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Player Property Inactivity Timer starting Wed Dec 10

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, Dec 8, 2014.

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  1. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    Hudson Valley area of NY
  2. Dzanian

    Dzanian Avatar

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    you post with different languages ... just made me laughing ....

    keep in mind that the 7 days counter exactly will be started when one of these two technical events are happening.
    1) Lot owner logs in
    2) a friend, which is having at least the decoration right (moving an object at this lot) is perfoming this small moving.

    its less difficult than it looks to be

    from my understanding, there is currently no fixed decision that we will have a wipe with R13, it was never denied nor promised. There was only the general statement from portalarium that a wipe could happen with each release, BUT at least one wipe will happen before sota is going live - ISEN'T IT ?
    majoria70 and Amberraine like this.
  3. Dorham Isycle

    Dorham Isycle Avatar

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    So how does this work? If I don't have a house, will it refresh.
    Amberraine likes this.
  4. NRaas

    NRaas Avatar

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    Sorry, can't tell if you are being serious or not.

    If not :

    No... It will not refresh your non-existent lot.

    However, your non-existent lot will probably *not* decay into a deeper state of non-existence, so you are probably safe there.

    Feel safe in the knowledge that you can continue to not live in your non-existent lot for as long as you wish. :rolleyes:
    Lyran, StarLord, Ronan and 2 others like this.
  5. tcjennings

    tcjennings Avatar

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    What I'm hearing is that if I log in within 7 days, I get a free lot. I think it's a xmas bonus.
  6. Dorham Isycle

    Dorham Isycle Avatar

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    It's not that you get a free lot, it's that you get a lot free, like time, air. Wait, is that really air we are breathing in game?
  7. rapdjp49

    rapdjp49 Avatar

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    Sorry if you think it a waste of time to ask questions. As u can see, myself and others might be new to the forums and to a game that is in the pre-alpha stage.
    If u r going to get loud & sarcastic about a question, where a player is unsure, well I have two words for u and it's not Merry Christmas.
    Those who know, should be helping others who don't or might need it explained better.
    It's not hard to do. If you took the time to answer negatively, then u could have answered it to help those who were unsure.
    This is a game to have fun. To reply with negativity, you think differently and probably need to sleep with a "woobie" at night.
    amaasing and Majesticon like this.
  8. Ravenclaw [BEAR]

    Ravenclaw [BEAR] Avatar

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    Laughs.. I think Amberraine ate off her chaotic spoon. Don't usually see her so 'to the point' in a response.

    :eek: ;)

    Edit: I should have said that I "don't usually see her so 'order-ly' in a response." *Shakes head at missed opportunity.*
  9. Amber Raine

    Amber Raine Community Ambassador (FR)

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    Fairly certain there was nothing negative in my post at all. I helped those who might not be english speaking. How is helping our non-english speaking friends negative? Maybe I missed your language?

    And, ask for help with something that is right to the point? seriously?

    one word.. one word...

    Ariella, Lord Ravnos, Arianna and 4 others like this.
  10. hart15

    hart15 Avatar

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    There are still home spots available in the brave coast. Go get em!!
  11. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    There are still spots avail on Port Mirium also get them before you go become meat for the gimp gankers :)
  12. Mata

    Mata Avatar

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    Sorry for Off Topic, but this is so funny.
    Poor Kambrius ;)
    Kambrius and Lord Spaz like this.
  13. Lord Spaz

    Lord Spaz Avatar

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    seems a bit early unless theyre gonna skip the beta no? Id prefer they take the time they need but that comes with having to pay salaries so lets hope they got the time
  14. Ronan

    Ronan Avatar

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    Originally, during Kickstarter I was assuming Dec 2014 (I know, I was naïve). Current thinking is mid 2015, but as I become more jaded to these development processes, I'm leaning to 3rd quarter 2015. As for paying the bills, I remember RG stating they passed the maintenance level with the steady pledge values. So unless there is a huge decrease in pledge progress, they should be ok for a bit.

    Total speculation on my part ;)
    Duke Raas likes this.
  15. Roper Docholiday

    Roper Docholiday Avatar

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    i have gone to most of the cities over the last few days in my exploration. this is off of the top of my head and the valuse could have changed since i last ran though all the cities. barbory cost had 7 water village lots, mirrun had 24 water village lots, ardious had 134 row lots avaliable. and on the 17 thier should be a fairly large infux of housing as well. dosnt take a rocket scietinst to see that 7 day decay counter that starts on the 10 that the initial large boost will happen on the 17. i would more than bet that you will be able to find whichever housing lot you seek if not in the town you want. Now i will say this the lag in ardious may be rough at times but as an owner of a village water lot. thier the worst thing in the game get a row lot over a village water. you have more floor space in the row lot than you have in a village water lot. in my opinion its the worst lot you can buy in the game currently. im saving money to scavage a new lot on the 17. I dont recomend a village water lot till they get a new house for it that is actually user friendly and not purly decorative.
  16. PhaRxMer

    PhaRxMer Avatar

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    I think I understand some of what boomer is trying to say and it's simple and something I noticed around a month ago. I don't want to SPEAK for boomer, but I hope he will allow me to further express a similar feeling that I think he is trying to get at. What he is saying in plain words is he's donated $1000 to this game and the only option he has to own a plot at this very point is a plot out in the middle of nowhere in a place he finds less then desirable. Yet, a $45 late comer who just got his account on Steam has a house on prime real estate. I know of 4 people that are $45 donors that ALL live on the main row of Owl's Head. Boomer, like myself, had thought there would be a wipe for R13 and in turn as a person that would be above the Developer Pledge Level we would have earlier access to the game for R13 to give us a head start in front of the masses of new Steam players. Instead it appears, at this point, the Dev level head start is NULL and since the masses of Steam users have joined $1000 buys you nothing more then your average $45 user. Therefore, you are stuck joining a game for R13 with the same issue you've waited now for a month to reset itself.

