Are you able to play like 20 years ago

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Myrcello, Nov 15, 2016.

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  1. Myrcello

    Myrcello Avatar

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    Hello Community.

    I am curious.

    1. Do you all have the same time to play SotA like 20 years ago the Ultima Games.

    2. Do you have many superior RPG Solo Games that you never finished compared to 20 years ago.
    Did you know that 90% never finish Solo Games.
    On Source, but many more i know:
    Based on that knowledge do you think
    90% will not finish SotA Story.
    Or id it different.

    Does your family respect the required time you need to accomblish current goals of SotA, or do you think you would need to be single for this Game.

    Do you think that your expectations of SotA how you would like it to be are contrary to how you would need it to be based on your live situation.
    More time saving comfort options for example.

    What would SotA need to provide to fit more into your current live situation to make it more possible for you to play the full story or be more motivated to play it.

    Do you think the Game provides enough short time rewards for Gamers with small Game time windows.

    Does SotA provide a option to feel like you accomplished something in one hour.

    How much minimum time does it take currently to contact your friends ingame, meet up and achieve something giving you a feeling of worth time playing when you log out.
    Does it take to long or is it ok.

    Does the interaction with the Game consist of "to time consuming" small steps or to many steps?

    What is the greatest feeling of accomblishment the Game has provided you so far.

    Thank you for your time.

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
  2. Theonetheonly

    Theonetheonly Avatar

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    To answer in more or less the order given:
    I don't have as much free time as I did. I have a bunch of games I've not finished, many of which I found disappointing and never bothered to finish.

    Frankly, given the state of the quests etc, I'm playing SOTA as a sandbox. Not even trying the quests, just grinding for xp/money/mats, crafting better gear, grinding faster. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    I'm having fun, but then, I'm weird. :D
  3. Vagabond Sam

    Vagabond Sam Avatar

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    Not even close

    All of them. I can;t remember the last RPG I finished apart from the main FFXIV Story, but have bought several in the last few months

    My work/life/family balance is fine for what I want to do.

    I'd prefer the game to have more thoughtful progression. It's pretty conveneinet right now to be honest because it is trivial to farm XP or gold and then spam skills to level them up.

    In general yes. When I have a short time period I manage stock on the vendor I access, olr might do one run of a scene for some money

    I cohabitate in game so we generally all log in and out of the same scene so it's trvial. Even if someone has gone out to mine somewhere, the map is so small that unless they are in Spite or something, it's pretty painless.

    Too much of the game's 'enjoyment' is predicated on outside involvement in forums and other social places. Most of my enjoyment in amassing some items is only available to me as I comb the forums.

    Collecting a large amount of COTO for a proposed exchange to a better lot deed then any of my group has recieved through pledges.
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  4. The Hendoman

    The Hendoman Avatar

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    Hey, if you want to play a video game, the universe will make time for you to do it. You always get the time and space to do anything you concentrate on, good or bad.

    I finished a lot of solo rpg - I really only remember the ending of the wastelands... and Bards tale, because for some reason i restarted with a monk to beat the end guy easier (i already had the dungeons mapped so

    why not? was that on an apple ii e or a turbo 88? I should have written down all these computers I owned a long time ago. oh, right. c-64 version.)

    This game had short term goals that are achievable by people who dont have a lot of time, thanks to being able to log into the zone you were last in - saves time walking.

    Not a lot of time is wasted starting a party, either - there's a lot of people on now and they are rather willing to play wicha

    meh, let the game develop itself - too many backers have soured the mechanics already

    accomplishment = crafting not breaking and pissing away all those mats.... ahh it feels good. Oh, and a pristine head drop. donde es la rabbit cabezcas? que lastima....

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  5. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    Harder question than you think :) I now have much more time, in theory, being medically 'retired', but in practice the time I have depends on how well I feel, so it's very variable indeed.

