[Poll] If there were substantial changes would you do it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Antrax Artek, Jun 24, 2019.


Would you do PVP if there were changes to make it meaningful, rewarding and less punitive for all?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2019.
  1. Yes

  2. I already do it

  3. No

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  1. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    2k Is the max that your ransoms should be. and it doesnt take that long of inventory management. I carry around 2 chests FULL of junk items. In total, it weighs 65.7 pounds to have 600 junk items to carry around. You can carry those around always when you adventure. 65.7 pounds shouldn't weigh that much to you. if it does, then go level up Heavy Lifter. If you really are spending 10-15 minutes taking out all of your things that have more then 1k value, what are you carrying with you? Do you have like 200 deeds on you? Seriously.
    What do you mean? PVPers have tons of people to fight. I can name tons of active pvpers. And what reasons that I stated result to them not having anyone to fight???? The part about the xp? The part about the ransoms? What part?
  2. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Well I guess you're all set then.

    As for the parts, having to carry around 60 pounds of crap for one thing.

    Telling people "You only have to play for four months before you can PvP" is pretty obviously a terrible way to get any new PvP'ers in.
    Cordelayne likes this.
  3. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    Buddy, almost no games can you jump into and start becoming great at pvp in like a week. This is a mmo...
    Hemswal The Descended and Dhanas like this.
  4. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    I mean pve is the same exact thing, you have to get millions of xp to be able to do good stuff.
    Hemswal The Descended likes this.
  5. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Clearly we live in different realities.
  6. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Yeah, seriously.
    I do not want to carry around a 65 pound box of complete bs to circumvent a ransom mechanic - it makes more sense to just not have said ransom mechanic.
    Its not about the weight, its just about mess.

    I have crafting artifacts locked in my inventory so they are available when I need them. I have various gear sets locked in my inventory for different builds many of which include various artifacts, I have fun/social things locked in my inventory, such as things that make me change color or jump higher or etc. Convenience items like an ox belt, etc. These things weigh like 0.5 or 1 each so aren't a big deal to keep locked on my person so I can use them when I want them.

    If I am to go PvP and not screw myself with ransoms, I have to unlock EVERYTHING box EVERYTHING and go find a "box of junk" ? and then when I'm done I have to go and reload it all.
    I also have to be careful not to use/swap to any deck that had gear that isn't actually in my inventory anymore.
    When I do inevitably get killed, any items that I do drop become unlocked even if they were previously locked, which is just asking for trouble and accidental item loss.
    I've also seen people equip a bunch of crappy tools as they might drop as your "equipped item" rather than your gear. So we can add unequipping all my prosp tools and equipping crappy substitutes to the "pre pvp inventory shuffle."

    Yes, it takes 10-15 minutes, and no, its not worth the hassle.

    Compare to other games that don't have stupid, pointless penalty obstacles for entry where you can actually wear your good gear without having to worry about losing it, and queue for/enter a pvp area in about 30 seconds and be in the action.

    I keep hearing people say that the ransoms are so small, its not very much money, or we don't claim the ransoms etc. - if that's the case, then why not be rid of it if it will encourage more people to participate in PvP?
  7. Dhanas

    Dhanas Avatar

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    Have to agree on this, i never played an MMO where i could directly jump to pvp as a newb, usualy you have to grind a bit, buy correct gear.
    Yeah fixing inventory is so fucking annoying both for pve and pvp, i don't Think getting rid of ransom is a good idea But fixing it and having a better mechanic would be better.
  8. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    This is why I urgently suggested this change of game mechanics a while back: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/f...ogic-of-equipment-swap-upon-deck-swap.150357/
    Sadly it got very little attention. I assume that is because the majority of players don't want to PvP at all, and of those that do PvP the majority can afford walking around with all their stuff because even 10k ransoms are peanuts to them.

    Actually, the item is chosen from your equippable items, not your equipped items. You do not actually have to equip them, just have them in your inventory. Everything that can go on your paperdoll or in a cafting tool slot counts: failed crafted jewelry, looted armor and weapons, wooden mugs, clay pipes, flower bouquets, worn cloaks...

