Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
Game Development
News Announcements
- Taming Livestream Today
- Release 58 Livestream: Dragon Theme
- Q4 2018 Schedule Update
- Signed Boxed Edition (limited time)
- UO 20th Anniversary GDC Postmortem (video)
- Player Made Books Livestream (YouTube)
- Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program
- Weekend Flash Sale: Weapons
- Upcoming Events Calendar
Community Updates
- Community Event: Release 58 Dance Party
- Community Event: The Serpent’s Watch Race Challenge!
- Community Event: Dance Along the River
- Meretz: Win a Gothic Village Inn
- Meretz: Win a Pair of SOTACON 2018 Tickets!
- Project to Support: Through the Moongate
- Project to Support: King’s Dinner at SOTACON
- Resources: Players Helping Players
Play Release 58 Now!
Release 58 successfully launched yesterday, September 27, with thousands of backers downloading, patching, and logging in to check out the changes! There’s lots of new content to explore, including:
- Wyverns!
- Player Made Dungeons
- 30+ More Dyeable Decorations
- Performance Improvements
- Tons of Bug Fixes
- Linux In-Game Map Fix
- Loot Improvements
- New Weapons
- Combat Balance
- User Interface Polish
- R54 Livestream Item: Leaf Backpack
- R55 Livestream Items: Silver Serpent Wand
- R56 Livestream Items
- R58 QA Testing Incentive Winners
- R57 Lot Deed Raffle Winners
- …and much more!
Check out the Release 58 Instructions update for detailed information about all the new content.
We need all your help with testing the new patches, putting more stress on our multiplayer servers, and testing the new game content, so please join us in playing this Release!
If you have not downloaded the game yet, go to and click the “Play Now” button. The game is also available on Steam.
Release 58 Player Instructions
Here are what some players are saying about the release so far:
Synergy Blaize: You have done an amazing amount of work, to give us a decent Release 58, given your “Real World Gremlins”…
Sentinel2: I understand how crazy it’s been to bring the map into Linux. Works great. Much appreciated! Excellent list of goodies for R58. This is a big release. Especially with the player dungeons.
Damian Killingsworth: Awesome job BTW! BEST GAME EVER
Pawz: The new weapons and shields look amazing! Get that artist to make some armor sets!
Violette Dyonisys: Ok the shield and the Scythe look AWESOME! I don`t know who did those, but make sure he makes more!
Elgarion: Again, amazing how much you guys get done in a month! Thanks so much, Portalarium! Can’t wait to play with the new dungeon builder system!
Wyverns are live in Release 58! These dragonkin are generally smaller than their full-size cousins and the smaller versions can be tamed. Rumors abound that the Dragon clan of the Norgard Barbarians has done this very thing, so beware if you encounter them! While dragons are more solitary and intelligent, Wyverns are more communal and pack-like (similarities to wolves have been made) so be careful when you find a Wyvern, there is likely to be more than one around! Also, beware of the poisonous stinger on their tail which can drain the health of even the strongest warrior. Red, Purple, Orange, and White Wyverns have been spotted in the Northwest of Novia but tales are told of other colors as well (although these other colors have not yet been added to the game).
R56 Livestream Items
The Release 56 Livestream items were all Aether themed to link to the comet and its aether causing effects on the creatures of Novia. In Release 58 we have added all of these stretch goal items except for the Aether Dragon statue which we will deliver in Release 59. Note that these static screenshots do not do justice to how amazing these items look as the aether effect animates and swirls with incredible visual effects.
Aether Dye on Clothes:Aether Dye on Furniture and Clothes:
Aether Shield (and sword in background):
Aether Sword:
Aether Longbow:
New Weapons
We have added nine new weapons (and corresponding pattern packs) to the Add-On Store including a Royal Elven Longbow, Ornate Scythe (Spooky Recurring), shields, and hammers.