    Depends on defining 'finish' - I never did the storylines for Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim,but spent hours enjoying playing them. The more modern RPGs impress me for the graphics, occasionally for the storyline (Dragon Age especially, with the multiple possible campaign options and social circumstances depending on how you began the game) but I tend to get tired with the railroading towards the one 'true' story, and lose interest (especially when the storyline takes such weird twists that it makes no sense at all, NPCs suddenly act completely out of 'character', and so on).

    What family? :)

    Not hugely interested in time-saving, if the time spent is enjoyable and leads somewhere. Most expectations are being reasonably met, although some things (the consistency, and thus believability and absorbtion in the game world/mechanics/systems, for example) I find are weak in many ways.

    Playing the full 'story' is something I might do in the standalone mode, playing the 'game' is something I find much more interesting in online mode. Neither are directly affected by my real-life situation to a significant degree though.

    Joined these two together, since I can always find something interesting and/or involving to do for an hour, or for a whole evening. I'm not sure I can say what would be 'enough' short time reward since I'm coming to this game as a long term, long time involvement in a whole evolving world and society, so my perspective is not a good one to make comment on how it feels to folks with small gametime windows.

    Not long at all since the people I connect with in game are either long-time friends on instant messaging systems, or in the Guild teamspeak channel. I don't really play in groups though, so meeting up to 'achieve' something in gaem is rare, I'm more interested in the meeting socially, albeit online, aspect of friends in SotA.

    Sometimes possibly too many steps (for example gathering all the materials, making the components, and sub-components of crafting some more intricate things is frustratingly fiddly at times, but bearable)

    The fairly rare times I know enough, or can link to useful information, to help friends and guildmates do they things that they want to do.
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  6. Audacity

    Audacity Avatar

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    my own lil world
    I play more often and in much better style than I did many years ago because I am no longer a poor struggling student. I now have disposable income and I know how to use it.
  7. Jace3

    Jace3 Avatar

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    You could always buy me cookies....I love cookies!
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  8. Alexander

    Alexander Avatar

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    I probably spend more time on this game than I really should. In UO, I spent an exuberant amount of time playing the first year, but then time play dropped, not so much as time constraints, but because a loss of interest. This could very well happen with SOTA as well.
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  9. Insinious FizzleThorpe

    Insinious FizzleThorpe Avatar

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    I have more time to use playing now as I'm a lot older and wiser with my money. My wife games with me, although I could never get her interested in SOTA. And plenty of games I started, that just lost my attention...
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  10. Lace

    Lace Avatar

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    I thought this was going to say, "can I press 14 buttons at a time like I used to 20 years ago" and that answer is NO
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  11. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Avatar

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    I feel wary of answering any of these questions in the "early access"/pre-alpha phase of the game's development. Ill try and revisit this when the game is in a beta state.
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  12. ThurisazSheol

    ThurisazSheol Avatar

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    they changed the way they are using that verbage..
    "early access" all encompassing for anything before release.

    so using that, are you waiting for the game to go gold and be officially released before this? if so, you are probably like me and havn't done a single storyline quest...
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  13. ThurisazSheol

    ThurisazSheol Avatar

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    nope. i've growed up a bit.

    as i grow older and have less time to dedicate, i tend to play less and less of any particular game, because my interest wanes. usually. some games like mass effect series, keep my interest, but others like skyrim keep y interest in the sandbox part, while i've never completed the actual storyline. literally thousands of hours in skyrim, and i've never finished it.

    no, in its current state it does not. i would like to see more short-term goals that last about 45 minutes or so instead of an hour or more. if the storyline can be broken up to incorporate that, then the casual player can actually have a chance at finishing the storyline quests. a good medium and compromise would be to have clear pause-points so to speak in small increments, while also keeping it fluid and seamless enough for the more hardcore players to just keep going without that 'disconnect' from the game world happening.

