Hospitallers -- Players Helping Players

Discussion in 'New Player Welcome' started by Elgarion, Apr 10, 2016.

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  1. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    The main post to this thread needed updated badly. It no longer mentions the PaxLair Teamspeak servers as the location of the meeting and now indicates it's on Discord with invite links to both the chat and voice portions.

    Also,'s description has been greatly updated to reflect what it truly is these days.

    I'm putting in a request with @Berek to change SotAHelp's description on the main resources page for the SotA Site as well as updating the Hospitaller info to also reflect discord instead of the old Teamspeak meeting location.

    Looking forward to next week's meeting!
    Numa, Spoon, Berek and 2 others like this.
  2. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Austin, TX
    Will updated on the main page right away, thanks for sending this in!
    Numa and Winfield like this.
  3. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    10 September 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Meeting cancelled due to storm activity and other events causing low activity. We will return next Sunday at 11am CT.

    All players are welcome and encouraged to attend. We discuss all things related to new player experience.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    Winfield, Grimace2 and Mykll like this.
  4. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    17 September 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • No new attendees this meeting.
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • New Player Questions:
        • (None this week)
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Free Trial Test: The Free Trial test continues!
      • Hospitaller tag in Discord and in Game: Three new players reached out to Temujin via DM apparently because he is tagged as a Hospitaller in Discord. Tagging as a Hospitaller does have an impact; please tag if you are willing to assist others.
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • None this meeting
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Aerie Fund - Harvey Relief: The Aerie Fund Helping One Of Our Own: Amber is a disabled, single mother, who is now homeless due to the devastation of the Harvey. Thankfully, Amber is able to count on the support of her friends to provide her family with a place to stay while she picks up the pieces. In her spare time, Amber is a crafter and sells her goods at local renaissance faires. She is also a gamer. She has recently joined the Shroud of the Avatar community as the character named Sansa Spirituality. She was turned onto the game by long-time community member, Brazen Spirituality.

        See this link to assist:
      • Next SotA Telethon: The next monthly mini-telethon will be on the 12th of October. Watch the website updates for more detail coming soon!
      • Lazarus – Community Calendar: or Download the NBNN App from your phone's app store.
      • Scar Face – Lots of Tutorial videos:
      • SotaCon close to releasing the finalized itinerary:
      • Sotamap: Jakub White has returned from his hiatus, so Sotamap should see some updates.
    • Topics for further discussion/action:
      • The following items have been brought up and require further discussion/research. Each of thee items will be brought up as "old business" at each meeting until the topics have been closed.
      • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)

        This item is tabled for the moment, but should be re-visited closer to or just post launch.
        (Tabled items will remain in this section)

      • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

        More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

        When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.)

        The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

      • Create an in game Hospitaller radio channel: Tie it to the discord channel? (possibly in the future, around launch?)

        There may not be enough content to fill a radio channel (even if the content was looped) at this time.

        A suggestion to Make Public service Announcements (PSA), which would be distributed to the in game radio stations such as WRFB and Avatars Radio (and maybe SotA streamers) was made. These would be one line announcements

        Discussion of who should record the PSAs resulted in an agreement that there should be diversity in the the voice s used in the recordings (Hospitallers and Devs).

        Once we have an outline and content, we will approach some of the Devs to possibly participate. suggestions, included items from Scottie, Lum, Lord British and Darkstarr in the form of soundbites from mini-interviews on specific new player related topics.

        Over the next couple of meetings we will discuss in greater detail content for this. A suggestion was made that we hold a contest for the PSA recordings from players.

        Player created PSAs would be an important aspect of this campaign.
    Round the Room:

    * @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @Winfield : Yay Meeting!

    * @Lazarus Long : Yay Meeting!
    * @Mykll : <attended>
    * @Rada Torment : <attended>
    * @Ravalox Darkshire : Yay Meeting!
    * @scarface1999 : <attended>

    * @Temujin2 : Yay Meeting!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017
    Mykll, Rada Torment and Lord-Galiwyn like this.
  5. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Berek likes this.
  6. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Austin, TX
  7. Spoon

