Boradic Boneslasher

    Boradic Boneslasher Avatar

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    Sorry to hear another player leaving, not sure on anything bout the german speaking community so i have nothing to say bout that. But as far as the population it should bump up a bit after release i know from back in the weeping 7 days we had over 100 members that bought in joined guild then played none an didn't want to tell release, so i am sure atleast 3/4 them will be back after release, an i know lotc members have took a break tired of the updates an losses an they will be back after release.As far as grinding; YES there is alot of that for the player thats hardcore hell the scenes and zones are causing me to grow a tumor i swear i feel it growing after 6 hours of The Rise or 2 hours of K'rul, but on a plus side a person does not need all that deep grinding to be successful, take Jobe for instance he has a total of 1 GM an while i am adv 102 with 29 gm's there is no doubt he can beat me in all aspects easily, so there is no reason to push yourself grinding..... But yet i still got complaints skills/skill trees of certain ones need some definite work (taming tree is really a shame an will keep people away). But i myself have thought bout leaving an giving it just a little more time to see if it can step up to what it could be. Just in my thoughts if i was you take alil break or just give it alittle time to step up, hell not sure bout you but its been like 4 an a half years i been testing an putting money on hoping for the best. Good Luck any which way you go
    devourerofmemes likes this.
  15. Jezebel Caerndow

    Jezebel Caerndow Avatar

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    Does it still say visitor if they are on the free trail? I hardly see visitor anymore.
  16. Nick

    Nick Avatar

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    Yes it does. Spoke to one trial player a couple of hours ago.
    Cordelayne likes this.
  17. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    1: For the most part, the grind is entirely self imposed. I just "finished" the main storyline at level 48 with no GMs, no crafted gear and no buffs what so ever and minimal healing. So no grinding at all there. Everything beyond that is sandbox, you choose how you play. But how do you expect to earn anything without going out and.. earning it? There is no 'win' condition imposed by the game.

    2: What did you expect prior to launch?

    3: Who is forcing anyone to compete here? I'm not exactly "hardcore".. certainly no where near the level of player we consider hardcore around here. Yet, nothing those guys (and gals) do has any reflection on how I play the game. I don't feel any kind of pressure to raise skills or gain XP beyond my own personal needs. That kind of play is entirely self imposed.

    4: See #3

    5: Have grouped many times and never arrived at this.
    Elwyn, Kain Darkmoor, Leelu and 5 others like this.
  18. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    I would honestly turn your own logic here in rejecting his opinions back on your opinions in the same exact way. I haven't grouped in a year, no reason to other then to die a lot and pay the death tax, the design of the game is against it to the core right now. I completely disagree with all of it and most people who play MMO's would disagree. This is probably the reason why the population is so low, people like you keep have said in the past 2 years that I have played that there would be more population and it hasn't happened. I have seen no marketing campaign for this game out there now (with release in a few weeks) that leads me to believe people are going to be drawn into it other then a similar rush when we went persistent (aka people who already pledged and are coming back to try it again) which petered out a few months later. I see the same number of people on telethons every month. In fact, I would say the free trials have done very little. I just keep seeing long term players leaving. Sorry, wish I could be ever and completely optimistic like fellas like you.... you think I would be with 5 figures of pledges into the game but I can face reality better then others.
  19. Anendrue

    Anendrue Avatar

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    College Station, TX
    Sorry to see you go.
    My wife is a casual gamer and enjoys the game quite a bit. On the other hand, I happen to be a compulsive completionist. If I averaged 1500 exp / kill for 8 hours every single day killing 1 mob every minute it would take over 2000 years. However, it might make me face my completionist irrationality. ;)o_O

    *Edit. Post was copy pasted previously with incomplete edits involved. Mea Culpa
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    Sir_Hemlock likes this.
  20. Rada Torment

    Rada Torment Community Ambassador (ES)

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    I hope you find a good game Stun, best of luck!

    That's the magic of a great and mature community we have here. Always ready for groups and play together with any guild, with any avatar, from any country!. I think that day was my first day playing with you, and hope not the last ;)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
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