The Black Sails Saga - Part II - Tenebris Harbor and Beyond

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Jan 1, 2019.

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  1. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    The cover of night had helped in the long trek from Port Dragomir to Tenebris harbor. The travel by night to avoid any potential spies was a long tedious one through Etceter, past Blackrock cove and with a brief stop to rest as the sun rose over Kiln. The next night the road continued through Nightshade Pass with one last stop at the next sunrise in Jaanaford. Boris' extensive training in silent movement coupled with the long hooded black robe he wore kept his identity a mystery to the few people he encountered along the way.

    Evening set in at Jaanaford and he noticed a small crowd approach the Town Crier . A few guards led the dozen or so injured who moaned at their pain and suffering. They continued on to a small area where a camp had been set up and some healers tended to them. Boris approached the Town Crier who stepped back alarmed at this man in a black robe and hood that had materialized out of thin air in front of him.

    He quickly put a hand covering the mouth of the Town Crier while he motioned with his other hand for the man to be quiet. As the frightened Town Crier looked at him and nodded Boris removed his hood and was instantly recognized.

    "Captain Mondragon, I am glad ye are here". Boris motioned for the man to lower his voice.

    "Tell me what has happened here, tis been a while since I have come this way to do business in Tenebris and Janaaford".

    The Town Crier continued in a whisper. "Tenebris Harbor is in chaos, a large Pirate Ship has brought an army of cutthroats, murdered most of the town and as you can see a few have barely escaped".

    Boris took out a small sack of gold which he gave to the town crier plus another small pouch.

    "Here, take this sack for supplies to help the wounded, also get me medical supplies and food to take to Tenebris. The other small pouch if for your silence yet be aware of what could happen to you if your tongue slips. I am just a wealthy traveler passing by wishing to help and will stay in the shadows until nighttime. Ensure my supplies are ready and hidden near the exit of town".

    "Aye Captain err sir" The Town Crier went about the duties Boris assigned to him. Shortly after that conversation Boris faded back into the shadows to plan his entrance on Tenebris Harbor. Justice would come in a brutal fashion unimaginable to the invaders.

    Sea Bear, Kelly O'Shay, Peg and 13 others like this.
  2. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    My Lady come! Look at Snow flying around and landing and then flying again. She seems to be anxious about something. Have the guards check the palace grounds to see if something is amiss.

    Looking at the sky I can not help but gasp at the beauty each day as I stand here on the balcony over looking Port Dragomir. The pirate ships are all lined up with their black sails gently blowing in the sea breeze. Such beauty helps keep my mind from becoming too cluttered from worry for which all that our town is preparing. I need to stay alert for so many are depending on our help. It is just not an option to let anyone down.

    Boris Mondragon left for Tenebris not long ago. It was a scary departure and as yet we have not heard from him. He went to see if he could find more clues as to who assassinated our three captains. He also wanted to see if he could find out more information concerning a Black Medallion. I am wondering if there is a relationship to the assassinations but also if there is some magical aspect of the medallion. Hopefully we will hear from Boris soon. I am getting worried about him. Not only have I not seen Marak, his blue dragon, but there has not even been a message from him which makes me think maybe something dreadful has happened to him.

    Boris instructed that not only Captain Stu, Captain Monkeysmack, Arkah and Captain Trinity stay here to continue with the work of building the Barracks for Xee's crew and Mac's army but he had Razulah remain here as well. Boris wanted to make the possible treacherous journey alone so as not to alert anyone planning more murderous actions to his intentions.

    "Good morning Arkah and Stu." " How are the barracks coming along? I know you have had to build more than was first expected. We have had so many come into town ready to participate in any battle that will take place. Have you met any of the residents coming from Arx Draconis yet? Some of their names, IronFist Warhammer, Mandalar, Bril, Draya and Worfgar may be familar to you. Others such as Paladin Michael, Alpha Fishstick, Adam Crow, Rat2, LilyBird will continue in their efforts to help in every way they can. As you know.....

    OH! No, take Captain Monkeysmack to the hospital area on the upper deck of The Dragon.[​IMG] I will be right there. We just completed the hospital area in time to take care of Captain Monkeysmack. Once you get the captain comfortable and have assessed how bad his injury is please let me know so I can speak with him

    "WHAT DID YOU SAY RAZULAH?" " Repeat that! She cut his what off? Slow down! Where is the man?"
    "Razulah, tell me what happened here."

    With a smirk on his face which was twisted with anger and disbelief he said "I came upon Captain Trinity as she drew her sword and with one swipe I heard her say to him you will never try that again!"

    " She took from him what was his second most valuable asset. She was about to take his head as well. I came just at that time which saved his life. I should have not stopped her from cutting his head off. He is deserving of death!"

    "Where is this person"? "Please take me to him."
    After I questioned him I found out he was passing through Port Dragomir when he saw this beautiful woman standing on the dock. He told me he decided he would enjoy some fun with her but did not know she was really a wolf with beautiful red hair. He now knows that just because a pirate looks beautiful does not make her any less dangerous than any other person when there is a reason to protect self.

    " You are lucky you have your life. Take it and never return to Dragomir Mori again. If you step even one foot here again it will be the last step you take."
    I watched him turn and run, hobble, and disappear into the far off shadows of the now late morning.

    I chuckled to myself and a smile crossed my face at the thought of what Captain Trinity removed.
    Rentier, Kelly O'Shay, Peg and 10 others like this.
  3. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Adam Crow was sitting at his desk staring at the pile of work orders laid out in front of him. He grabbed one of the orders and started to read it, but quickly realized his mind was elsewhere. He put the order back into the pile and instead picked up a blank piece of paper and started to write.