    Spoon Bug Hunter

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    Acred and Rentier like this.
  8. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    1 October 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • No new attendees this meeting.
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • New Player Questions:
        • Housing - (Kron) Had a new player asking about housing last night - could they "lose their investment", what happens if a governor kick them out, etc.? Pointed them to a really old (but still good) housing primer - but probably could use updates on how POT vs. anywhere housing works. the other part of the new player's concern was not losing his belongings - so some discussion around giving proper permissions (and what they mean) would be good too. Just that new players don't really know much about housing, whereas pretty much everyone on this channel has houses, etc. and already know all this stuff, could be a good Friday community hour item.
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Free Trial Test: The Free Trial ended on this past Wednesday. The next Free Trial begins this coming Wednesday! (Oct 4 – 25, 2017)
      • Agriculture: Moving the seeds to the action bar is not intuitive; maybe a tool tip on the skill glyph and tree and/or on the seeds advising of how to use the skill (specifically dragging the seed to the action bar).

        Skill only get XP if used through the utility bar. Example: If you click on the seed bed to water you will not get XP, if you click on the water you will. This should work both ways.
      • Open-GL: Issues persist, they seem to be worse this release. Either cannot get into the game or the game crashes after a brief time.
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • None this meeting
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
      • @Rosemourne - Welcome new player party: Next party date/time: TBD in October
      • Welcome Quest - Release 46: To be held on Saturday, October 7, 2017 starting at 12pm (noon) central time.

        The Welcome Quest is a quest for all people to see many towns and establishments. It is created as a way for people to visit many player-ran locations. It involves each town and establishment to give the quest person some information and then instructions to go to the next location (a town or establishment) to do something. The path may be sequential from place to place or in parallel to multiple places at the same time. The goal is for towns and establishments to showcase their places, educate the people, and work with other player-ran towns/establishments.
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Aerie Fund - Think Pink: The Think Pink Campaign is supporting Breast Cancer Research Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. Many of us have been touched personally and affected by this horrific disease. If you would like to take part as a Streamer in this 24 hour event, please sign up with the link provided below and as always you can head over to for more information.

        Check out this Skeggy Media video talking about think Pink!
      • Next SotA Telethon: The next monthly mini-telethon will be on the 12th of October. Watch the website updates for more detail coming soon!
      • Lazarus – Community Calendar: or Download the NBNN App from your phone's app store.
      • Scar Face – Lots of Tutorial videos:
      • SotaCon finalized itinerary:
    • Topics for further discussion/action:
      • The following items have been brought up and require further discussion/research. Each of thee items will be brought up as "old business" at each meeting until the topics have been closed.
      • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)

        This item is tabled for the moment, but should be re-visited closer to or just post launch.
        (Tabled items will remain in this section)

      • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

        More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

        When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.)

        The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

      • Create an in game Hospitaller radio channel: Tie it to the discord channel? (possibly in the future, around launch?)

        There may not be enough content to fill a radio channel (even if the content was looped) at this time.

        A suggestion to Make Public service Announcements (PSA), which would be distributed to the in game radio stations such as WRFB and Avatars Radio (and maybe SotA streamers) was made. These would be one line announcements

        Discussion of who should record the PSAs resulted in an agreement that there should be diversity in the the voice s used in the recordings (Hospitallers and Devs).

        Once we have an outline and content, we will approach some of the Devs to possibly participate. suggestions, included items from Scottie, Lum, Lord British and Darkstarr in the form of soundbites from mini-interviews on specific new player related topics.

        Over the next couple of meetings we will discuss in greater detail content for this. A suggestion was made that we hold a contest for the PSA recordings from players.

        Player created PSAs would be an important aspect of this campaign.
    Round the Room:

    * @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @Winfield : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @froji : It's all good
    * @Kron Caledon : Yay Meeting!

    * @Lazarus Long : Yay Meeting, Happy to be here.
    * @Mykll : <attended>
    * @Ravalox Darkshire : Lots to do in the next 30 days!
    * @scarface1999 : Good meeting
    * @Stryker Sparhawk : Good meeting

    * @Temujin2 : Good meeting!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
    Berek, CrandalltheFoole and Mykll like this.
  9. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Austin, TX
    Quick correction that the last Free Trial ended on Wednesday last week with the next Free Trial beginning this coming Wednesday.
    Ravalox Darkshire likes this.
  10. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Updated! Thanks ...
  11. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    8 October 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • New Player Questions:
        • None to submit this week
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Free Trial Test: The Free Trial continues (Oct 4 – 25, 2017)
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • SotaMap: Many players are asking about the ETA for updates to Sotamap.
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
      • @Rosemourne - Welcome new player party: Next party date/time: TBD

      • Haunted House Tour: Take a tour of a haunted house in game!
        There is an audio tour on Aether Amplifier that runs on the hour!

