Raine of emotion - Chaos, pride, embarassment... eeww what is that feeling?

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Amber Raine, Mar 31, 2014.

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  1. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    It was a hectic few weeks, all she could think was she just wanted to rest and have it all be over, having finished checking all the previous tampering and hackings into the tesla tower, she walked a spell, her mind drifting in and out from thought to thought, a smile popping up as she felt a phantom cold drop of water splash her.. her imagination was playful when she reflected, when she heard a very familiar voice quite close.
    Amber subconciously quickened her step in the direction of the voice, angelic sound like music to her ears, while her head felt light and dizzy, her heart pounding, a playful giggle escaped her lips, "Korvash be looking for a bucket of cold water right about now!" Amber shook her head and continued on to the now gathering crowd.
    There he was, the only person she had met to date that could have her heart do back flips just showing up. "So much for becoming ill when things turned sappy, girl if you got any softer and squishier you would be making Trevor look like the strong unapproachable one!" The thoughts flooded her head but she really didn't care, she oddly liked the foreign flood that happened every time he was around, she could not speak, she could not think, she could barely breath or stand from the dizziness of elation but she liked it, what ever it was, she liked it.
    She took her place near the edge of the group, listening and enjoying the close proximity, keeping all her strength not to fall over. Nirante was not here this time to hold her up, she was on a cruise ship enjoying herself. "Good! She deserved it!" . After some time, a lot of noise, and people talking over each other, the group started to disperse, but he was still standing there, the crowd around him giving him room to move, as she watched his movement she almost panic'd, he was approaching her, she could hear the angelic tones dance upon her ears but her heart was beating so feverishly fast she almost missed what he had said, "amber raine, Good eve milady." That was it, she needed Korvashs' water bucket now, and maybe a mop, she was a puddle of putty.
    Somehow between these few words, the weak feeling in her knees, and the next few moments that passed without realizing what was happening, she was moving forward. Following, a few others joining along the way and then the words "To the forests! let us hunt satyrs". Amber felt elated, a story worth telling, she was to venture forward, through the fog and the daze, to hunt beside this force to be reckoned with, the only force that could cause her to feel ... alive? .. she pondered if that was what it was she was feeling.. alive.
    The group moved out of Owl's head and journeyed toward the forests to which he had mentioned they would be destined, taking a wrong turn once, causing Amber to near die from "oh my Goddess, i am alone in a "empty" area field with just the two of us! just keep breathing, calm, slow, breath. " (my computer ate the picture of us in the "hex placement map" alone ~sad face~ ). They finally found their way out of this area and rejoined the group, her friend Mystic had been picked up into the group of hunters along the way and Amber felt a little easier with a friend nearby. The fun of a shared hunt took part for a period that was longer then expected, but seemed shorter then desired.

    The hunt over, the group broke apart and went their own ways at the entrance of the forest. Amber somehow made her way to kingsport with a smile creating a glow around her that could have been seen from the hovel space station back in the skies of the outlands. A thought had caressed her mind, "I will search my own to find the only thing in this world that matters to me, my cloak!", and all that know her, know she speaks what she thinks, these words fell from her lips and were carried upon the winds and heard by the one they were spoken about. Her glowing smile of elation turned to an even brighter red beacon of a blush as a response was echo'd back dancing upon her ear "Your loyalty is noted."
    Somehow through her blushing and trying to hide for fear of being found that there was truly a kryptonite that can weaken her strong, unwielding facade, she found the only treasure she cared about.
    Amber remained standing, looking over the waters. Smile caressing crimson lips, sapphire-emerald eyes reflecting the waters of the kingsport harbour, she stood for hours with the cloak wrapped around her like a security blanket, and a feeling in the pits of her stomach, that oddly, was not nausea, but she knew she would swallow it down, deny it existed. She was meant to uphold her strong, rock-girl image, she did not get sappy, soft, and nothing could make her go -squish-.

  2. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Amber wandered back toward home in Owl's Head, Kingsport would be visited again another day. Not exactly ready to call it a night, but knowing it was growing late and sleep would be falling upon her soon, Amber decided a quick stop in to visit her friends in FireLotus Tavern would not be a problem, so she made her way across the little town to her favorite relaxation place. A ruckus of noise could be heard inside, nothing unusual for this time of night so without thinking anything of it, she entered the building and climbed the stairs to make her way up to the rafters where a few hours would be spent reflecting on the days journeys. Her friend Iazon was up here doing the same thing, with a smile and a quiet nod, she took a comfortable position, when the ruckus below got even louder and cheers broke out, what on earth could be happening. Lord British had come to pay his respects to the small town, he told of great adventures, of things to come and answered questions posed by the citizens and avatars alike, a fine bit of excitement for everyone below, to end the night off with until the tavern closed.