    Dear Lady CatherineRose,
    I have heard some terrible rumors speaking of assinations in Dragomir Mori. The latest news I heard was that three captains have been mysteriously slain and there could possibly be some dark forces involved. If this is the case, I hope to offer any assistance I can.

    I would appreciate it greatly if you can confirm that these rumors are in fact true.
    - Sincerely Adam Crow

    He carefully folded and sealed the letter, and stood from his desk. Adam walked to the balcony and held out his hand, palm up, and let out a piercing whistle. Seconds later a crow landed in his hand and they stared into each others eyes for a moment. Adam nodded to the bird, and held out the folded letter in his other hand. The crow cawwed loudly, snatched the letter with its beak and quickly flew off in the direction of Dragomir Mori.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2019
    Rentier, Kelly O'Shay, Peg and 10 others like this.
  4. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Snow, come to me "

    "My heart is beginning to race for once again hope builds inside of me that not only the assassins may be caught and dealt with severely but that all of Novia will be united into one voice and in unity. We have often been living shallow and separate lives with no purpose and no vision before our path. We wake in the morning. We work from sun up to sun down. We retire to our beds and wake with the roosters at daybreak. Now, however, I have received a letter from Adam Crow. He lives far away and is wanting to know if it is true about the murders here in Dragomir Mori. Adam is offering assistance and wishes for me to confirm that indeed this has taken place. "

    "Snow, take this reply and fly to Adam Crow for his help will be most welcome."
    Rentier, Kelly O'Shay, Peg and 10 others like this.
  5. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    "Razulah, where is Captain Monkeysmack? I went to the hospital to ask him what happened and he is not there."

    "Lady CatherineRose, Captain Monkeysmack was taken to the hospital right at the time that Captain Trinity retrieved her trophy. When that was settled I returned to the hospital just as Captain Monkeysmack was leaving. He told me that the injury was nothing and he was going back to work. He said we needed every able bodied person in order to complete the work in time to ensure our readiness for battle. Mi lady I saw his wound from a deep cut on his arm. I gave him some medical potions to speed the healing. He will be fine."

    "I asked each ship's captain about the status of their ships being ready to sail. They have assured me that any repairs have been made and that all supplies are in the hold and ready for use. Each captain has a full crew. Each of them are at the moment helping finish the work on the barracks for the sleeping quarters of Xee's crew as well as Mac's army."

    "In light of the fact that the man who attacked Captain Trinity was able to be in town before we were even aware of it that we need to divide our men into groups in order to patrol the shore as well as all around the outskirts of the town. There probably are spies from the evil Obsidians as well as other's from the dark side planning to do more murderous acts than we even know to prepare to prevent."

    "Yes, Razulah, prepare such patrols and begin them at once."

    "Mi lady, there is one more thing."

    "Yes, Razulah, what is it?"

    "How can that be? I told the women to stay far from Port Dragomir, far from the men at this time. The distraction will be too great to ignore for them and we need them alert."

    "Razulah take some of the Dragon crew and insure that the women are indeed not within close walking distance from town. They may need "help" to remember they are not to bring their "comfort" during this time."

    I can not help but think that I wish that Boris's Marak were here. It would take Marak just one fly over and the women would then not be so eager to enter town for awhile! His huge blue dragon with glowing yellow eyes has a way of bringing fear into others.
  6. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah stood back and looked at a ramshackle pile of splintered timbers with a flap on it he assembled and wondered, why would they ask him to build something like this. Arkah once used to be a “carpenter”. Before him stood the reminder of why he USED to be one. This was part of the reason his hair was white as it is.

    “Forget this, ill fish up something useful instead.” He dropped the hammer, frustratedly wondering how he ended up with the task in the first place and recalled to his lab in Ordinis Mortis, just remembering he had asked stu for a storage room in dragomir.

    Rubbing his face in frustrastion he adressed Joe while picking up a fishing pole, “Did anyone send me any wooden crates yet??”

    “Nope” Vendofsky said not looking up from the book he was reading.

    “Great.” Arkah huffed sarcastically. “Im going fishing.” With that he used a strange new scroll to instantly arrive at Arie docks, tossed his line into the ocean and waited.
    Rentier, Kelly O'Shay, Peg and 8 others like this.
  7. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Spirit come with me I have not gotten to talk with you as much as I would like lately. We have been so occupied with preparing of battles around Novia that to take the time to walk with you and to listen to you has been difficult.

    Do you remember when we lived in Kahli and spent an afternoon with one of the residents there named Helvig? It was so delightful to meet her.

    Since moving from Kahli I had not talked with her until I received a letter from her after our three ship captains were murdered. I had sent her a message by way of Snow asking if she would be willing to join us in finding clues as to who murdered my father and the two others and in any battles that are sure to come.

    She has sent word that the evil Obsidian Lord has been unleashed in Kahli and has kept she and the other residents quite busy.

    Spirit, we have received letters from many far from Dragomir willing to place their lives on the line. Xee, with his airships from Silverdale, has not only offered his ships but has sent them already in preparation for war. Mandalair, Iron Fist, Bril, Greyfox and Draya have even begun their very dangerous journey to Dragomir Mori.

    Spirit, when I think of all these, Alpha Fishstick, Paladin Michael, Arkah, Tazar and many others, who are so willing not just to help Dragomir but willing to lay their own lives aside without even thinking of the possible dire consequences they will be facing, my joy comes to the surface of my heart with so much pride in knowing that their love is so much greater than the fear we will all face over the next months.