      • A Rose from Sequanna - Services for new and returning players:
        All services are available free of charge. While I only offer starting equipment and tax-free homes to players who don't already have equipment or a home, any Avatar is welcome to take advantage of the recipe teaching and apprenticeship. Simply contact me in game or PM me on this forum. The posts below provide more details on the services offered. New Brittania thrives or falls based on the community.

        * A tax-free row home to live and claim as your own in Shadow's Rest
        * Complementary starting equipment to assist in early adventuring
        * Free recipe teaching, to save coins for the hungry crafter
        * Apprenticeship services for Avatars looking to increase their skills more quickly​

        For more details, check out this thread:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Aerie Fund - Think Pink: The Think Pink Campaign is supporting Breast Cancer Research Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. Many of us have been touched personally and affected by this horrific disease. If you would like to take part as a Streamer in this 24 hour event, please sign up with the link provided below and as always you can head over to for more information.

        Check out this Skeggy Media video talking about think Pink!
      • Extra Life 2017 - Virtue Vs. Chaos Charity Stream: To be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017 starting at Midnight CT (central time).

        This year we’re going to run an Extra Life team event to see who can raise the most support for the Children’s Miracle Hospital Network. If you haven’t heard about Extra Life, I recommend you visit their site to learn more about Game Day, which is on Nov. 4th, 2017.

        And, while you’re there – sign up to join one of our SotA teams!

        For 24 hours we’ll be raising funds for the CMHN, while doing what we love to do: playing games! Oh, and it’s free to join.

        For more information or to ask questions, please check out this thread:
      • Next SotA Telethon: The next monthly mini-telethon will be on the 12th of October. Watch the website updates for more detail coming soon!
      • Lazarus – Community Calendar: or Download the NBNN App from your phone's app store.
      • Scar Face – Lots of Tutorial videos:
      • SotaCon finalized itinerary:
    • Topics for further discussion/action:
      • The following items have been brought up and require further discussion/research. Each of thee items will be brought up as "old business" at each meeting until the topics have been closed.
      • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)

        This item is tabled for the moment, but should be re-visited closer to or just post launch.
        (Tabled items will remain in this section)

      • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

        More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

        When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.)

        The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

      • Create an in game Hospitaller radio channel: Tie it to the discord channel? (possibly in the future, around launch?)

        There may not be enough content to fill a radio channel (even if the content was looped) at this time.

        A suggestion to Make Public service Announcements (PSA), which would be distributed to the in game radio stations such as WRFB and Avatars Radio (and maybe SotA streamers) was made. These would be one line announcements

        Discussion of who should record the PSAs resulted in an agreement that there should be diversity in the the voice s used in the recordings (Hospitallers and Devs).

        Once we have an outline and content, we will approach some of the Devs to possibly participate. suggestions, included items from Scottie, Lum, Lord British and Darkstarr in the form of soundbites from mini-interviews on specific new player related topics.

        Over the next couple of meetings we will discuss in greater detail content for this. A suggestion was made that we hold a contest for the PSA recordings from players.

        Player created PSAs would be an important aspect of this campaign.
    Round the Room:

    * @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @Winfield : (tagged in case you'd like to review)

    * @Kron Caledon : Yay Meeting!
    * @Lazarus Long : Always happy to be here, Yay Meeting! Sotacon! Sotacon! Sotacon! Ready to go!

    * @Merrik : Yay Meeting!
    * @Ravalox Darkshire : Sotacon!
    * @Rosemourne : Yay Meeting!

    * @scarface1999 : Good meeting! Will miss everyone next week.
    * @Solazur : Hey! Thanks for keeping on!

    * @Temujin2 : Happy to be alive!
    * @The Couch Yeti : Hi Everyone!

    Please note: We will not be holding a meeting next week (October 15 2017) due to Sotacon festivities. We will return the following week (October 22 2017) .

