Why oh why devs... PvP zones and forcing people to go there, idiotic.

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Khaza, May 1, 2017.

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  1. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    On the flip side:

    Im angry.

    As a PvP'er, why am I forced to PvE to gain levels to PvP.
    As a PvP'er, why am I forced into PvE areas at all
    As a PvP'er, why do I only have 4 zones and PvE'er have like 200

    blaaa... blaaa.... blaaa
  2. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    It was never said this will be a full open PvP sandbox game.
    What pvp game can you level by pvp?
    The old warhammer online, maybe?

    4 Zones?
    There are 5 Ruins, 4 Shardfalls and Bloodbay. I count 10.
    Not so little.

    PvP is a hardcore gamer elite show in this game. You need tons of hours, passion and a specific attitude to gaming.
    And this is a small audience within a small community.
  3. Rufus D`Asperdi

    Rufus D`Asperdi Avatar

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    The whole map is yours as a PvP zone with but a brief visit to the Oracle.
    You're not forced to enter any PvE Areas... that is your choice.

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  4. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    You guys didnt read the sarcasm in my post.

    I personally dont even open PvP because their design is so dismal.

    But that does not mean I would like to in the future.
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  5. redfish

    redfish Avatar

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    The devs should do whatever they think makes the game better, in line with trying to keep to their Kickstarter promises and vision at Kickstarter. Not decide features based on grievances between PvEers and PvPers.
  6. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    PvE stops when the PvP begins. Reward success in PvP not success in PvE while open to PvP.

    The "risk" is an illusion. 1: mitigate loss on all fronts. 2: know escape routes. 3: control the population.

    Bait/bribe, any way you look at.
  7. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Well the main PvP problem is that they have designed it in the "ganking" method and not the "competition" method. But the fact is that I'd bet even the PvP'ers are split on that. Meaning, many love the ganking method but the fact is that not many people will PvP. The ganking people would probably riot if our dev's made a "competition" method which would look like WoW's arenas back in the first 3 years it was released (since I dont know what it looks like now), or even DAOC like realm combat. The "competition" methods would bring in a whole lot more people into PvP. Right now in this game, all we have is ganking or zerging.

    Simple fact is that trying to herd PvP players is like trying to herd a buncha cats. The dev's will take an enormous amount of craap no matter that they do.
    Womby and Stundorn like this.
  8. technipuffin

    technipuffin Avatar

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    I know I probably won't ever PvP in those zones because I know I can't go up against those who have been leveling/playing waaaay longer than I have. So, that might be content I miss out on just because I don't want to flag and get destroyed.
    I would, however, participate in guild pvp where groups would go into an instance to fight for land or something like that since there could be a spread of players/skill levels instead of just those who have been playing from the very start. I usually enjoy PvP, so I'm hoping it might get easier to viably do so.
    Xandra7 and Stundorn like this.
  9. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Its funny because this guy started this thread after i killed him. Its always like this, you guys come into a pvp zone, get killed, start crying and want to change the whole game for your own sake. About 80% of the time i kill someone, i come check forum and there is a post from that guy saying this is not right or that is not right. What do you really want? Trammuca? That wont happen. The 10% exp bonus for pvp compensate the lost when dieing. Because when you are pvp you have a better chance to die. There is no exceptional monster in that dungeon except for sobek. Cant kill it because you always get killed? Ask a friend, ask your guild, make a group, there is plenty of way to achieve your goal. As for yesterday, after killing you twice, i asked you what you were doing in the fall. Cause i saw you werent going to PvP at all or attack back, you said you wanted to explore, i said have fun. Meaning you could have the whole dungeon for yourself i would have left you alone so you can explore. Instead, you took the decision to leave and come here to complaints.

    PS: That sobek is tough to kill, if you cant even defend a bit yourself from a PvP you have no chance with those monsters, because they are high tier for high level people. Just saying.