    It is time to retire for bed now. We have work to continue tomorrow. Here is something for you to eat before you sleep.

    Good night.
    Rentier, Kelly O'Shay, Peg and 6 others like this.
  8. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    No reason for concern, Razulah may have embellished the story a bit.
    I was on my usual patrol of the docks and this scallywag approached me.
    His intentions were less than honorable it seemed.

    When you carry a weapon it is said, "if you Pull it out, either Use it or Loose it".
    His attempt to use it failed and mine didn't !!!
  9. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    Helvig sat at the tavern in Aerie with her friend Ashyeena, trying to understand what had just happened. Both had been to Dragomir Mori to find out more about the rumors that had reached them, and they were lucky to find CatherineRose. However, instead of shedding light on things, CatherineRose seemed confused and without answers to the simplest questions like whether there were witnesses, whether there was any evidence other than the black medaillons, what the black medallions looked like, and why Boris was hoping to find answers in Tenebris Harbor.

    “Doesn’t that sound very fishy to you, Ash?”, the tall norsewoman asked as she looked into her almost empty beer mug. “Some people that call themselves pirates got murdered. For a reason she won’t disclose to us, CatherineRose seems to think that some Obsidian Lord she won’t tell us more about is responsible for this, and that it was just the beginning as that Obsidian Lord is preparing for war against Dragmoir Mori?” Ashyeena nodded. “I don’t know what to make out of this, either. And why should we help pirates, anyways? We don’t have reason to do business with criminals.” You’re right. And either CatherineRose thinks of us as stupid and is hiding much more than she is revealing, or… well I don’t know.” Helvig shrugged, downed the rest of her beer, and wiped the foam off her upper lip with the back of her forearm. “We have enough trouble of our own, anyways. Too much even to afford spending time on people that would mess around with us by asking for help and then providing no information that could be used in order to offer that help. All the armies CatherineRose so proudly mentioned as allies coming to her support! For a war against someone she cannot tell us more about, for a reason she won’t reveal… Let them do their thing. In the meantime, I’ll see if these black medallions are interesting enough for me to investigate…”
  10. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Tenebris Harbor……………

    "Halt!!!!! who goes there. Identify yourself or die". Corporal Tareja challenged Boris as he enetered Tenebris.

    Boris stepped out of the shadows and dropped the two large sacks in front of her. "Boris Mondragon here, and these supplies should come in handy according to what I heard in Jaanaford. Brief me on the events and where things stand now. Time is of the essence Corporal".

    Boris and Corporal Tareja knew each other from the calmer days of Tenebris Harbor and their conversations at the Anchor and Chain tavern.

    "Captain, we have been overrun , most of the town folk escaped and the rest died. We are few holding this last line of defense while we await for reinforcements. There a ship full of brutal murderers by the dock." Boris nodded taking down mental notes and preparing guerilla warfare plans. He checked on the injured and noticed one guard who had lost an arm yet wanted to return to the fight. It was the spirit of those in this Port town that gave him the motivation needed to fight for them.

    The near wall was manned by two insurgents, they met a quick death as he stealthed behind them and made short work of them with his blades. He quickly took the uniform of one insurgent and took off the other's shirt, He carved a big letter "M" on their chest and hung them from the wall to be visible from the port side in case more would come attack the remaining guards and the gate from which future reinforcements would come.

    He used the cover of night and stealth towards the port. A small patrol of plunderers and rangers also fell to his swords. The next squad that rushed to the fray saw nothing but dead bodies and a pool of blood. From the shadows Boris smiled as he wanted them to think a ghost was killing them one group at a time. One of the rogues ran back towards the ship while Boris dispatched the rest of the group. Yet one more group let by one called Mr. Cero approached and was dispatched. He noticed the man had insignia on his shoulder and searched his pockets finding a mysterious key. Endless waves of swashbucklers continued to look for this death from the night that reduced their numbers and another officer named Roberto fell at his feet, this one produced another key. Now he found magic users in the area known as Relic Hunters. He killed the first one near the docked ship and found a black medallion around his neck. This started to make sense yet he needed to get to the treasure chests near the ship.

    As he approached the ship a tall woman with a Nordic appearance was also in the area and killing these brigands with a shower of arrows from her bow. This gave him the opportunity to get to the chests and open them. Maps, gold, more black medallions which he put in his pockets. He looked at the ease at which this woman dispatched the brigands with amazement and yelled "Good work Lass". He saw the fire in her eyes as she replied "Good work Boy". Boris would have had a conversation about being called a boy yet he had to get inside the ship.

    He was met with resistance as two plunderers came at him. Those died quickly yet another two men stood behind them and stepped forward. Both had insignias and fancy epaulets on their shoulders. The first one motioned to the other to step back.

    "This one is mine, I will skin him alive, he should know better than face Captain Esteban. This fight went on for a bit until Captain Esteban made on bad move and gurgled as Boris' swords went through his throat. The other man swung his two handed sword at Boris slicing his shirt sleeve and turning his sleeve crimson from the cut. He then ran off the ship stopping to yell back. "I am Daniel, we will meet again and you will never wish you had meddled in our business rogue.".

    Boris retrieved the third key form the corpse of Captain Esteban, he dragged the dead shirtless body to the port side of the ship and hung the corpse also marked on his chest with the letter "M" for the shore brigands to see.

    "I am Boris Mondragon, I will come back and kill the rest of you if you do not leave before the next night sets.