    To be discussed on the 22nd: verbiage for a New Player meeting PSA (advertisement) to be aired on WFRB and Avatar's Radio
    Berek likes this.
  12. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    22 October 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • No new attendees this meeting
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • New Player Questions:
        • Recent questions have been about the "usual" suspects:
          • Deck building
            (Suggest reviewing deck building during the community stream)
          • Where to hunt
        • "Going Dark"
          Suggest Starr does a write up on the forums letting everyone know what to expect since word is spreading after Sotacon.
        • Scene Level confusion
          @Rada Torment : I have been talking with two new players (saw lot of new visitors this last week), and one of their doubts was about the new skull poles (now some maps have two different levels).
          that means for example, level 2 and lvl 5 spawns, right?
          I saw some maps with 2 skulls and 5 skulls, a bit confusing for new players. I only saw them inside the scene, not outside (outside they show 5 skulls). (Northwest Blackblade Mountains for example)
          Video link to an example: jump to 26:09 to see 5 skulls on the overworld map, then after load screen a 5 skull (on the left) and 2 skull pole (on the right). There are additional sets of poles farther into the scene as well.
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Free Trial Test: The Free Trial continues (Oct 4 – 25, 2017)
        Hospitallers report seeing many new players
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • None this meeting
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
      • Stryker Sparhawk's happy hour: Every Wednesday at 8pm CT Visit new places in game ...
        RP Event hosted by Stryker Sparhawk
        Otherwise known as "Spend Sparhawk's Gold" - Stryker will open a bar tab at one of a many New Britannian taverns for an hour or so for drinks, stories, news, critique of the arts, dancing, and otherwise unplanned mayhem each Wednesday! Come relax and enjoy the camaraderie of the community and newcomers are most welcome!
        Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 8:00pm to 9:00pm

      • Welcome Quest 28th Moonglade @ noon CT Hosted by Duke Gregoir:
        You are invited to join the Welcome Quest in Release 47.
        It will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2017 starting at 12pm (noon) central time/New Britannian time and lasting an hour.

        Welcome Quest Events, once we reach Moonglade:
        • Gather at Galmar Soiksen's "Rift's Inn Tavern" for a showing of "Knight on the Town," a Two Act comedy by Womby
        • A scavenger hunt sponsored by the NightWalkers, a Moonglade chartered Guild
        • Town Tour
        • Raffle / Starter Kits giveaway. New / Beginning players - don't miss this!
        • Music, break off into groups, or depart for new realms!
          • Prospective town residents
          • Inquiries into the Tower of High Sorcery
          • Guild membership inquiries for guilds in town (Moongate Travelers, Nightwalkers, Praetorian Knights

      • @Rosemourne - Welcome new player party: Next party date/time: TBD

      • Haunted House Tour: Take a tour of a haunted house in game!
        There is an audio tour on Aether Amplifier that runs on the hour!

      • A Rose from Sequanna - Services for new and returning players:
        All services are available free of charge. While I only offer starting equipment and tax-free homes to players who don't already have equipment or a home, any Avatar is welcome to take advantage of the recipe teaching and apprenticeship. Simply contact me in game or PM me on this forum. The posts below provide more details on the services offered. New Brittania thrives or falls based on the community.

        * A tax-free row home to live and claim as your own in Shadow's Rest
        * Complementary starting equipment to assist in early adventuring
        * Free recipe teaching, to save coins for the hungry crafter
        * Apprenticeship services for Avatars looking to increase their skills more quickly​

        For more details, check out this thread:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • Quests+: @Elgarion - A player created quest system using in-game triggers Umuri and I are working on. I've already got the prototype design interface built as of this weekend, untested... to become involved, join us in the RPOTA chat room created for the brainstorming discussion.
        We are calling it Quests+ tentatively, though that is likely to change.

      • Aerie Fund - Think Pink: The Think Pink Campaign is supporting Breast Cancer Research Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. Many of us have been touched personally and affected by this horrific disease. Over $7000 has been raised so far, as always you can head over to for more information or to donate.

        Check out this Skeggy Media video talking about think Pink!
      • Extra Life 2017 - Virtue Vs. Chaos Charity Stream: To be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017 starting at Midnight CT (central time).

        This year we’re going to run an Extra Life team event to see who can raise the most support for the Children’s Miracle Hospital Network. If you haven’t heard about Extra Life, I recommend you visit their site to learn more about Game Day, which is on Nov. 4th, 2017.

        And, while you’re there – sign up to join one of our SotA teams!

        For 24 hours we’ll be raising funds for the CMHN, while doing what we love to do: playing games! Oh, and it’s free to join.

