A Special First Anniversary Community Spotlight!

cheerIt has been an amazing year, and a huge reason for that is because of you, our Community!  And once a month, we shine our Community Spotlight on one of those amazing community members, fan sites, or player groups who make the Shroud of the Avatar Community the best that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. So, as we celebrate our one-year Anniversary, it seemed fitting that we should take another look back at some of our most favorite Community Spotlights!

Our very first Community Spotlight featured one of our favorite fan sites, Forsaken Virtues; and Dame Lori is still one of our favorite Community Leaders!  Not only did she set the bar for what a fan site can be, she created the Runic Font you see everywhere in game!  She is currently re-imagining the Forsaken Virtues site to be more than a news hub, and we can’t wait to see what she comes up!

The Poet’s Circle and it’s founder, Holt Ironfell has been featured several times in our Community Spotlight, both for his Bardic Tales and his SotA themed Minecraft Server, but what the Poet’s Circle is currently most famed for it’s contribution to the music crowd-sourcing for Shroud of the Avatar!  Bravo!

Speaking our community crowd-sourcing, we’d also like to give a shout out to another Community Spotlight recipient, The College of Arms!  Our heralds are not only helping the community generate their own Coat of Arms, but are also working with us to get them game!

And I wouldn’t want to close out without mentioning two of our favorite resource sites, Baron Violation and the SotAWiki and The MadHermit Gaming YouTube channel.  If you need to know something about crafting, housing, or game play, chances are, you can find out more about it there!  And even though I couldn’t give a shout out to everyone featured over the past year, you can go back and revisit all of our Community Spotlight articles right here!

And in looking back, I can’t help but get excited enough to want to give you a peek forward at some of the sites and community leaders we’ll be featuring in the coming year. From Lady Amber-Raine and Avatar Radio  to the wonderful folks over at Shroud of the Avatar Role Players Community, I can’t wait to introduce you to every single one of them!

In closing, I have a suspicion that our amazing community will continue to dazzle us, so remember, if you see someone making amazing contribution to our Shroud of the Avatar community, be sure to drop me a line at community@portalarium.com and introduce us so that I can feature them. :)

See you in the Spotlight!

~Lady FireLous


  1. TheMadHermitTheMadHermit

    Thank you Firelotus! What a great year indeed! Happy to be a part of the SOTA community!

  2. AmberraineAmberraine

    Thank you Lady FireLotus! I also look forward to the future and what comes for the community as a whole! So happy to not just be in the community, but to be -Home-!!

  3. Maothar

    congratulation con your first aniversary! i play this game since ever, and i cant wait to play it again. Where can i send ideas for gameplay por quests? i got plenty of them, and i rly want to give them to you.

  4. Signal20

    Incredible job!!!! Congratulations to all of you and thank you for your continued hard work!

  5. Lord RoyouLord Royou

    Thank you was great to meet up with friends and the Dev team again, the deep dive was awesome had me is stitches so many times. Thank you for all the Dedication you all give.

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