Title: Summoned Daemon will occasionally attack itself with its Daemon Chaos ability Reproduction Rate: ???% Blocker: No Details: Summoned...
Title: The Train Summoned Pet Resistance passive is not being applied to summoned pets Reproduction Rate: 100% Blocker: No Details: The Train...
Been this way for at least 2 releases. They stand on the same spot that tends to be in the water.
03/28/2021 09:25 Title: Daily Timothy The Enchanter Quest is Stuck Reproduction Rate: 100% Blocker? No Details: Daily Timothy The Enchanter Quest...
12/19/2020 23:24 Title: Some furniture pieces can no longer be placed after latest update Reproduction Rate: 100% Blocker? No Details: Unable to...
Twice now I've lost tamed wyverns due to a resurrection bug. Digging into the forums I found these previous posts: Bzus Design Lord SOTA...
10/09/2018 12:47 Title: Travel to etceter Reproduction Rate: perminant Blocker? YES Details: Cant enter Craig Mines except in solo mode, due to...
10/08/2018 22:51 Title:Grigor Quest in Storms Reach Bugged Reproduction Rate:100% Blocker?N/A Details:"Search for Evidence in War Room" quest &...
Hey guys. I found a bug in Blood River Outskirts and thought that I'd report it. However, when I click on the 'Report Bug' icon in-game, it opens...
5/2/2018 9:09 PM Title: Path of Courage Quest - Krishach gets stuck on the stairs Reproduction Rate: Blocker? Yes Details: After Speaking to...
5/1/2018 3:23 PM Title: Heraldry Chest and legs Don't show Correct Color Reproduction Rate: 100% Blocker? Details: I dyed my new heraldry Pure...
FAO: Dan/Plague of Locust. Note '4' in 'the game' not spawning? Hey there. Sannio asked me to log this bug. It's note 3 in 'The Game' within...
Title: No quest amulet. Reproduction Rate: Unable to reproduce as outside of tutorial zone. Blocker? Yes? Details: Not sure how I managed it but I...
I have been trying to divide it for the last few releases. I have a stack of 131761 arrows in a chest. It came from before the stack limit of...
Title: Mummified Undead and Undead Mastery passives have no effect. Despite training in those passives, the Death Tree summons deal the same...
Makes me very sad that the game and the AMD 1950x Threadripper are mortal enemies that are sure to cause a system crash if you have more than 8 of...
UPDATE: My greyed out deck problem was remedied by switching to a different deck. Thanks to a suggestion by @Lazarus Long. All of my glyphs are...
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