        For more information or to ask questions, please check out this thread:
      • Next SotA Telethon: The next monthly mini-telethon will be on the 3rd of November. See the website update for more detail!
      • Lazarus – Community Calendar: or Download the NBNN App from your phone's app store.
      • Scar Face – Lots of Tutorial videos:
      • SotaCon finalized itinerary:
    • Topics for further discussion/action:
      • The following items have been brought up and require further discussion/research. Each of thee items will be brought up as "old business" at each meeting until the topics have been closed.

        These items are being held until we get closer to launch. We review the items periodically to ensure anything actionable is addressed.
      • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)

        This item is tabled for the moment, but should be re-visited closer to or just post launch.
        (Tabled items will remain in this section)

      • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

        More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

        When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.)

        The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

      • Create an in game Hospitaller radio channel: Tie it to the discord channel? (possibly in the future, around launch?)

        There may not be enough content to fill a radio channel (even if the content was looped) at this time.

        A suggestion to Make Public service Announcements (PSA), which would be distributed to the in game radio stations such as WRFB and Avatars Radio (and maybe SotA streamers) was made. These would be one line announcements

        Discussion of who should record the PSAs resulted in an agreement that there should be diversity in the the voice s used in the recordings (Hospitallers and Devs).

        Once we have an outline and content, we will approach some of the Devs to possibly participate. suggestions, included items from Scottie, Lum, Lord British and Darkstarr in the form of soundbites from mini-interviews on specific new player related topics.

        Over the next couple of meetings we will discuss in greater detail content for this. A suggestion was made that we hold a contest for the PSA recordings from players.

        Player created PSAs would be an important aspect of this campaign.
    Round the Room:

    * @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @Winfield : (tagged in case you'd like to review)

    * @Elgarion : Great meeting,--wish I coulda seen you all at SotACon. I'm already saving for next year so I can come :wink: Forgot too, trying to get RPOTA's event calendar populated with RP events.
    We have 4 weekly events for RP already. RP RP RP!
    * @Kron Caledon : Great turnout and participation for the Aerie Fund telethon yesterday. and yay meeting
    * @Lazarus Long : Happy to be here, Yay Meeting!
    * @Ravalox : Yay Meeting!
    * @Rada Torment : good to hear you guys again, yay meeting :smile:
    * @Stryker Sparhawk : Great meeting!
    * @Temujin2 : Happy to be here! Good see new visitors.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
    Acred and Rada Torment like this.
  13. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    Pacific NW
    Having not attended nor heard of this.. I say huh??

    lol what's the word bird?
    Acred likes this.
  14. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Bird is the word!

    The plan is (after a number of releases) to stop updating the live server and continue to update the QA server in with some surprises preparation for launch. Star called this "Going Dark".
    Acred and Solazur like this.
  15. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    29 October 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • That1GurlBilly
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • New Player Questions:
        • Quest Progression:
          You must have the Quest Items in your inventory or the quests will not advance. (a reminder that Quest Items can be hidden/shown by using the gear icon in the inventory screen would be helpful too)
        • @Attenwood - we have been advised that If you finish the path of Love, Samael will not talk to you (no interaction menu).
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Free Trial Test: The next Free Trial starts: (Nov 1 – 15, 2017)
        Hospitallers should keep an eye out for visitors!!
      • Locating Quests: @Temujin2 - New players trying to find Hidden Vale quests. (due to lack of indicators) and the earliest quests are also not as intuitive. 2 of 3 players responded with "oh, ok" when locating quests was explained.
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • None this meeting
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
      • Stryker Sparhawk's happy hour: Every Wednesday at 8pm CT Visit new places in game ...
        RP Event hosted by Stryker Sparhawk
        Otherwise known as "Spend Sparhawk's Gold" - Stryker will open a bar tab at one of a many New Britannian taverns for an hour or so for drinks, stories, news, critique of the arts, dancing, and otherwise unplanned mayhem each Wednesday! Come relax and enjoy the camaraderie of the community and newcomers are most welcome!
        Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 8:00pm to 9:00pm

      • Welcome Quest 28th Moonglade @ noon CT Hosted by Duke Gregoir:
        You are invited to join the Welcome Quest in Release 47.
        It will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2017 starting at 12pm (noon) central time/New Britannian time and lasting an hour.

