please go multi-guild

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by ThurisazSheol, Jan 26, 2015.

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  1. ThurisazSheol

    ThurisazSheol Avatar

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    EDIT: this thread has morphed into JUST a multi-GUILD request. Please read the entirety of page 2, to see what it has now become, before responding. thank you.

    I've played many multiplayer games over the years, and they are getting more and more social over time. to facilitate that, the games need to evolve too.

    example: The Phoenix Republic (a SOTA PoT) and Elder Moot (a Gaming Community)

    it started as a small town. then people in the early releases started networking together and building friendships. with those friendships came loos alliances, with those alliances, came the inevitable connection of trying to formalize them because everyone involved has a common goal. making the best gaming experience we can, with each other.

    so now, it is no longer a hold-fast, it is a republic of several size POTS, and multiple guilds working together to make that fat bag of awesome called the republic.

    Elder Moot:
    my guild was founded in a game that is multi-guild capable, and we have NEVER required primary, or any, loyalty to us and us alone, in fact we have always encouraged our members to try out other guilds - because all we have ever done was hoped to be able to facilitate an awesome experience with each other. if we as a guild can not fulfill a certain need (like hardcore raiding, or hardcore pvp), then please join a guild dedicated to that to get that fix..just know we'll always be here, and you have a home with us.

    then comes SOTA. this is a fairly complex game, compared to the other complex games out there and in development. We have guilds, towns, and now psudo-nations all controlled maintained and founded by players. we need the tools for coordination of all of these fantastic systems. i feel that a multi-guild setup is EXACTLY what would fill that niche.

    the problem with this is communication. i would LOVE to have a group of people, mostly the leaders of the guilds and towns, to have a central place in-game to chat while in game together, for organizational purposes. i do not think a mail system or a bulletin board system will work for this. it will need to be as real-time, and close to an open forum as it can get, while remaining psudo-private.

    The Phoenix Republic, and my guild, Elder Moot, will need to have separate channels for that very reason. organization. - heck, the leader of TPR, Kazyn Phoenixfyre, has been a member of the moot far longer than a citizen of SOTA. why in the world should he be forced to choose a single allegiance just because he owns a PoT that has evolved with the needs/desires of the players at large?

    i know there will be some people who disagree with this - most of those that i've spoken to, tend to be purists from an older time that feel that having only one guild they can be a part of, will make the loyalty to that guild, and the bonds it creates, stronger. as an ex-purist myself, i disagree, here's why:

    having an open guild setup as we do, has caused us to be closer than any other guild i've ever been in, in my entire gaming life. while we have members all over the world, they've moved to other countries and become roomates for a time, or had dinner with each other while visiting their towns, shared recipes together, for some helped raise young children via the social aspect of gaming, for others helped each other through tough times in our lives, and even been referrals for job openings when that was needed. - we're stronger friends together, because of the encouragement to branch out, and not isolate ourselves from the worlds surrounding us.

    more and more games are going to this system than the older antequated system of single-guild-only configuration. there must be a reason for this. i think it is the fact that we're more and more social these days and it isn't going to stop.

    i'm not saying i want unlimited guilds. two games i've played, gw2 and eso, both had a limit at five guilds you could be a member of. in my opinion most people wouldn't even need that many. some may need more, but most wouldn't. in both, i usually kept it at three, max and just didn't accept invites any further.

    as for the purists who only want the one - give them the option to lock in their guild(s) (not accepting invites/autodecline style), so they won't have to be bothered by a multitude of invites randomly, and i'd even be ok as a pro-multiguild, to have it set to autodeclien by those purists wouldn't EVER have to worry about it, satisfying them, while not forcing their personal opinions on others who would like the freedom to choose.

    personally, i think it is a neat compromise, because there are very verbose pro-multiguild players, as well as equally verbose anti-multiguild players, and that alone would go a long way in satisfying the requirements of both demographics.

    one thing i adored that gw2 does, it let you choose to "represent" a guild of choice as you are a member of it, so in your name and/or tabard crest you wear, does it, and the tabard automagically changes the crest on it..

    i did not like how eso required you to own/purchase a seperate tabard for the other guild, and how it took up an item slot in the bank or inventory.

    TL;DR version:
    Please allow us to go multi-guild, while not infringing on the desire for anti-multiguild players to not be bothered with a multitude of guild invites while they play.
  2. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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  3. licemeat

    licemeat Avatar

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    If I ran a guild, I wouldn't want my members to be in another. Show some allegiance to our group. But... that is what I would with MY guild. I think most of us are big boys and girls and should be able to decide if they want to run/belong to stricter guild, as described, or an open swinger guild. I would limit the amount of guilds a person can join to something practical. If I saw someone running around with 43 guild titles, I would assume every guild they are representing is a joke.
  4. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    It is not about guild loyalty to the primary social guild for me. I would like to be a member of different RP guilds, clubs and organizations. For example, count me in the Iron Chefs Cult for master chefs.
  5. Lord-Galiwyn

    Lord-Galiwyn Avatar

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    I belong to 3 Guilds, and only display my Primary Guild in-game.
  6. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I don't have a particular thought to persuing this myself. One guild is enough for me, but I do understand what you are saying. Since you can have other characters not sure if this would help to quild your other charcter differently
    but I'm not even sure this would work that much since our other characters are suppose to still be us, at least with reputation carrying over.

    So for example if one guild you belonged to were PVE and another were PVP I really don't think that would work because of the virtue system. And I'm not even sure if there
    will be good choices for the PVP players like 'sparing someones life feature', or only 'bounty killing' as a virtuous lifestyle to protect the people.
    Oh well now that is off on another tangent lol.;)

    Regarding multiple guilds that you can join, I think perhaps it is a good question because of the way our characters will be tied to the choices we make and how will that fact
    limit the characters abilities in one way or another.
  7. EmberFlame

    EmberFlame Avatar

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    Like what I'm hearing! I'm quite happy as a member of the BMC, but I've made several friends outside the guild as well. A few in-game, a few in this forum, etc.

