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R48 Postmortem Missed Questions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DarkStarr, Dec 12, 2017.

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  1. DarkStarr

    DarkStarr Executive Producer SOTA Developer

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    Here are the questions that we did not have time to get to during the R48 Postmortem. I tried my best to answer these (with help from the rest of the team) but some we just don't have details yet to provide. I probably won't have time to do any follow ups to these. The community did a great job assisting us this telethon to make sure we didn’t miss a single question.

    Sorry for the extreme delay (yet again) on getting these answered but since the end of year releases are mid-month time is super compressed. Thank you for your patience!

    Please note I deleted a bunch of duplicated questions and also deleted any questions that we answered with the Q4 post or with the release of R48. Also note that we are generally going to stop answering questions about "when?" as those are answered by our quarterly schedule posts and any other answers are going to be either "No ETA" or "soon" or "will update with the next quarterly post".

    A final thought: we see a LOT of repeat questions and requests. Please consider reading one of the other missed question posts, watching one of the previous post mortems, reading one of the post mortem transcripts, and/or reading our Post Episode 1 plan post before posting a question. Your question might have already been answered.

    Mugly Wumple: Do you have any “Top Priorities” post launch?
    Definitely. A big one for me is to make sure all game systems we have started are fully fleshed out. For example we really want to include weather and fertilizer in agriculture. Another example is to really make the rent system viable. Right now one of the biggest issues is connecting landlords to potential tenants, especially if the landlord is offline when the potential tenant is online.

    Rosemourne: After a telethon would it be possible to have the funds between a reached stretch goal and an unachieved stretch goal go into a persistent pot that could unlock previously unachieved stretch goals? (This could also help maintain motivation when a stretch goal seems unlikely)
    Well we intentionally put the most aspirational goals at the top of the list to drive excitement so it would not make sense to make the biggest most aspirational goal more easily achievable with previous funds. If we did that then there would be less reason for folks to be excited in the next telethon.

    Oplek: Will the deed raffle continue when Portalarium “goes dark”?
    Stay tuned for our Q1 schedule announcement for more details.

    Oplek: Is there an upper limit to how many deeds will be handled out?
    Yes but we are not yet getting close to that limit.

    Oplek: Do you have any plans to limit how many times an individual can win deeds, from raffle to raffle?
    Not at this time

    Cordelayne: Are filled bookshelves as storage, an option for the add-on store/crafting?
    We have discussed it but Richard does not like the immersion breaking of this.

    SmokerKGB: Do you devs have the ability to “Mirror” a player’s client? Meaning, can you see through their eyes as they play…
    Not at this time but we plan to add this.

    Hunter Rose: Can we set a default On-line mode that no matter what mode we are playing, when we exit a zone we would switch to that mode?
    Interesting suggestion. We will consider

    Merrik: with the changes over the past several releases, how does damage and to hit work? (adv level vs skill level)
    Atos: Nothing has changed in the normal attack math recently. Critical hit math got some love but mostly just to make it so the min and max damage can be modified by effects or gear. Adventurer level only matters when fighting PVE stuff that is more than 40 levels higher than the player and then it just decreases base hit chance by 1% per 2 levels beyond 40.

    Vallo Frostbane: Could you maybe give us more details on PVP features that are planned? e.g. Will Castle sieges be in actual self built guild Castles or conquered castles on the map?
    These will be contested places on the map, a variant of our control point mechanic.

    Vallo Frostbane: Any chance that we can get a faction system in place so players can act towards other players according to their alignment (evil vs good or mage guild, warriors guild, thieves guild etc.)? Could we implement a Justice system, so that even if you are PVP flagged there are alignments or good or evil and you are not instantly the enemy of everyone “Good” and that it has consequences like guards attacking you, NPCs refuse trade etc.
    We have plans for a faction like system for Episode 2 or sooner though not exactly as you describe here or in your forum post.