    This is completly false. People discourage themself saying they cant do this cause people have been playing longer, stand no chanc etc. I started this game 4 month ago. There was people with hundred of gm already, i couldnt fight anyone in PvP was instant dieing. Look at me now? Im in top. Because there is a wall once you reach GM in a skill.Its very long to go higher and almost impossible to do so. So yes, you can reach anyone who have played for years in a couple weeks/month. It took me 2 month and a half to reach lvl 100. You can do it in the same time cause i did. Are you willing to give that much time tought? Are you going to kill monster all day long or stay in town shopping and decorating? Its all up to you.
  10. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    I am sure they will balance things.
    1st make the exploits worthless (CP Farming etc.)
    2nd adjust xp loss over time and not only on death.
    Unused skills should decay, if you havent used a active spell for long to keep it GM it schould decrease slightly to 80.
    You should need to constantly work on skills to keep them 100 or above.
    So much that it's impossible to have 50 GM, even 10 maybe are only possible if you play 24/7 using that 10 skills.
    Everything else drops.
    This would be a sort of soft cap.
    If you work hard and a lot on your skills you can hold a couple at 100 or some less at 120 or one at 150 maybe, but every thing else is going down to 80.

    Second thing is they need to find something to get rid of this resistance system.
    It's dull to skill a tree only for resistance.
    To be forced to use skills you dont want to use, you dont like, but if you havent 100 Atunement from the tree (without gear) you lack resistance, so all the serious pvpers skill up all magic trees to be max resistant. BS! - sorry.
    At least diametral effects to almost everything.
    They had it for magic and removed it, but it's right to have it.

    You are a Fire Deathmage, i come with Life and Water. Hell of a Show.
    To be both at the same time is maybe possible but for both Schools with a 50% nerf. Specialists over Hybrids!

    I go further, Melee versus Magic.
    Every skillpoint in Melee schould effect Magic negatively and vice versa.

    Yes then people think over twice if they can easily gank everybody.
    The Problems are the Master of Everything are 1st possible to build, and the one that build it have mostly exploit things. Legally afaik.
    Some things dont work anymore but there are enough "tactics" that are gamebreaking to me if i approach the game competetive about pvp.

    It cannot be or it should not be thst pvp in a classless game means Master all and everything.

    If so, good luck with pvp.
    50 people out of 500 are maybe willing to do so. Wow - exciting open world sandbox PvP.

    If things get balanced and i hope and think so, than more people will go to PvP areas or flag allways and then it becomes interesting and varying.

    And how boring is it to always fight the same people?

    A suggestion. What do you think happens if the, correct me if i am wrong, 50 serious pvpers left, fight al day each other. Maybe have this or that desired group and Guild War and a new PvPer join the game and don't like it to be pushed here and there and get everything from the guild to level up quick, get the gear etc...what if he want to make his own way, what if he comes to NB to establish his own group.
    When is he ready to fight with the other 50 pvpers. 3 Month if he has the knowledge, maybe 6 or at least 1 year?

    I dont want to say you should instantly able to join in and compete with the high tier pvpers, but what is it on his way, where are the lowlevel and midlevel pvpers?
    There are no. T5 is the Minimum. Level 90 some state some weeks ago is the level to have a chance at the actual tournaments.
    There is nothing before that about pvp.

    Measures divided players to much apart.
    There is no mediocre or modest thing about pvp only extremes.

    A small hardcore elite within a small community.

    There will be very, very less people attract by pvp or willing to work the way it is to be competetive in this small hardcore elite.
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
    technipuffin likes this.
  11. mike11

    mike11 Avatar

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    I never understood why they made those decisions (mistakes IMHO) about the PVP areas. They discouraged PvP there and encouraged PvE there.
    I truly believe either the PvP guys or Lord British simply do not understand what games featuring PvP need, or the general state of the genre for that matter.
    Khaza, Xandra7 and Grumpy like this.
  12. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Well Said!!!
  13. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    10% bonus exp is to compensate for the loss? How about removing the loss from PvP?

    That would be a more targeted solution.
  14. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Are we really going to resurrect this horse and beat it to death again. Isn't this like the 8th time?

    It is very simple. PvP will be a part of this game. You will often times be at risk in this game in order to see all parts of the game. It is part of the design, it has always been part of the design, and it will definitely be a part of the future of this game.

    PvP areas are about 10-15% of the whole game, yet you cry and cry and cry because you just can't stand the fact that you don't like pvp. Get over yourselves. Yes, lets definitely add a new pve scene everytime a pvp scene is added, but first let's go back and add enough pvp scenes to match the current number of pve scenes, so that we start off equal and fair. But this isn't about fair, is it? It's about punishing a playstyle you don't agree with and don't want to share this game with.

    I don't like crafting either, but i'm not leading a campaign crying about how much I want to remove it from the game, or how nothing should be available via crafting that isn't also available through other means, or how crafters get additional experience that I don't get without crafting, or how crafters have parts of the game specifically designed to interest them, how the game design as promised is about the crafters making the best items in the game, but you can't even let pvp'ers have a little extra experience, or resources? Really? are you really that selfish and vain?

