Free Trial Users Feedback Copy / as they can´t post it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Myrcello, Mar 7, 2017.

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  1. Myrcello

    Myrcello Avatar

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    Hi all.

    I think it is kind of counterproductive.
    Having a Free Trial but no option for them to post feedback about the impressions and Suggestions they might have on your Forum.

    That 5 Dollar lock out.

    Are you able to create a Free Trial Subforum within the Forum with no 5 Dollar requirement?

    I will copy what i find to this forum in the meantime.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  2. Kabalyero Kidd

    Kabalyero Kidd Avatar

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    Beran's Reach, Beregost and Whyte Roc
    Agreed.... if it gets too spammy then those invisible / hidden Mods will have something to do... LOL
  3. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Non-sticky posts there could be hidden (Dev only) by default, so they can be reviewed but not spam.
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  4. Myrcello

    Myrcello Avatar

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    Looks like most Free Trial Users are using Steam Forum as a Feedback option and official gaming sites.

    I copy the Feedback i find to this place. Not the assumptions! Not the long backers discussing the negatives.
    Not the long backers trying to tell Free Trial User that they just do not understand the Game! and telling them all is wonderful.

    Just pure impressions of Free Trial Testers and the Feedback of them!!!

    Lets go:
    New player here I just tried it out. It has potential but it needs a ton of work. I am kind of lost on where to go too. I wish it had more popup tutorials like right after character creation.


    i couldnt even get it to install properly, and when i did my inet connection had a heart attack, booted me off, dont think i'll bother with the trial, seems very heavily cut down.


    Okay, please don't bite my head off but i tried this game today with an open mind, and i felt very lost confused and no one would ever answer me, i am far from a care-bear gamer, but by the time i finished playing i felt more confused and stressed out than ever, the chat is very weird i did not know how to party chat or change to party chat most players ignored me and after the tutorial area i had no idea where to go i ended up in some place with wolf skeleton and many mobs who ofc rekt me many times, also for some reason i was stuck with a melee class of some sort with only melee skills, i enjoy range classes in games such as mages or archer, i was able to use a bow but ran out of arrows really quick and when i did use a bow i had no bow skills so it was kinda wack, idk in what part of the game my class was chosen for me or if i pick one later on. this is just my experience and opinion. Also how money hungry are the devs that i need 5$ purchase on the main website to post on the forums as a new member?


    HI guys,

    I just got the game and was knocked on my ♥♥♥ when I saw I would have to be typing my responces instead of just clicking them..Is this basically the whole game? or is it just for the start?


    Played it and uninstalled in within 15 min, its controls and graphics and gameplay are just 10 years to late.

    My first MMO ever was UO (Second age) and loved that genre even now, but this game is just 10 years too late, people dont want these graphics with a gameplay you need to write/talk to every npc (and yes you need to talk to an npc like you talk to your fellow players by using the chat), also the buggy controls and combat arent fun to play with.


    I went over to their site to download it to give it a try and I see a page where you can buy sets of Armor for $19.99 etc. A whole page dedicated to buying stuff in game and said, NOPE and didnt even install it. I hate the route games are going now days.


    gave it a try. nothing to see.
    to bad because mmo´s need to be moar!


    Is there anything we can do? Seems the "Limited" part in "Limited Free Trial" was an understatement.


    The business model makes me want to puke


    Thought I would try this so I downloaded it. Created a character and the game loaded and then I had full screen graphic corruption in black and white and if I moved I had tracers, could see the UI perfectly but anything in the game window was corrupt. Asked in chat got no answer went to the forums and couldn't post until I spent money !!! uninstalled goodbye. There's other players having the same problem from other forums. Way to go with the trial of your game !!!


    So after spending some more time in game. There's absolutely no way this will be released in 6 months. Combat is still horrid... quests are not there. Many dozens of zones not finished. Animations are not done. The only thing keeping anyone in game is senseless grinding and a somewhat decent crafting system.