    Having finally decided it was time to head back to check on the tesla towers, Amber called upon a friend she knew would also be checking up on it. Seemed Ambers' attempts at making things work, she had made herself a group of friends that actually took interest in the goal she had set forth and also looked to be sure everything was in working order with those tesla towers. She called upon Korvash and with a few whispered words she was standing next to him, as well as the others who had taken to checking up, or simply out of fun, climbing the tower. It was great to see them all up here!

    After some joking amongst friends, night began to fall even darker, and as Amber closed her eyes for a blissful sleep upon the top of the tower, she watched the remains of the shattered moon dance across what she felt was a tranquil black night sky.

    Good Night New Britannia
  3. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Alerted by something brushing past her, Amber awoke from her perch upon the tesla tower. It was sunday and she knew this would be the last day she got to spend before she was swept away again, back to the outlands, back to the hum drum of ordinary life and responsibilities. Amber rose, again a feeling as if something was brushing against her passed over her. Looking about to figure out what exactly it was, a lose wire? a phantom force? Amber feeling the brush against her again, almost like she was being gently pushed, took a miss step backward and fell the distance from the top of the tower to the ground, luckily she had been graced with the lightness of a feather fall and the impact of her landing on the ground did not cause death. But now she was on the ground, and she had no means to return to the top of the tower at this point due to it all having been left up there when she fell. "Well, now what are you going to do? Gather yourself and patrol town, certainly you can make -some- use of yourself".

    Amber headed toward the crafting pavilion, perhaps she could find a few of the remaining secret recipes she had been looking for in her off time. Upon her arrival she saw what was starting to become a regular occurance around town as of late, a crowd of people gathering across the stone walk way in the grassy area. It did not take her long to realize why people were gathering. Someone had taken a visit to their town, another occurance that was becoming a frequent event, to find supplies apparently.

    Amber paid no mind to who this visitor was straight away, as she could not see who it was until she drew closer, and she could not hear anything but the winds that continued to push her forward as they had from the tesla tower to here. Upon Ambers ears fell a soft soothing and gentile voice, a voice she had taken a liking to hearing on a regular basis. Amber stopped dead in her tracks, her face grew blank and featureless and lost nearly all colour, as she held her breath. -That- voice, one she had memorized from hearing it repeatedly, in her wake and in her sleep, and had helped to heal her as she laid in the buildings of the healers. -That- voice, always reciting something she had written from her heart, and had meant every word of. Colours flashed before her eyes, a canvas blanketed her mind and splashed these colours upon it in a faeries fire dance. It was the local artist and she was for the first time, in ever placing foot in New Britannia, in approximaty where she could meet him face to face.


    Amber was lost for a moment in what to do, flee in unhinged terror and fight the feeling washing over her even stronger then that of which the chaotic one stirs in her or bide her time in the outer rings of the crowd, awash in the rainbow colours that surrounded his aura, to give him the peace he deserves and has earned from all he has blessed us with. Amber, lost in her contemplation of what to do had failed to notice her choice had been made for her as Sir Wolf stepped in front of her and addressed her.

    Tears welled in her eyes as he spoke, his words touched her heart lifted her spirit and made her realize that he was the spirit she thought he was, soft, sweet, gentile, and caring. He had said she was sweet, and that he was happy she was better and able to rise from the healers buildings in the outlands to move about New Britannia. She felt every word, she wished to hold those words for eternity, as she had held the -special- cards in the outlands, in a case that could not ever be broken or parted with. However, she knew it was of no use, she had shared her heart with him once, but it was for what all thought "in fun". She knew the truth, for the chaotic Lord everyone used "fan gurl", but for the artist, those same words, meant something completely different. She had followed this local artist for over 2 decades, from stories of far of places and in blue coloured cards she kept locked in safe plastic boxes. There was a truth to how she chose his poem to be written first, a truth to the words used in it, and a truth to the fear she had inside her while excited to finally meet him face to face.

    Amber jokingly, as she always did using her defensive mechanism of humour to block her true feelings, made some off joke, and then stumbled in her words while trying to come off nonchalantly. He was answering questions from everyone else that she thought, perhaps he would answer one that plagued her, "Sir Wolf, elves are magickal, beautiful creatures, why are yours so ugly?" His simple response of "Ask Lord British", and then his quick departure, had her realize that her words came across wrong, having not intended harm in the way it was worded but realizing only to late, her words came out the way she thought them instead of properly editted as they should have been. An error, she would live with for the rest of her life she knew, for she would not ever have the security, or bravery to face him again. Strong and secure as she was, a true emotion of ... eeww what is this feeling?!?! made her shy, and humbled, like a pup.

