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New Combat Focus regen rate is way too low :D

Discussion in 'Release 38 Feedback Forum' started by GrayFog, Jan 31, 2017.

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  1. Cenbhan

    Cenbhan Avatar

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    If people would stop crying over the craziest things. Why would you complain that you have TOO much focus? Guess what, now you dont have enough.
    helomech and Chatele like this.
  2. brhanson2

    brhanson2 Avatar

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    I agree, way too slow now. Cant finish a fight without being completely empty. Much too major of a reduction IMHO.

    One thing that would help would be to count 5 seconds after your last spell/skill cast and consider that out of combat. Now I am constantly sheathing and unsheathing weapon to regen. Should be able to regen out of combat speed if Im just walking around whether or not my weapon is drawn.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  3. Senjut

    Senjut Avatar

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    The fizzle changes and the focus changes are really too much, and this really isn't at all fun. It's mostly sitting around when solo, and in group everyone's running out of focus pretty early in fights. I thought focus regen was pretty reasonable before you started messing with it in this release (i.e. before it went crazily up and now way way down).

    And to those saying don't complain, a) this is the first time I've complained so I must be fairly serious, and b) complaining when justified is part of the feedback process. If we don't complain, they'll assume it's awesomely fun and then when we all quit they'll wonder where we all went off to. :)

    Seriously though, for the first time I may just take a break, until I see how this shakes out. Right now it's like you have to use every trick and skill device you can think of to minimize everything, in order to make playing almost tolerable. Hopefully it's just an overcorrection that will be fixed pretty quickly. If not, then I doubt this is a game I really want to play, if that's the baseline - that even after putting in a ton of hard work to level up, my maximum capability is a few light green mobs before I need to go sit on a rock for a while.

    Also, bears keep growling at me now when I'm standing around the Overland Map, what's up with that. :p
  4. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Lol my fav today was you and muld hittin spider.. i wasnt even in combat mode and at 50% health spider turned and wanted my sweet canadian ass just for watching!

    Stop the archer hate!
    - think the general consensus is somethings broke :p
  5. Borg

    Borg Avatar

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    OFC man, I assume you just dint test it after patch, regeneration is simply not working when in combat, this is a bug it should work in combat mode.

    Before R38 Aetheric Feedback regen bonus was broken whenever you cast any spell, they fixed that in R38 but it seems last patch messed it up.
    Barugon likes this.
  6. Vero

    Vero Avatar

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    If we get Aetheric Feedback working well in again combat, together with the food regen buffs in combat we will be just fine! :) will be fixed soon enough! (i think and hope)
    Bow Vale likes this.
  7. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Right now, the food buff in combat mode is so minuscule that it's almost worthless.
  8. Bow Vale

    Bow Vale Avatar

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    Yes this needs to be boosted and working...also potions need to be far more useful than they are, especially the regeneration ones which sound good but give a pitiful regeneration for a low period of time for some SERIOUS needed resources to make.
    helomech, By Tor and Chatele like this.
  9. Sirio

    Sirio Avatar

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    la rigenerazione del focus è ridicola, e non dev'essere considerato il bonus alla rigenerazione quando sei fermo perchè è posizione che solo il guerriero può permettersi e non sempre, ma il mago e l'arciere quando giocano da soli cosa dovrebbero fare? stare fermi al centro del combattimento mentre vengono colpiti? attualmente finisco 480 punti focus contro 4 o 5 banditi a serpents... e poi devo posare le armi e aspettare fin troppo per riprendere tutto il focus. E non mi si venga a dire che devo utilizzare i cibi che rigenerano focus perchè il bonus del cibo dovrebbe essere appunto "un bonus" un qualcosa in più non "una necessità"


    the focus of regeneration is ridiculous, and should not be considered the bonus to the regeneration when standing still because it is location that only the warrior can afford and not always, but the magician and the archer when they play for themselves what they should do? stand still in the middle of combat as they are affected? I end now focus 480 points against 4 or 5 bandits serpents ... and then I have to lay down their arms and wait too to resume all the focus. And do not I come and tell me that I have to use the foods that regenerate focus because the food bonus should be just "a bonus" something more "not a necessity"
    helomech likes this.
  10. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    Having played nearly every day for 8+ hours the past 6 Releases or so i can tell you combat focus regen NEVER was that low!