    I remember City of Heroes using an "alliance" system that I thought worked pretty well. Your guild (Super Group, actually, but who's counting?) got to pick which guilds they synced up with, and from there they had a seperate chat channel that allies could all communicate on. They even added functionality to allow people to easily visit the "Bases" of their allies! After a while, most of the bigger, more active guilds realized the strength of this, and it quickly became commonplace (on my server, at least) to have most of these guilds ally with all the others to become a part of a bigger network.

    I understand that this takes away some of the individual choice, but perhaps this could be an easy-to-implement way to give you some of what you're asking for? It'd be like an in-game extension of Avatar's Circle, IMO.

    EDIT - For the PvP-oriented, this system could be easy, as well. If you go to war with a guild, it's like they're on your "Alliance Ignore List" for the duration of the war. Or you could not. Guild espionage, anyone? ;)
  8. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    The ability to belong to multiple guilds sorry this is NOT math club, debate club, lacrosse team, and wrestling. These are Guilds and some loyalty is and should be needed to belong to them.

    I understand you thinking but sorry do not agree, You can be associated with them socially all you want but should only BELONG to one :) Even the Crafting type guilds like the Britannia Mining Company should hold its members to that guild, they can still go out lumberjacking, or fishing but they should have a loyalty to the BMC not the Log Cutters Conglomerate, and or the Scale Scrappers Symposium :)
    Hettar, Jonrobin, licemeat and 2 others like this.
  9. EmberFlame

    EmberFlame Avatar

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    I spoke to Duke Cooper about this once. His policy has been that, once multiple characters are implemented, he's fine with players being cross-guild, but requires that at least one character be in BMC, and we identify as that character. That said, now that I'm a larger part of BMC's operation, it would be unkind for me to divert my attention... at the very least, it would be an inconvience for me to tell the guild "You have to call me [Random Alt Name Here] now!".

    I could see where we would potentially have a hard time with the cross-guild thing, if only because it's logistically tough. How are we supposed to know which people make up the core membership? Activity doesn't necessarily beget full attention to the BMC; some people just don't have a lot of game-time.

    So, yeah, Weins has a valid point, although the exact details may differ from guild to guild.
  10. DavenRock

    DavenRock Avatar

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    Not only am I the GM of MGT, I am also in the Bear Tavern Militia, as well as SotA Role-Players. You could also argue that MGT is more of a friendly community than a guild, however we do maintain a playstyle centric guild hierarchy. We are spread throughout the entire community of SotA. Most of our members are belonging to more than one community and it would be nice to be able to show Titles from each.
    Isaiah, ThurisazSheol, Tasali and 5 others like this.
  11. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I am swayed to guild loyalty. I really think its important to represent your guild or have the chance that you spread yourself to thin and guilds fall apart. Having said this though, I do believe in guild alliances, and that guilds can co-exist this way. Even on more of a personal not, maybe permissions can be bestowed on an individual from a gm to give one *friend of guild status* and then be able to talk in guild chat with said guild but not worry about being disloyal to the main guild. I understand that you would not be able to display anything but your main guild tag but maybe your name could be highlighted in a color that would deem you an ally or a friend of the guild.
  12. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Does that mean we can have clubs in the game too :D
  13. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
    of course though you would not be able to multi-guild if you are warring against said guild. That goes without saying though.
  14. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    I want the Refish Club President Slot :)
    Jivalax Azon and DavenRock [MGT] like this.
  15. EmberFlame

    EmberFlame Avatar

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    That's why I thought the game should auto-ignore guilds you're at war with, at least on an alliance level. "It's nothing personal, it's just WAR!" :p

    That could be an interesting solution to this! I can already see Church of the Darkstarr being a club... well, cult, maybe. :eek:
    Jivalax Azon and Tahru like this.
  16. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Well every type of social organization in the game, whether guild or club, is a form of "fellowship." But they all need some way to organize and be recognized, even if they aren't mutually exclusive. There might even be some that are mutually exclusive among their type but not globally. So, potentially, folks in a crafting guild might not be able to join another crafting guild, but they might be able to also join a POT guild or a guild like the college of arms, or a scholarly society, etc.

    But every fellowship you can join should have some way to be recognized in the game.
  17. Themo Lock

    Themo Lock Avatar

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    I spend as much time with 4B as i do with my own guild, also spend a fair bit of time with a few members of MGT and Weeping Seven. I don't really feel the need to add their tags above my head though. As a guild leader focussed on new players i have no issues with members leaving to join other groups, or rejoining if that did not work out for them. I don't really like the idea of my guild tag being one of many over peoples heads though. I offer my full attention to people in my guild whenever they ask it of me, all i ask in return is they display that tag and represent it with class and virtue.
    Acred, Jivalax Azon, Tahru and 4 others like this.
  18. Gubbles

    Gubbles Avatar

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    This is the first time I've really thought about this, but I think for me this comes down to the desire to make group communication more accessible between certain groups of players. I think for every character a player has they should be able to join a different guild for each, if desired, but only one guild per character. Taking inspiration from the Dev+ Discourse Orb, I think for every home or town a character owns, they should belong to community chat channel for that zone. Beyond that, I think I'd be OK with characters completing some sort of group quest that allows them to activate one Discourse Orb with his buddies that also completed the group quest.
  19. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    ding ding ding ding :D
    Jivalax Azon likes this.
  20. Musaab Osman

    Musaab Osman Avatar

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    How about having an Alliance system like EvE Online? Guilds can be members of Alliances and work together in that fashion.
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