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R44 Postmortem Missed Questions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Here are the questions that we did not have time to get to during the LB Birthday Telethon. I tried my best to answer these (with help from the rest of the team) but some we just don't have details yet to provide. I probably won't have time to do any follow ups to these. The community did a great job assisting us this telethon to make sure we didn’t miss a single question. July is a crazy busy month for us with R43 just having gone live, RTX, Comic Con, and the Seed Invest campaign. So please forgive the brevity of some of my answers.

    Also please note I deleted a bunch of duplicated questions and also deleted any questions that we answered with the Q3 post or with the release of R44. I also deleted questions that were super open ended, were super vague or were needlessly confrontational.

    BayRidge: Regarding NPC Farming vendor and seeds changes (mandrake/nightshade). In this release stock seed selections were redone for Farmer NPC’s. For example mandrake and nightshade were taken away. What are the plans for the game mechanic to get nightshade and mandrake seeds now?
    They are on still on other merchants, just regionalized so therefore not on every merchant. You just need to seek the seeds elsewhere.

    Pleasedrivefast: with the last release, supply bags were added as a way to increase loot chances. Do you see any adjustments needed to the drop rate or loot tables within these supply bags?
    When we first released them there was a bug in the percentage for the drop rates that we fixed so they should drop at a higher rate now. We will continue to evaluate if the drop rate needs to be increased.

    Pleasedrivefast: In the Q3 2017 Update, could you clarify what UI improvements you’re updating aside from chat windows?
    We make these calls quickly from release to release so no specifics that I can provide.

    Jack102367: Can we get a toggle or arrow that will change all the skills in a particular tree to either Train, Unlearn, Not Train, or Maintain?
    Good suggestion, added to backlog

    Jack Knyfe: Can we get a third attack spell in the Water Magic tree?
    Will consider but we don’t want every school to have full offensive capabilities because then all of the magic schools start to become the same.

    Jack Knyfe: Will the website stores ever have the ability for guest users to send in-game gifts (from the various categories) to accounts without having to have an account themselves?

    Graham: Is Troll Fall meant to be a 360 degrees attack?
    Yes but we likely need to look at the point where that attack is being applied.

    Graham: Can we get craftable beer steins for oktoberfest
    Good suggestion

    Demonix I'm a fire mage (in game only of course) and finding things very difficult at the moment. Is the dev team aware of all the issues with fire spells and mages at the moment and what is being done to resolve?
    We are not aware of any issues and it does not appear that the use of fire spells has decreased. Please post in the bug forum if there is a bug with it.

    Kron Caledon: Recent COTO market prices have risen to 2500g+, can you please review the COTO drop rates from mobs and possibly raise them?
    They are supposed to be rare. We increased the drop rate a few releases ago. We’ll keep an eye on them but currently seems to be fine.

    Kron Caledon: Can we get an update on plans for in-game maps? There are downsides to sotamap like revealing hidden areas you haven't been to, etc.
    Post Episode 1 we plan to expand the functionality of the map system quite a bit including fog of war and the ability to annotate maps.

    Solazur: can you rename the automaton in Soltown to Solbot?
    And should he also offer to take you to Funkytown?

    The Lacedaemonian: Let's get some Obsidian ranged weapons! WOoO!
    We will consider.

    The Lacedaemonian: Can we have a heavy crossbow with much higher potential damage?
    We can consider it but it would have to be balanced somehow against other ranged weapons so it would have to perhaps have a slower fire rate.

    The Lacedaemonian: Can the Shroud of the Avatar be made dyeable?
    Absolutely not. It changes color based on your virtue.

    Ryner Lute: can we expect to see multiple tames in the future, like in UO with the stable slots and things like that?
    You can already tame multiple creatures

    Ryner Lute: can we expect to see different items to salvage and hopefully get patterns from? Like the lich axe, except we need a blade, staff and bow version. At least it would start to add variety to weapons and the way people look.
    Yes we plan to continually expand the number of recipes and patterns.

    Ryner Lute: When can we expect to have different high end pets so that not everybody is running spiders everywhere?
    We plan to steadily increase the number of creatures (and also the number of tameable creatures) in the game over time.

    Anvar: can the crafting recipe system have a major rework as its got very confusing for new players. ie make introductory craft quests that teach you starter recipes and make all the craft trainers tell you where you can find other ones
    Yes we plan to have better crafting tutorials and quests

    Anvar: PvP can we get a UO faction like system in the future?
    While we have discussed something like this many times faction systems are notoriously easy to game and the edge conditions are rife for exploit so we will have to approach this cautiously if we do ever do something like this.

    Anvar: Can dungeons be expanded, ie make extra levels that are tougher with greater rewards / more ore etc (keep expanding them over time as more areas discovered)
    Yes perhaps but we will likely just make newer scenes.

    Anvar: Make the batches much bigger full stop on all the simple processing ie ore / wood / scraps etc. keep it at 20 or so for equipment. so all processing could be up to 100 or 1000.
    Laurana Darkwolf: Can we get a bulk smelting, tanning to 99 and not 20
    Mix Master: Will we be able to mill wood, and ore, more than 20 at a time?
    Mishikal: Can it be made so we can increase the number of items we can salvage at once? Same with the number of items that can be sold at once?
    Tila Tenderfoot: Can and when will you increase batch sizes in refining skill trees for folks who GMed the skills? E.g., milling, smelting, tanning, textiles
    I’ve grouped all these questions together since they are all essentially asking the same thing: “Let us batch in bigger numbers!” Refining skills will be coming and they will allow for larger numbers of processing raw materials. With that said we have to be VERY careful how large we make the batch numbers because any automation will make botting and farming much easier so we have to be careful how much we increase the numbers.