    And to the "You have to work hard to deserve to PvP" crowd: Nobody is expecting to win fights right away. But people are expecting fights to be fun from the very start. Which means they should last longer that the split second of accidently stepping into someone's fire circle. Fact is: PvP is not fun for many that are actually interested in it and did PvP in other games, because of the very long time of feeling like a bug that's being crushed without the slightest effort.

    Btw: I don't understand the purpose of this poll, if it really is to say "If you were willing to grind countless hours and invest in correct gear, would you PvP"? Perhaps, instead of filtering out the users with less than 5 posts, count only the votes of people that have a character of at least adventurer level 100 and that own at least one cabalist hood?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2019
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  9. Dhanas

    Dhanas Avatar

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    Imo best solution to fix the gap problem is creating zones with skill caps ( maybe some Battleground mechanics with It )
    And adding a pvp gear that you acquire doing pvp.
    Ex. In WOW you have to grind to reach max lvl to join Real pvp and world pvp, but you can always play Battleground tiered for your lvl while you are Leveling and while you are not still max lvl, also there is pvp gear teared to lvl: if you are max lvl but full pve gear you can't compete with player with pvp gear.

    The problem is those mechanics i am talking about, don't fit realy well in a sandbox, they can be added Yes so new player can start to familiriaze with it, but in other sandbox mmo i played ( wow is not a sanbox) usualy the end game pvp is the one you do in the openworld, and you can't put cap in openworld.
    Hemswal The Descended likes this.
  10. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    I think a good first step that should at least be attempted is:
    • There are no crits above 200 hp in PvP, unless it was a perfectly timed, charged attack from stealth and behind (give those assassin types a chance of playing a fun build). I realize that heals have to be adjusted similarily to avoid endless fights. (Basically I want to avoid 1 and 2 shot kills, but also avoid fights that never end because everyone can heal themselves to full in between at any time.)
    • Find mechanics where teams of players can efficiently PvP together and use even a less skilled team member to their advantage. An idea (without having put much thought into it yet) is to have skills that really efficiently ward team members from harm. These could then be used to keep damage away from the group's healer and younger members and direct it towards a team member that can more easily take the damage. Let the knight throw himself with his shield between his squire and the blade that's raised for the killing blow. And also the other way round: Introduce a "noble sacrifice" skill that allows someone to take all the damage from the next (or latest?) attack on a chosen party member and additionally, in the case that the sacrifice leads to their death, heal them for the same amount of HP (or a fraction thereof, or give back HP and Focus of a certain percentage of the damage absorbed through the sacrifice, or...). For low-level-characters that probably means death, but their sacrifice ensures that a badly damaged but more skilled team member can efficiently join the battle again. Say, Bob has 1200hp but now is down to 300, and Anne keeps beating him up. Bob's friend Joe has 600hp, but is down to 60. Joe uses "noble sacrifice" for Bob. Anne hits Bob for 200hp, which are taken by Joe however. Joe instantly dies, healing Bob for an additional 200hp in the process. Also from a RP point of view I could imagine these features to be much fun.
    Zones with skill caps are a solution (also please let POT owners set them for their POTs), and better than having no solution at all, eventhough I think the gap will still be very noticable, despite.
    eli likes this.
  11. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Well that's what players hate. It takes the spontaneity out of it. To me it's kind of like now I will go mining more often now since we have teleport to zone scrolls. It's another thing I say take down the barriers and get rid of ransom. Use the leader board system to provide pvp rewards and pvp achievements, titles, pvp daily and progressive quests and tasks, bounties etc to encourage fun in pvp, and give us our raid system sooner than later to have the timed battleground scenario as well.

    I also want us to get the tech in game to have our own timers to start events. Such as for a horse race the blow the whistle or horn or for a jumping contest. Starting and ending noise makers and an onscreen clock going when we start it. Well I don't want much but truly I do want quality good stuff for this game ;)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2019
  12. eli

    eli Avatar

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    Reading through these replies, it is refreshing to see that the problems and solutions are well understood, obvious, and seemingly agreed upon by most players.