Ornate Scythe (Spooky Recurring):
More Dyeable Decorations
In Release 57 we added the ability to dye decorations and updated almost 30 decorations to be dyeable including Banners, the Canvas Upholstered Furniture, the Fine White & Gold Upholstered Furniture, and the Fine Red Upholstered Furniture. In Release 58 we updated over 30 more items to be dyeable including pillows, Antique Furniture, Awnings, Tents, Elven Furniture, Fine Oak Furniture, Kobold Furniture, and Beds.
Taming Livestream Today
Another content packed weekly Community Livestream is today (Friday September 28) at 4 PM CDT on Twitch!
This week we are going to talk about Taming! Chris “Atos” Spears and Brandon “Bzus” Cotton will be showing you how to tame creatures in the game. We will show you how the system works from crafting taming collars, through taming a creature, to summoning the creature to fight for you. We will be using some of the latest high tier tameable creatures like the Wyverns and Obsidian Bears to demonstrate.
In exciting news this Friday is the first Friday where all purchases from noon to midnight count towards the Release 58 Stretch Goals (see below) which are dragon themed in honor of the Wyverns which are live in Release 58!
As usual we will be giving out prizes at 4:15 and 4:45! To be eligible all you need to do is either make any purchase in the store or log into the game and type “Light it up” in the chat window (no purchase necessary).
Watch on Twitch this Friday at 4 PM CDT!
Release 58 Livestream: Dragon Theme
The Release 58 Livestream is set for Thursday October 4! All Avatars from around the world are welcome to join us in the livestream activities. We will be doing deep dives, answering questions, having sales, handing out prizes, and tracking towards stretch goals. In honor of the Wyverns going live in Release 58 the theme for this
livestream is Dragons!
Monthly livestreams are on Twitch and include answers to your gameplay questions, world building tours, prize giveaways, sales on items, and more! Here is the schedule:
- 3PM: Introductions
- 3:30PM: Deep Dive 1: Player Made Dungeons
- 4:30PM: Q&A
- 5:30PM: Deep Dive 2: Seasonal Content
- 6:30PM: Q&A
- 7PM: Ending Announcements
STRETCH GOALS (Dragon Themed!)
As a special bonus, we are offering funding rewards to any player that makes a minimum purchase of $5 during a twelve hour window during the day of the livestream, on October 4 from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CDT (Oct 4 17:00 to Oct 5 05:00 UTC). In honor of the Wyverns going live in Release 58 the theme for this livestream is Dragons!
All purchases during the twelve hour window will count towards the stretch goals, not just the four hours of the livestream! Also participation in the Rewards Program counts towards our stretch goal totals!
Please note that we have extended availability of the stretch goals to every Friday of the release for 12 hours per the new Stretch Goal Tracking Changes.
- $10K: Dragon Egg Decorations
- $25K: /breathefirespiral
- $35K: Dragon Skin Rugs (2 colors)
- $50K: Dragon Dungeon Entrance Pattern
- $65K: Dragon Bow & Dragon Plate Helm
- $80K: Dragon Sword & Dragon Polearm
- $90K: Dragon Mask Set (multiple color variants) with smoke VFX
- $100K: Unique Dungeon Dragon Encounter Room
*Please keep in mind that stretch goal rewards take time to develop and will most likely not be available until Release 61 at the earliest. We will keep you updated!
We will be having twelve hours of sales around the livestream from 12:00 PM to 11:59 PM CDT (Oct 4 17:00 to Oct 5 05:00 UTC)! Items in the following categories will be on sale at approx. 20% off. As noted above, all purchases during this time will count towards the stretch goals!
- Viking Bundles
- Obsidian Bundles
- Kobold Bundles
- Elven Bundles
- Shogun Bundles
- Make a Difference
- Home Decorations
- Outdoor Decorations
- Lot Deeds, POT Upgrades, Homes and Basements
- Pets and Music
- Emotes and Fireworks
- Dyes, and Patterns
- Silver Baby Clockwork Dragon (digital)
- Breathe Fire Emote (digital)
- Breathe Fire Ring Emote (digital)
- Dragon Mask (digital)
- Dragon Handle Maplewood Cane (digital)
- Ornate Metal Dragon Pipe (digital)
- Tabletop Stone Dragon Statue (digital)
- Topiary Village Dragon Statue (digital)
- Stone Dragon Statue City Size (digital)
We will be giving prizes away on an hourly basis with many being given away multiple times. Enter for a chance to win a prize by either logging into the game and typing “Light it up” into chat OR by purchasing any item from our store during the livestream!