    As the day passed on, Amber realized the errors of her ways. That which could have been a beautiful day, having a dream answered, turned to be the saddest most heart breaking to her. Of course, only herself would know just how this affected her emotional, spiritual and mental being. She was strong, openly stood unwiedling in front of everyone, brave, and could fight stubbornly against anything, even that which ate away at her like from deep within. No one would see she was now broken because of this, and no one would be welcome to the knowledge of how much she wished she was invisible, when she realized for a number of times she had pronounced his name wrongly. Their laughter returned her to days of her yore, when there was no recovering from error, there was no recovery this time either, and by the graces of the eight, this meeting, she had wished and dreamed would happen, had her lose what kept her together for a moonglow's forever.

    Amber walked head low, through the woods away from town, the colours she had used upon her spirits canvas this day ran murky. Her fate had been answered, she shall forever live in black and white. There was no freedom from a facade for one such as she.

  4. caravaggiosWolf (Dev)

    caravaggiosWolf (Dev) Developer Emeritus

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    Wow! You are an amazing writer! Book? :)


  5. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Thank you Sir Wolf,

    Without being to forward, you have been a great inspiration to most of my writing as of late. I often doubt my ability as a writer (are not all artists our own worst critics), and in such do not think anyone would wish a full book from me ~smiles~ Tho i shall confess ~looks at Korvash and that cursed bucket of his~ You have once again touched a spark and the lady as gained a little more colouring in that black and white canvas of her soul.


  6. monkeysmack

    monkeysmack Avatar

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    your mom's house
    That must have been a ghost wolf because he was dead in my reality... hmmm.. Is the wolf alive or dead? Heisenberg uncertainty?
    This game is getting too theoretical for me.
    YES! Amber's writing is awesome. :)
  7. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Awww thank you monkey. Tho might i point out i REALLY liked the thought you had in IRC about the wolf instead :p~
  8. monkeysmack

    monkeysmack Avatar

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    your mom's house
    HAHA! yeah I was just being silly. :p
    Can't wait to read your wolf story. I assume it will be but one chapter out of your entire novel. :)
    blaquerogue and Time Lord like this.
  9. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Yes, one chapter, yep :) in fact who said this is gonna be a wolf story? :p ~feigns a virtuous facade~
  10. TheMadHermit

    TheMadHermit Avatar

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    Fantastic @Amberraine! Keep it up!
  11. Sir Korvash

    Sir Korvash Avatar

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    i'm just glad my Bucket can be of use ;)
    Time Lord and Amberraine like this.
  12. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Thank you Sir Hermit, i am already well into my first chapter of the -book- . Taking me a bit of time, due to missing -inspirational- values. But nothing going back in time (at least visually) can not rectify.
  13. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    You were for more then just a bucket ((Stop making me wet!!)) - you were the person i thought of when i went to call it a night and helped me up on the tower ;)

    HOWEVER!! your bucket WILL be needed more often.. can we make more?
  14. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    ~~~ Well i had told people i would share **something** from the book i am writing, or attempting to. Inspiration for the poem upon request but i'm sure its obvious. Please be gentle ~~~​
    The Pain Within​
    The Pain Without​
    Black as nightmares are my dreams​
    pure starless darkness is my night​
    Creating tainted fake smiles​
    My heart so broken​
    Nothing any longer worth the fight​
    Black as eclipses are my tears​
    Blinding behind my bleeding eyes​
    no rainbows nor golden rays​
    shall reappear​
    no one else will she hold so dear​
    Black are my deepest thoughts​
    Violently wandering in my head​
    Can no longer draw the picture,​
    to connect the dots​
    No longer knowing the difference​
    between good and bad​
    Black has become my world​
    Pitch dark outside and in​
    All the vortexes have become swirled,​
    No more shadows to hide within.​
    Black is all that shall ever remain​
    I let go, forever releasing him​
    I am fighting no more​
    From behind my personal​
    black prison door.​
  15. Leetah Aketa

    Leetah Aketa Avatar

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    We need to find amber a publisher... her poems are awesome ...
  16. Asclepius

    Asclepius Avatar

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    Perth West Australia
    A very intense and moving poem Amberraine. I can feel a deep sense of loss and hurt.

    Would a virtual hug be appropriate?

    Well done, by the way.
  17. Miracle Dragon

    Miracle Dragon Legend of the Hearth

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    Currently: Zhongxian, Chongqing, China
    hmm.. milling and carpentry, cut down some trees, and I'll make you buckets.. ;)
    Time Lord likes this.
  18. TheMadHermit

    TheMadHermit Avatar

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    Once again, nice work @Amberraine. A fine sword is made with fire and hammer. Soo too are great works of poetry I see.
  19. Gabriel Nightshadow

    Gabriel Nightshadow Avatar

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    I wholeheartedly agree, Trev! That is truly a gift your wife has :D A lot of would be writers (myself included) aren't capable of writing poetry like that...
    SirRichard, Jambo and Time Lord like this.
  20. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Thank you Gabriel, truly appreciated, tho i wish so many would stop throwing this "Wife" word around LOL! --- single
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