        Welcome Quest Events, once we reach Moonglade:
        • Gather at Galmar Soiksen's "Rift's Inn Tavern" for a showing of "Knight on the Town," a Two Act comedy by Womby
        • A scavenger hunt sponsored by the NightWalkers, a Moonglade chartered Guild
        • Town Tour
        • Raffle / Starter Kits giveaway. New / Beginning players - don't miss this!
        • Music, break off into groups, or depart for new realms!
          • Prospective town residents
          • Inquiries into the Tower of High Sorcery
          • Guild membership inquiries for guilds in town (Moongate Travelers, Nightwalkers, Praetorian Knights

      • @Rosemourne - Welcome new player party: Next party date/time: TBD

      • Haunted House Tour: Take a tour of a haunted house in game!
        There is an audio tour on Aether Amplifier that runs on the hour!

        There will also be a Haunted House Dance Party - October 31st 8-10 PM CT. See info here:

      • A Rose from Sequanna - Services for new and returning players:
        All services are available free of charge. While I only offer starting equipment and tax-free homes to players who don't already have equipment or a home, any Avatar is welcome to take advantage of the recipe teaching and apprenticeship. Simply contact me in game or PM me on this forum. The posts below provide more details on the services offered. New Brittania thrives or falls based on the community.

        * A tax-free row home to live and claim as your own in Shadow's Rest
        * Complementary starting equipment to assist in early adventuring
        * Free recipe teaching, to save coins for the hungry crafter
        * Apprenticeship services for Avatars looking to increase their skills more quickly​

        For more details, check out this thread:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • SotA Streamers: Areius will be working with Berek to help organize the SotA Streamers; this will help new players find SotA streams.
      • Hospitaller PSAs: We are starting to collect ideas and verbiage for 30 second - 60 second Public service announcements (advertising the Sunday meetings, remind players that Hospitallers can assist them in game and in Discord)

      • Quests+: @Elgarion - A player created quest system using in-game triggers Umuri and I are working on. I've already got the prototype design interface built as of this weekend, untested... to become involved, join us in the RPOTA chat room created for the brainstorming discussion.
        We are calling it Quests+ tentatively, though that is likely to change.

      • Aerie Fund - Think Pink: The Think Pink Campaign is supporting Breast Cancer Research Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. Many of us have been touched personally and affected by this horrific disease. Over $7000 has been raised so far, as always you can head over to for more information or to donate.

        Check out this Skeggy Media video talking about think Pink!
      • Extra Life 2017 - Virtue Vs. Chaos Charity Stream: To be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017 starting at Midnight CT (central time).

        This year we’re going to run an Extra Life team event to see who can raise the most support for the Children’s Miracle Hospital Network. If you haven’t heard about Extra Life, I recommend you visit their site to learn more about Game Day, which is on Nov. 4th, 2017.

        And, while you’re there – sign up to join one of our SotA teams!

        For 24 hours we’ll be raising funds for the CMHN, while doing what we love to do: playing games! Oh, and it’s free to join.

        For more information or to ask questions, please check out this thread:
      • Next SotA Telethon: The next monthly mini-telethon will be on the 3rd of November. See the website update for more detail!
      • Lazarus – Community Calendar: or Download the NBNN App from your phone's app store.
      • Scar Face – Lots of Tutorial videos:
    • Topics for further discussion/action:
      • The following items have been brought up and require further discussion/research. Each of thee items will be brought up as "old business" at each meeting until the topics have been closed.

        These items are being held until we get closer to launch. We review the items periodically to ensure anything actionable is addressed.
      • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)

        This item is tabled for the moment, but should be re-visited closer to or just post launch.
        (Tabled items will remain in this section)

      • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

        More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

        When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.)

        The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

      • Create an in game Hospitaller radio channel: Tie it to the discord channel? (possibly in the future, around launch?)

        There may not be enough content to fill a radio channel (even if the content was looped) at this time.

        A suggestion to Make Public service Announcements (PSA), which would be distributed to the in game radio stations such as WRFB and Avatars Radio (and maybe SotA streamers) was made. These would be one line announcements

        Discussion of who should record the PSAs resulted in an agreement that there should be diversity in the the voice s used in the recordings (Hospitallers and Devs).

        Once we have an outline and content, we will approach some of the Devs to possibly participate. suggestions, included items from Scottie, Lum, Lord British and Darkstarr in the form of soundbites from mini-interviews on specific new player related topics.