    while i'm not questing because i do not have time (real life aggro), and because i do not want to miss something added by a polish run so i'm waiting to start when the game goes greatest accomplishments are somewhat mediocre at best... i feel accomplished if i can just login and look around for five minutes. i was so happy when i was able to find (with help due to time restrictions) the 'new you' vendor in ardoris, even though it crashed on me 4 times and i had to wait about a week before trying again (again, real life aggro), each attempt. (yes the devs are aware of the situation). i still havn't placed a house or lot anywhere, and my town is a ghost town right now, so that is the opposite of an accomplishment i guess.

    so yeah, time is important, time is valuable, i do not have much of it i can dedicate to gaming, and we need more short goals that lend themselves towards the primary storyline, as i'm certain i am not alone in the great time-crunch of 2016...
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  14. Stadulator

    Stadulator Avatar

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    Hell no! I started playing UO then EQ when I was 29 and 30 respectively. I'm now 48 and every time I try to sit down for a "marathon" session, I end up taking my ass to bed :)
  15. Shade Baneborn

    Shade Baneborn Avatar

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    Definitely not as much available time.

    "Finished"....that's not a word I apply a lot to games...especially rpg ones. I play. I like to play. I like to explore.
    Finishing the game, sure that's fun, but there's fewer finished than just enjoyed for me.

    It's all about balance. The wife knows I need some me time; as long as I make sure I provide some "Her time" too we're golden. If I had kids it might be a little different.

    It works well for me. When I know I have time I do quests or more involved tasks...other times I just pop in to mess with my inventory and nab some quick xp.

    Nothing. I like it.

    It's pretty balanced. It might be nice to know how involved/long a quest is before I accept it...but due to the conversational quality of the game I don't know how that would fit.

    Usually, yes. An hour is just enough time to run around, kill some baddies, and feel like I got some xp.

    Finding friends is easy. Usually they find me!
    If I am going to really "accomplish something" like beat the tower or's more like a 2-3 hours deal.

    It's open and I like it.
    I can craft if I want. Or build if I want. Or just explore. Nothing seems too too time consuming at this point ( i am relatively new to crafting mind you ).

    Coming out of my RPG shell and actually partying/playing with other players. Until SotA I've very much been NOT a big party player...solo til the that's a big change.

    I MIGHT even pvp sometime...maybe. :D
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  16. Bubonic

    Bubonic Avatar

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    I certainly don't have as much time as I did when I finished... say... Ultima V.


    However, I still finish my RPGs... IF they are good enough to hold my interest. The Witcher 2, I didn't finish. Wasteland 2, I did. So if the game is good enough, I will stick with it and come back to it because I want to find out how the story ends.
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  17. Desertyeti

    Desertyeti Avatar

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    Somewhere in the desert near the Az/Mexico border.
    Not even close! Me and a buddy of mine used to do 12 to 14 hour play sessions back in 98&99 when UO was still young. Now that I'm over 40, I'm lucky if I can get 2-3 hours at a time to play.
    I'm still about 75% on games I finish, unfortunately it just takes me much, much longer to finish them. I do almost always come back to finish them eventually.

    As far as the quests in SotA go, with what time I do have, I play SotA like I used to play UO. Sandbox style. I try to do some quests if I'm in the area, but mostly I just explore and tinker with my skills.
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  18. Kambrius

    Kambrius Avatar

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    I've been doing way too much of that lately!
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  19. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    No I don't play as much as I did with UO. Mostly because this game is still developing, but I still find time to hang out with friends and new friends in Sota and have some fun, if it is just chatting or doing a dungeon or control point. I'm still waiting for the game-play mechanics to get added in, but I'm here for sure. So sad too lol since I am rallying for the game stuff ;)j/k maybe. ;) Anyway I am seeing hints of them maybe wanting to start on them.;) We have more developers now so I do hope this is the time. I know next release is starting soon soon, then we can discuss more what we think should be coming in. ;)
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  20. meadmoon

    meadmoon Avatar

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    I will be able to soon.

    I stopped playing games roughly twenty years ago and now picking it up again as I get closer to retiring.

    I have rheumatoid arthritis and won't be able to be as active in my later years so gaming sounds like a fun way to pass some of the time.

    Two more years. Two more years...
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