    Boris climbed down the ship using the scaffolding and back on the dock was met by a dozen more brigands. He fought on until he had no energy left and saw his impending death when a tall man with a halberd mowed through them as Boris collapsed on the dock. He felt as this man threw him over his shoulder and all went black.

    He opened up his eyes and saw a woman tending to his numerous wounds. She spoke to the man that stood behind him. "He will be fine, a couple of dozen stitches and no wounds to any vital organs milord."

    The man motioned for the woman to step aside which she did.

    "Captain Mondragon; your fame or infamy in some cases precedes you" Boris reached for his swords yet the man held his hand down.

    "Welcome to New Heaven". I am Anthrax Artek, Lord of New Heaven. The man you saw dive into the water called Daniel knows me, saw me carry you out of Tenebris Harbor and will come after us here. We have done business with Tenebris before yet have had one of our ships sunk by them recently. We also need to pay them back for their treachery. Get some rest, I have placed a bottle of rum next to your bed and will have you well taken care of. A battle will come soon and we must be ready for it"

    "Mr Artek; Thank you for saving my life back there in Tenebris, I do have one wish and that is a piece of parchment, a pen and a way to deliver a letter to Lady Catherine Rose". Anthrax nodded and the items were given to Boris who hastily wrote a letter to Cathereine.

    "Lady Catherine, I am alive thanks to Anthrax Artek, I am in New Heaven and need you to advise any fighter in Port Dragomir to prepare as New Heaven will be attacked soon by those surviving rogues form Tenebris and a mysterious swordsman named Daniel. I have much to show you and tell you when time allows".

    Boris gave the letter to the lady that took care of his injuries and asked her to have it delivered with most urgency. He knew he had found a new ally and many more would be needed for the uncertain future that lay ahead. He ripped the cork off the rum bottle. took a deep swig from it and stood up. He stepped outside the building he was in and saw the majestic town of New Heaven as the sun rose. A fight would be fought here amongst other places and with these new allies he knew they stood a chance .

  11. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Razulah, please come with me on a walk down by the waterfall."

    "I tossed and turned all night last night and could not even sleep a wink. "

    "I stand each day and look out over Port Dragomir and think how I miss the quiet times of residents all around busily going about their days of selling and buying and working in the fields. Everyone doing all that needs to be done for their families. Even, the children laughing and playing with no care in their young hearts."

    "There is no understanding that lives here in Dragomir Mori could be so drastically changed. We look around now and see the pirates crew and even the captains themselves working feverishly to complete the barracks for the various ones who have begun to arrive in preparation for war.. Xee is making sure his men are keeping their fleet of airships in top shape. Mac is ensuring each man is making their bodies ready for battle. Even the cooks from each ship are preparing a stock of food so that evenyone will not become weak due to any lack of food and the hospital has been completed on the upper deck of the Dragon."

    "I received word from Mandalar that even Iron Fist has started on the long and dangerous trip from Arx Draconis in his ship, The Wet Weazlle. She is still in need of some repairs when he arrives in order to be ready to fight."

    "Razulah, I am so worried about Boris. He left so quickly for Tenebris Harbor. He always seems to go abruptly when he has a hunch of something he is not ready to disclose. "

    "It is like the Sea God's whisper to him what may be about to happen. He often swims far out into the bay. One time, I have never told anyone about this so I am counting on you to keep my secret, I was walking on the beach and saw Boris come from The Dragon. Marik was flying after him in his beautiful, gentle way. He would swoop down and land right in front of Boris and nuzzle his big blue head against him. Boris always expressed such great love for his blue dragon that it brought tears to my eyes every time I saw the two of them."

    "They continued on their way toward the bay and Boris, not realizing I was watching, removed his clothing and laid his clothes out on the sand. He did that in such a manner it looked like he was getting ready to speak to the water and to the night sky that met with the moon connecting the three of them. He stood there in the beauty of the night in the full moon's light and after carefully laying his clothes out on the sand he took his sword and held it up high. The breeze carried his words to my ears when he said Deus mare et venti mundi as he seemed to be making a request to the gods of the universe ...the sea, the sky and all of life that exists."

    "I just stood and watched as he spoke to all the heavens and earth in a reverent and urgent manner. In just a minute I turned from him and hurried away. He never was aware of my intrusion."

    "These few weeks since the assassination of my father and the other two captains have been so stressful. We have so many coming in to help and have have so much work to do to try to find the clues as to who the killer is. We are still no closer to knowing than we were right after it happened. I have been sleeping most nights on the Misti Sea now searching every inch of the ship trying to find something that could tell us why this has happened.
    Boris went to Tenebris Harbor on a hunch that he would find out more about the Black Medallion he found. He was also told by Lily Byrd and her sister Violet Green about the Black Medallion found after the murders took place in Jade Valley. All these years the one thing that keeps coming back to the forefront each time there is a battle or murder is that I wonder if all may be connected to the dark obsidian lord."

    "Razulah, I wish I could have had more information about the assassins as well as the Black Medallion that Boris is wanting to know more about when Helvig and Ashyeena were here yesterday offering their condolences. I felt so inadequate because I had no answers for them. They were very cordial and polite but I felt that since I had no answers that I had wasted their time."