We will be answering questions throughout the livestream, so submit them in the comments section of the R58 Livestream Post or on Discord chat during the event.
Watch @ShroudofAvatar updates throughout the day of the livestream. See you on Twitch!
Q4 2018 Schedule Update
Greetings Avatars,
As 2018 comes to a close we can reflect on what an amazing year it has been! We moved out of Early Access in March and Collector’s Boxes shipped in Q3! As we have finished our Kickstarter promises we have been able to focus on polish and serious improvements to quality of life! The final quarter of 2018 is going to be amazing with Player Made Dungeons, Fishing Phase 2, Seasonal Content, and more polish!
PLEASE NOTE: The last two releases of the year (Nov/R60 and Dec/R61) will be very early in their respective months so that they are released well ahead of the US winter holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas).
Q4 is just a warmup for 2019 which will be an amazing year for Shroud of the Avatar players! Crafting specializations (choose your effects!), Grandmaster Craftsman only effects, more loot improvements, more expansions to the fishing system, better boss fights and more! 2019 will of course culminate with Episode 2 which will have a new story, new lands, a revamp of the Quest and Journal system, a Theater System, Treasure Hunting with treasure maps that show up as loot, Item Affinity, Taming system expansions, Customizable NPCs, and expanded permissions for containers and doors!
As we have stated previously, we intend to publish quarterly schedule updates detailing our monthly releases and those monthly releases will continue just as before, on the last Thursday of each month. Even though the goals outlined in these schedules are likely to change somewhat as we react to feedback, we feel it is important to periodically provide you with an updated roadmap.
Our priority continues to be to deliver new content to our players regularly, so that you can give us feedback that will help us iteratively improve Shroud of the Avatar. This collaborative process continues to benefit the game, and often results in sweeping changes such as the recent balance passes to combat. As you have seen in previous releases, the flexibility inherent to this process means that we sometimes push things out, but we also often pull new things in.
Q4 Top 10 Priorities: As mentioned previously we keep a running list of our Top 10 priorities at all times that we use when building our schedule and prioritizing where to allocate our team’s resources. We often refer to it when making decisions about the project. While it has a VERY strong influence on what we work on at any given time, it does not mean that we only work on something that is on the list. It just means that if someone can assist with something that will help address an item on the list, then we will make sure they do that first before working on anything else. Sometimes team members cannot assist with anything on our top priorities, so they work on other tasks such as visual polish, combat balance, or content that helps us raise funds. Q4 will focus on lots of polish including systems, user interface, bug fixing, loot, performance, new user experience, as well as continued improvements to quality of life. We will also be upgrading the Fishing system, adding seasonal content for Halloween and Winter, and adding the new Player Made Dungeon feature.
- Quality of Life: Midway through Q3 we shifted focus to general improvements to quality of life by starting to remove slowdowns and annoyances in gameplay. We will continue this effort in Q4.
- Systems Polish: Polishing and improving existing systems will continue to be a major focus of Q4. This will take priority over new systems.
- Bug Fixing: We will continue to focus more on fixing bugs versus new content and new features.
- Performance: While the game is much more playable now we feel there is still more to be gained so in Q4 we will continue making code and content changes to improve performance.
- User Interface Polish: In Q3, we polished various UI elements and we will continue to do so during Q4.
- Seasonal Content: Content to support Halloween and Winter festivals (Christmas, etc.) will be created.
- New User Experience: We will be revisiting the starting areas and new user experience to adjust balance, fix bugs, and generally improve the overall experience for new users. We will also be updating the website.
- Improved Reward Cycle: Q4 will focus on a systemic and game-wide upgrade to the quality and quantity of loot.