    Stryker Sparhaw: Are we still going with similar weapon classes for offhand attacks, or a plan to have them eventually be allowed to be mixed (sword/blunt, blunt/piercing)?
    Same weapon types is still the plan. While we have considered allowing mixed we worry that it would drive EVERYONE to adopt this style as it could easily become overpowered and further undermine specialization.

    Stryker Sparhaw:Would you consider steins/drinking horns to be improvised blunt weapons or bucklers?
    Ha! That is hilarious. Maybe?

    Tedio: Will you remove the autoattack on autotargets (or make an option for it)? This is very annoying and messes with the combat. (Only want autoattack on the targets I targeted)
    Atos: I don’t believe we want to continue to support the near infinite variety of options that players continue to ask for. This one for instance, would turn into multiple more options. For instance, as soon as we add this we will get a request to not auto-attack most stuff but do auto-attack when I’m directly attacked. As we near launch, we need to focus on fewer options and making the default be what most people expect.

    Kron Caledon: Do any of the new artifacts drop from existing bosses such as Torc’Dawl, Phoenix, Daemon, etc.?
    Atos: Yes! Some of the new items were added back to the loot bundles for existing boss types. Also, most can be found in loot bundles.

    3devious: This is for Chris: I am building Caska to use polearm weapons with many skills from the earth tree for strength and defense. How much more inefficient is it in comparison with your suggested build of polearms with water?
    Atos: Define efficient? I think Earth magic is a fine match for polearms. Bludgeon tends to have slightly higher bonuses from strength but just a hair higher. Earth for roots to take advantage of the reach of polearms feels like a great fit as well. The connection between trees and weapon types is fairly loose so this should be a good match.

    Baron Drocis: Can you please consider making the time to stack using the HEAT system much longer? Also, can you please consider requiring decks using the HEAT system to have the amount of glyphs in the deck to stack?
    Atos: Still evaluating heat system casting times. I think the bigger challenge for me to tackle is standardizing and balancing the normal casting time of all spells and skills.As for the number of glyphs part, it already works this way.

    Echondas: Since the stacking change for Death Shield, Douse, etc – as a compromise, could stacking said spells increase duration – not power – to provide some usefulness/incentive for stacking?
    Atos: Yes, I’ve actually been planning on making that change but just have been too focused on performance.

    Echondas: Any chance the “escape” skill can get some love? It’s not very effective at removing hate, even with charging it to 5, when I use it during guild boss fights (dragon, phoenix, etc..)
    Atos: There is actually a bug with how this is applied that I need to address. The “hate” is divided into multiple categories and can’t go below 0. This is only removing hate from one category. This will get some love before live.

    Hroth: Spoiler question?? - Is it true the two features of the Assassin’s Blade is extra charge (like the extra charge in a Crossbow of Accuracy?) and +50% (instead of +25%) poison effectiveness for a sword?
    Atos: Spoiler answer: Yes, and yes!

    Hroth: What are all the hidden features of the Hammer of Breaking?
    Atos: Currently, they are hidden and I’m not revealing!

    Hroth: What are all the hidden features of the 2H Mace of Unsummoning?
    Atos: I think players figured this one out already so I’ll share. It does double damage against elementals.

    Hornpipe: What’s the average proportion of pvp flagged players in the game?
    Atos: PVP flagged players make up around 10% of the active players but this is skewed by lots of low level players who are flagged. Higher level someone is, more likely they flag.

    Hornpipe: What is the average level of the players who really fight other players?
    Atos: I don’t currently have an easy way to tell this but from a quick search, it looks like the majority of people PVPing are 70+

    AthenaBorune: Are there any plans for any type of parsing meters in the future? (preview DPS effects by hot-swapping inventory).
    Atos: Absolutely but likely this will come from players, not us, once we open up scripting options to players.

    KnownInGameAsGeorge: During combat deep dive please explain in detail how on hit spells enchanted on weapons are calculated, what level does it activate with, how does my skill impact the math and what happens when I activate spells I do not have unlocked?
    Atos: This is far too complicated to address in a small post but I’ll try to discuss it in a future deep dive or tech talk.