    I'm amazed at how the loudest crying experts on pvp are the ones who openly state that they don't do it, don't like it, and don't intend to do it. Yet somehow they can't sleep at night with the thought that some evil, horrible, scum of the earth person (because they pvp) might somehow get something different or extra through the means of killing someone in a freaking virtual video game.

    It's not about the loss of items, you lose a little gold, or a couple of junk items, no worries at all. It's just the pure thought that someone enjoys something that you don't even like. So therefore, they are bad, and all things related to them or their ilk should be removed from the game, while you sit high and mighty on your throne in craftopia, organizing your socialalooza, giddy with excitement that bad people are being punished, which somehow makes you feel superior?

    Shut the front door folks, and quit worrying about what other people like and do. You can finish the quest lines just fine and you will survive to brag about it at your parties, about the time you faced the big baddies and how you got that scar. And all your friends will gather around close and gaze admiringly at it, wishing they were as courageous as you, while only you and I will know that your other trophy was also your soiled pants.

    Let's see how many of you can report me, isn't that your favorite fight back tactic?
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  15. Khaza

    Khaza Avatar

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    Yes I did start the thread after you killed me, but it is not the first time I have aired about the PvP... And I didn't cry, you are so off @devilcult. What I did do was say Hi to you, you went up with elevator and attacked. So it seems more like you just wanted to kill and then loot my corpse. And for that I will not play with you ever, and I am not happy or sorry about that. It is just how it is... You also claim you don't know who I am, even tho we have been chatting when you have been to Ordinis Mortis shopping. You also claim some other stuff, which I do know you should remember. But I guess that is just whom you are. If I had been after PvP instead of exploring I would have put up a fight and I actually think you would have died from fall damage. ;)

    I might not be one of the top level players, I am in no way a lowbie. Just so you know... But I am mostly a healer, that is true, but I do bite back. ;)

    And @2112Starman what he did was pure ganking, since I was happily saying hi. He just wanted to be an a**. :)
  16. technipuffin

    technipuffin Avatar

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    So people just saying they can't compete are people who just don't want to level enough to actually be able to compete? I'm still new and haven't reached an appropriate level to go in to the pvp zones so can't yet tell for myself, but all I hear on the forums is how it's unfair that people have been playing from the beginning and have an unfair advantage. Is it not true? Honest question lol (sometimes I feel I have to say 'honest question' or people take it as sarcasm :confused: )
    Stundorn likes this.
  17. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Ill state that I am not a ganker and thats why I really dont open PvP, but you find me in every tourney.

    But hey man, this game is hard core open PvP, you put that flag up and to many people there is no discussion, its murder. I have known Devil for 4 months now in our guild and hes really not an a$$ at all, but he is damn serious about his PvP. You see Devil, you run (or dont flag PvP).
    fonsvitae and Vox Aquila like this.
  18. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Isn't that his prerogative to do so? Or is this not still a free game?

    He got a few minutes of his type of enjoyment, and then he tried to be friendly to you, and had you reciprocated, maybe have even become a friend, mentor, tutor, protector, ?? did you ever even give it a chance?

    No, as soon as you got killed in a pvp zone, suddenly he's trash forever to you. Nice, very nice. Way to play along and foster relationships. Don't let him have any fun first, just punish him for doing what he likes to do, in a zone where it is legal to do so.

    We have a great future ahead of us here.
    Fister Magee likes this.
  19. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    That would be a solution. I dont really care about the exp, most of the time im killing mob in rise or such i go in friend mode even if i am pvp for the sake of the peace of the mind.
  20. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Or, you stand and fight, and even if you lose, you learn something from the process. That's what most people don't get, it isn't so much about skill level, as it is the 'want to'. You can have all gm skills and you still won't be good at pvp until you spend some decent quality time doing it. It's called hands on experience, and skill won't ever compare to that.

    If you want to learn to pvp, just jump in and start doing it. Understand that the gold cost is just the part of paying for the experience, just like you pay in either time or gold for resources to get your crafting experience. The difference is, there is no level indicator that measures your pvp experience other than your own judgement of when you are learning and getting better/faster at things.

    Why are people so scared?

    You want to know what scares me??

    My daughter off at college,
    My business' weekly payroll,
    My mortgage payment,
    My teenage son having his first girlfriend.

    Now that's scary stuff, dying in a video game, puh-leeeeze
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
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