- Fishing & Player Made Dungeons: Fishing Phase 2 will go live including new water types, new fish, and more skills. We will also introduce the new Player Made Dungeons feature.
- Shipping Phase 2: Collector’s Boxes will start shipping to those who did not get theirs in the first round and Retail boxes will be available on Amazon along with a limited run of signed retail versions on our website.
As always, all dates, durations, and deliverables are subject to change as we adjust our designs based on direct feedback from you, our players.
RELEASE 59, October 25, 2018
- Story: Each harvest season, Novians warn their children to not go into the fields at night because of Pumpkin Head! The starting areas will be improved with the addition of a new tutorial focused area on the Isle of Storms.
- Performance: Performance work will mainly focus on improving frame rate and reducing hitching during gameplay. Work will also continue to be done on load time reduction on the few outstanding scenes that are not meeting our 15 second load time target.
- Bug Fixing: Time will be allocated to a general sweep through all systems, features, and content to reduce overall bug counts.
- Crafting & Economy: The fishing system will be expanded to include different water types (fresh vs. salt), more fish types, more loot, and other improvements. Additionally there will be systemic and game-wide upgrades to the quality and quantity of loot.
- Player-Made Dungeons: We will continue to expand and iterate on the system that allows players to place and customize dungeons on their properties. Blueprints and recipes for these dungeons can be found in loot, purchased from in-game merchants, or purchased from the store and then used to craft the various dungeon pieces needed to assemble these dungeons.
- Player Towns & Player Housing: Updates to Dynamic Player-Owned Towns (POTs) that have locked submission forms will appear in the game.
RELEASE 60, November 15, 2018
- Performance: Performance work will mainly focus on improving frame rate and reducing hitching during gameplay. Work will also continue to be done on load time reduction on the few outstanding scenes that are not meeting our 15 second load time target.
- Bug Fixing: Time will be allocated to a general sweep through all systems, features, and content to reduce overall bug counts.
- Crafting & Economy: We will continue expansions to the fishing system. We will also dramatically increase the salvage rates for in-game patterns (common patterns will be almost 100%). Additionally we will continue systemic and game-wide upgrades to the quality and quantity of loot.
- Player Towns & Player Housing: Updates to Dynamic Player-Owned Towns (POTs) that have locked submission forms will appear in the game.
- Livestream and Seasonal Content: We will add recent livestream stretchgoal items and 2018 Winter items.
RELEASE 61, December 13, 2018
- Story: Have you been naughty or nice? The Krampus doesn’t care! He and his captured minions will eat you either way!
- Performance: Performance work will mainly focus on improving frame rate and reducing hitching during gameplay. Work will also continue to be done on load time reduction on the few outstanding scenes that are not meeting our 15-second load time target.
- Bug Fixing: Time will be allocated to a general sweep through all systems, features, and content to reduce overall bug counts.
- Crafting & Economy: Back slot items (cloaks, wings, backpacks, etc.) will now be able to have stats, enchantments, and masterworks associated with them. We will also continue expansions to the fishing system. Additionally we will continue systemic and game-wide upgrades to the quality and quantity of loot.
- Player Made Dungeons: More features and content will be added to the Player Made Dungeon System.
- Player Towns & Player Housing: Updates to Dynamic Player-Owned Towns (POTs) that have locked submission forms will appear in the game.
- Livestream and Seasonal Content: We will add recent livestream stretchgoal items and more 2018 Winter items.
We continue to be incredibly thankful for the support we receive from this amazing community. While the financial support you provide makes all of this possible, it pales in comparison with the faith you have in us, the feedback you provide us, and the content you are making for everyone to enjoy. We are humbly grateful, and we are always excited to see you each month in New Britannia!
And remember Q4 is just a warmup for 2019 which will be an amazing year for Shroud of the Avatar players! Crafting specializations (choose your effects!), Grandmaster Craftsman only effects, more loot improvements, more expansions to the fishing system, better boss fights and more! 2019 will of course culminate with Episode 2 which will have a new story, new lands, a revamp of the Quest and Journal system, a Theater System, Treasure Hunting with treasure maps that show up as loot, Item Affinity, Taming system expansions, Customizable NPCs, and expanded permissions for containers and doors!