    Nick: Will you consider a PVP online mode. Where PVP players selecting this mode will match make with other PVP players and never see PVE players.
    Highly unlikely

    Nick: Are boss mobs like dragons primarily designed for group, and not supposedly to be solo-ed. A yes or no answer will suffice.
    Yes they are intended for groups.

    Stevvcash: Has anyone grandmastered night vision? Does it look less green/more like day time.
    Atos: Yes, several have GM’d it and no, it does not look more green. Higher skill primarily impacts the duration per cast.

    Jack Knyfe: May we please have a charge UI element for jumping, similar to the charge bar for combat?
    We can consider it but not a high priority versus other UI polish issues.

    Baron Drocis: Can you please consider making the benefits from high attunement lower the heavier armor you’re wearing? This would help balance both PVE and PVP so that being a “tank mage” is not the best way to play the game.
    Atos: I continue make changes to discourage the full plate mage casters but I don’t think this is the answer. Expect a change soon on how dominant armor types are determined. In other words, no more chain chest, cloth everything else casters once I change it.

    Echondas: How about having potion usage be faster/better if the player has an empty hand, and adding animation of swigging the potion then throwing away the empty bottle?
    We are changing the anim in R49 to show you throwing the empty bottle down

    Bastianbu: Can we get numbers on the Salvaging of T3 Components? (% chance with gm skill lvl)
    Atos: I don’t know if Bzus wants us giving that info out just yet as more tweaks might be coming. Ask again as we get closer to launch!

    Bastianbu: Is there any intent to implement more tameable pet Variety?

    Bastianbu: UI Suggestion: In addition to tell us what the skill does in20 lvls please also show us what the skill does on the next lvl

    Sean Silverfoot: Who has the most rabbit carcasses in storage!! And/or who killed the most, and can they be given the title “Wabbit Sway-ah!”?
    Atos: I try not to list player names unless they ask for them but I can tell you that the top 25 killers of rabbits all killed at least 100 rabbits in the past 30 days. The top player killed 460 rabbits in the past 30 days!

    Monkeysmack: Will armor/weapon preservation skills reduce the durability loss to artifacts?
    Atos: Yes.

    Kron Caledon: Is salvage chance affected by the main skill? Or just the salvage skill?
    Just the salvage skill

    PorkCereal: With the ability to have different sets of gear and costumes, it is possible to have a ‘gear bag’?
    We have discussed this before and we are considering it.

    Slegnor: Could a filter be added to the recipe book so only recipes you have all the components for in your backpack are shown? Material highlighting is already in for the recipe book, so can we take it one step further?

    Slegnor: Could recipes be highlighted on vendors/in inventory lists?

    Oremanger: Can we have a crafting recipe to frame all those maps we have for decoration?

    Baron Drocis: I know in the past Starr has said you don’t like the idea of being a good blacksmith making you stronger. But what about being stronger making you a better blacksmith?
    Hmm. Unlikely

    DamightyEwok: In the future, can we have a window under the skills page that can show something like “All skills:training” “All Skills:Maintaining”. A window like this could lead to a template training window to help with getting skills up.

    Nietzsche: can we use alchemy to transmute metal scrap into Gold and Silver scrap by using the crafting table and reagents? Cold solve some of the overpriced ore issues…

    Ancev: Are there ‘critical success’ enchantment and masterwork options in the crafting system?
    Not currently but love the idea and hope to add it in

    Hornpipe: Any chance to see limited time licences for mining in civilized and guarded mines?
    Maybe eventually but we would definitely have to make sure it was rock solid to guard against exploits.

    Dominor666: Will we ever have the ability to place something for sale on a vendor that will be seen on a game wide Auctioneer?
    Not in the current plans but we do plan to improve the ability to find vendors and view inventories remotely

    Spungwa: Can you make it so vendors can change prices. Having to unlist items and lose commission just to change with market prices, makes commissioned vendors next to worthless.
    Yes or make this a separate but smaller fee. We have a whole suite of improvements planned for vendors post launch including better vendor controls and customization.

