"Player housing major part of game" (from 6 month demo)

Discussion in 'Housing & Lots' started by Carlin the Druid Archer, Nov 6, 2013.


Are they putting too much emphasis on player housing?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Not sure

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  1. Sir Bradley White

    Sir Bradley White Avatar

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    Yeah, I was just referencing what Ara said, "Getting a place ingame during the first game i doubt will be possible for anyone without buying if from someone else that bought it."

    Probably would have been better to quote them.
  2. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae

    Please provide your proof that rich players are the only ones being sold the house plots. That is a pretty bold statement to be making.

    Thank you.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Galdar Grimmstone

    Galdar Grimmstone Avatar

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    I just love all the half truths and assumptions people jump to before any final items are in place. PEOPLE this is ALPHA 1... we got a LOOOOOOOOONG way befor the chips are set in stone. is you don't like the way this is sounding to you... go play something else that you thinks sounds better in whatever test phase its in. Myself, ill save ALL my judgments for the released product.
    deryk and Atlaua (MGT470) like this.
  4. Galdar Grimmstone

    Galdar Grimmstone Avatar

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    Also... selling houses. All I have the rights to is a land DEED and a house DEED because I donated to the development of the game. NOW I have to fight with everybody else who has a deed to TRY and place it so I can use it. WHY... because i'm spending $75 a month on THIS game instead of buying something else every month for the next year. If that's not for you, then wait till the game comes out, make your gold and shop to buy a lot after the fun of the land rush is over. JUST like it was with the old UO games. Housing is a high end game goal for people, not a freebie given to you just because you bought a game for $49.99
  5. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    This is my line of thinking. Such as the percent comments like 20%. That seems like it could easily be taken out of context. 20% of what, founders? all backers? the estimated number of players at launch? number of players 4 months in?

    20% sounds like a fine mark, but 20% of what. Out of context turns into misinformation.

    This is a wait and see stage, we will have the full scope of information available soon enough.
    EWHART and Galdar Grimmstone like this.
  6. Sir Bradley White

    Sir Bradley White Avatar

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    Even if they did say an exact number, I always think it would be subject to change unless they specifically stated something like, "For the first episode we will only have Y amount of plots available. No more will be added until episode Y."

    Of course, they could change their mind even then depending on the success of the game. I think they might give a number of plots close to release, or maybe even earlier. It would be nice if, say, a village community worked together and was allowed to expand to a town community. And then they could work together to expand to a city community, opening up more plots as time progresses in that area for housing. Something I don't exactly see being implemented in Episode 1, but maybe a further episode.

    One can always hope, pray, and dream that things occur, or just throw out ideas that a dev might like and put on the table for possible implementation. Until then for the next couple of months there will be a lot of speculation and things taken out of context because they don't have the information available to share to the community.
  7. Wagram

    Wagram Avatar

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    he may have donated $400 that don't get him a land deed.
    but anyone coming in later could pledge $45 and buy 1 for $120 (sale) so total outlay of $165.
    None of you with Deeds seem to get the point that others would like one but don't have the extra cash, And then those with one are allowed to as many as they want leaving even less to get from the game.
    Ara likes this.
  8. E n v y

    E n v y Avatar

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    Others may like all the unity assets as well, for that you have to make high donations as well.

    Stop whinging about people spending money and trying to bring personal wealth into the equation as if it's a bad thing. If you want to guarantee yourself a house that badly make a sacrifice over the next 11 months and do a payment plan.

    If you don't want to make that pledge then do what every other player will do and play the game and set it as a personal goal.
  9. Sir Bradley White

    Sir Bradley White Avatar

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    Just going to say, even if 200 people that are already getting a house with their tier got those deeds, it is still only 200 people that would have an extra lot out of an unknown quantity of lots already being placed in game. Just saying. And that will stay that way unless they add more lots. Even then, I doubt 200 existing backers with lots for their tiers bought an extra lot. Some at a lower tier might have bought a lot so they would only have 1 lot. Some at the higher tiers might have purchased another lot so they now have more than one lot. So it won't be 200 people that already have a lot getting a 2nd or 3rd or whatever amount they purchased.

    I think it is being taken out of context when people bring up the 200 lots that were available in the add-on store. No one knows how many pre-existing backers or new backers bought a lot when they pledged for a tier that already gave them a lot. We also have NO clue about how many lots are going to be in game. We don't know how many backers are getting a lot already.

    This isn't me calling out anyone in particular, but I just find the 200 lot argument a little weak. I mean, now that those lots are sold, and if they don't offer more lots in the add-on store, what is to stop someone from pledging for another lot tier? How will you know, as a backer, that someone bought 2, 3, 4, etc. amount of tiers for extra lots unless they tell you? Until we know an exact number of lot placements that their will be in game, and a number of how many backers have lots to place, this whole argument about people not getting a lot come release is a little weak/odd/stupid/whatever.