    Too bad devs can't see it.
    Dhanas likes this.
  13. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    Ok well maybe pvp isnt for you then if you feel that way.
    What do you even mean? So you are telling me that you don't have to have a lot of xp to be good in pve? Im so confused.
  14. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    I mean like if you are able to do high end pvp with less then 100 million xp, like Ancient Dragons, Clockworks Dragons, Ruined Keep, and things like that, then go ahead and do what you are doing man. Obviously you know what you are doing.
  15. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    I don't agree on a 200 Critical hit damage cap, many many people are hitting 200+ easily wihout crits. But a critical damage cap wouldnt be bad. I would say put it at like 500. At 500 you won't get one shotted (atleast you shoulnd't be), and the odds of someone hitting 2-3 500 critical hits in a row are fairly low. And you can always use fireflies to further decrease their critical damage to about 300, give or take.
    Dhanas likes this.
  16. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    The purpose of the poll is to understand the general opinion on the topic and to understand how many people instead would participate in the pvp if there were any good changes.
    It is not releated at all to my personal opinion but you know as I think about the level and grinding, the gap of level can be closed easly with a good deck, good gear, good irl skills or bringing friends with you.
    The filter is not based on the type of player but it was necessary because of reports from other users who, besides me, noticed a suspicious trend in the first hours of the thread.
    Since the goal is to have a clearer and truer vision of general opinion without exploitations of the limited voting system through multiple accounts, I decided, besides the counter that you can see in the header of the thread page, to filter users with less than 10 messages and report the data on the main post.
    Both data are publicly visible. I'll update the filtered data soon.

    PS: In my opinion a damage cap is really unsuitable.
    Hemswal The Descended and Jaesun like this.
  17. AbstraxPhoenix

    AbstraxPhoenix Avatar

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    Well, what would you like in place of the ransom system? There has to be some reward.
  18. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    IMO PvE is quite good right from the Outskirts.

    Yeah, PvP is good from the moment you start if you can find the one other person that is super low level and willing to do it with you.

    But when you say "It'll only take you four months to get to PvP, if you grind daily" well, imagine saying that about PvE. If there were no low level zones, you just had to sit in UT for four months straight. How many people do you think would be PvEing?

    But as you said, there are tons of people PvPing so this whole thread is pointless anyway.
    Bedawyn, Cordelayne and Cyin like this.
  19. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Since you're just gaming the system anyway it is basically useless. You're only getting rewarded with trash if the other person does it your way, and it drives away anyone who doesn't want to spend 15 minutes futzing with their inventory every time.
    Cordelayne and Cyin like this.
  20. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    We've been making suggestions for the past several years on how to reward the winner without making PvP completely unappealing to people who wont win every time - or will hardly ever win.

    Personally, I don't think you should get a "reward" for killing someone that takes something from that player - this just encourages poor behavior (griefing, ganging up on people, killing people who are questing, etc) and the people who do the griefing never think that their "reward" for griefing is enough anyway. This in turn results in potential victims avoiding the PvP zones like the plague because after a while, getting splatted is not fun - its a waste of your time with no chance at any potential benefit. Its less about the gold and more about the inconvenience, at least for me personally. I can afford the gold - but why should I pay it? I don't get anything for it. I can go lose 10k pvping for an hour or I can go buy something.

    In the absence of a ransom system, suddenly the shardfall is not such a bad place - dipping your toes into PvP doesn't come with a cost to entry in both gold and inconvenience. You can just go do it.

    I get that winners want some recognition/incentive, and I'm not against that , but our current system presents the choice:
    do you want ransoms, or do you want more people to play with?

    While there have been many alternative suggestions, the best I have seen is adding some sort of pvp resource/currency obtained in such scenes (that can be banked), and, when you get killed in such a scene that currency/resource gets ransom applied to it. This way you're only losing what you've gained since being there.

    Lose this outdated concept of "gear loss" - it essentially boils down to a gold payment, nobody's going to let someone keep their "good" gear which costs orders of magnitude more than the ransom unless it is by mistake. That would solve the inventory fiddling issue at the very least.
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