    Anvar: Can we get filters for the skill / glyph window or favorites so we can hotswap them easier.

    Anvar: how do you plan to cope with the fact you won't oversell deeds but as players stop playing, or placed place anywhere deeds in PoTs the land overtime will get emptier in theory. Surely it will be better to oversell then have new towns on standby elsewhere ie islands or nested suburbs of cities?
    We will monitor and evaluate. If we need to up the number of deeds we are selling we will definitely do that.

    MacGaellen: Will we see more incentives to PVP in the future. UO had Chaos and Order guilds. Will there be any game mechanics and incentives to encourage guilds to war with each other?

    Tiina Onir: What's the timeframe Investor rewards?
    I believe you are talking about the SeedInvest rewards? The first round of items are already built and awaiting delivery. We hope to have the second round built next release (R46). However we cannot deliver them until we have secured the funds from SeedInvest and gotten everyone's account information from SeedInvest and then followed up to find out which Shroud account they want their rewards delivered to (all of which will of course take time). We estimate at least 2-3 months to complete all of this.

    Tiina Onir: When will there be more baddie types? More dangerous monsters and wildlife!
    Yes. See the Post Episode 1 Plan

    Tiina Onir: Is there any timeframe for getting the houses moveable around the lot?
    Yes. See the Post Episode 1 Plan

    Tiina Onir: Can we get vendors able to have stacks of stackable commodities where any number of the stack can be bought.
    Yes. See the Post Episode 1 Plan

    Browncoat Jayson: Can crafting be made a little easier to learn? My suggestion would be that a critical roll when crafting an item has a small chance to give you a higher tier recipe of the same type of item. For example, critting a Maple Crossbow Stock might give you the Recipe: Grey Maple Crossbow Stock. This provides crafters an avenue for advancement, as well as a way to impart their "knowledge", even if they don't go kill bosses 24/7.

    Browncoat Jayson: Will we be able to hang hats the same way we hang cloaks?
    We have a plan in the future for hat racks (wall and floor)

    Browncoat Jayson: How about a Oracle Confirmatory building home. I'm sure some entrepreneurial adventurers cleared out one and moved in.
    Good suggestion

    Browncoat Jayson: Since the "mid-tier" loot bundles from R44 are really Tier 5+ loot bundles, can we get some low-level loot bundles for Tier 3-4? Very lacking in cash.

    Browncoat Jayson: Similarly, can we look at value? The club that drops in Blood River Outskirts has a 110 gold value, but the one that drops in Serpents Spine Foothills has a 50 value (and drops at half the rate).

    Browncoat Jayson: when is the Replenishing Box of Sparklers coming? (I may have a fireworks addiction...)

    Furious Farmer: Is there any plans to allow the choice of entrance when entering a town/city from the over world map or will it be just the one main entrance?

    Furious Farmer: Could resources eventually be used as decorations or at least have tree length logs, piles of ore, animal hides, etc. as decorations?
    Good idea!

    Rosemourne: Currently, due to bug or design, only 14 recipes can be taught per trade. Are there plans to revamp this system or allow more recipes be taught at once?
    Not at this time. Bigger numbers in systems like this make it easier for botters/farmers

    Cirsee: Are there any plans to head out to Pax West?
    No plans for PAX West this year, sadly we did not have the funds available while there were still booths available AND it conflicts with Dragon Con which we were already committed to. However I (Starr) am speaking at PAX Dev the day before PAX West starts. We do hope to show at PAX South in January and hopefully PAX West next year.

    LoneStranger (Aaxal Kuurle): Will the overland map get a refresh (and how soon), for example, adding models to the Brittanys+castle area so it's more than just a single house representing entire areas of the city?
    Yes. No ETA.

    LoneStranger (Aaxal Kuurle): Will the font change affect the books, i.e. the internal formatting that we have spent so much time to perfect? If the font in the books is changed, it will destroy some books that rely on the formatting, like Petaluma the Chicken.
    Book font is unchanged

    Fantalio: Any updates on the Mad Hatter rewards? We haven't forgotten!
    If you are referring to the cloak associated with the LAN party event in Chicago that is scheduled to go live in R45.

    Falcon Rainfeather: Can we get either flashing or color changing chat tabs? So we can know if someone is chatting in them like whispers or guild chat.
    Mystic: How about chat tabs that pop up when you get a private message?
    Good suggestion

    Falcon Rainfeather: Can we get more chainmail recipes or patterns?
    Yes eventually

    Falcon Rainfeather: Can we get tier 2 or even 3 potions for strength, dexterity, and movement speed?
    We can consider but those buffs are already covered with magic spells and town devotionals so not sure why we would want to duplicate those effects and would likely cause some serious balancing issues unless we made them not stack.

    RadioMan: will we be seeing enhancements to Group content where it is viable and beneficial to run scenes as a party. Right now, most folks run around solo.