Starr Long
Executive Producer
Shroud of the Avatar
Signed Boxed Edition (limited time)For those of you who missed the opportunity to purchase the Collector’s Boxed Edition of Shroud of the Avatar during the Kickstarter (expired on January 4, 2016) you will be able to purchase the retail Boxed Edition from Amazon very soon. We are excited to announce that for a limited time we are also offering a signed version of the retail Boxed Edition (see above) for purchase directly from our website! This edition includes:
- Game Box signed by Lord British*
- Game Manual
- DVD in case
- Runic Translation Card
- Ankh Trinket
- Cloth Map
Digital Items:
- Digital Download of Shroud of the Avatar, Episode 1 (Full Game Access)
- 30 Bank Slots to store your gear
- 1 Gold Crown
- Pick 1 Obsidian Potion
- Digital Download of Shroud of the Avatar, Episode 2 (Full Game Access when released)
- Exclusive Title: Visionary
- Exclusive Emote (exact emote to be created at a future date)
- Early access to Episode 2 content as it is released
*NOTE: The exterior of the Game Box is the only item that will be signed by Lord British.
UO 20th Anniversary GDC Postmortem (video)
Earlier this year Starr “Darkstarr/Blackthorn” Long and Richard “Lord British” Garriott joined Raph “Designer Dragon” Koster and Rich “Dupre” Vogel at the annual Game Developer’s Conference to give the Ultima Online 20th Anniversary Postmortem. This week GDC was kind enough to post the talk to the free section of their vault on the 21st anniversary! Check out Starr Long, Raph Koster, Richard Garriott, and Richard Vogel sharing our the beginnings of the online gaming industry.
Player Made Books Livestream (YouTube)
Last week we had a wonderful livestream about Player Made Books with Joaquin “Wizardsmoke” Del Canto and Scott “Scottie” Jones. They showed us how to make and publish a player made book as well as how to make copies of it using the Printing Press. They also showed off other player customized writing items and uses for them like notes with mail, Bulletin Boards with Flyers, and more!
In case you missed it you can now view it on YouTube
Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program
The Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program lets you earn the best rate on purchasing Gold Crowns, AND receive rare stretch-goal items from our monthly livestreams! This program automatically enrolls you in the monthly livestreams (counts as the $5 minimum purchase) along with other perks.
For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:
- 9 Gold Crowns of the Obsidians every month
- Automatic Participation in the Monthly Livestream Stretchgoals (counts as the $5 minimum purchase)
- Exclusive Title every 3 months
- 3 Months: Keeper of the Faith
- 6 Months: Keeper of the Word
- 9 Months: Keeper of the Vow
- 12 Months: Keeper of the Flame
- Pick any Dye Pack every 6 months
- Pick any three of the 7 Obsidian Potions every month, including:
- Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
- Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
- Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
- Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
- Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
- Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
In Release 58 we added nine new weapons to the Add On Store including a new Scythe that will recur each Halloween and a Royal Elven Longbow. To celebrate all weapons and weapon pattern packs are on sale this weekend!