        Over the next couple of meetings we will discuss in greater detail content for this. A suggestion was made that we hold a contest for the PSA recordings from players.

        Player created PSAs would be an important aspect of this campaign.
    Round the Room:

    * @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @Winfield : (tagged in case you'd like to review)

    * @Arieus : Will keep pushing forward with Portalarium and the Streamers
    * @EMPstrike : <attended>
    * @Lazarus Long : Yay Meeting!
    * @Merrik : Yay Meeting!
    * @Rada Torment : Great meeting yay!
    * @Ravalox : Yay Meeting!
    * @skeggy : Yay Meeting!
    * @Stryker Sparhawk : Yay Meeting!
    * @Temujin2 : Yay Meeting!
    * @Arryndel : Good Talk!
    Berek likes this.
  16. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Austin, TX
    Thanks for tagging us!
    Ravalox likes this.
  17. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

    Likes Received:
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    Dallas, TX
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    5 November 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • None this meeting
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • None this meeting
    • New Player Experiences:
      • Free Trial Test: The Free Trial continues: (Nov 1 – 15, 2017)
        Hospitallers should keep an eye out for visitors!!
      • Lots of Visitors on Soltown: - The usual questions are being asked by the Visitors.
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • None this meeting
    • In-Game Support Locations or Concepts or Events:
      • Stryker Sparhawk's happy hour: Every Wednesday at 8pm CT Visit new places in game ...
        RP Event hosted by Stryker Sparhawk
        Otherwise known as "Spend Sparhawk's Gold" - Stryker will open a bar tab at one of a many New Britannian taverns for an hour or so for drinks, stories, news, critique of the arts, dancing, and otherwise unplanned mayhem each Wednesday! Come relax and enjoy the camaraderie of the community and newcomers are most welcome!
        Date/Time: Wednesdays @ 8:00pm to 9:00pm

      • @Rosemourne - Welcome new player party: Next party date/time: TBD

      • Haunted House Tour: Take a tour of a haunted house in game!
      • [​IMG]
        There is an audio tour on Aether Amplifier that runs on the hour!

        There will also be a Haunted House Dance Party - October 31st 8-10 PM CT. See info here:

      • A Rose from Sequanna - Services for new and returning players:
        All services are available free of charge. While I only offer starting equipment and tax-free homes to players who don't already have equipment or a home, any Avatar is welcome to take advantage of the recipe teaching and apprenticeship. Simply contact me in game or PM me on this forum. The posts below provide more details on the services offered. New Brittania thrives or falls based on the community.

        * A tax-free row home to live and claim as your own in Shadow's Rest
        * Complementary starting equipment to assist in early adventuring
        * Free recipe teaching, to save coins for the hungry crafter
        * Apprenticeship services for Avatars looking to increase their skills more quickly​

        For more details, check out this thread:
    • Website/Out-of-Game Projects/Events:
      • SotA Streamers: Areius is working with Berek to help organize a list of SotA Streamers; this will help new players find SotA streams. Ravalox is working with Berek and Kor to create a way for Streamers to enter info into their website profile which will in turn populate a Streamers Schedule page. Lazarus brought up adding a Twitch URL that lists all "Shroud of the Avatar" tagged streams that are currently live (Ravalox will send details to Berek and Kor).
      • Hospitaller PSAs: We are still collecting ideas and verbiage for 30 second - 60 second Public service announcements (advertising the Sunday meetings, remind players that Hospitallers can assist them in game and in Discord, and tips on game mechanics). Please send any verbiage or ideas to @Ravalox. The ideas will be discussed during meetings, and if the originator does not want to record the audio, @Justyn04 has offered to record them!

      • Quests+: @Elgarion - A player created quest system using in-game triggers Umuri and I are working on. I've already got the prototype design interface built as of this weekend, untested... to become involved, join us in the RPOTA chat room created for the brainstorming discussion.
        We are calling it Quests+ tentatively, though that is likely to change.

      • Next SotA Telethon: The next monthly mini-telethon will be on the 1st of December.
      • Lazarus – Community Calendar: or Download the NBNN App from your phone's app store.
      • Scar Face – Lots of Tutorial videos:
    • Topics for further discussion/action:
      • The following items have been brought up and require further discussion/research. Each of thee items will be brought up as "old business" at each meeting until the topics have been closed.

