Your Top 10 + Added by Release Lists

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by majoria70, Feb 16, 2017.

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  1. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    The word is out. The term is being said over and over that 'as we near release' and yes I believe we have a great chance of getting there this year.

    The Developers have their Jira lists and to do before releasing the game as we know.

    The thing is each of us have our own ideas of how that should look and what is still missing or not in yet, and yes lists can change and be speculative and opinionated at the best of times to many degrees;).

    So below if you care to participate, please not much comments but add your list for the development team to see all in one place.

    Also you may edit your lists. And please don't comment on other peoples lists here.

    Please be brief, respectful, and courteous, just list what you think is necessary to launch. :)

    Below is my list, I will add more later:
    Recent addition: Still missing is empty areas with very few discoveries. I cannot tell the Devs enough how important it is that players find things on their explorations of this world. Building are still empty, no discoveries in so many of them. Climbing the top of a mountain gives nothing but perhaps a great view. We have to fix this before release. @DarkStarr

    Recent addition: Add keys and key usage to our doors so we can sell keys to players who want to rent rooms if we are not there. They just purchase a key form our vendor after choosing their room.

    The key will perhaps expire or there are keys for longer periods or they just buy another key before that happens. That is a way to get the rent paid as well. Inn, room, and home owners can choose how much to sell the keys for. That is also a way to make sure people can play solo and do their own thing with no negotiations if that is how they roll.

    1-Content to keep us busy and that keeps us coming back;

    such as; a lot of various side quests of many types, even repeatable,

    such as; crafting quests and a daily crafting quest, fishing quests and a daily quest,

    pvp quests,
    perhaps that have a quest to earn criminal points that generate wanted posters and status, and discovery quests that keep us exploring the world.

    2-An Achievement system (many do not play on Steam, me included)that keeps us also exploring the world and the systems of Shrouds such as; cooked every food, tasted every food, explored every dungeon, and on and on and on please and with perhaps rewards or earned reward that allows us to purchase something or receive a special recipe or many other ideas.

    3-More variety of town clothing feminine and masculine both,that are dye-able, and clothing in general besides patterns. Such as some styles in these threads: and this

    4-Make it viable to sleep in beds or in a camp or an inn that activates a resting bonus.

    5-Connect the world with overland descriptions(in progress)-through a bulletin board system or other ideas in game that allow us to see who is selling even if vague idea, and where they are located, also to place events notices, work order requests, requests for mercenary help traveling pvp lands, wanted posters could be activated and appear here etc.

    6-I would love to see Treasure Maps come in game 'soonish' as another reason to explore the world. X marks the spot and acquired through fishing and message in a bottles, found on bodies, or hidden in statues, crypts and throughout the world. I may climb a mountain and find a body of a person died from a fall or starvation while out hunting for the treasure map location and low and behold there is an 'X" on the ground you see when using your special survey tool. Final Fantasy 15 has this quest :

    Once you have all 14 map fragments, you'll then get a complete map ... takes you to the location of a hidden treasure for the 'X Marks the Spot'. Cool stuff :)

    7-Fishing is getting expanded and polished I know. I don't know exact details, but I wish for fishing to have quests and daily quests, maybe fishing contests, different types of fish in different areas that may need different bait, fishing discoveries that finds message in a bottles with quests or treasure maps.

    Maybe you find a cursed amulet, and have to find the cure since you put it on. Then you see it does have a clue of a name on it to send you in search of the cure as an example.

    I would also like a chance of fishing up a treasure chest or a creature, yikes, and fishing tech that gives more than throwing your line in the water and watching a timer, also different types of bait and worms or snails that spawn sometimes in your garden when it rains and many more ideas too.

    8-Sounds and music that give an atmosphere that is immersive, fun, and sometimes a bit eerie. For example some areas have kind of a creepy, scary type of atmosphere with owls hooting at night and screeches, and creatures wander the area in search of their next kill. This is a great article on the impact of this type of thing in games.

    9-Need more Creatures and types of creatures that have different ways of killing their prey, mainly us and some even ignore us ;).

    I want to revisit Dragons for example and not just steampunk dragons but the dragons many of us waited for a long time for. The fire and ice dragons, large and small who may be an intelligent and knowing creature. A Smaug type of dragon like from the Hobbit who slept in his treasures.

    10-to be continued (TBC) I'll add the more later, and you can do more than 10 remember ;)

    Here are some previous idea threads:

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
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  2. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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    In no particular order:
    1. Magic Movers.
    2. The ability to set container permissions so that random players can only remove a single item (needed for player created quests).
    3. A container that has a combination lock (needed for player created quests).
    4. When a book is copied on the magical printer, the copy shows in the tool tip the name of the person who made the copy. That way only the original author can make exact copies, all the rest have different tool tips.
    5. Increase the number of placeable POT decorations.
    6. Allow images taken with the Kobold Kamera to be placed in books.
    7. Allow database access so the community can create tools that will locate the vendors selling the cheapest items/paying the most for items.
    8. Allow some variety in vendor appearance.
    9. Make scene loads a lot quicker.
    10. Place in each scene a procedurally generated family tomb that contains a mix of monsters and loot. Single player, mob strength adjusted to player, and different every time entered. (Think Morrowind, but dynamic and more sophisticated.)
  3. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    I'm too lazy to make a top 10 list, so I just made a top 1 list.

