Don't forget the telethon & feedback after the Telethon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by majoria70, Sep 6, 2017.

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  1. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Once people finish quest lines whats next? With no back up goals, tasks, and accomplishments system the longevity aspect of the game will suffer. How many games do you know that don't have some type of in game achievement system? Can you honestly say this game doesn't need that reason to play, reason to explore, reason to achieve aspect? Maybe not everyone would be willing to hunt for what to do and be lost and confused in a game that doesn't provide a goal system to back up things to do for their players. Even fishing events and Quests could if embellished provide some fun reasons to explore.

    I don't disagree about what you say about Quests. I'm interested in all aspects of the game being great experiences for people. Everyone has their own interests in a game. Many of my friends are crafters, questers, and farmers. They will come back to the game for side Quests for fishing, crafting, agriculture, and achievements to provide reasons to do these things.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
  2. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    You'd be surprised how much can be done in a few months of crunch. Whenever or not they'll pull through is another thing entirely, though.

    If people have a good time playing through the main story, they'll stick around and maybe enjoy the MMO portions of it, dig deeper into the lore, etc. That's because they got a taste of what they can expect and they enjoyed it. If they stop playing the game, they'll come back for more if they catch wind of any improvements with the game.

    If anything, the game could be enjoyed for what it'd be: A good story.

    If everything is in WIP when the game is "released", players get none of the satisfaction of experiencing anything polished. So what if I can complete achievements if the entire experience sucks? Who cares about housing if it's not in a game world worth living in? Etc.

    If people have a bad time, they won't come back. The story is probably the main attraction of the game... not what got people to play the game, mind you, but what the game front-loads to your face right at the start. From the MMO gamers to the single-player gamers, the story is the first thing that most of us are going to try to do.

    Practically anything that came out before the 2004s... give or take. I don't have an exact number but I'm pretty sure that's more than you think.
  3. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    I'd be more worried about the lack of side quests, especially repeatable ones. Something like dailies would go a long way toward giving players something to do every time they log in, even more than an achievement system. Even the Steam achievements would be fine, if they'd be updated and (greatly) expanded.

    Unfortunately, the only thing keeping the game going right now is grinding and community involvement. Once I'm sick of grinding, and run out of events to attend, there isn't much to do.
    shathiell, Mykll, Hornpipe and 2 others like this.
  4. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Except many don't play on steam. Darkstarr said it's too difficult to add achievements in game at this point but I thought I'd try. Perhaps some kind of tasking system via bulletin boards in Npc towns and yes I think we will need repeatable Quests for sure that are random for fishing, agriculture, crafting, and exploring to give those who need or want extra things to do. :)
  5. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Dear god i said this months ago.

    Spend 20 min prepping key questions and provide real answers.

    You spend 11 sec with a vague bs answer on a core mechanic question then ramble on about imaginary possible future coffee tables for an hour.

    Couldnt even get through the video this time.

    Pretty sad when maj is asking you wtf. And sad / funny when bdf is asking what the story writers been doing for 4 years. ( tho maybe he should have been more objective during development, not once its done )

    Seriously you guys need to prep your damn answers and actually have some for the real questions.
    Didnt donate my 5$ this time.
    Gorthyn, Mykll, Fister Magee and 2 others like this.
  6. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Exacrly. I wrote out 15 + possible, easily implemented repeatable quests that could b put in and not effect the lore or main story in anyway in a post a while back.
    Lil things like hides for a hunter. Skeli bones. Adding a semi rare gem from elyssium that someone pays 150g for or w.e
    Nothing eco breaking but worth turning in when u got a couple.
    SOMETHING to break up the grind.
    Its not bloody rocket science to do this, its been being done for 25+ years!

    Jesus even the most basic implementation of bulk order deeds for craftable things would made the crafting push more tolerable.
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