    RadioMan: right now many things you kill, and items you open, are very unsatisfying in what you get. Something that is hard to kill, should have more the 15 gold inside it. The balance of risk vs reward, and adjusting toplayer level is very much out of whack
    We recently looked at this and you have to consider that there is a lot more loot than just the “15 gold” you quote. There are usually lots of gem fragments, a weapon, and now supply bundles too. The average value of the total loot from most of the mid to high level creatures is 239 gold. Yes you have to actually process and/or sell it to realize that value but the value is there.

    RadioMan: are we going to see improvements in mining/crafting so SOTA does not continue to be 'Mining Simulator 2017'?

    RadioMan: will we ever see Staffs be viable for a melee weapon, rather than just a subpar mage buff stick

    Daxxe Diggler: For stealing penalties, what would happen if we were naked, carrying no gold, and are below level 40 (both adventure level and in all skills levels) where there is no decay penalty?
    We will invoke the decay penalty even if you are below in that case.

    Daxxe Diggler: Are there any (hidden) virtue hits for just wearing any of the Dread Artifacts?
    Are there?

    Nemesis2(Nemesis): Will they be revisiting the pets and taming anytime soon?

    Nemesis2(Nemesis): will there be more statues of the other elements similar to the fire elemental statue?

    Nemesis2(Nemesis): Will we be able to move/resize our party/player names and other ui elements

    Nemesis2(Nemesis): Can we get BIGGER BUFFS so we can SEE them

    Nemesis2(Nemesis): Can we get a angel type statue with wings, so i can move it around my yard grins evilly

    Raven Swiftbow: Does Adventurer Level factor into death decay? Or is is just the level of the skills?
    The only value that factors into death decay is the amount of experience APPLIED to skills.

    Robert Frost: How is the xp loss due to death decay actually calculated? IE, what factors determine how many pool xp's are lost?
    Decay acculumates a max of 24 hours of decay so being away from the game for a week is no different than being gone for a day. Half of the decay is applied per death. Skills under 40 suffer no decay, skills 40-80 suffer reduced decay, 80-100 normal decay, 100+ double decay. Decay amount roughly equates to the pooled experience X number of hours applied X 0.0001.

    Rat: Why do all the new town updates look so rough? I like the park looks like Goti.
    Thanks for the encouragement and not sure what the “Goti park” comment is about.

    Black knight: will we get all the quest items again when replaying the paths ? i.e. no need to fix the old dread artifacts
    Yes and we will be deleting the old ones

    Black knight: can @Atos fix POST method on stats API ?
    This has always been disabled on purpose for performance reasons.

    Jaan: will the quest reset include a virtue reset?
    Yes but there will likely be some residual amount of your previous virtue left but it will be capped at a very low number.

    Redfish: for our tombstones can we also have a selection of different tombstones for appearance (since they are procedurally generated i assume there can be different models pulled up)
    Outside of the scope of this feature

    Redfish: can we have the ability to post flyers on the trunks of trees
    Not anytime soon. Maybe when we get the “Place items anywhere” feature.

    Macnlos (Elaina Strongbow): would it be possible to name that are crafted, even if it is paid for. For example, I craft a super uber weapon, to be able to give it a name.
    We will consider however we plan to introduce item leveling at a later time and this would conflict with that.

    Macnlos (Elaina Strongbow): Serious question, can we get some love/recognition for those of us pumping out videos for SotA. i.e. Lace and such.
    Yes we can

    Laurana Darkwolf: Can we start telethon earlier next time 12:00 noon CT, will help with Europe people, show ends at 3am in the UK
    We are very sorry the timing is inconvenient. No matter what time we start or end the telethon unless we run it for a full 24 hours it will be a bad time for someone. If we start earlier then it will end too early for players on our West Coast for instance.

    Mix Master: Will the vendor stocking become more flexible? I.E changing prices without removing items
    When we get to the task of improving vendors (see Post Ep. 1 plan)

    Mix Master: I know rune books are not going to happen in this game. I won't miss them. But cold we get a book that would let up recall to 2 or 3 places. The cost for each space in the book would be 10 to 25k per spot and be non-tradeable. Is this possible
    Probably not going to be any fundamental changes to our current teleporting scheme anytime soon.

    Raven Cross (Arryndel): Will the Path Quest get more attention since some are still breaking?
    Yes of course. We fix bugs and polish content every single release.

    Mystic: What are the plans at this point for cooking and fishing? Any ideas on MiB/SOS or T-Maps?
    We are going to make cooking and fishing better and more interesting over time. Treasure hunting is interesting and we are considering adding it to our roadmap since many seem very interested in it.

    Liz_the_wiz: can we please get a quest reset that is per quest and only allows you to reset it when it's not completed so you can go back and reget something you lost etc
    We will ensure that quests can always be recovered/resumed no matter what, until they are complete; in doing this we will also let you delete quest items so that if needed they can be re-earned.

    Liz_the_wiz: can we get some more crafting related detail so how many it makes on the recipe book/table listings, and a only show stuff we can make on the tables?

    Liz_the_wiz: with the new people hitting QA this time round (end of the month) can we put up a server announcement on using devbug etc

    Liz_the_wiz: any chance the devs will go back over crafted and pre existing armors and add dyes to them?