    "I began to think again about last year when the Cabalist roamed all around Novia killing and plundering. Then there was reprise from the killing in Dragomir and in the towns up and down the coasts of Novia. These evil obsidians had not apppeared again until they arose again last year with a final battle in Aerie. Each time they have appeared the battles have been more fierce than the ones before. We must be ready again for an even greater battle if indeed murders and black medallions and even the near death last year of Boris are related. We will be ready! "

    "Razulah, the men and women are getting very tired now. They need a break. I have been thinking of taking a day of rest and requesting that all the town and all who have come to help go on a fishing trip. We could go to The Fishing Expedition near Aerie. We could bring food and wine with us and spend the afternoon recuperating from all that has happened. It is my hope that the fishing will give us the rest we need so we will be strong again to continue our work."

    "Let's return to Port Dragomir and get ready to fish!"

    "Razulah! There is a man running toward us. Go. Inquire about his intentions here."

    "Thank you, Razulah."


    "Open it quickly at once."

    "Lady Catherine, I am alive thanks to Anthrax Artek, I am in New Heaven and need you to advise any fighter in Port Dragomir to prepare as New Heaven will be attacked soon by those surviving rogues form Tenebris and a mysterious swordsman named Daniel. I have much to show you and tell you when time allows".

    "Razulah, cancel our plans for fishing for time will not permit it now. Boris is in New Heaven because Lord Anthrax Artek saved his life during a rogue attack in Tenebris. He as requested all fighters here in Port Dragomir to prepare for Battle as New Heaven will be attacked soon by those rogues from Tenebris, along with a swordsman named Daniel, who have survived the attacks in Tenebris."

    "Check with each ship captain to make sure they are ready to sail if requested but no matter what to be ready for an attack. Check with Xee, Mac, Mandalar, Iron Fist, Arkah, Paladin Michael requesting that they be ready even to go to New Heaven if needed in a moments notice. There are many others on their way to Port Dragomir so please have the men and women, as they get ready, inform those as they arrive that there is an impending attack on New Heaven and that Port Dragomir must be ready as well."

    "ALL who are within sound of my voice Boris has sent a message that New Heaven is getting ready for an impending attack and that we too in Port Dragomir are to be on the highest alert and ready to fight at this time."
  12. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah approached Dragomir Mori hauling a wooden crate, clearly NOT made by him, on his back and took it into Stu's inn where he had been reserved a room. He set it down in a dark corner of the room and removed a barrel from it which he placed next to the create. This was to be storage so that he could operate better locally and not have to travel so much.

    Still donning the kobold contraption on his back that helped carrying such a large load, Arkah walked outside and approached the docks. He looked at the sky studying the constellations as he walked until he felt his foot sink into a muddy slope, sending him barreling into the water.

    He climbed ashore shivering and removed the large contrraption and pakc from his back. "Stupid thing" he muttered, unrolling a blanket containing his fishing rod.

    Arkah followed the schools of fish over the docks and found himself on the dock next to a ship a woman was boarding. "Is this your dock? I'll stay off your ship." Arkah asked and immediately ensured.

    "Feel free to fish from the ship if you like." The woman replied, going about her business. For pirates, these people were pretty lax it seemed. Arkah took up the offer and boarded the ship checkign the otehr side for good fishigns pots. He climbed ontot he rail and worked his way along the outside of the forecastle nervously. He cast his bait out and immediately hooked soemthing that pulled him into the water.

    Cold and soggy, again, Arkah climbed to the deck holding a fully matured king salmon. "Worth it." He muttered tilting his head to elt the water drain from his ear.
  13. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    That was my ship, and rest assured you were invited on board because I knew you are working in Dragomir.

    My quartermaster, Peg was at the helm and Koa is always watching from the bow.
    Your actions were being constantly observed for your safety.

    I almost laughed out loud when you fell into the water, I hope that did not hurt. LOL
    You are welcome to return to fish from my ship at any time, it is probably best to alert Peg or Koa before coming aboard.
  14. Morhir (IronFist Warhamm

    Morhir (IronFist Warhamm Avatar

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    It was early morning being a few hours before the sunrise. I had just finished loading the wagon and was beginning to fasten the wares with rope. I notice a lantern in the distance getting ever brighter as someone seems to be headed in my direction. Being in Arx Draconis, I worry not about the person being of ill fate, for the guards here keep a fine watch. I continue fumbling with the rope and cinching knots to bind the wagon load. Ever engaged in my work I forgot of the person approaching until I hear a sound and feel the presence of a person standing near. I turn around to look.

    "Well met Drya!" I exclaimed as I fastened down the payload on the wagon.
    "I heard the news" replied Drya, "I have harvested an abundance of food and herbs from my garden to take to Dragomir Mori."
    "I have extra room here on the wagon" I replied and begin unknotting the ropes. "Will you be accompanying me on the....."
    "I would not miss it for anything" Drya says, as to finish my own sentence.
    "Let us quickly load your goods and be on our way then. We must make haste."
    "I have also heard that Mandalar has made way to Dragomir Mori by boat passage"
    "That is great news!", I say, "he will be a great asset if the rumors of war become true."

    The ferry trip from Arx Draconis to the mainland was made simple by the calm seas and even a light wind that favored the direction of travel. I was pleased to had reached the mainland just as the sun began to show above Blackblade Mountains. We passed by Jade Mountains and quickly made our way over the Jaana River. I extinguished the lantern as the warm sun was upon our backs as we headed past Jaanaford. Although Jaanaford is a well known and a travelers town, I remain very vigilante because Tenebris Harbour lies just to the south. I hear rumors of late that there is a massing of thugs and pirates in that area. The road seems quiet this morning, albeit I did notice a single person person in a long hooded black robe entering into Jaanaford as we passed. I thought no more of the matter and continued leading the wagon to the west.

