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SeedInvest Campaign - Discussions with Richard Garriott / Lord British

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Lord British, Jun 2, 2017.

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  1. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    @Time Lord I must be missing something too.

    I raise a ruckus from time to time when I see things going on with development that are nonsensical to me. I will call out the Devs for changes they make that I find objectionable and potentially harmful to the game. I don't pull punches and will speak my mind.

    I am guessing that some people are pulling out because they are pissed off about something. Fine. I understand people voting with their wallet when they have lost confidence in something. I understand the frustration that comes when a real or perceived benefit changes.

    But like you and others, I am in this 100%. From day one of backing SoTA, I have put my money where my mouth is. Investing in Portalarium just makes sense.

    Do I get tired of the Devs doing goofy changes? Sure. But mistakes get made by everyone. There is no one on these forums, not one of you, who hasn't made a mistake or 3 or 250. So if people are pulling out of SeedInvest because good people who work hard are, OH MY GOD, only human then so be it. Everyone has the right do so and God bless you on the way out.

    Like @Vox Aquila says, "You have to believe." Which I do and no amount of nay-saying or negativity is going to change that.
  2. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    I believe enough stupid stuff on faith but I based my decision on repeated performance and the fact that I despise paperwork and investments no matter how small cause more paperwork than I want to be bothered with (which is any.) I think a better route in my case will be to give someone money for their gold armor and bird.
    My monetary decision was rational, my decision to say anything about it was emotional. Hopefully being contrite about it isn't as off-putting as Portalarium's responses are sometimes but just because I wouldn't have forgiven myself in this case does not mean I don't regret it. I'd much rather help a backer that can't afford the minimum buy in than line the coffers of my peeps in Noble's chat.
    Solazur and Fionwyn Wyldemane like this.
  3. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    I have the feeling i need to point something out.
    The seedinvest is not so much about SotA as it is to help Port to close the gap between beeing an indi developer and turining into an publisher.
    I would make any investment with that in mind.
  4. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    Yes! Participating should be with the intent to back the company not necessarily the game. People have been arguing back and forth about potential and what they think the company has going for it. We see how these guys handle business for things that they are experts about but now we're talking about a different but synergistic playground. Maybe they should have a conversation about all of the unsexy stuff. I am feeling a new title coming on "Caska the Unsexy."
  5. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    Let's be honest and all personal grief aside: investment topics are NEVER....really never sexy ^^ i got an degree in economics and even i am bored to death with stuff like that. So how can i expect anybody else to think any of this might be...exciting ^^

    Edit because fat fingers....^^

    So the question here has to be: do i want to invest and support Port as a company. Not so much SotA but Port itself.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    Fionwyn Wyldemane and 3devious like this.
  6. Hornpipe

    Hornpipe Avatar

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    As long as Portalarium is only trying to edit SotA, as for now, investing in Port IS investing in SotA.

    And SotA is the product used to get the inverstors' interest. If the product has potential, and that's what I think, then Portalarium should have the same potential.

    But sure, it's only my opinion, and I'm not a widely experienced investor like other are.
    Time Lord and Fionwyn Wyldemane like this.
  7. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    :oops: One of the most fitting and entertaining informational videos which most closely explains the current situation of our Portalarium, from a past of gaming companies evolutionary process.

    You can clearly hear the echoes of where we are, from where we've been o_O...
  8. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Why We Need to Become Our Own Publisher o_O...

  9. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    @Time Lord , if I ever engage on the other end of a project on this scale, I would feel so lucky to have someone like you to set the record straight. Cheers!

    This is better than a like I hope! :)
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
  10. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    Thank you very much my good friend @Tahru :rolleyes:

    "Our Portalarium & it's Fan's, Independence Day"

    o_O I think I'd like to share my own views of why we as a group need to continue this journey together with our Portalarium, because in becoming a part owner through this, what I feel is an amazing gift beyond what we may buy through our Add-On Store.