    Liz_the_wiz: please please please can we have loots and stuff into the chat log? please so we can see what dropped something etc

    Juvir: Can we change the way the crafting system selects secondary tools? Like molds, etc? Example: I can have 2 molds with low durability (15, 3) and then buy 2 more before running the next batch. The next batch will auto pull the brand new molds instead of using the old ones, and I can't batch run the old molds. I have to manually run single ingots with the old molds, one at a time. Or at least have an option to select the secondary tool we want to use for the whole batch?

    Juvir: Why is there no obsidian 2handed sword recipe?
    Because we haven’t created it yet.

    Bowen Bloodgood: How long will we have to use the quest reset tokens?
    Not sure yet

    Bowen Bloodgood: Might we someday see headlesses in-game?

    Bowen Bloodgood: When will town owners be able to access their town functions offline?
    No ETA

    KuJoe: With the limited amount of land for housing, what's the long term plans to ensure new players X years down the road will be able to have housing?
    Each episode will add new land for housing (see Post Ep 1 Plans). Also there is still plenty of empty lots and there is the Renting system where there are TONS of rooms available to rent.

    Lao Tzu: Where is agriculture in the list of priorities?
    We plan to do at least one improvement / polish pass on Agriculture prior to Episode 1 launch and then continual improvements after launch with a major addition after Episode 1 with Animal Husbandry.

    BayRidge: Starr said you can raise your Agriculture skill to get more seeds, but in game I don't see an agriculture skill box?
    I meant Harvesting. Sorry I misspoke.

    Punkte: Are there any plans on improving the PvP experience by improving the current character movement animations, spell, skill, ability, and combat animations?
    TomTron: Will there be huge changes / improvements for movement and combat animations
    Killroth: Is there work being done to improve the combat, skill, movement, combat animations prior to release?

    Tahru: Any chance we could disable the "E" key from doing take all from owned chests because it keeps dumping chests into my backpack? Either that or confirm the action.

    Tahru: Can we just add option to remote banks to allow anyone to use it? Would be most helpful for public crafting locations.
    We will consider but doubtful as it would quickly make banks meaningless.

    Fruck: Is taunt going to get another look? I asked it last time, then tested and I cannot hold aggro from decent archers. Rapid shot and the the damage and hit rate is impossible to overcome - even spamming taunt.
    Currently taunt appears to be working as expected. It is expected that archers spamming rapid shot and multishot will be able to out taunt you. Lots of small hits generate more agro than a few big ones. Taunt is the best way to generate agro creatures but casters piling on dots and archers will likely always be able to out agro a tank. This is by design and, as in any game that uses agro, it is on them to be responsible and manage their agro.

    Fruck: Will there be any damage spells (i.e. smite) added to the life tree? Any direct damage to Moon? Is more content for the Chaos tree planned, including gems/enchantments?
    Unlikely that we will be adding more damage spells to other schools because then the spell schools will quickly become all the same. Yes Chaos magic needs more love including an attunement gem.

    Fruck: Will it be possible to get relics from animal mobs? No reason a big spider couldn't have eaten someone with an artifact we can get when skinned
    We will consider.

    Kigu Starfish (Kor): Can we please get the ability to buy more deck slots like we buy bank slots?
    We will consider

    Mekile Stormwind: Will we ever have more than one bind location at a time?

    Fantilio: Are we close to being able to trade an entire lot?
    Eventually. See Post Episode 1 Plans

    Old Noob Gamer: who has the most hours played since persistence?
    I won’t reveal the names of the players with the most but I can tell you that the user with the most play time has 867.6 days of play time. There are 5 players with more than a year of play time.

    Gwek: Can we get a title for "early access" via bundles - since we don't get founder or benefactor, but we are spending money early
    We will consider

    Gwek: Can we unlink body parts from ransom in PVP? I don't mind a person keeps their gear, but I want their head!
    Yes eventually

    Gwek: Can you make chaotic feedback not interrupt skinning/mining ( i dont mine the health loss tic)
    We can look into what issues this might cause. Some players use the tick to intentionally interrupt mez effects and we don’t want to remove that so my guess is this will probably stay as is for the foreseeable future.

    Cordelayne: How much do we have to raise to get Lum to sing Sex Bomb?
    More money than we have time for

    Spinok: When bows will get specials enchants for gems, and will we got different arrows as it was sayed few release ago?
    No ETA for special enchants but before Ep 1 launch hopefully. Different arrows is post Ep 1 at this point.

    Promiscuity: can we get a unique icon for healing blast?

    Aartemis: Chris, can you explain the "Tank" build I should be trying for to protect me from Multiple Archers at a time? Even with a 70 Damage Resist, and a Shield on, 2-3 NPC Archers Still DropMy HP Easily. I would think once I Sacrifice 2H to wear a shield those armor penetration shots should drop. Only with Constant Defect Up do I see a decrease right now.
    Tanking multiple archers is definitely challenge and I do believe they are a bit too powerful at the moment. I frequently play in The Rise, which is full of the strongest archers currently in the game, and my strategies are pretty simple. Break line of sight with them if you’re fighting something else at the moment, make them a top priority to kill ASAP with quick engagement and stuns, and keeping multiple defensive skills going at once such as Glancing Blow + Deflect + Defensive Stance + Fortify Defense. Lots of other ways to do it but yes, agree that currently high levels archers are brutal. Lower level ones can mostly be handled through damage resistance but as you get into the tougher archers, it won’t keep up and you have to move towards damage avoidance and blocks.