    And if i have to pay attention on 2-4 mobs, that should be hardcore grey instead of green already for me, something definetly is wrong with the balance...

    And btw. i actually pay attention, i stack my glyphs ultra quickly by now (i am not an clicker).

    Geeeee.... it's just wrong, sorry....
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    helomech, Chatele, Numa and 1 other person like this.
  11. runicpaine

    runicpaine Avatar

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    Chicago, IL
    So what about warriors/tanks who don't have spell crits to use aetheric feedback, they can't tap soul because then they completely destroy their ability to heal, have the smallest focus pool of any class, and surprisingly have a handful of pretty expensive abilities? I guess we only tank for the fist 20-30 seconds and then let our party die?
  12. JamesKrieg

    JamesKrieg Avatar

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    This is awful. as a tamer that loses a ton of focus to hold a pet, and then go into a fight with this crap regen , I cannot heal myself or the pet i just have to go into auto attack and let it free shoot arrows and hope for the best. WTH are you developers thinking? trying to kill the player base already?
    helomech, Chatele and GrayFog like this.
  13. Vero

    Vero Avatar

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    Perhaps it was not 100% intended to patch the regen they way it is now. As stated before, food regen should work in combat. (same for Aetheric Feedback). After most releases there are new patches to fix bugs and the regen seems buggy :). Keep the faith, regen will work as intented soon enough! :)
  14. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    Food regen actually works in combat, but since Bear Suprise for example only gives 0.8 combat focus/sec, it's useless.
  15. Rosemourne

    Rosemourne Avatar

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    To be fair, that's almost twice as fast as normal. It allows me to farm my normal haunts in the mines while rarely needing to sheathing my weapon. I don't believe the purpose of food was to make it so it had an impact in combat, but to give a very mild boost while farming spots. I think the main goal is to ease the need to sheath the weapon, not remove it.
  16. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    Have you been playing the same game as i lately? The past couple releases?

    Twice as fast as normal????? What ADV Level are you at?
    Cause currently my base combat focus regen is 2/sec (way to low) and 0.8 combat focus/sec (Bear Suprise, an high tier food) makes zero difference for me at my level.

    Also, food used to give about 1 to 3 combat focus regen / sec, depending on the Tier of the food.

    I also want to add that i have nothing against having to taking breaks, to sheath my weapon.
    But after every 1-2 Minutes of fighting mobs i have to sit for atleast 30+ seconds? Again, after like 3 to 5 "grey" mobs in my case?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
  17. Rosemourne

    Rosemourne Avatar

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    Ah, for some reason my brain ignored focus and read health. I'm level 79. I generally 2 or 3-shot the kobolds while I mine, which uses about 30 focus. I don't have much of an issue because by the time I reach the next kobold, I've regenerated my focus.

    To reiterate, I thought you were talking about health for some reason (despite this being a focus thread). I haven't paid attention as they nerfed it, then restored it, but apparently nerfed it again. As I don't cast spells and have been mining in an area that I don't need much focus at all to kill the enemies, I hadn't noticed.
  18. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    Go to DR, to the center please, try to fight there now... They should be green to you already as well (but Lich Mages which should be yellow to you still).
    You will have decent Focus issues now...

    Expecially when the Undeads have their HP buffed
    helomech likes this.
  19. Arya Stoneheart

    Arya Stoneheart Avatar

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    The higher tier food helps but I only eat to last long enough for how long I play.
  20. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    No it doesn't, makes nearly no difference for high level players with GMs in several skills that cost quite an huge amount of focus at GM Level.
    Should i now lower my skills to 60 or something so i don't run into focus issues anymore fighting "grey" stuff? :D

    What's your ADV. Level and what are you fighting?
    Also, how much are you fighting? Where and in what zone?
    Are you fighting 1 mob after another, or are you, like me, taking on multiple mobs at once? In DR for example you have to fight multiple mobs at once in most cases.

    Are the mobs you are fighting, green, yellor, orange or red?

    Are you Melee, Caster or Tamer etc.? Or a Mix of whatever?

    In other words, please explain to me your playstyle/situation, so i can further understand as to why you think the current base combat focus regen and food combat focus regen is fine.
    helomech and ThunderSAJ like this.
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