Crafting specialisation - we can pick all trees ( Chris Stream)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Elrond, Jul 17, 2019.

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  1. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I like your ideas a lot. Also do you use the batch harvesting watering, and planting? I know I didn't know about it when it first came in. ;)
  2. Astirian

    Astirian Avatar

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    The worst part about that is that you only need to miss one watering to lose your entire profit. It would be much better if it scaled.
    Xandra7, Mishikal and Cordelayne like this.
  3. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    Yep, have them all GM'd. I left out how utterly tedious and time consuming it is to plant out my lots (it takes hours). ;)
    Xandra7 likes this.
  4. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I don't know why people want to treat a game as a job. It just baffles me.
  5. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Bug Hunter

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    Been saying this for years. It makes absolutely no sense to me either. I have a day job, I don't need another lol. :D
    Gorthyn, Jaesun, Mishikal and 2 others like this.
  6. Geaux

    Geaux Avatar

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    And there I was...standing around with my teeth in my mouth...when BAM, an epiphany arrived at my door...

    I must first tell you the famous "epiphany" story, as background material...

    A bunch of avid guitarists are sitting around a vintage guitar store in XXXXX (your favorite city, to keep it anonymous) having a chat, when the proprietor receives a call from an elderly lady that is seeking advice on her grandson's guitar, one that she has had sitting around since his death years ago when he played with XXXXX (substitute your choice of famous bands to keep her identity anonymous). As it turns out, she will be by in an hour with the guitar in hand...for an hour the various guitar enthusiasts debated as to what she was possibly bringing in, an epic find, probably custom, etc... She arrives with the case containing the guitar, and with no further adieu, pops it open before the eager bunch of enthusiastic onlookers, that had now grown somewhat in quantity as word had spread that a reveal of epic proportion to the guitar world was forthcoming in an hour, be here... It was an Epiphone. She had simply mispronounced it, as she sounded it out in her mind, and it never crossed ours...Eee-piph-O-nee! Great guitar, but we all knew what it was...was worth little then, but now has been proven to be an incredible guitar over time, and worth thousands today!

    I think the SOTA TEAM is so driven to develop an "epiphany", that they may have lost sight of the fact that an Epiphone is within grasp and deliverable, that will be proven in the marketplace to be awesome, and will be worth a small fortune one day... I have never seen so much FLAIR and FLUFF in game content, when gaping holes remain in the blocking a tackling...

    With BrassKnuckles poll...crafting was #1...

    With that sort of feedback, why not fix it?

    I know designer types love to take responsibility, be innovative, designs things, and be admired for their accomplishments...

    We need some blocking and tackling here...

    Why not hold an election within the community to elect a Crafting Committee?

    Ask who would be interested in serving, time commitment, expectations, etc... Sub teams for various breakout detail development...

    Maybe all participants and contributors receive an Epiphany cloak :) (joking)

    Why not create the crafting committee, to develop a crafting poll, to let the community determine the crafting future? I cannot begin to tell you how excited I would be to see this happen, and how enthusiastic I would be as the TEAM opened the guitar case to reveal their "epiphany"!
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