    It's all about intellectual control, which in our case is not only the through our company's inspirations, but also through our player's input in design. We currently have, or are working on the final brush strokes of the basics that any game has, the board to play it on, the pieces to move around the board and some hints of events which will be more fleshed out in our future as development continues. We have yet to see a few of the newer content which are just around the corner within this year such as fishing, agriculture and a few other things which will begin our basic economy and get that ball rolling as an active world with many things to do in it and become intrigued in as players. So many of the things of what we don't see right now, are hallmark qualities in gaming which our Lord British the independent game designer Richard Garriott has been known to be not only the father of, but game designs which have lead the field of all other genre that have followed. Nobody was fishing in games and there were very few which were planting agriculture crops in games before he decided to do it and did that so well that his ways have been truly difficult for other game designers to be able to say they bettered what he had accomplished. Yet it's not only him, but all the people that decided to also follow him down that fellowship's pathway who are a who's who of the gaming development industry. that alone tells me volumes of what to expect as our game heads into "where the fun part begins"

    :eek: "When does the fun part begin" :confused:?'

    :oops: BTW, that's a quote I've always been carrying around in my head from a Fellowship Brother of mine named @Lord Blackthorne who spoke it so well at a crucial point within our own Fellowship which at that point was searching for it's identity with much turmoil as to whether or not we were going to become just another guild or become something far different, special and how to better define exactly what "special" would even mean to the players involved. There was much debate, arguing groups and those who had delusions of self grandeur at that time within their own plans for the entire group.

    :rolleyes: I mention this only because I feel that, "that's where we all are now" within this discussion of what we want, what we have, where to go with it and what's the next logical step to take to remain an independent gaming company who has a fellowship in fan base that is so involved within it's creative process. We have arguments going on, we have yet to be fulfilled hopes & dreams and many fan based ideas which were not acted on immediately and therefore thought to be lost in time. Yet all those hopes, ideas and as yet to be fulfilled dreams are all still there just waiting for the basic structures of our game to become fulfilled and no longer dreams.

    So unless we want all those hopes and dreams to become less a success through our lack of confidence in completing our mission in gaming fellowship, "well we need to go the extra mile" o_O because hopes and dreams very rarely fall from the sky. They take a commitment to reach those goals through binding our fellowship even that much closer "and becoming an actual stock holding partner with our Portalarium is the next logical step to realize all those years hopes & dreams.

    Our playing field is almost ready, our fan base has proven itself to be able to sustain our gaming company's stability, yet we still need to invite other players in which is the situation we now all find ourselves in o_O The more people that are invited, which is truly something we've never widely done on any large scale, the more funding for our game continues and the more content our Portalarium can create at a much more accelerated rate for us all to enjoy :):):):):):):):)

    Our race horse is now walking towards it's starting gate :eek: "with a well proven track record" and I do hope you all take advantage of this marvelous opportunity to enter into this gaming market competition riding right there along with us. "It's been a dammed tall hill to climb" to have gotten to where we are now with only the summit to left to be climbed so we can snowball down the other side "singing jingle all the way to the bank!"...

    I just hope all of you, my fellow Avatars can see what we that have SeedInvested see, and that's a game which is ready to become "When the fun part begins" o_O~TL~:D

    https://www.seedinvest.com/portalarium/series.b <---<<< Click it!
    :rolleyes: It isn't easy, but nothing is, that's worth it ;)!'
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  11. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    "There's only $127,333 more needed" to make our SeedInvest a very successful campaign and help our game make it's mark in great game crowd funded history! :)
    :rolleyes: "Yet there is only 10 days left to secure your part" in ownership and become an invested partner with our Portalaium's family of happy players & investors :)

    :oops: This is our chance to become a part of Portalarium's winning team, so please don't miss out on this amazing opportunity which is extremely rare within the gaming industry with such programing giants that stand behind their long history of success in gaming company creations!'

    :eek:"Portalarium is restricted from talking about this Investment opportunity on their own behalf because of US Gov restrictions" :confused:
    So please visit :oops: the SeedInvest link below for more details...

    https://www.seedinvest.com/portalarium/series.b <---<<< Hit the link and know why you should take this opportunity and how you can participate :)
    :rolleyes: A close family of gaming programmers which have been most trusted in the gaming industry for decades!

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2017
  12. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    Good Lord. we do this in a telethon....
    those bundles will still be there next month!
  13. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Only 120k to go in the next 9 days.

