Significant changes to the game for returning players

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Anpu, Jun 23, 2020.

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  1. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This guide will go over some of the significant changes that have been made to the game, that returning players may not even know were changed or even added. I'm just trying to do a small, but important listing of these changes to help returning players get better acquainted with how the game currently is.

    It would be impossible for me to list ALL the changes made to the game, as that would take more time than I even have. But what I will at least do, is provide some that I feel that are changes that are very significant.

    Expired or Evicted Lots now go to the Property Manager
    Non-destructive evictions! When a player’s property is evicted by governors, stewards, tax defaults, or even lot activity expirations, the property will now be placed in the owner’s Property Manager (Magic Movers) window.
    Release 96:

    Vendor Listings In Zone
    A new UI window called “Vendor Listings In Zone” has been added to the game. When players visit a scene, this window can be displayed by clicking the Window Selector at the top right of your screen, and select the option Vendor Listings in Zone option. You can also assigning a custom hotkey in Options/Controls then pressing the applicable hotkey. Now, players will no longer be required to go from player vendor to player vendor within a zone to see all the items available. This window provides each item’s name, posting date, weight, price, posting character’s name, as well as the player vendor’s name. Players can utilize a variety of sorting options, and a search filter is also available.
    Release 94:

    Decks can now be moved up or down
    In the Deck Selection window, decks now have a number shown and can be moved up and down, by clicking on a deck, and then selecting the up or down arrow that is displayed on the deck.. That number can also be clicked to be changed manually.
    Release 100:

    Heritage Item Removal
    Heritage is no more! Items that were flagged as Heritage will now be tradeable without packaging.
    Release 106:

    Massive rework of the Crafting System and Artifacts
    Many changes where made to the Crafting system to allow Player Crafted item to have special Imbued Gems and Imbued Jewels placed on them. These powerful gems and jewels now make Player Crafted items much more powerful.
    Artifacts were reduced to allow the Player Crafted item to now be the more powerful items in the game. Artifacts can still be useful for some circumstances.
    The new Imbued Gems can be obtained from Artifact. But can only be placed in Player Crafted items.
    These changes are very extensive so you will need to read all the changes an additions yourself here: Release 90:

    Player Run Towns can now use POT lot deeds to claim a lot in them
    Player-Run Towns: These towns have received a minimal complement of NPCs and crafting stations near their default entrances, and all Player-Run Towns allow for POT only deeds to be utilized.
    Release 97

    No More XP Loss on Death
    There is now no loss of XP upon your character dying. Currently, the penalty for your character dying is a durability hit to your currently equipped item IF you do not resurrect at an ankh. So ALWAYS make sure to resurrect at an ankh when you die to avoid this durability hit to your equipped gear.
    Release 59

    The Recipe Book now has a search window to find recipes.
    The recipe book now features search functionality to filter for recipes.
    Release 89

    Decoration Palette
    This is a window that will open and show you all of the content that is on a specific lot. This can help you find items that may be stuck in walls or other areas where you cannot reach them.
    Release 71

    Big Cat Creatures
    Various Big Cat Creatures were added in release 97 and Release 98. Many of them can be tamed but not all of them.
    See a list here of all the current pet creatures that can be tamed in the game:

    COTO Change from 1 = 100
    Release 63

    In Game Crown Shop
    There is now a shopping interface in game, that allows you to purchase a selected set of gold crown items from anywhere in the game. This includes Obsidian potions, dyes, fireworks, lot deeds, and other miscellaneous items.
    Release 60

    Real Money Transactions (RMT) may not be discussed on the Forums or Chat
    You can continue to participate in Real Money Transactions (RMT) while playing Shroud of the Avatar, however you do so at 100% at your own risk. Catnip Games will assume no liability for any RTM.
    You many not, under any circumstances discuss or post any RMT on the official Forums, in game chat, official Website, or the official Discord channel.
    Read the top of the page of the Player Marketplace for more information.
    You CAN make posts in the Player Marketplace or the official Discord Channel (see the #igg-markeplace channel) to sell items for in game gold (IGG) or Crowns of the Obsidians (COTO).
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    2 Free, Taxed, No-trade Lot Deeds Per Account
    Each account can receive 1 Free Taxed No Trade, Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed for finishing the main quest of any of the 3 Outskirts areas, and 1 Free Taxed No Trade, Player Owned Town Village Lot Deed for completing the Chapter 1 Main Quest.
    These are only given one time per account.
    Release 55 added the Row Lot Deed
    Release 62 Village Lot Deed was added

