Come Work With Us! New Job Openings

We do not currently have any openings.



  1. majoria70majoria70

    Do we have an opening for a sound technician? Do we still have a sound technician. No word since February so I’m just curious.

  2. RyanGreenRyanGreen

    Is Tracy Hickman doing all of that writing by himself!? I’d love to lend a hand with dialogue, storyline, in-game text, or any other form of narrative design needed for the project. Just give me a shout if you’d like some help!

    1. BerekBerek Post author

      Hi RyanGreen! Tracy did do much of the writing, but recently has been primarily a consultant to the storyline as our internal team works on fleshing out and completing the Episode 1 story line and paths.

      1. RyanGreenRyanGreen

        Ah I see. Well I just moved to the Austin area and it would be amazing to get my feet wet. If you are in need of a solid writer to help finish up Episode 1 or maybe start the ball rolling early for Episode 2 just let me know! I’d be more than happy to contribute. In any case, I would love to come down and just get a feel for how the writing process works and maybe take a tour of the place. Would that be OK? I’ll bring muffins! :p

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