    Sorry for the rant, if it can be taken as that. And I hope this doesn't offend anyone. Just my opinion on the arguing that has been going on for a while. Hope I didn't get something wrong in it or I will feel a little stupid. :D
  10. Wagram

    Wagram Avatar

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    Calm down dear
    Galdar Grimmstone likes this.
  11. E n v y

    E n v y Avatar

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    Very calm unlike your post at the top of this page.

    Just getting really bored with the same record.
  12. Wagram

    Wagram Avatar

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    then stop playing it
  13. Bayard2

    Bayard2 Avatar

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    Wow... 19 pages of the same thing being said again and again and again some more.

    I hope they will have plots of land available at launch to be bought with in game gold...or it will be hard finding a spot to place a home near friends/guildmates.

    Its still way too early to know what is going to happen, except where the developers have clearly said...no instanced housing, and housing is limited. Deal with it, its an imperfect world we can't all get what we want. The map would be so huge to have a million homes on it. In UO housing was out of hand...every open space of land had a house on it and I remember getting stuck running around through the woods and not being able to see well enough with circle of transparency and a tree or rock was blocking my path. I like the idea of the lots are there and a house can only be placed on a lot...not anywhere it might fit.

    Things will change as we get closer to launch...but don't expect miracles... they also said as later expansions come out, more land will open up...could be more continents. Just be patient.

    And trust me we aren't all rich. I decided withe the black friday sale to buy a lot because I don't know if I can afford the $550 pledge. If things work out between now and when the pledging ends I might... but can't gaurantee it. I would probably end up selling the plot to a guildie or keep it as a crafting house depending what the cost of "taxes" will be.

    Lets just wait and see
  14. Wagram

    Wagram Avatar

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    No one wants everyone to have a home I play UO its a nightmare in some areas. I just want a level playing field when the game releases because plots are so limited.

    Keeping plots out of the shop is not a difficult choice for Portalarium to make to ensure its a game for gamers not shoppers.
  15. Vyrin

    Vyrin Avatar

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    I stopped posting because what kind of sense can you make out of ridiculous comments like this?

    So you are only concerned about a level playing field at launch. So you will have an advantage since you will start playing the game before others who come later. Sounds like you want a benefit over other players, precisely what you are complaining about. Time or money same thing. Ridiculous.
    Deliverence, OSullivan and deryk like this.
  16. Wagram

    Wagram Avatar

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    Everyone that buys the game at launch and every backer that does not have one will have the same chance but they will have to play the game to get one. If they are in a shop Backers that don't have one and the funds to buy will lose out to anyone just buying the game. You are one always banging about Backers are paying to help the game so deserve everything. If you don't understand the statement don't answer it
  17. Gluuven

    Gluuven Avatar

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    Since the basic argument here seems to be is that selling a few lots isn't fair I feel I need to pose the question of what is fair?

    From Merriam-Webster:
    fair adjective \ˈfer\
    : agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable
    : treating people in a way that does not favor some over others
    : not too harsh or critical

    Is it fair to sell lots for money? The answer for that is both yes and no depending on how it’s approached.
    Is it fair to make players participate in a race to see who can earn gold the fastest? The answer is the same as above.

    There is no good answer to this problem and their solution of allowing investors to buy a few lots is about as good as it can be since there still will be lots available for people to earn with in game gold. As for the complaints about buying multiple lots for one account why is that an issue since that scenario is still likely to happen with in game currency too.
    Mordecai and OSullivan like this.
  18. Wagram

    Wagram Avatar

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    If all are got by in game playing. that's fair all have an equal opportunity.
    Some in shop, some in game to different variables unfair
    All in the shop that's fair , but will they sell many games with an outlay of $200 a plot + $40 for game.
    everyone 1 house plot per account with housing limited that's fair.
    everyone as many house plots as they want housing unlimited that's fair
    everyone multi plots with limited housing unfair

    Is it fair to make players participate in a race to see who can earn gold the fastest? The answer is the same as above. I think this is an online virtual world were you play your character or am I missing something.
    Or does the Tesla tower outside Town connect to Paypal/Visa/MasterCard terminals
  19. Ned888

    Ned888 Avatar

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    I really think that EQ2 got housing right. Everyone got a little place of their own, even if it was a room at an Inn it was all yours to decorate and hang out in. If you wanted more than that single room (limited lockdowns and volume of storage really got things moving in this respect) then you could collect up your gold and buy something better.

    IMO housing should be available to everyone, even if it's just a campsite that you can set up, or a room at an inn. Charge rent or upkeep or whatever as a gold sink, but these huge lots and houses are actually seem to be creating some pixel envy and they aren't even available yet!
    deryk likes this.
  20. High Baron O`Sullivan

    High Baron O`Sullivan Avatar

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    is everything.
    Housing will be available to everyone. Not everyone will own a home though, as there is a limit to the number of plots in New Brittania. Availability is open to all players. If you do not happen to purchase a lot before they all sell out, you will have another opportunity in Episode 2 when more lots are available for purchase.
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