    Blaquerogue: Can we get log cabins!

    Blaquerogue: How bout a Pirate bundle
    If we do another set of bundles that would be our number 1 pick

    Blaquerogue: can we have the skill trees to change with deck changes automatically
    We do not understand this question.

    Aiyarree: When can we expect the (M)Map to work on Linux?
    No ETA

    Daevin Aruth: Will people be able to multi-guild?
    No ETA

    Daevin Aruth: The tops of castle walls is currently wasted space. Will we be able to place items there eventually?
    There are a ton of issues with decorations on walls. For example pathfinding does not work on decorations that are on top of other decorations so we can’t allow the placement of things like chairs and crafting stations on them because you would not be able to use them.

    Daevin Aruth: Why don't I see skull swords in drops anymore?
    SPOILER: The Lich in Ravensmoor drops them as he always has.

    Daevin Aruth: Can Commission FREE Vendors separately be added to the Add On store?
    No. Those were promised as an exclusive pledge reward.

    Daevin Aruth: Can we get some from chimneys in POTs?
    I think part of your question was cut off so not sure what you are asking.

    Darth Red: What are your plans for the moon tree ? More particularly for the shadow form skill that uses 3 reagents and is less effective than silent movement that doesn't uses any . Will you fix this ?
    For R45 the Moon magic variations of the stealth skills will be moving to be buffs with durations. If you break stealth while the buff is active, it will restealth you after a few seconds. So Subterfuge versions will be free but one off. Moon magic will persist and reapply.

    Psyche: Can you make it so that we can change chat colours? Or at least when 2 or more people whisper you there is a more visible difference in colour.

    Psyche: To give it an even more realistic feeling, could you make it so that fire, lights need fuel you'd need to fill up with wood, wax, coal, etc

    Psyche: Could you consider an option to lock items in your inventory that you do not want to sell accidentally?

    Lockey Abernathy: Would we ever see new mobs/boss for instance a Wild Boar?
    Yes. See Post Episode 1 Plans

    Lockey Abernathy: When will the Subterfuge tree and Chaos tree be finished?
    Never. Seriously we plan to constantly expand the game with new skills and spells forever.

    Monkeysmack: When will rain water my crops?
    No ETA

    Monkeysmack: when will we be able to grow tobacco plants?

    Monkeysmack: Is Agriculture skill going to be added in R45?
    Was never planned for R45. We still hope to have it in R46.

    Monkeysmack: can we get more crafting quests?

    Phule Anachron: Mushroom growing in basements?
    Maybe eventually

    Phule Anachron: All the Keep/Castle walls do for me in my PRT home is make me run around them to my house. Not bad as landmarks, but just in the way, otherwise.
    See “Tear Down the Walls” post.

    Jack Tyme: Can we get Auto looting pets?
    Good suggestion but for now those items would have to go straight into your inventory since we don’t yet have pack animals.

    Boris Mondragon: can we have all major defensive buffs (Glancing Blow, Defensive Stance, Fortify Defences) with same time duration (1 MInute).
    Probably not. They are of varying power and purpose. Stances, don’t stack with each other and are intended to be longer duration in general. Fortify defense can be very powerful and is a response skill so making its duration longer would reduce the skill factor in it. We’re continually evaluating durations to minimize fatigue but in this case I think those are fairly appropriate.

    Damian Killingsworth: when is the next pass on craft station animations?
    No ETA

    Mishikal: Back at the Spring Telethon, I asked when the Keep/Castle walls would be removed for lots in NPC/PRT towns. Darkstarr asked for data showing it was desired, I replied to the thread showing some 45 people against having the walls, some 4 people for the walls, and 2 people who had no preference either way. Berek promised Darkstarr would get back to me. I've been waiting since March 31st for the response.
    See Tear Down the Walls post

    Acaelus Fireharp: What happened to Archery damage in relation to stacking, and if its a bug is there an ETA on a fix?
    I saw a post on it but no changes were made that would change the damage for stacking but I see no evidence that it has decreased in any way. I know that isn’t what you want to hear but it appears damage is now back to the same level it was at for several releases.

    EclipseMaiden: Can we fix the bug so we can have two people in a bed pleaseeeeee

    EclipseMaiden: When can we see new artwork in game?

    Robert Frost: The game notes state that Next Target starts close and moves out, but it does not. When will it be fixed to start at what's very close and move outwards from there.
    It starts close and in front of the player and moves out. It maintains a list of targets in order that gets cleared if a new target isn’t selected within 2 seconds though so moving around in a group of NPCs or having them move can cause it to not select the next most appropriate target. Also, the target is chosen based on the distance AND the angle. A target that is closer but off to one side might not be selected until after a target directly in front but slightly further.

    Robert Frost: Since the current death decay has already cost a great many players to cease playing, and will only get worse over time - will Port revisit this game crushing mechanic?
    Our player data metric does not support your assertion that “many players cease playing”. Also decay is the way we allow players to have as many skills as they want without a skill cap.