    Now, from this forum thread I understand someone here (if I heard things right) stated that the higher donors are going to eventually be given a first crack a preassigned properties in prime spots in some cases I'm sure? If this is the case then that solves the issue once those benefits are in place and the next server wipe happens. However, at this moment I would say, it's still a disappointment that there will be no wipe for R13 and no DEV+ early access like in the past. After all I specifically upgraded my Pledge to Citizen just in November and I did this to ensure myself a better chance at the next release, R13, of getting a home in a decent location as I had a good reason for this I won't bother explaining here. People in the IRC chat talked this idea I had up, making me believe that it WOULD be an advantage for R13, yet there is ZERO advantages I will have if there is NO wipe and NO early access and NO perks added. So now I'm $500+ in and I am either sleeping on the ground or getting land in a place I have NO interest in being located in for another release. Honestly, I went for what was behind door #3... I've decided to not play as of late for I've lost interest in the game since it took almost 2 weeks for my Citizen Pledge access to completely go through. Mind you my CC was charge instantly, but that is a whole other issue.

    I would be one to second the fact that they need to state on the ACTUAL pledge level that you will get early access to choose a property before the masses, if this is in fact the case. I've read the FAQ, but sorry even after I reading it again after hearing a person here talk about this perk I still can not find this statement in the FAQ.

    In closing, personally I think the idea of people paying to get special treatment is a bad one. I love the game, I love the people and I'm not trying to make it sound any differently. I just think I've seen enough statements similar to my own and boomers in these forums to say, everyone wants equal footing and some because of their larger donations expect an advantage and this eventually, in my humble opinion, will cause more and more friction as time goes on. In the end, if these lower end donors (which will be the bulk of the users) might begin to feel they are being left out because they aren't donating enough and if this is the case, they could possibly sell off their access in a fire sale or some might even regret they wasted their money to begin with as they might feel the cards are stacked against them. In the end, these individuals will talk about their experience, as many do... some who aren't happy with their experience. Heck, many of my friends won't join as they call it a Play to Win game. Can someone tell me what I'm missing and how this foresight is totally wrong and not possible.

    Sorry for thread jacking is wasn't my intention but in all fairness, this subject was dominate in this thread before I chimed in... so don't shoot the next in line. Also, I realize this is an Alpha... but that's why I chimed in, to perhaps get some education and understand things perhaps I don't understand.
    Time Lord and Ulf Berht like this.
  17. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Welcome PhaRXMer. Well it is a lot to take in and Ican see you have taken great efforts to try to make sense of it. Many of us have pledged what we pledged because we believe in the project not for perks. The housing you get during the test releases are temporary and not your pledge rewards as it seems you already discovered, they are just to test the systems and give feedback. Yes there will be a schedule for housing right before the game is released. I for one don't worry about placement, whos to say what a good spot will be. I feel it is in the eye of the beholder, you can have chests, vendors, crafting tables in your house to stock up. You make it what you will. It can be your own little oasis if you want. So just as in Ultima you create your reality either you have possitives and fun or negatives and not so fun. For me I want this game funded the best it can be to be the best game it can be. Any help you need please don't hesitate to ask. Just my thinking, I don't know if I'd get too caught up on property issues, there will be player owned towns, make some friends or get one if you want, no property issues there, plus it supports the development of the game. Well just my 2 cents, not trying to invalidate what you are saying, just my take on it. best wishes to you.:)
    Lord Ravnos likes this.
  18. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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  19. amnipar

    amnipar Avatar

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    If housing becomes a major reason to force a wipe in R13, I would be ok to wipe all housing, or even all of the inventory, if some of the pledge rewards will be given. I would just hope there were the option of not wiping the characters completely, or at least retaining the experience points/levels. I don't have time to grind levels, I have just recently reached level 44 and my character is just starting to be strong enough to survive in the more difficult places.

    At least, please consider giving those who have invested time in release 12 the option of starting at a higher level, to save us from the early grind. This would have the benefit of more testers for the more difficult content. Of course it is important to test also the early content, and I'm ok with full wipe every now and then, but not every release... I don't want to be totally bored with the early content and level grinding by the time the game is released. :) If there is a full wipe, I probably won't level up so much in release 13 but concentrate on housing and crafting, which might be good as well, but some places would be off limits then...
  20. Sire Lancelot

    Sire Lancelot Avatar

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    Ill be the first to lot camp if we don't get a wipe :p

    I had a comical run of disasters in this release including losing $170k worth of hard EARNT property.

    Firstly I lost two characters in the Dev+ release with the darn character bug. Was on my way to purchase my lot and poof - had to delete my character and lost my loot.

    I finally grinded up and bought my dream lot in owls head - FULLY kitted up a 3 story tower and was putting the final touches by installing a basement. I hit the wrong button on the basement settings and POOF - lost the lot.

    THEN I grinded up again and luckily bought the last village lot in Northshire.

    To rest my sore finger from grinding I went exploring at Port Mirrem and to my surprise discovered a vacant castle lot. I greedily licked my lips and grinded up another 70k - raced back to the lot and POOF - lost the lot and the last village lot back in Northshire.

    Tough life beta testing :) So you better refresh your housing because Sir Lancelot will be seeking the foreclosures!

    Let me add to those disgruntled about not getting a lot in a decent area. It can be done - easily. Stay cool and enjoy the game...
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