    1. The new user experience still needs a lot of work.

    Reviews suggest that a lot of new players still find getting started very confusing and frustrating. Combat is complex and unintuitive, and the opening scenes don't really do a good job of easing people into it. I know this is something that devs are well aware of and have made efforts to remedy, but it's still not great and it's such an important thing.

    I don't have the answer to that problem, but I can think of a couple of small changes that would at least cut down a little bit on the frustration factor for new players. I think people would get stuck less simply by having friendlier defaults. Start people in cursor mode. Unbind important UI toggles from alpha keys so that new players don't turn off names, compass, etc. every time they start typing after missing a search field click. I'm sure there are other small things like that that could help also.
  4. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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    I long ago changed all my UI keyboard shortcuts to require holding down Alt at the same time. No more unfortunate accidents.
    majoria70 and Lazlo like this.
  5. Audacity

    Audacity Avatar

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    my own lil world
    1. A reason to PvP
    2. Group loot distribution system (round robin, need roll, etc)
    3. End game content
    4. Ability to link multiple groups (raid functionality)
    5. Ability to join other groups besides a guild (ie faction)
    6. Fix healing targeting
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2017
  6. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    1. Moral System
  7. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    1. Main quest lines: Completed and polished. No cut corners, make it epic.

    2. Side quests: Extensive amount of quests for all areas of the game; having dynamic/procedurally generated quests would provide something to do when many of us finish the main quest quickly.

    3. Faction system: Maybe I like Kobolds and hate the Oracle; make it matter.

    4. Steam content: More achievements, plus new cards for Episode 1 release (and then new ones again for each Episode). Continually expand achievements to provide completionists something to strive for.

    5. Morph targets: I really want to have more control over our character. Maybe not Skyrim-level of customization, but more than we have now. Most importantly would be body shape; if I want to play a fat innkeeper, I should be able to. Armor/clothing should morph to fit. This can then extend to NPC models, which would give us a huge amount of new appearances.

    6. Creature models: There are not enough. The vast majority of the animals in this game are dogs, cats or birds, with a little variation between them. We need farms full of animals, and they just don't exist yet. Not to mention all the wild animals we should encounter far from civilization. The water is empty of life. Add many more, please.

    7. Group tech: Add the ability to look for a group, distribute loot (or at least share what it is so players can distribute it). Consider multiple group alliances (mini-raids of two groups) to partially share xp and communicate (this can also be used for things like Gustball).

    8. Social tech: There should be theatres coming from the Kickstarter stretch goals, but we still need more social abilities beyond emotes. There is a huge thread on this.

    9. Targeting: Hard target using (G) should not allow us to swing, shoot, or cast at whatever happens to be near the recticle instead of our target (or the creature immediately in front of us, when using melee range attacks). I hate not being able to choose my own target, or dying because I pulled a new enemy while positioning to fight my current target. With cover coming Soon(tm), this needs fixed even more.

    10. Make PVP worthwhile, without penalizing players: The current way flagging works means you can't heal anyone outside of your group, which sucks. Being able to flag anywhere and always attack first hurts flagging overall. XP bonuses for just being flagged don't make players engage in PVP. Make PVP fun, make it worthwhile, and players will do it.
    Verit, Dhanas, ship2 and 3 others like this.
  8. StarLord

    StarLord Avatar

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    1st part for crafting:
    1. A polish of the crafting system. More generic recipes vs 10 same but with different base mats. Weight should be adjusted (1 ingot is heavier then the ore it is coming from or a daggar has 2x the weight of its parts).
    2. Better distribute the XP gain, especially for crafters. At the moment you get almost no XP from refining/crafting, only from gathering.
    3. More recipes. All kinds. New weapons, clothes, furniture, etc.
    4. Agriculture. Including livestock, brewery, beverages, bakery, ... Add batch watering/collecting water. And remove the watering timer and replace with something else (e.g. automatic) - I have a RL job and cannot play the game when the timer requires me to water my plantation.
    5. A vendor overview. Not sure how this could be done though. But its very awkward to check all vendors nearby manually.
    majoria70 and Womby like this.
  9. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    1. All kickstarter pledge rewards completed.
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  10. null2

    null2 Avatar

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    1. More deck slots PLEASE (please please please please) or at least a way to import/export decks if no more slots?
    2. UI Customization. If I have more than 6 buffs up, I can't see the name or HP of people in my party. I want to be able to change the size of my HP bar/buffs and my target's hp bar/buffs. All the other windows are customizable, why not our hp/focus display?
    majoria70 and Dhanas like this.
  11. Lord Andernut