    Robert Frost: Why can't the % chance to harvest increase with the number of times we have performed that type of harvest? If you've (example) skinned 15,000 wolves why should you still have a 93% chance like you did after the first 400?
    We try to keep this more generalized than specific but we can consider.

    Robert Frost: We have craftable "ruined" homes, but no craftable "ruined" furniture, etc. for them - So when can we expect to be able to deco these homes "properly"?
    Good suggestion!

    Robert Frost: Since Jakub White has sort of vanished, what is the future for ingame maps?
    We have plans they are just delayed slightly. They will get back on track soon.

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos: Do you have a plan to relieve the bottlenecks we seem to have in AI, Combat, and Crafting systems? (i.e. hiring more people that can produce more/faster content)
    In the near term we do not plan to significantly expand our development staff beyond a Sound Designer. Big staff expansions would shorten our runway and sacrifice money we need to spend for launching the project.

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos: (Re: Middle Downs) What percentage of lush vs. mystical is that area?
    You can see the recent post about Middle Downs.

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos: Shouldn't there be a downside to dodge, parry, avoidance type skills? My suggestion would be that you are more likely to be interrupted (in spell casting) the more you perform these actions.
    Downside is that they take time and focus to cast and also consume slots on your combat bar.

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos: Will there be any incentives to GM all the spells in a school of magic?
    We will eventually add titles for these. Also, in the two year plan we plan on having powerful magic beyond tier 5. The requirement to learn these might be to be a GM in every skill in the tree but the exact design hasn’t been finalized. Alternatively, might just require an attunement of 100 so we don’t force people to learn skills they don’t really want.

    Baron Drocis Fondorlatos: Robes?
    Our current priority is to finish the Norgard NPCs then move on to new creatures.

    Damian Killingsworth: Is dash intended to speed up glyph draw?
    No. Not intended and doesn’t appear to be speeding up glyph draw currently.

    Twofoldsilence: Would it be possible to provide guidance in-game on what types of mobs drop recipes? Also, what's the rate in which recipes drop, and do they only drop from mobs, or can they be found in sacks and such in maps as well?
    Part of the game is supposed to be about exploration so having an indicator on the mobs that they are carrying recipes would defeat that purpose. However we can add NPC conversation hints about this.

    Crow: are the seedinvest items going to be tradable? This way investors can sell the items make their money back

    Merrik Dragon: when are we getting a /pet emote in game so we can show our love for our pets?
    We can consider but with all the different pet sizes and types this will involve quite a bit of different animations.

    Merrik Dragon: as you know i grow grapes... and those grapes are talkin... something about kobolds and the invention of indoor plumbing... is there any truth to this?
    Perhaps someday

    Belladonna Rose: Will we be able to one day make Guild emblems designed by us.
    Yes eventually

    Rhiannon: Status of searchable recipe book?
    Peabo: Would it be possible to have a search function when looking in the crafting book?
    Post Episode 1 plan

    Rhiannon: can we post flyers or paper inside the house on walls (could be used for marking rooms in inns)?
    Yes flyers have always been able to be posted on walls.

    Echondas: any chance for torches becoming a usable weapon - now that using them for light has been encouraged?
    Perhaps. We already have an artifact that is a torch weapon

    Echondas: any chance for craftable outhouses? Like the one in Soltown for example?

    Womby: What is an inn without room numbers? How will people know which room is theirs?
    On the schedule for R46

    Merv DeGriff: Will we see melee weapons that do not need metal in their recipes?
    Staff and Wand are all wood.

    Corwin: what are you planning to do with the new ndc partnership? how will does that work exactly?
    We do not yet have any details beyond what we described in the press release. We are still exploring all options including making the teleport and neverdie tokens available as in-game loot and making them tradeable in other games.

    Corwin: will the game ever available f2p? free to play? if so do you have a deadline?
    No plans to do so at this time but we plan to have time / level limited free trial version of the game (similar to the free trial version we have now).

    Sean Silverfoot: What's the odds of getting a Trout mimic? I 'm in need of one to torture @Winfield PaxLair
    Odds are low

    Grimace: eyebrow raise emote??
    We can consider but at the camera distance and resolution of the game it is unlikely this emote would even be visible

    Elnoth: I have the recipe to make a gold ingot from scraps, when will gold scraps be added to the game
    We are working on getting the scraps into items in the next few releases but we need some new tech to allow for that because currently salvage is not aware of masterwork and enchant (i.e. gold/silver added to the item when masterworked/enchanted). This will likely need some tuning as disrupting the input/output of the gold market without major turmoil can be challenging.

    Tila Tenderfoot: Can and when will you place practice dummies in towns with adventure trainers? Right now, practice dummies are in Soltown, Solace Bridge Outskirts, Ruined Keep, Blood River Outskirts (that I know of).
    Diab Blackbow: When will Dex be fixed to affect Dodge or be able have the enemy miss.
    Currently it does make enemies miss but only if there aren’t significant other defensive skills being used at the same time. This will be changed before launch but a release hasn’t been set for it yet. For full details on the math behind it, I suggest looking up “Desron.net gaming tech talk” on youtube. I did a number of interviews there that discuss in depth the exact math behind it.