        These items are being held until we get closer to launch. We review the items periodically to ensure anything actionable is addressed.
      • Meeting date/time: We discussed the possibility of shifting the date and time of the weekly meeting to increase attendance and better serve the global community including a possibility of having separate meetings for each region (centering around 11am regional time EG: Saturday 8pm CT is AUS Sunday 11am and Saturday 5am CT is 11am UK)

        This item is tabled for the moment, but should be re-visited closer to or just post launch.
        (Tabled items will remain in this section)

      • Stream the meeting: Would show the Discord screen with the Hospitaller chat in focus. Possibly also use the Discord video call? Also proposed is to create a Twitch channel and link the archived video in the meeting minutes. Can be hosted by various SotA streamers to get more visibility. Possibly have NBNN and Avatars Radio simulcast the meetings as well.

        More details surrounding the implementation of this idea need to be gathered. If we move forward with streaming the meetings, we would need to be consistent (IE: every meeting should be streamed, requiring sufficient alternates with ability to do the stream) . The idea of having some of the SotA streamers host the stream would bring more visibility to the group as well.

        When streaming, the meeting would begin with a standardized statement of expectations for the participants. (what Hospitallers and the meeting is about, civil discussion etc.)

        The streams, even if hosted by others should be archived on a Hospitaller Youtube/Twitch channel.

      • Create an in game Hospitaller radio channel: Tie it to the discord channel? (possibly in the future, around launch?)

        There may not be enough content to fill a radio channel (even if the content was looped) at this time.

        A suggestion to Make Public service Announcements (PSA), which would be distributed to the in game radio stations such as WRFB and Avatars Radio (and maybe SotA streamers) was made. These would be one line announcements

        Discussion of who should record the PSAs resulted in an agreement that there should be diversity in the the voice s used in the recordings (Hospitallers and Devs).

        Once we have an outline and content, we will approach some of the Devs to possibly participate. suggestions, included items from Scottie, Lum, Lord British and Darkstarr in the form of soundbites from mini-interviews on specific new player related topics.

        Over the next couple of meetings we will discuss in greater detail content for this. A suggestion was made that we hold a contest for the PSA recordings from players.

        Player created PSAs would be an important aspect of this campaign.
    Round the Room:

    * @Berek : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @dallas : (tagged in case you'd like to review)
    * @Winfield : (tagged in case you'd like to review)

    * @Justyn04 : Glad to be back! Yay Meeting!
    * @Kron Caledon : Yay Meeting!
    * @Lazarus Long : Yay Meeting!
    * @Merrik : Yay Meeting!
    * @Rada Torment : Yay Meeting (with Spanish Accent)!
    * @Ravalox : Ran myself ragged this weekend, but still glad to be here!
    * @skeggy : <attended>
    * @Solazur : WooHoo Meeting!
    * @Temujin2 : My realworld skull pole was noticed by a previous Visitor player, they may come back and try the game again.

    NOTE: During the process of transcribing the minutes; my (expletives deleted) laptop rebooted, so I lost all my notes. Thanks to the folks who had hung around after the meeting for helping me re-create some of the items I could not remember.

    IF anything in this weeks minutes is incorrect, or missing (more than usual) ... Please PM @Ravalox ... so I can edit them asap.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  18. Lazarus Long

    Lazarus Long Avatar

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    New Britannia
    Hospitaller Meeting Minutes
    12 November 2017, Sunday 11am Central Time

    Discord Text Chat:
    Discord Voice Chat:

    No meeting held today. Activities to resume next week.

    Main Topics:
    • New Attendees:
      • None this meeting
    • Top 5 Questions for presentation during Berek's Weekly Livestream:
      • None this meeting
    • New Player Experiences:
      • None this meeting
    • New Tech Suggestions (for Forums, Discord, Game which might assist new players):
      • None this meeting
    Round the Room:

    * @Lazarus Long : <attended> Yay No Meeting!
    * @Rada Torment <attended>
    * @skeggy : <attended>
    * @Temujin2 : <attended>
    skeggy, Merrik, Solazur and 1 other person like this.
  19. Merrik

    Merrik Avatar

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    woohoo no meeting! \o/
    Lazarus Long likes this.
  20. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    Pacific NW
    skeggy, Lazarus Long and Merrik like this.
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