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R41 Post Mortem Missed Questions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, May 10, 2017.

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  1. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Yes the designated tank cannot hold the aggro or at least try to get it back to crowd control even if for a few seconds or moments at a time. There is no tanking ability and makes it worthless to try to do it. It's just a battle of who knows what,where you run around in a mish mash group with no plan to have roles. Healers have the most chance but even they run around like crazy trying to heal squishy archers, mages or whoever since the designated tank cannot perhaps if anytime get the aggro. There can be no roles, it's anyone's guess what will happen. This is what I am trying to speak to and I didn't do a good job of it. ;) Thanks.
    Last edited: May 14, 2017
  2. Rosemourne

    Rosemourne Avatar

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    I have seen plenty of games do this in the past with the guise that NPCs are doing footwork to pass the time, when in reality the player just needs to level up. Perhaps the same could be done here? For example, before heading to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye, before the quest is even given, the NPCs could simply mention they need to have their intelligence personnel looking into possible leads. Then, when your character reaches a high enough adventure level, they get a mail (R43?) from the NPC saying their intelligence turned something up and to return. Then the quest could start normally.

    Just a thought.
    Spoon, Jens_T, MrBlight and 1 other person like this.
  3. Jaanelle DeJure

    Jaanelle DeJure Avatar

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    It is good to hear you are aware of this issue, and taking action.

    I wonder- similar to how certain scenes have a notice that they are incomplete, would it be feasible to put in similar notices regarding the plot line, while it is still under construction?

    I've been here going on a year and I am still feeling very confused about this.

    I just finally plowed through the Love quests after abandoning them several months ago after arriving at Necropolis severely underleveled. On the other end of the quest line, I recently filed a bug about the mobs in Malice as they were kicking my ass despite being green.

    More currently, I needed to ask in the forum for a tip on next step in the Courage line as my journal is trashed and I couldn't figure out how to get in to see Grannus.

    It's often difficult to discern if something is broken, or "working as intended" and I would imagine even more so for new players.
    Last edited: May 15, 2017
  4. Jaanelle DeJure

    Jaanelle DeJure Avatar

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    I'd be interested to know if this kind of setup would confer a significant advantage over players with one monitor in a PvP situation, all else being equal.
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