    Lord Andernut Avatar

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    1. A mechanic to stack glyphs automatically. Nothing glues my eyes to the hotbar (as opposed to the screen) like stacking fireballs or rend etc. Even if it only stacks to a maximum of 3.
    2. Faster Base Movement speed.
    3. Minimaps for every zone. Seriously!
    4. Fleshed out conversational UI, looking forward to this.
    5. Journal sorting by questline. I don't need to be lead by the hand, but I do want to be able to reference open quests and pertinent information to those quests.
    6. Fleshed out meaningful quests. I don't want to deliver stuff, but I do want to investigate the clink or discover more about the Red Sash Bandits.
    7. More ways to gain Crafting xp. Craft 100 daggers or mine one ore? Want to level up enchanting? First go mine 12000 ore so you can apply that experience to your enchanting. Granted this deflates ore costs due to more supply.
    8. Ability to label deeds. Managing a POT with amenity lots, a personal location and also providing new players with deeds and vendors - how do you know which is which? Even standing on the lot I cannot tell where that is in my list. Which deed is which?
    9. Bone White Pavers for Roads to place in POTs. Yes.
    10. Ways of communicating with various groups of players. Townchat perhaps where you can see anyone online and communicate as a group to who is in your town?
    11 (Sorry, I'll borrow slots from Duke Greagoir). A Search Filter on the Friendslist.
    12. Balanced XP gain/rewards between solo play and group play. It can be 20% better to be in a group.... but not 100% better.
    13. Bind to more than one spot. Honestly, why are we are not allowed to bind to more than one physical spot - when we can bind to 10000 people and access most areas of the game instantly by overloading the friend list?
    14. Water lots of the POT docks (as shown on the template page).
    15. Tree Mower!
    16. Ability to flatten out some areas so that housing can be placed there. Please.
    17. Ability to decorate right up to the lot stone at the front of the lot. NPC towns the roads can come right up to the lot boundary. POT towns the roads can only be placed as far as the lot claim stone.
    18. I have more but I have to work. Plus I already took 7 of Duke Greagoir's spots :p
    majoria70, Dhanas and Duke Gréagóir like this.
  12. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    With release truly coming in the near future lets revisit this. I did add a couple of things and remember this is what you feel is still missing or great ideas for what is coming. We know some things are broken like combat balance, crafting, performance issues still there, and yes cloth sims. Other than that what are you finding tough to take and request that they add it in. Make your brief list to add in before release and don't forget to have fun.

    Edit typo
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  13. Vallin Tregres

    Vallin Tregres Avatar

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    In no particular order...

    1: Identifiable Characters - It seems like we go from zone to zone helping out Joe-Nobody that won't have an impact on the story later other than what color our cloak will be in the end. Where are our chief of chiefs that tie things together and make it seem like we're just not randomly wandering around?

    2: More Monster Lore - One of the things I find really interesting is that this game treats some classic monsters like decent people, but from a different walk of life. Kobold, Satyr, sentient Automaton, things that add morality to gold farming.

    3: Engaging Combat System - I very much dislike the current 'unlocked' decks because keeping track of your random ability popups puts too much focus on the UI. I'd rather the 'Locked' decks get an overhaul and unique combo-abilities that can be unlocked that don't require leveling, but rather take 2 or more separate skills to calculate. Rolls, jumps, charging attack pro/cons, spamming pro/cons, the game has the tools to make combat fun.

    4: Platforming - Other than Jump, give us some unique platforming elements. Run-jumps, ledge grabs, hopping over fences and smaller obstacles while bracing the object with your hand. You know, some parkour!

    5: Music Skills -
    Other than for show, how about giving this games impressive musical capabilities some love in terms of combat and buffs? Would be kinda cool if we had the option to add a jingle to our spell casts.

    6: Head Slot Alternatives - Hide helm, replace helm visual, stuff like that.

    7: Taming - UO set a standard in terms of Taming and I only hope this game heads in such a direction. The training of pets (not a flat, personal skill like we have now) made for good end-game content.

    8: High End Pets (Don't Shrink!) - As I've posted before, have it so the highest end pets are all about the size of a horse and mountable when such a system comes into place. Nightmare, Unicorn, Ki-Rin, Cu-Sidhe, Reptalon, things that don't have to shrink to laughable levels. Seriously don't wanna see any pygmy dragons running about... Reptalon should be dragon-enough for the people who really wanna live out that fantasy.

    9: Ocean Visual Variety - In the distance, beyond the zone, there could be a small island visible, whales and dolphin breaching, seagulls hovering above the water, ect.

    10: Water Physics - We'll have swimming someday. While everyone secretly both wants it and yet hates it I'd like to see some water physics added. Ripples as you run through the water, rain collision on your character and trees, stuff that makes you feel the water in this world is a living thing rather than a zone mechanic.
    majoria70 likes this.
  14. Traveller13

    Traveller13 Bug Hunter

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    I'll start one...

    1. Ship to ship combat a'la Ultima IV, etc. during sieges and such, when leaving or entering a town via a water port.
    2. Story has more effect. For example, undead roaming around SotA world, especially southeastern area around Ardoris until you complete the Love storyline. Random encounters with undead, undead besieging towns, random encounters with humans battling undead, etc. Solace Bridge was attacked by undead, then nothing. The same deal with elves and kobolds. Just one example.
    3. Head shots with archery. I might actually play an archer with this.
    4. ...To be continued, maybe...
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
    majoria70 likes this.
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