    It seemed as if time stood still on the journey. For I and Drya were weary, having spend most the night loading the cart and preparing for the trip. The midday sun was now overhead and causing sweat to bead upon my forehead. At least the weather was holding fair; much better than the storm a few nights ago.

    "Look up ahead!" exclaimed Dray, "Vertas!"
    Indeed we had made it to the city of Vertas. It had not seemed that we have traveled so far in such a small time. I guess since the gates of Vertas Pass have been loosened, I did not realize how much faster travel was made.
    "Let us make a quick stop to feed and water the horses and ourselves" I said.
    "That would fancy me for a small rest" Drya replies.
    "Me too. Just be wary of the elves..... I don't necessarily hold a great trust in them."
    "Yes, we should keep good eyes on our wagon and not stray far from it while there. Although there are some elves that can be relied upon."
    "The ones that have been laid to rest" I say, as I grin.

    After a quick a mug of elven tea bread, we tightened and checked the harnesses on the mules and left and headed back out to the road.
    "I never did much care for elven tea and bread but as hungry as I was, it was not bad" I said.
    Drya laughs, "You must have been very hungry."

    We quickly made our way between the Mariah mountains and the Varisella foothills and the road came to a more southerly direction. By now the sun had began its plunge into the horizon and the light of the day was beginning to diminish.
    "We should make camp soon, the light is leaving us and Dragomir Mori is still most a day travel away."
    "Correct you are", I say, "We will make camp here off the road in the Bloodriver Forest. The mules could use a nights rest too."
    "Hopefully the weather will fortune us again tomorrow" replies Drya.
    "Hopefully", I say, "...and hopefully no bandit or thief wakens us tonight."

    After securing the mules, making fire and a camp, we both reside to our tents for rest. Sleep slowly comes as thoughts of the fate of Catherine Rose and Dragomir Mori linger in my mind. The only comfort is that we will be there tomorrow and hopefully Mandalar has made safe passage there too.
  15. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meantime in Dragomir Mori ...

    Ariel, Fiona, Dupre, Samael, Kardan and me sat at the table, as the Warrior of Love came in.
    "I did my rounds - Kardan, it's your turn!", he said.
    Kardan looked around, if there would be another one with this name.
    Unfortunately, there was not. So he said: "Ah, yes, of course! It's important. I will do as all of us were instructed by Razulah to patrol the shore. Nobody shall sneak around, while I am on my walk."
    "Kardan, the shore is waiting. The sooner you start to go, the faster you're back. And I suppose, right for having lunch ...", Fiona said.
    "I am on my way. See you later, friends!".
    So he sauntered away, like a tourist looking at sights ...
    Ariel smiled. "Why have you told him that? There are enough people around to take care ..."

    Dupre nodded. "It's good for his courage that he knows, he has the same responsibility like each other."

    Fiona added. "Yes. And besides, we have 2 hours to heal our ears until he starts to tell the next story..."

    Ariel looked at Samel. "How do you tolerate that all the time at the Peladjar Inn?"
    Samael smiled. "Well, you have to know, however he uses his tongue - he has great abilities. And inside he is a trustworthy and good person. And - well ..." Samael took a deep breath, his eyes closed. As he opened them, he told:
    "Since I lost Muriel, I have better understanding, what it means to have lost the one you could talk to about everything. The one who listened to you for only one reason ..."
    He cleared his throat and took a sip of his red wine.
    All of us knew what he was talking about. Fionas eyes were filled with tears.

    Now my thoughts about Kardan made me sad. Of course he was talking sometimes - well - more than others, but ... he never could hurt someone by telling tales :)
    "So, maybe I should also go for a walk!", I said and stood up quickly to follow Kardan ...

    ... meanwhile at the shore of Dragomir Mori ...
    Kardan stepped out, taking a deep breath. Next to him was a man busy. Kardan nodded at him, waving his arms and looking heavenward.
    "Hello good man! You're busy as a bee! But isn't this a nice day? The air so fine, the sky so blue, can you taste that water on your tongue? And".
    Kardan stopped, while his eyes wandered from the sky to the place where the busy looking man was just a few seconds before.
    Only footprints in the sand were telling, someone was there ...
    Kardan turned around, speechless.
    Than, he shaked his head in his special way and walked away, recognizing his next target: A ship, with someone doing fishing!"
    Quickly he moved on board, finding Arkah in a kind of "near sleep" position.

    Kardan shouted in a singing tone: "How are the fishes today? I wonder, young man, if I know your name!"
    Arkah starteld, while turning around very fast. His eyes opened wide, he wanted something to say, when just in this moment his fishing pole jerked. Confused, not really awake yet, he turned around again very fast - too fast!
    Loosing his balance he fell down while he shouted "Aaaarrkkk ..."
    "Ah, of course! Now I know! Arkah is your name, I remember!", Kardan yelled, while he got closer and watching Arkah falling down.
    "Huzah!", Kardan shouted, looking around to the men on board, watching him astonished, while he was laughing and shouting: "Has anybody seen such a big fish! So much power to lift this strong man down! Never saw anything like that!"
    Someone stepped by quickly. "What happened?", the woman asked.

    Kardan told her what happened, while someon came by to help Arkah out of the water:
    "Ah, Captain Trintiy! Look, I am on my patrol. And I just thought I would have a great look over the shore from here. So I came here, sayin hello to friend Arkah. And you won't believe it! He got the biggest fish I've ever seen. And believe me, I saw a lot of them! It has to be a true monster fish! It was so strong that suddenly that giant fish had him on the hook!" Kardan laughed. "The fish has the fisherman on the hook - how funny is that!"