    No "rare" loot from what I can see, special items etc. I know there are a few but not enough. Whats the point of grinding the hell out of your character if you can't find unique armor sets or other things to make your character stand out amongst other people?

    Where the heck am I? Hm, oh well, let me open a map. Oh there are no maps!

    Ok, I figured out where I am, I have no idea how to get anywhere else, or where anything is. Let me grab a ride to another town. Oh are no travel options!

    Forget combat and looking. Forget characters. For me, the killer is not being able to tell where the hell I am or how to get anywhere else.
    I downloaded, installed, played for a couple hours with no technical issues at all. Didn't have to do anything special to get the game to play. Just allow it through Windows firewall like you have to do with every online game.

    There are a lot of aspects of this game I like, or at least think are interesting. But there are also some aspects where I just don't understand why they are so unpolished still at this point in the game's development.

    There's little to no feedback during combat, making it hard to tell what is happening. The physics of the game in general feel very insubstantial.

    I love the sort of storybook visuals of the game. Using lighting and shadows to make everything look like a miniature set.

    I'm going to spend some more time in the game before I come to any personal conclusions about it. But at this point I'm wondering what the devs have been spending their time and money on exactly.
    So glad i didnt spend money on this, even on sale...

    The game is pretty darn awful for anything other than midevil roleplay.

    - Performs like crap. Stuttering everywhere, low FPS when not stuttering. This is on an i7 gtx 1070
    - Heavily instanced, and in those instances, you will encounter invisible walls and other annoying aspects like forests with 2d trees acting as a wall that you cant pass
    - There is intricate and in depth, and then there is just foolishly overly complex, which is what this game is in many of its mechanics
    - Combat is plain awful
    - Controls and response feel very "floaty" and delayed, as well as very clunky.

    This game does a horrible job at bringing old school rpg aspects to a modern day. It feels like an amateur game made in a 2008 engine, that is still 3 years from being released.

    Works fine for me (and its kinda fun) /shrug

    Not paying $44 for an incomplete WIP game. Sorry Lord British. Game looks nice but focus on pay for this and pay for that, doesn't appeal to me.


    If i find more pure Feedback of Free Teial Testers i copy it.

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  5. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    This has to be said. We are not ready for prime time. What is the point of a trial run into the game in this stage of development, well if it is to get this feedback then it definitely achieved what was needed ;)
    Sentinel2, Tamsen, Sargon and 17 others like this.
  6. Myrcello

    Myrcello Avatar

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    Next Feedback of true Free Trial Testers i found:


    So…. stuck at hotel for work tonight…just for giggles I installed the free trial.
    After all that downloading it gives me black screen with white bar.
    Apparently after lots of searching I found it just hates AMD! (TRUE STORY)
    ALSO…..when searching for info on graphics problems I found out that you have to PAY to post in their forums. Yes, these bitches make you pay to ask tech support questions or general forum questions on their "free" trial.
    What a joke.


    So, at what point will I want to slam the game off because it's just too terrible to bear? [​IMG]

    Played for an hour and some. The game is rough (it is definitely pre-alpha), but come on, it's not bad. It almost seems like a modern Morrowind meets Asheron's Call. Already has a nice atmosphere, 1000% has a unique style and look and it certainly is much better graphically than I expected (playing in 4K. It ain't bad. The first town visually is very nice.)

    Let's see. The writing is actually pretty good, although it is cute how the intro really casualizes the instructions for modern MMO players. You can naturally chat with NPCs and use a bunch of keywords, etc., to learn about different topics. It's slow-paced, ease your way into it RPG. You discover quests naturally just by chatting with people. While there are journal entries, it is more Morrowind style, i.e. you figure out where to go from your notes and from paying attention. You can pick up many mundane items in the environment (cups, weapons, items, etc..) and the items disappear (does Elder Scrolls Online even have that?) The combat is very rough graphically but shows promise (I'm playing in first-person mode. Almost resembles Enderal.) There are written books in the game that are actually good, similar to an Elder Scrolls game (long ones and shorter ones.) Seems like a throwback RPG yet with a modern twist that makes it intriguing.