- Kobold Heavy Kite Shield
- Kobold Heavy Kite Shield Pattern Pack
- Kobold Ranseur Spear
- Kobold Ranseur Spear Pattern Pack
- Ornate Oracle Hammer
- Ornate Oracle Hammer Pattern Pack
- Ornate Scythe (Spooky Recurring)
- Ornate Scythe Pattern Pack (Spooky Recurring)
- Ornate Viking Maul
- Ornate Viking Maul Pattern Pack
- Royal Elven Longbow
- Royal Elven Longbow Pattern Pack
- Royal Elven Mage Staff
- Royal Elven Mage Staff Pattern Pack
- Royal Heavy Elven Shield
- Royal Heavy Elven Shield Pattern Pack
- Royal Elven Spear
- Royal Elven Spear Pattern Pack
- Dark Elven Kinsman Buckler
- Dark Elven Kinsman Buckler Pattern Pack
- Heraldry Rectangle Shield Eternal Pattern
- Moustache Shield – Movember Charity (digital)
- Moustache Shield Pattern Pack – Movember Charity (digital)
- Ornate Basket Hilt Sword (digital)
- Ornate Basket Hilt Sword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Bastard Sword (digital)
- Ornate Bastard Sword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Chainsword (digital)
- Ornate Chainsword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Dagger (digital)
- Ornate Dagger Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Elven Longbow
- Ornate Elven Longbow Pattern Pack
- Ornate Elven Longsword
- Ornate Elven Longsword Pattern Pack
- Ornate Elven Mage Staff (digital)
- Ornate Elven Mage Staff Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Glaive (digital)
- Ornate Glaive Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Katana
- Ornate Katana Pattern Pack
- Ornate Norgard Axe
- Ornate Norgard Axe Pattern Pack
- Ornate Satyr Bardiche (digital)
- Ornate Satyr Bardiche Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Shogun Bow
- Ornate Shogun Bow Pattern Pack
- Ornate Viking Short Sword (digital)
- Ornate Viking Short Sword Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Vile Halberd (digital)
- Ornate Vile Halberd Pattern Pack (digital)
- Ornate Vile Mace
- Ornate Vile Mace Pattern Pack
- Pink Electric Sword – Breast Cancer Charity
- Pink Electric Sword Pattern Pack – Breast Cancer Charity
- Viking Brynhildr Shield
- Viking Brynhildr Shield Pattern Pack
- Viking Guor Shield
- Viking Guor Shield Pattern Pack
- Viking Tyr Shield
- Viking Tyr Shield Pattern Pack
Follow the links to learn more about each item. Also, you’ll want to explore the game in detail for there are many more craftable items available!
Upcoming Events Calendar
Sept 27, 2018 – Release 58
Sept 28, 2018 – Weekly Livestream: Taming
Oct 1, 2018 – Release 58 Dance Party
Oct 4 (Thur), 2018 – Release 58 Livestream
Oct 11-13, 2018 – SOTACON Austin 2018
Oct 25, 2018 – Release 59
Nov 2, 2018 – Release 59 Livestream
Nov 15, 2018 – Release 60
Nov 30, 2018 – Release 60 Livestream
Dec 13, 2018 – Release 61
Dec 21 or Jan 4, 2018 – Release 61 Livestream
Visit the official Community Calendar to see the great lineup of activities our amazing community has planned for this weekend! And be sure to check out this month’s Release Events thread in the SotA forums for additional events.
Community Event: Release 58 Dance Party
[Forum post by Alleine Dragonfyre]
Join us this Monday at 3:00 PM CDT in Immortal City for the Release 58 Dance Party as DJ Darkstarr spins tunes on Avatars Radio!
If you missed the R57 Dance Party DJ Darkstarr posted this to the Avatars Radio thread in the forums:
Here is the set list for the Release 57 Dance party. Thank you so much to Grumpy Krabnevir for hosting! Thank you to Amber Raine of Avatar’s Radio for having me DJ!
This set includes a song I discovered during the Alamo Drafthouse preshow ( for Mission Impossible Fallout. They played this amazing video for a song called Soul Train that had amazing animation and such a groovy sound that I knew I had to use it in my next gig. Plus Debbie Harry does some vocals in it!