    I arrived at the moment, Arkah felt down into the water. I ran by and gave him a hand, asking suprised: "What kind of fish was that?"
    Arkah climbed out of the water, looking contrite. "Fish? Did you say fish?", he said, shaking his head. "Tell me, who sent this catastrophe of a man out to scare peaceful men on such a beautiful day?"
    Saying that, he pointed with his thumb over his shoulder. I followed with my eyes, seeing Kardan, waving at us.

    Kardan jumped and waved, telling Captain Trinity: "Look, all is good! Arkah is showing his thumb!" Trinity turned around, leaving him, she could no longer resist the laughter ...

    "Well, " I cleared my throat, trying not to laugh, not even to smile, "maybe I have to speak to him about ..."
    "You should, before someone gets seriously hurt! I mean not me, and not him by myself. What I mean: those people are pirates around - they sometimes kill people for less than that ..."
    I nodded seriously. "I will keep care! Promised! But now: can I help you with something - is there something I can do? Need new - baits?"
    Arkah shook his head. "Nope. Best you can do: take him with you. I will be back in 10 minutes with dry clothes hoping to find this place like it was before he came over it ..."
    "Good day, Arkah. See you later at lunch!"
    I hurried to Kardan. Of course I would have to listen the biggest fish story I've ever heard in my life for the next 3 hours ... at least ...

    [to be continued]
  16. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    "Got to rip these damn bandages off, this is a nuisance". Boris woke up and had to get fresh air. The woman who was looking out for his recovery looked at him and shook her head.

    "Shh, don't tell anyone, I am sure the rum will help me heal better than anything else" He winked at the woman as he stepped out into the fresh air. The sea breeze was refreshing, the ocean exhilarating. He took a swig off the rum bottle finishing it and placed it next to the door. He figured this was a way to remember where he was staying at in case he strayed. He had plenty of gold in his pocket and was itching to spend it hoping he could also buy information on the black medallions and the Captain murders.

    He made his way around town talking to diverse vendors from all of Novia who had set up shop here in this town by the sea. None had any information about either the medallions or the captains. He would not give up though and followed his instincts. Two ladies of high standing blushed furiously as he looked them up and down with a smile. If nothing else worked this would. Scandalous gossip would not be out of the questions. He did feel quite comfortable here as the two ladies who blushed looked back at him and smiled so he caught up to them.

    "A fine morning indeed ladies. Captain Boris Mondragon at your service." The women giggled asking if he was new in town to which he smiled and agreed. "Just arrived last night and would love to hear the history of this amazing town but have no idea who to ask" The sheepish grin did it.

    "Captain Mondragon, we would be glad to give you a tour of the town and mayhaps our home for lunch" One winked at the other one and Boris thought he was going to have a great day. He brought out a medallion for the women to look at and both women looked at it without any expression. "Mayhaps our memory will be better after lunch. You do have a good memory Captain don't you".

    "Ladies, a true gentleman always repeats twice and has no memory" He smiled innocently as the two women blushed then laughed leading him along when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

    "A word with you Captain, it is urgent"

    He turned as he heard a woman's voice he recognized from a while back. The woman turned to the two others and smiled at them.

    "I will try to have the Captain visit you soon, he has an urgent meeting that cannot wait".

    Boris smiled at the ladies with a wink and turned to the woman. "I hope this is really important as I had plans for this morning" He again turned to the two ladies who waved at him as they walked away.

    "Anthrax needs to see you immediately. Our scouts have seen several strange groups walking around the outskirts of town. They have been run off but I think we could have trouble on the horizon. By the way, I do have some knowledge on the black medallions and will share it with you later. About those "ladies", They are the daughters of a very wealthy man and the man you see hanging in the gallows by the drydocked ship was the last one seen with them"

    As Boris turned to face the woman he saw nothing. She had vanished into thin air. It was like a whisper in the wind. He turned back towards the where he had emptied the bottle of rum to await Anthrax. He noticed several people arrive at the port and looked to see if there was a familiar face. His mind was in chaos at the moment and he had to make sense of what must be done if New Heaven was attacked.

  17. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    The Tempest
    Fridai Marse 27, Sprengh 557 PC Dawn on the Tempest
    Light rain is falling
    Captain Trinity is at the cooking merchant, Rhianna in Dragomir.

    Trinity: "Rhianna, do you have any of that delicious pudding I purchased from you yesterday?"

    Rhianna: "Why of course Captain, I made a fresh batch."
    "I knew you would be coming by on your morning walk."

    Trinity: "Rhianna, I was not sure you would be here with this light rain."
    "But thanks for thinking of me and preparing it, here is something extra for your trouble"

    Trinity takes the pudding and gives Rhianna 1 gold plus 1 gold extra.
    She turns to the east and crosses the central bridge and begins her routine.

    During her training on the Perennial Coast she learned a meditation method she performs each morning.
    The Tai Chi routine relaxes her and keeps her skills at peak levels even during times such as these where she is not fighting.

    CatherineRose was also hurrying by on her way to her castle on the nearby hillside.

    CatherineRose: "Hello, Trinity, it is a pleasure to see you today"
    "I must hurry along, I do not want to get these new shoes soaked in this rain."
    "Boris sent me a message and I would like you to read it, please read it and I will get it from you later today"

    CatherineRose hands Trinity the parchment from Boris and hurries on up the hill side.

    Trinity: "Goodbye, and stay dry"
    Trinity giggles silently at the thought of not wanting to get her shoes wet. Then she reads the message, and puts the parchment in her pack, then continues her morning routine.