    Christhepcguy: I started less than a week ago. Will Blood River Outskirts get more love
    We just did a major polish pass on it this past release. Are there specific areas you feel need “more love”?

    Christhepcguy: and can I wear a shirt under my armor?

    Christhepcguy: Can the ingame chat/ description/ etc font be changed to Shroud of the Avatar fonts like on the posters.

    Froji: can we get the wood piles to act as containers to store our wood. also ingots, ore, coins
    Not easily but we can consider

    Thatwhichlurks: Will combat pets be buffed to where their damage scales with their summoner?
    Thatwhichlurks: Could there be a tree for Summoning to help buff and flesh out Combat Pets from the Magic trees?
    Tamed creature power scales with your Taming Summoning skill. If you are talking about magic school summoned creatures there are skills in some of the magic trees that improve the strength of those pets, at least in Death Magic but we don’t want these to overlap too much with Taming.

    Thatwhichlurks: Could there be tree specific armor or weapons we could earn in quests?
    This would conflict with our overall design goal of “the best gear is crafted by players”

    Brenton: Kingsport is the gateway to the vale, when is it scheduled to get some love?
    No plans to revisit Kingsport as we feel it is an original scene (i.e. not a clone) and has already gotten one polish pass. Are there specific issues you feel need addressing?

    Wolftam: Could Player-Owned Town Owners please have access to the Hex Map via their submission forms so that they can see what towns are within range of inter-connections.
    Perhaps eventually

    Elywn: when can we get road signs to go across NPC towns like POTs have? Some NPC towns are very large and it takes two or three minutes to cross them

    Justyn: will we ever be able to place rugs on pavers, or on the craftable blocks?
    Unlikely because pavers and rugs share the same decoration layer

    Mia Sway: table top rack that holds wands, rings or necklaces
    Rings and necklaces don’t yet have a 3D world mesh so unlikely

    Mia Sway: will the new cloak thing work on wings ? if not is there something to make them work? i would use the deer antler thing without the antlers, as a mount for them
    The new “cloak thing” is not actually a separate thing from the cloaks. The deco version of the cloaks is a wall decoration. We are fixing some bugs with wings in R45 and adding the wall deco flag to them as well.

    Azalin: will there be runebooks and something like spellbooks like in UO.... ? ,

    Azalin: will there we be a function to fix camera view on a distance ... so it doesn't jumps so close to the cha, if you go inside a building or something, under a tree.....
    Camera polish and tuning will happen but not an ability to lock it because that would cause the camera to get pushed inside geometry

    CrazyPhil: Can we still hear about the new creatures mentioned earlier?
    Listed in post episode 1 plan

    Paulie Walnuts: When can we expect the galleon town home? And will there be a Drydocked version?
    R45. Yes drydocked too (there will always be drydocked versions of water homes going forward)

    Tregrenos: When will we be able to place items on top of placeable castle walls?
    No ETA

    Acaelus Fireharp: Could you make an Observatory building with a huge kobold steampunk style telescope built in?
    Great suggestion!

    Umuri: Have they reconsidered adding vendor listing data to the API and instead only listing item SALES to the api, that way it doesn't destroy local economies and force people to go out of game to find items for sale.
    We will consider this. I believe we would need to add some way to periodically dump this information for players to catch all the stagnant items.

    chuck5086: I asked if I missed anything. And people told me not really.... WHERE THE HELL DID STARR LONGS MUSTACHE GO?!
    I shaved it off during the Summer Telethon and you can now own it inside a Moustache Reliquary (part of the proceeds go to Movember charity)!

    MrChadwyck: Do POT upgrades take effect immediately?
    No they take at least one full release cycle.

    Bobbyjgood: When is Melee going to get some love. I would like to win at PvP once.
    Melee gets some love every release but it is definitely still weak in one-on-one PVP situations. The next major change that will likely help out the tanks of the world is a tuning pass on defensive stance.

    BryanH83: Will there be a way to ask the various NPC crafters where to find recipes similar to how the Master Skill Trainers conversation works?
    Perhaps eventually.

    Black777lodge: do basements work with water village houses ? I guess no..?
    Yes they do if you use the strip of land or the docks.

    zamper_f: Any Exp Potions that we can buy from the store?

    Phreemason85: Why are streamers forced to refer everyone to markee dragon rather than make their own chunk on g2a like all twitch streamers do?
    We do not force streamers to go anywhere. Not sure what you are referring to.

    Old59Fart: Pardon me if this has been asked elsewhere, but any chance using the crafting stations can use resources you have banked? Trips back and forth seem taxing.

    Phreemason85: when will we receive our goal items?
    MaeveAlleine: Does this mean the stretch goal gifts are distributed later?
    It generally takes us at least two releases to build and deliver telethon stretch goal items.

    Rentier: Will it be possible in the bank to stack reward items without transferring them to the local bank?