Here’s a link to the playlist on Spotify, minus the mashups (in italics). If you want the mashups go to
- David Byrne: Dance On Vaseline
- Thievery Corporation Feat. Seu Jorge: Hare Krishna
- YACHT: Tripped and Fell In Love
- M83: Laser Gun (feat. Mai Lan)
- MSTRKRFT: She’s Good for Business
- LCD Soundsystem: Home
- Brazilian Girls: Balla Balla
- Ibibio Sound Machine: Give Me a Reason
- David Bowie: Modern Love
- A Certain Ratio: Dirty Boy (feat. Barry Adamson) [Single Edit]
- Jungle: Heavy, California
- Scissor Sisters: Comfortably Numb
- Earth Wind & Fire: Boogie Wonderland
- Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams: Lose Yourself to Dance
- Bee Gees: You Should Be Dancing
- Michael Jackson: Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough
- The Dramatics: Get Up And Get Down
- K.C. & The Sunshine Band: Get Down Tonight
- Rick James: Super Freak
- Prince: Kiss
- Mark Ronson: Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars)
- Just Loud: Soul Train (Feat. Debbie Harry of Blondie)
- The Heavy: How You Like Me Now
- M.I.A.: Bad Girls
- The Ting Tings: That’s Not My Name
- Emily: Blue Microscope
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Sacrilege
- Ghostland Observatory: Freeheart Lover
- LCD Soundsystem: Tribulations
- Digitalism: Pogo
- BONES (UK): I’m Afraid of Americans
- My Brightest Diamond: Champagne FR
- Ghostland Observatory: Sad Sad City
- Lobsterdust: It’s Fun To Smoke Dust (Queen vs. Pastor Gary Greenwald vs. Midfield General)
- BilljDJ: Adventure Of Me A 1999 Let’s Alive (Coldplay vs. Roxette vs. Muse vs. Katy Perry vs. Eiffel 65 vs. Usher vs. Prince vs. MØ vs. Bee Gees vs. David Bowie)
- DJ Axel: Real Back Poppin’ (Cheryl Lynn vs. Fat Joe & Nelly)
- Earworm: Funky Goes To Hollywood (Wild Cherry vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood)
- DJ Riko: P-Funk Is Playing At My House (LCD Soundsystem vs. Gerald A. vs. Katie Enlow)
- Rhythm Scholar: Any Way You Want It (Syntax Error Remix) (Journey vs. Rhythm Scholar)
- DJs From Mars: Show Me In The Deep (Adele vs. Robin S.)
- Titus Jones: We Love Hustlin’ Drugs (Weezer vs. Rick Ross vs. Ke$ha vs. Katy Perry vs. Afroman)
- DJ Schmolli: Only Imagine This City (Starship vs. David Guetta)
- Robin Skouteris: Rhythm Is A Mashup (Snap! vs. Spice Girls vs. David Bowie vs. C&C Music Factory & more)
- MashMike: Pump Up The Party Rock (LMFAO vs. Pink vs. Kraze vs. Danzel vs. C&C Music Factory vs. Salt-N-Pepa vs. Diddy Dirty Money)
Community Event: The Serpent’s Watch Race Challenge!
All ye Kings and Queens, Knights and Nobles,
Citizens and Peasants.Wake Up New Britannia is proud to present the Serpent’s Watch Race Challenge!
This Saturday morning 29th September, Wake Up New Britannia will broadcast live from the Serpent’s Watch racetrack from 7am Central Time. Why not join the morning crew track-side for all the thrills, spills and prizes that will be happening on the day!
Tune into Radio Free Britannia on your in-game Aether Radios or
visit http://wrfb.rocksEvent particulars:
Racers will be timed at completing the course and prizes will be awarded as follows
Fastest Time: Magic Mirror Dungeon Entrance plus 75 Point Dungeon
Second Fastest Time: Ancient Tome Dungeon Entrance plus 50 Point Dungeon
This is an ALL IN event! Competitors start as a group and the first across the line wins
To read more info and to see picture of the area, please visit:
Community Event: Dance Along the River
[Forum post by Sher Shadowleaf]
Meretz: Win a Gothic Village Inn
Win a Gothic Village Inn & earn free SotA in-game items daily!
Whether you move a little or a lot, as a Meretz user you rack up valuable Meretz Points (MPs).
The more MPs you have, the more stuff you can buy!
Think: in-game SotA goodies, Sweepstakes entries, Relics by Rild giveaways, and tons more.
With Meretz, we launch several sweepstakes every month.
This month, we’re giving away a Gothic Village Inn – valued at $100!