    Food & Drink Revamp
    An extensive effort has been made to provide a unique and specific purpose to every food recipe. Taking full advantage of the food buff channel system, buffs will now be completely related and balanced to how many buff slots the consumed food occupies. Standardized buff durations will be implemented based upon the slots occupied, and standardized regeneration rates will also be provided across the spectrum.
    Release 87:

    No More Monthly Raffle
    This was removed in Release 59 since there were now various ways to receive various lots.

    You no longer go to the Bank to claim rewards
    Just use the Rewards Chest Icon at the top right of your screen:
    Release 63

    Global Banks
    Banks are now global. Any bank location, including “Remote Banking Devices”, can access all items deposited in banks, regardless of where the item was originally deposited.
    Release 57

    Upgrading Lot Deeds with Crowns
    First added in Release 62, you can now fully upgrade any deed to any other type of deed (except for Tax Free Water Lot Deeds which are a backer only item). You will need to place the Lot Deed in your players inventory, then just right click on the lot deed to see the upgrades.
    Release 62

    Universal Chat for all
    Universal Chat was first introduced in released in Release 59 but is now available to all for free. There is also a trade channel as well (type /t in the chat window to go to the trade channel).
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    Shrines of Attunement
    Release 86 added the new Shrines of Attunement. An entirely new statue type has been discovered throughout New Britannia–Shrines of Attunement! These powerful and crafted statues utilize 9 related off-hand artifacts to craft (3 of which have been introduced with this release), which provide 3-day attunement buffs for any character which steps into their aura. These buffs are on their own separate buff channel, and 2 buffs can be simultaneously utilized.
    Release 86:

    Gear Patterns Flexibility
    With Release 86, patterns are now more flexible. Patterns no longer are restricted to the specific type. For example a Cloth Chest Armor Pattern can now be applied to a Plate Chest Armor piece, allowing for much more flexibility. Read the Release 86 Release Notes for more information,
    Release 86:

    Property Manager (Previously Called Magic Mover)
    Magic Movers were first introduced in Release 39, to allow you to store your various decorated houses in them. You can now currently save your decorated houses, basements and dungeons in the Property Manager.
    Release 39

    Crafting Failure no longer destroys items
    Crafting Failure = Durability Loss: Triggering a failure when adding Enchantments and Masterworks to gear will no longer automatically destroy the item. Instead, it will simply decrease the durability of the item.
    Release 53

    Back Slot Items Enchanting & Masterworking
    Previously, the only back slot item that had any stats associated with it was the Shroud of the Avatar item. Now all back slot items can be Masterworked and Enchanted. They also now use the Patterns system. There are four basic types of back slot items: Backpacks (Strength & Carry Capacity), Cloaks (Defense & Attack Speed), Wings (Dexterity & Move Rate) and Quivers (Dexterity & Ammo Recovery).
    Release 62

    Young version of Rare Fish can now be caught more frequently
    Added 12 “Young” versions of the ultra rare trophy fish to the game and added them to the fishing loot tables. These young versions are still considerably rare but players will be able to fish these with far greater frequency comparatively to their ultra rare and full-size versions.
    Release 89

    Various Common Artifacts can now be found
    Adjustments were made to artifact rarity especially in regards to the Common tier of artifacts. You can find them from various Daily and other quests.
    Release 89

    Various Daily Quests have been added and more continue to be added
    Several Daily Quests continue to be added. You can see a listing for most of them here: Many of these now give Common Artifacts.