    MaeveAlleine: Is there a plan to give renters the same abilities as owners? Right now, my husband and I cannot open each other's chests, cannot use attack dummies, cannot put pets on patrol etc.
    You need to set those permissions per item

    Jardeborde: How close is this game to Ultima Online in reality?
    Arpanetarpanet: why Darkstarr look like One-Punch man?
    Old59Fart: what happens if i fall off the "island"?
    ElainaStrongbow: Can we get lights that light?
  2. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    The staffs that elven mages drop work as a bludgeon weapon on-par with store baught 2 handed hammers
  3. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    Still would prefer to see staffs as polearms; even if the point wouldn't be to have a great weapon, at least you could use defensive innates and skills. The game could then later add melee staffs and quarterstaffs later on....
    Paladin Michael likes this.
  4. jiirc

    jiirc Avatar

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    Don't these two statements somehow contradict each other. Shouldn't the equation read s'kills applied experience' instaed of 'pooled experience' in the calculation?
  5. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    Thanks for taking the time to do all of this. It is really awesome.
  6. Daxxe Diggler

    Daxxe Diggler Avatar

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    Virtue Oasis - Hidden Vale
    Responding to a question with another question does not really answer the question. :(

    I would really like to know if wearing these items will harm my Avatar's virtue in any way, or if there are any other hidden side affects (such as necklace of civility alters your chat text).

    I understand if you want to keep the specifics out, but I would appreciate at least a yes or no response please @DarkStarr .
  7. LoneStranger

    LoneStranger Avatar

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    I think the mysteriousness of the artifacts is kind of the point, no? Eventually people will figure it out. Why don't you try? And I think Starr's answer is just fine. I read it as "Yes, there are effects we haven't told you about yet."
    Stundorn and Alley Oop like this.
  8. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    The best I can guess is that he/she means that which skills are training can be tied to a deck like equipment can? Though I don't know why that'd be a thing.
  9. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    Greetings Avatars,

    someone saw the telethon and know if my question was answered (I didn't found it here. Questions asked as Sir_Michael)?

    Question was, if we can expect better sorted Questbook/Journalentries maybe with chapters?
    Thank you for a short answer :)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
  10. Jack Knyfe

    Jack Knyfe Avatar

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    Somewhere in Novia
    This is a dodge, but I do respect the humor therein. Wands and staves do very little damage, so they should not be considered melee weapons.

    Perhaps carpenters can craft clubs and quarterstaves, and those can have optional metal components that add material properties and a slight damage boost? (1-3 pt range, ie 3-7 damage into 4-9 damage)
  11. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    These two answers appear to contradict each other.

    How can death decay only factor into "experience applied to skills" but also "pooled experience X number of hours applied X 0.0001"? What's confusing me here is that it sounds like pooled experience doesn't impact decay at all. But then in the next sentence it seems like it does. Maybe you guys could walk us through a typical scenario?
    Paladin Michael and MrBlight like this.
  12. Nemesis2

    Nemesis2 Avatar

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    so Star... general eta pls
  13. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    This is already in Ardoris.
    Alley Oop likes this.
  14. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    darkstarr missed this one, since it was lumped with something unrelated, but i can answer: the prefab combat trainer shop has a practice target (that can be used as a dummy for all it looks like a bullseye) and this shop shows up all over the world. brit estates, resolute, all the new standard-template prt towns... there's also a proper salle in central brit near the guard barracks. ...and some in the elf camp in solania catacombs, off the top of my head.
  15. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Powerful magic beyond tier 5, cool! I must have missed that in the two year plan (that has no time frame) ;) .

    I get that some players don't want to train in skills just for attunement or the reward attached to it. But I can't help but think we're enabling min/maxing at the expense of roleplaying here. If you're a fire mage, do you know all the fire spells or do you just know the cheapest ones that give you a 100 attunement so you can get the "good stuff"? Please consider the impact to roleplaying here. A real fire mage is going to study all the spells in the school, not dabble in whatever gets him the phat lootz.

    Also, a counter argument might be...if you don't want to master all the spells in one school, then perhaps you don't really want to get the higher level spells?

    @DarkStarr @Chris
    The classic use case that I hope you consider here is that Summon Lich costs 7.2 million XP. It's painful to train this up, and on top of that it's not very useful even if you've GM'd all of the death magic spell tree. So we're rewarding players that min/max death magic by not making them train this spell up. Now we're talking about allowing them to ignore it completely (the XP cost and the RP impact) without 1. Fixing the spell. 2. Rewarding the players that spent 7.2 million XP to GM it. To put this into perspective, most death magic spells cost about 1.2 million to GM.

    I just hope you guys find a way to avoid allowing people to min/max the spells schools at the expense of RP. It's really annoying.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  16. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Work around: have the pet have a reaction emote that it fires off when you target it with an emote. So basically you can play with it, doing /aeroplane, for example, and it'll react in its own, not touching the avatar, cute way.
  17. Tazar

    Tazar Avatar

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    Perhaps a *shipwrecked* version of each as well? Somehow the drydocked with a giant extended ladder to get to the top just isn't working for me - but one with a giant hole in the side to walk into sounds enticing.

    Also - I'd love a Keep sized pirate ship! The City-size seems somewhat squashed front-to-back with no real main-deck space.
  18. Jack Knyfe

    Jack Knyfe Avatar

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    Somewhere in Novia
    You mean a dreadnaught? ;)
  19. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    They are not exclusive to pledges as they also come with bundles.
  20. Trihugger

    Trihugger Avatar

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    Agree with both of you that the language is confusing but what I believe he is referring to is the "pooled" value of all the experience currently spent in your skills subject to decay (IE anything above 40 and then the relative multiplier depending on how high the skill is).
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