    Can't say I'm really surprised. I would almost say in some ways this can be a dream game (Morrowind, first-person meets huge world yet retains old-school RPG mechanics and sensibilities), but dare I say that when everyone has already made up their minds on it? The fact is that it might be too obscure for many modern gamers, unless you have people who played Ultima Online or Morrowind and want to get into this. It's not WoW, not even close. I played the Multiplayer Online mode since I don't own the game and can't try the single-player mode, but the launcher had single player offline mode as well as the 3 online modes (which includes single player online.)

    So, flame away. [​IMG]


    Keeping my eyes open for Feedbacks i find of testers to get them to place here.

    Funny that 80% of what i find are long term Backers who discuss ( from both sides of the story, you all know) - but not many true feedbacks
  7. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    So in conclusion:
    - starting scene/tutorial needs work

    - the starting oracle, where you choose your starting stuff/skills is also confusing for some new players (i am not surprised)

    - minimap (i actually miss it too sometimes, it's somehow annoying to not see where the hell i am)

    - combat (i am personally not surprised, the combat with the decks, stacking, almost no feedback, some animations etc., overall just feels clunky for some new players, i am not surprised)

    - not being able to post on the forums with an trial account is just bad

    - performance is still bad in many cases, extremly annoying are the mini stutters/hitchings, low FPS in some zones

    - new players are turned off as soon they see the add-on store

    - new players are turned off as soon they figure out they can't simply buy a lot deed with ingame gold (but from other players)

    - almost no quests

    - loot still boring in many cases

    - world map is annoying, feels useless for most new players

    - and much more...

    Sorry, but i am absolutely not surprised at all...
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  8. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    Some other feedback on steam i find good (not just from new trial players but the feedback is fresh in most cases):


    Yep, this is exactly how i feel. Nothing in the game currently that is even good imo, the HEAVY instancing sucks, walking around the world map, wtf. They havnt added anything to the game thats going to bring in good reviews just going to hurt them way more since alot more people will be exposed to it.

    I really hope at the least they take in feedback and really do a 360 on many of the systems in place INCLUDING removing all that damn instancing. Also the game is a PURE grind right now.


    We've been saying the deck building combat system has been boring since... what? Three or four years ago? They were early enough to make a difference then. Still didn't listen.


    Combat def needs to be reworked the deck system is pretty boring honestly and doesnt really add anything to the game. Game should be full loot pvp and pvp always on, the world should feel dangerous, not this flag crap currently in place with its horrible rng drop


    well the chances of me buying this game has just taken a huge dive, can you believe they actually expect me to OWN the game before i can do anything but read on their forums before i can post to ask questions, are you f kidding me, who came up with that rule, omg i can not believe you did that.. good on ya's just lost a potential customer.;..


    There's not much to explore once you get into a scene, each have invisible boundaries all around it. Once you're in it there's nothing there but mobs and gathering nodes. No hidden items, no hidden areas within to be found and no reason to try to explore.


    Deck combat system - joke?
    How can i focus on combat if i'm always watch on bottom of my screeen?


    Some responses are harsh, but i agree with most of them, sorry Port :/
    And btw. the combat system with the cardsystem, stacking, combos is the Nr.1 reason why TONS and TONS of players just don't want to play SotA. And i totally understand why.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  9. Shanna

    Shanna Avatar

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    I started reading the reviews at Steam yesterday (I'm spending my down time at work researching SotA, hehe,) and I had to stop. The negativity there is so prevalent, I found myself starting to agree with some of it. I want to enjoy this game, so I don't want the seeds of discontent planted or watered. It made me question the open access timing, as well. That type of negativity is contagious, and will definitely influence people away from the game. My son is a major Steam user, and he won't try SotA out yet, even for free, due to those reviews.
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  10. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    The problem is, Port wants to release this game in 2017.