You can also enter to win a Relics By Rild $50 Gift Card, SOTACON Austin 2018 tickets, and other cool prizes.
AND, use your MPs every day for in-game items like potions and emotes.
What’re you waiting for? Download Meretz TODAY!
Meretz: Win a Pair of SOTACON 2018 Tickets!
SOTACON Austin 2018 is giving away a pair of tickets and t-shirts to SOTACON Austin 2018!
Enter daily to win! To enter, get the Meretz App:
Or watch Lunch with Laz & Jack Daily for additional entries, as well a chance to win a weekly prize of a Custom SOTACON t-shirt!
Project to Support – Through the Moongate Kickstarter
“Through the Moongate: Richard Garriott, Origin, and Ultima” a book by Andrea Contato.
Richard Garriott, Origin Systems, and the legendary CRPG series Ultima are central to the history of video games. This is their story.
If you have played a computer role-playing game (CRPG), chances are Ultima played a part in its inspiration. Created by visionary Richard Garriott, and produced by his company Origin Systems, Inc., Ultima is one of the most important and influential CRPG series in the world. Through the Moongate illuminates the path of the Ultima games’ history and the creative people behind this landmark series. It also covers some of Origin’s other games, especially Wing Commander, and touches on several contemporary titles. Many of these tales have never before been told.
Project to Support: King’s Dinner at SOTACON
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Announcing a Spectacular Event to
Dine with Lord British and Darkstarr
King’s Dinner 2018 Web Page
October 12, 2018 at 5-8 PM CDT
Tickets on sale through October 8, 2018
Purchase Cloaks, Tickets, and Sponsorships Here
Anyone may attend!
Anyone may buy exclusive cloaks or be a sponsor!
Developers, past developers, family,
players, new players, and guests are all welcome!
Friends of Ultima, Ultima Online, Shroud of the Avatar and more!
Come dine with us!
SOTACON tickets are not required to attend this dinner.
See SOTACON Schedule
This dinner is not included in the SOTACON – Austin 2018 Ticket
except for SOTACON VIPs
Buy your tickets early before the seats fill up!
Richard Garriott “Lord British” and Starr Long “Darkstarr”
at a medieval-themed all-you-can-eat BBQ dinner
Special Guests
David Watson “Iolo”
Scottie Jones “Lord Nimrond Ionescu”
Stephen Daniele
King’s Dinner Web Page
Guest List | Sponsor List
County Line on the Lake Restaurant
5204 FM 2222, Austin, Texas
Can’t attend? See Sponsorship ideas farther down
Purchase Cloaks, Tickets, and Sponsorships Here
All Attendees and Sponsors get Exclusive Coins and Cloaks
Cloaks also sold separately!
All funds help reduce dinner ticket prices & add SWAG, gifts, and entertainment
Sponsor at the Baron level to get your name in the Program, we mail the Coin to you anywhere in the world, and deliver the Cloak in game. Your contribution goes to shipping costs and supporting the event.
Purchase Cloaks, Tickets, and Sponsorships Here
Hosted by Winfield of PaxLair
Winfield Gatherings
SPECIAL NOTICE: After Dinner on October 12, many of us (including Lord British) will drive 8 minutes to Richard Garriott’s Curtain Theater to see the Baron’s Men Theatrical Production of Shakespearean “Henry IV Part 1”. Ticket box office opens at 7:00 PM, Theater opens at 7:30 PM, Play starts at 8:00 PM. Get tickets ahead of time or at the box office there. Continue a Grand Evening with us!

Scene from “Dead of Winter” (October 13, 2017)
Featuring our friend Scottie Jones (audience left in the chair)
Resources – Players Helping Players
The official SotA New Player Welcome Forum and the Player Created Resources Forum have the best player created resources for Shroud of the Avatar, whether it’s a Player Written Guide, a Video Walk-through, or a Wiki-type Website.
Visit the official Community Resources page for a complete listing of all things community.
Absolutely awesome!! Best game with the most variety I have ever seen in a game. The possibilities are endless!