    The words in the message keep interrupting her meditation as she continues the Tai Chi routine.

    "prepare as New Heaven will be attacked soon"

    How soon is soon?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  18. Trinity

    Trinity Avatar

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    The Tempest
    Moonandai Apru 2, Sprengh 557 PC Midnight on the Tempest
    Crescent Moon, Clear and Calm
    Captain Trinity is alone on her watch for the night.

    Trinity is looking over the stern of the Tempest toward the open sea.

    Trinity: "I'm glad there is no rain, I love the quite stillness of night on the Tempest"

    She is reading the note CatherineRose received from Boris.
    These words stand keep repeating in her head.

    "prepare as New Heaven will be attacked soon"

    How soon is soon?
    The Tempest was designed to allow for maximum speed.
    What the Tempest lacks in cannons and manpower is made up with speed, crew discipline and maneuverability.
    The Tempest is the fastest ship in the fleet but to sail to New Heaven will take many days.

    Do we have time to sail to New Heaven before an attack?
    What if we sail to New Heaven and Dragomir is attacked?
    Who will be left to protect Dragomir?

    I will use the spell the sea witch, Aquaphena taught me that summons the spirit of the sea to reveal the future. The spell allows seeing into the future. Perhaps I can see far enough to know how to proceed.

    Facing New Heaven Trinity raises her hands to the night sky.
    Her palms toward the stars then speaks these words:

    "Aqua Appare Vestigium".

    In the distance a dense fog starts forming and floats toward the Tempest.
    Once the fog had completely covered the Tempest, Trinity sees the future unfolding before her eyes. She sees an image of a battle with Obsidians approaching the town of New Heaven. The date and time are written in the foggy mist.

    The date she saw was Sunandai Juno 1, it is midnight.
    (Date Translation to NBT/CST--Sunday January 13, 2019 2:00 PM)

    The fog begins to fade as she sees Obsidians approaching Kahli and Dragomir.
    The fog continues to fade and the date can not be seen before the fog dissipates.

    Oh my, there are battles ahead for both Kahli and Dragomir.
    I can not risk taking the Tempest and her crew to New Haven leaving Dragomir unprotected.

    I must prepare the crew for the task ahead.

    It is now dawn, the red skies of morning fill the cove as the sun peeks above the horizon.
    Trinity calls out to her quartermaster Peg.

    "Peg, muster the crew I have an important message for the crew!"
  19. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... Meantime in Dragomir Mori ...
    I walked along the shore and from afar I saw Catherine talking to Trinity.
    Trinity left - probably to do her Tai Chi exercises ... High up - like the last days - I saw Arkah fishing.
    I had to smile. Fortunately, Kardan was still having late breakfast and sharing his best stories.
    I approached Catherine. Although she had recently suffered this painful loss, she was still graceful and had the best kindness in her eyes.
    As I approached, she smiled. I smiled back and greeted her. "Good morning, Catherine, you were done with breakfast." "Yeah, I'm not very hungry right now, Michael."
    She lowered her head for a moment and then looked at me seriously. Above her benevolent gaze was a veil of tears, but also a great determination.
    Something had happened. "Is there news from Captain Boris Mondragon?" I asked. She nodded. "I just told Trinity he was hurt - nothing bad."
    "Good to hear, is he on his way back? Is there something about that black medallion?"
    "He wrote that he would tell us more later, but something else has come up now ..." She paused.
    I took a deep breath and waited for what Catherine would tell me.
    "He was, as I said, injured and thankfully rescued by Anthrax Artek, Lord of New Heaven, from whom we have information suggesting that an immediate attack on New Heaven will take place!"
    I shook my head. "Then - then we should go there as fast as possible! Thanks for this important information ... I'll let the others know Milady, see you later! "

    I hurried into the great hall, where Kardan was about to put his cup to drink, and the others wanted to get up quickly to leave the room, while he couldn't speak ....
    "Please stay for a word, friends!" I said, leaning over Kardan's shoulder.
    "What's up, Michael?", Samael asked. The seriousness of my look seemed to scare them.
    "I was just talking to Lady Catherine. Captain Mondragon was injured but was able to flee to New Heaven with the help of Lord Anthrax Artek."
    "How bad is it?" Ariel asked.
    "Fortunately nothing serious."
    "I should have accompanied him!" Interjected Dupre.
    "Maybe then it would be different, but we do not know what he found out, I suggest we all head to New Heaven to defy the threat of an assault!"
    "What assault?" Fiona asked.
    "Lord Anthrax Artek fears, based on numerous observations and incidents, that an attack is imminent."
    Dupre got up. "Let's go!"
    "Not so fast!" said the Warrior of Love.
    "What's going on?" Dupre asked.
    "Even if it is true, and even if help is needed, we should first discuss with everyone who goes to where! It makes no sense to gather everyone in one place and leave another unprotected, remember the last attack on Aerie and Resolute? "
    Dupre nodded. "You're right. Let's wait until Lady Catherine gathers the remaining here and we'll discuss who goes and who stays ..."

    Kardan had been very quiet during the conversation. Now he asked, "Say, did Captain Mondragon find out anything about the black Medallion?"
    I turned my head to the left and looked at him. "Unfortunately, we do not have any information about that, and it would be another reason to go to New Heaven to benefit from his findings, if he found out anything."
    "Does anyone else like tea?", I asked and poured our cups full.

    So first we had to practice the virtue of patience ...
    ... not for long, as it should soon show up ...

    [to be continued]
  20. Sales101

    Sales101 Avatar

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    Bring on the stories...…..:)
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