    Open Multiplayer in Towns & Outskirts
    To better increase the connectedness of the world we have made it so that players now automatically join an Open Multiplayer instance when entering towns, overworld, and the Outskirts maps (Solace Bridge Outskirts, Highvale Outskirts, and Blood River Outskirts). This change will give players more opportunities to see and connect with each other and help with the many in-game events the community runs. NOTE: Your selected mode will automatically re-enable when you return to other scenes.
    Release 59

    Control Points Voluntary Entry and Town Sieges Voluntary Entry
    Control Points can now be crossed over on the Overworld without forcing players to enter the scene. This is part of an overall effort to reduce the number of scene loads in each play session. The following scenes are affected by this change and can now be entered voluntarily, just like any other adventure scene

    Town Sieges can now be bypassed by all level of players, allowing direct access to the besieged town. This is part of an overall effort to reduce the number of scene loads in each play session. Sieges can now be entered voluntarily from the Overworld, just like any other adventure scene. Note when leaving towns you automatically bypass sieges (no option is given to enter them).
    Release 57

    Game is now completely Free to Play
    All of the Chapter 1 content and systems (own property, have vendors, gather resources, finish quests etc.) is now available to any account for free.
    Other games that have a Free to Play model don't even allow you own property, gather specific resources or even own a vendor (for example Ultima Online's Free to Play option).
    Release 59

    All Accounts Receive One Quest Reset Per Character
    In release 100, all players were granted an additional Quest Reset, if you have previously used your one time quest reset (this would allow for very old accounts who had already used their one time quest reset a LONG time ago, to reset their quests to the much more up to date quests.).
    Each character on an account has one free Quest Reset that will allow them to completely reset the characters quest state. This will ONLY remove ALL quest items and quests from the character (note, the Shroud is a quest item).
    See a guide to using your one free Quest Reset here.
    Release 47
    Release 100:

    Material Bonuses for Crafted Rings and Necklaces
    Rings and necklaces can now be crafted out of metal materials and have bonuses based on the metal type. The existing ring and necklace recipes have been renamed to Metal Ring and Metal Necklace. Updated recipes for these items require less ingredients than previously. There are recipes for each item and material type. Recipes for metal, iron, copper, gold and silver items can be purchased from Blacksmiths. Recipes for advanced metals can be found in supply bundles dropped from humanoid creatures.
    Release 67

    Teleport To Zone Scroll
    Instead of being limited to teleporting to your lot or a single town crier you now automatically collect the entrance locations of scenes that you visit and can use a new “Teleport to Zone Scroll” to revisit those scenes whenever you wish. To use this new function we have created a dedicated interface where all the scenes are collected. NOTE: Some rules apply. For instance, special quest-related scenes are not valid targets. You can purchase this scroll from Obsidian Crown Merchants The Crown Shop, or craft it yourself by purchasing the recipe from NPC Merchants. See a list here where to buy this recipe. Other players that know this recipe, can teach it to you for free as well.
    Release 61

    Emotes in hotbar and a new (optional) dedicated Emote Bar
    Emotes can now be placed in the non-combat hotbar. An icon has been created for each of 278 emotes and, if the player has tooltips enabled, each emote’s name will appear when hovering over the icon. Each has color-coded curtains to help differentiate similar ones by group
    Release 108 Play Release 108!

    Fruits, Vegetables and Reagent cost adjustment.
    Fruits, Vegetables and Reagents are now less expensive to buy from players than buying them from NPC's.
    Release 71

    You can now salvage 100 items at a time
    Previously, you were limited to salvaging 17 items at a time on a crafting table. This was raised to 50 at a time in Release 74, but currently is now set to 100 items at a time.
    Release 74

    Packaging no-trade Heritage items for trade
    Just arriving on the Live Server is a very useful new feature which allows players to trade formerly no-trade Heritage items by packaging them for trade. Simply right-click the no-trade Heritage item in your inventory, then select “Package Item for Trade” which will spawn an option window requesting a Crowns payment for the packaging.
    Avatar’s Update #383

    LUA Mods
    Various Mods were added using the LUA scripting function and can now be used in game.
    You can see a list of Player Created LUA Scripts here: Player Created Lua Script Repository
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    Looking For Group
    You can now create your own group or see a list of existing groups looking for more people.
    To see a list of current groups while in the game, press Left Alt + F or at the top right of your screen, click the Window Selector, and then see the Looking for Group listing and click on it.
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    Armor Durability Changes
    New mechanics to distribute armor durability damage have been introduced! Now, players will notice certain types of armor are less susceptible to durability loss than others. A “Durability Multiplier” has been applied across the board, and adjustments have also been made to an equipment’s “chance to be hit.”
    Avatar’s Update #385