    I feel pretty good we're going to make it. All my money is in. Should be a wild week and half.
  14. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    You mean your life savings?
    Time Lord likes this.
  15. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    I mean all the money I planned to put into the seed invest. No, not my life savings. :)
  16. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I wasn't able to put in as much as I wanted but such is life.
  17. _Hex_

    _Hex_ Avatar

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    I was able to buy in on Thursday. Portalarium has given me years of enjoyment and entertainment already. I'm glad to be a part of it in this new way and back this great team!

    Go Portalarium :)
  18. Hornpipe

    Hornpipe Avatar

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    It's not like the money that I am able to invest can make a big difference but I cannot let pass the opportunity to be involved in this and help Portalarium to match its goal.

    The more I went further into the game, the more I have been convinced that it litteraly rocks. Even the storyline for which I had many reserves before showed as a real asset when I explored it until the end. I know that it sounds like a crapy advertisement but the potential here is huge.

    We gave a try with the offline wire transfer. I hope that everything will be fine with it.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
  19. Time Lord

    Time Lord Avatar

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    ~SOTA Monk~ ~Monastery~ ~Thailand~
    :DI'd like to share a few things here, and we ain't seen nothing yet, because our game is about to become extremely addicting o_O!'...

    Within our game recently I've been deep diving into our agriculture. I got myself a few extra properties and decided to give it a go even though our agriculture is only a place holder until in the very near future when it will become one of our ingame skills to learn here.

    It was said once that our SOTA would never be a "Farmville", but I think that prediction is so very wrong, yet also right at the same time and here's why o_O...

    Like I was saying, I jumped into our "SOTA Farming" in a big way! I purchased all my properties here in our Add-On Store with that exact idea in mind, that I was going to have :eek: "a lollapalooza of a farm here" :confused:' and have even added properties because it became so interesting to me the more that I did it :)o_O I truly didn't know it would be this fun, because it's just a placeholder right now, but I am having loads of fun with it :D I first began just industrial farming; I chose a single crop that I liked and planted it all in nothing but that single crop o_O But after a few harvests it hit me :confused::eek: Wow, my friends really liked my place so I began planting a few things which just looked nice, yet I kept up their water so I could turn a good harvest from them whenever I wanted to change my farm's appearance. Well, one thing lead to another as you may well read and now I have well over a 5000+ planting capacity :confused:' I've found that more and more, I just don't have time to go hunting because I'm too busy on my farm having fun real fun at it :D There's just so many different designs a player can make within our farming that pruning and adjusting it all or completely changing it's design becomes such an overwhelming addition that I just can't seem to want to ever stop o_O... But I'll stop there about our agriculture because I want to point out that it's not just the farming aspect of our game that we have to look forward to. Yet I will mention that I've now spent well over $5 to 6000.00 USD on a real world just over $20,000.00 a year income level o_O Lucky for me I live here in Thailand hu :D?

    :rolleyes: It's not only things like farming that our Lord British has been one of the first in the gaming industry to bring to an online game, but it's fishing as well! Our Lord British's games were some of the very first online games to ever have fishing or farming as a pastime in themo_O... "EVER" o_O... and we know how addicting Ultima Online's Fishing was and still is! It too has a multitude of players who are still addicted to that fishing style of play... "and our game is just about to WOW us all with it's new fishing" :eek: I as well as so many others have been waiting on this for years and it's just less than a few months away now :D

    When something is as old as Ultima Online who's agriculture and fishing have held such dedicated audiences "for literally decades" <---<<< This is just another of the big reasons that anyone who hasn't yet should enter into our SeedInvest which will advertise our game that we truly haven't spent much money in advertising "YET" ;):eek: We get perks, we get a stake in the actual Portalarium Company and we get this chance to become a partner to this rich history of great addictive gaming for us all.

    :oops: So... Why Should We SeedInvest Now Before We Miss Our Chance to?'
    Because We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet :rolleyes: and Our SOTA is Going Places that online Gaming Has Never Been Before!

    I think it's always interesting when something old hangs around so long and just keeps getting a facelift because we've loved it so much ;)

    :oops: Newer, Better and "More Addictive" than Ever Before :confused:!'

    https://www.seedinvest.com/portalarium/series.b <---<<< Hit the link and find out how before you miss your chance ;) "You know you want to" :p and it's very addicting :D
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  20. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    I am still proud to help out Portalarium with my investment and cannot wait to see how great they become.

    In case you missed it, I <3 SOTA.
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