    Seriously making an 180 turn on some systems (combat/deck system mainly *cough*) + tons of other things and then shooting for an beta/release in 2018 would be by far better for the overall healthy of the game instead of going for an quick release in 2017 with quite a few things that will to 100% cause tons of bad feedback.

    But since budged & manpower is always a problem in most projects... i dunno...
  11. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    One hundred bad reviews are well worth the price of getting a single knight commander into the game. This free trial is the equivalent of the unsolicited intimate picture, most folks will be repulsed but you can be darn sure that those that aren't are the type that Port wants to climb onboard.
    Preachyr likes this.
  12. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Im not surprised. This game is a shock to the vast majority of gamers today (complexity). I dont see any complaint any different here then the ones out there for UO in beta and even after release. People read far to much into this stuff. This kind of stuff exists for every game today. Look back at the game you liked to play the most over the past 20 years... Same volume of complaints. Like Burmali said, if they get 10% of the trials to continue playing then they have done their job.
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  13. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    No, one hundred bad reviews are just... well, bad.... lol

    So with your logic it's ok that gaining 10 new players for SotA requires Port to first receive 1000 bad reviews?
    100 new players = 10,000 bad reviews
    1,000 new players = 100,000 bad reviews
    10,000 new players = 1,000,000 bad reviews

    Will be a fun statistic to watch on steam...

    Once you reach such a bad statistic on steam you will never ever recover from it again.
    Makes it impossible to draw in even more new players.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  14. Chris

    Chris Tech Lord Moderator Ambassador SOTA Developer

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    The frustrating part is the game is getting better and the Steam reviews have been going up BUT you wouldn't know if you looked at the forums because the negative reviews get voted up and the positive reviews get voted down.

    As for the deck combat, we intentionally made that so people have to go out of their way to use it. So what does everyone do? Go out of their way to use it so they can complain about it. I'm strongly leaning towards just making it not an option for anyone under level 20. High end players like it and I dare you to find someone over level 60 who doesn't use it but we already have a super steep learning curve. Letting them try and figure out a totally different combat system on day 1 is just trying to drink from a firehose and then complain when you choke on it.

    Just a reminder to all that this was just us trying out the free trial system for future use. We know we have a lot of work left to do in terms of polish, new user experience, and especially performance. As for the players seeing a black screen or crashing before getting going, that appears to be the same AMD issue we've been seeing and next release should fix that.
  15. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    I am ADV. Level 97, close to 98, so i am somewhat high level.
    I use it, but i still hate it :/ (and i am not alone on this)

    The current combat deck card system where you always have to look at the bottom of the screen draws away tons of new & old players, that's a total of 100% true fact.
    I seriously wouldn't rely too much on the current system you have in the game....
    But who am i, just another player.
    By Tor, Kaisa, Azzamean and 5 others like this.
  16. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Other then the usual alpha like bugs and such in decks and having to adjust to changes after releases due to dev iteration... I have become quite fond of the deck. Once one learns it, it actually becomes pretty powerful, especially in PvP. It does give the game a more "twichy" feel for interaction. But thats the point, the complexity once learned makes it a powerful tool. I dont get the complaints about clunkyness of the combat system, I enjoy using it in PvP now. Does it need work, sure it does but I have 1500 hours in this game now for a reason.
  17. Shanna

    Shanna Avatar

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    As far as I understand it, marketing math dictates that it takes 10 good reviews to counteract one bad review...but, yes, I can agree with your point of it weeding out the chaff ;)
  18. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    Dunno, i found the concept of the deck system, stacking, combos not complicated at all, but very clunky.
    It's easy to understand, and since i am not an clicker actually easy to use.

    But does it make fun? No, imo.
    By Tor, Kaisa and Ice Queen like this.
  19. Themo Lock

    Themo Lock Avatar

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    Ah, so this is why my inbox is suddenly full of abuse for a guide i wrote like 2 years ago >.<
    Aldo, FrostII, Womby and 4 others like this.
  20. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    Come to virtue league tonight and just watch if you like. You will see people there who have mastered their deck (tier 1). Feel free to try to compete with them also.
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