    Supply Bundles: Now have a chance to include an XP reward item
    Supply Bundles: Now have a chance to include an XP reward item that scales with bundle type (will be tradeable soon)
    Avatar’s Update #379

    Deco items can now be scaled
    Various decoration items can now be scaled down and up. The default keybinding for these options are: Deco Scale Up Left Alt + x and Deco Scale Down Left Alt + z.
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    In Game Leaderboard
    Currently in game there is a Leaderboard that will show various players and the current leader of specific actives within the game. Currently there is: PvP Kills, PvE Kills, Fish and Consumables. It will then list the top player for each of these categories. You can also select a range of dates for each of these as well (1 Day, 7 Days, 30 Days). This information is shared publicly by default.

    To view the Leaderboard, open the Window Selector at the top right of your screen and then select the Leaderboards option. There is currently no hot key to open this window.
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    Episode 2 Content
    Episode 2 content is now being added in various stages of development. There is now a new continent called Mistrendur. All players can access the new continent and the various Player Owned Towns located in Mistrendur. You will not be able to enter any of the Adventure Scenes however, unless you have Episode 2 access. You can purchase that on the main website: Shroud of the Avatar: Episode 2 Early Access
    Of note: All of the Episode 1 content is completely free to play.
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    Bard Skill
    A new Bard tree and skills were added. The trainer for this skill is located on the new continent of Mistrendur in the adventure area Ruins of Utheim. This area does require Episode 2 access to be able to enter this scene (See above).
    Release XX (Need Reference).

    Rideable mounts have arrived in New Britannia! Now, players of Shroud of the Avatar will be able to zip across the lands of Novia, Hidden Vale, and Mistrendur atop 16 beautiful mounts, with many additional varieties coming in the near future!
    You can purchase mounts from the Crown Store, turn in taming necklaces with horses, or if you have a Foal from backing the Mount Stretch Goal, you can turn in the foals for a mount (and receive the Foal back as well).
    Release 83:

    Butchery System Changed
    Butchers and cooks of New Britannia can now enjoy some very helpful Quality of Life (QOL) improvements to their craft! Here are some of the amazing updates which will improve the overall experience related to Butchering:
    • Process animal recipes have all been added to the game and all old meat recipes have been removed.
    • Process recipe icons now display the associated animal instead of the same meat icon previously used.
    • These new recipes are known by default, but still feature skill level requirements.
    Release 84:

    Newer Durability Standard Changes
    New durability standards have been applied to all newly created gear, whether it be an upgraded artifact or a purely crafted gear item. These new standards are a result of adding in the 50 durability formerly offered with exceptional crafts directly into the base durability values of each item (follow link below for more info).
    Release 89:

    Artifact Changes (old Legacy Artifacts and the new standard Artifacts)
    All existing artifacts that have tiers (Common through Legendary only) already present in player inventories and storage, are now considered “Legacy” artifacts. Their tooltip descriptions indicate instructions on how these items can be utilized going forward. (follow link below for more information)
    Release 89:

    Can now salvage mundane items
    Mundane items such as Rusty Spatulas, Beakers, Flasks, Jars, Ceramic Bowls, Paintings, Maps etc. can now be salvaged
    (follow link below for more information)
    Release 89:

    Gathering & Meticulous XP Rewards
    There has been a significant change to how meticulous results award experience while gathering. For each and every meticulous success within a single gathering attempt, you’ll now be awarded an XP amount equivalent to that node’s tiered reward. For instance, if you are mining a T5 Iron Node, which results in a Meticulous x3, the player will receive 7,500 XP.
    Avatar’s Update #380:

    Watering plants uses less water and a new display if a bed needs water
    Planting and watering only consumes a bucket of water 10% of the time. By holding a new hotkey, Ctrl-W, players will see which planting beds require watering.
    Release 89:

    This is at least a decent list to inform returning (and maybe even new people) of some of the significant changes that have been made to the game since they last played. SO many things have changed....

    If you feel something is missing from this list that is very significant, please do let me know (and tell me what release the change was made in) and I will consider it.

    Hope this is helpful!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Handy summary! Good way to get someone caught up who's been away for a bit :)
    Rinaldi, Jack Knyfe, Rentier and 8 others like this.
  3. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    United States
    This is great. Thanks for all your work to get it out there. Also one perhaps is that teleport to zone scrolls is a teachable recipe and when placed on the non combat bar while not encumbered can open and show scene details if the control key is pressed while hovering over a scene name. It also has a filter so you can filter 'mines' for example and see all the mines you have to zone to. I always forget which mine has which ore so the scene info helps a lot. ;)
  4. Glantor Edge

    Glantor Edge Avatar

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    Thank you very much for this @Anpu ! As a returning player after 3 years away, this list is indeed extremely useful.

    Another useful bit of info would be the introduction of Artifacts and how to repair them. I was puzzled why I couldn't use the usual repair kits to repair Artifacts.

    LUA and the various player-made mods are also cool additions that improve the Quality of Life in-world.

    Not sure exactly when the above were implemented, but they certainly weren't around during my time. ;)
  5. Ser Kyrlieon

    Ser Kyrlieon Avatar

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    I was explaining last night about the reagent use change of bought vs grown reagents. That might be a good one to add. I was with some people that hadn’t been around a while.
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  6. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    We now have a "Looking For Group" (Left Alt + F) too!
    sometimes you'll see non combat events in there
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  7. gtesser

    gtesser Avatar

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    Thanks for this. I learned a few things since I last played.
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  8. Rhiannon

    Rhiannon Avatar

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    Bloomington, IN
    Excellent info and thank you for putting it together! I'm still holding out for a global vendor search but I don't see it on the list yet! And yes, I'm using to find out what things HAVE sold for but it would sure be nice to have a way to see what things are currently being sold for on vendors. Save a ton of time running around and not finding an item I want to sell or buy.
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  9. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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    South Australia
    Thank you. Much appreciated.
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  10. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    Thank you @Anpu for this.
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Anpu like this.
  11. Gramps

    Gramps Avatar

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    West Virginia
    Thanks Anpu this is most helpful!!!!
    I die so much when I come back it seem that the mobs respwn faster glade to know no exp loss and does it affect armor durability?
    I was given a set of gear and always worry about dying with them on worry it get wear & tear faster
    Also I don’t understand tele to the science you meant I can tele to location now? And not just to friend?
    Rinaldi, Violet Ronso and Anpu like this.
  12. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    When you die, as long as you DO resurrect at an Ankh or if another player Resurrects you, your items will not receive any durability hit. Just ALWAYS make sure you resurrect at an Ankh or have a friend Resurrect you!
    Yes! You can now teleport to most all scenes you have visited before, by using Teleport to Zone Scrolls! Now you can quickly go to most all scenes right away.

    Glad this list was helpful to you!
    Rinaldi and Violet Ronso like this.
  13. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    Awesome post @Anpu! This would have help me a lot when I started.

    The only thing I would add is not a game mechanic change as much as a player economy change. Simple materials like wood and ore are ridiculously over-priced which is driving most crafted goods out of the market because of the prices, even just trying to break even. Trying to sell anything crafted from purchased wood is like pulling teeth from a sea urchin. My advice to anyone coming back is to gather rather than buying from vendors. This will let you undercut everyone else. But also, don't make the mistake of over-discounting like I did, as there are times you will want to buy something and you need some extra gold to compensate for the inflation.

    When I left, it was possible to make furniture and sell at reasonable prices and people would buy it. It was a humble and honest living. Not so much anymore.
    Elgarion likes this.
  14. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    This thread is only for significant changes to the game added by the developers, and to help people keep be informed on that (for new and returning players). As for the Player Economy (and the impacts of that) would need to be discussed in another different thread.

    In fact, I highly encourage you to make such a thread, like a Current Player Economy thread. You can do that at any time, and are free to do so. I would love to read such a thread. Let me know when you make it. I'll try to contribute to such a thread where I can as well (like giving API Data).
    Rinaldi, Elgarion and Tahru like this.
  15. Dirk Hammerstrike

    Dirk Hammerstrike Avatar

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    As a returning player this has been very helpful. Thank you!
    Coswald_Dirthmire and Anpu like this.
  16. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    This is awesome!
  17. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Is it more or less?
    Anpu likes this.
  18. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Thanks! I really badly worded that. Updated to: Fruits, Vegetables and Reagents are now less expensive to buy from players than buying them from NPC's.
    Barugon likes this.
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