    Aartemis: Can you please add the Bundles to the respected COTO Vendors in the game? Maybe at least to the Row and Village level?
    Is the request to add the entire bundle as a mega purchase vs. selling all the individual items? We can consider it.

    Rosemourne: Similar to how an ornate moondial changes the sky, could new items be made that change the sky to a unique theme to give POTs additional ambiance during the holidays or seasons? Such as Northern Lights in the sky when used for Christmas POT.
    We can consider

    Rosemourne: Does Novia use the Imperial or Metric system?
    Atos: Metric and imperial. I believe all distance measurements are in meters but our weight is closest to pounds

    Vladamir Begemot: Please, for the love of all that is Virtuous, bump the “Take All from my storage and weep as I put it in my inventory” button refactor up to highest of the high priority.

    Rinaldi: can we please make it so we can also loot by clicking on the corpse name (the location of which is completely obvious)? Alternatively, could we have a /loot command to loot the nearest corpse?
    Interesting suggestions although the latter would run the danger of being scriptable and therefore bottable.

    Ajumma: Could we have a “buyback” option from the vendors please of the last things you sold, selling the wrong thing is painful and we all make mistakes

    Ajumma: Discord integration, could we have a tick box remember our username and password please? and auto log us in if the box is ticked?
    Yes but that will require the full discord API and devkit which they have not provided at this time. Sadly they have also recently changed their auth method so even the interim integration we had is no longer working. :(

    Curt: can we get a progress bar on the website showing how “this scene is still under construction” goes?

    Curt: When buying from a vendor, could we have recipes you can learn show in a different colour?

    Kabalyero: Why can’t Avatars crouch and move while crouching? o_O
    Because of repeated use of lunar rift’s effects on the hamstring

    Barugon: Can you please add an on-screen indication (like perhaps an icon) to show when we’re in decoration mode?
    Don't we currently show the bar with your deco limits when you are decorating on your lot?

    Spungwa: Can the linked equipment on a deck be on a slot by slot basis. So for example I can link just the weapon and it will keep my current armour. Have to have 2 decks at the moment, one with grinding armour and one with good armour.
    We can consider

    Kabalyero: Can you guys add a Sent Confirmation message or mail when using the in-game mail system? Right now, it’s very easy for a recipient to deny receiving anything in the mail. Thank you.

    Archer: Would you make the bank inventory list default to Local only. I can’t imagine looking for items across all banks is that common.

    Ancev: How about the ability to double click the compass and it brings up the map with all of the points of interest/available quests displayed?

    Moon Wyrdclaw: Can we get the ability to recall or teleport while seated?

    Vothric Vileheart: Currently buffs and their durations are displayed under your Health/Focus bars. Any chance of allowing us to move these small icons to other areas in our UI, or even resize them(make them larger)

    Raven Swiftbow: Cats in the game have some great animations already. One animation that they do not have is the ‘curled up sleeping’ animation. Wouldn’t it be nice to come home and find the cat curled up in front of the fireplace?
    That would be nice

    Kabalyero: We had the Leather Flame Armor as a reward in a previous telethon but we missed getting the Plate Flame Armor. Can you guys add the Plate Flame Armor in the Add-On store?
    We can consider

    Paulie Walnuts: Would you consider creating a baby reaper pet for spring or sometime in the future?

    Moon Wyrdclaw: Can the puke emote(s) get the added effect of removing the last food effect?

    Infernal: Can you add tree house homes based on the epic trees?

    Sean Silverfoot: Is there still a plan for Underground POTs to be connected to the underground travel paths?

    Sean Silverfoot: Are all player owned towns now in game? If not how many more need to be done.
    Most are done. We won’t give exact number due to confidentiality.

    Warrior B’Patrick: Can fishing poles be placed on weapon racks or leaned against a fence or wall? I have a Water lot setup as a fishing spot.
    All tools should be placeable as decorations. If you encounter any tools not placeable as decorations please report as a bug.

    Warrior B’Patrick: I would like to suggest a houseboat as a home. Not a pirate, viking or obsidian water home, or other regular water home but a pontoon type fishing boat as a house?

    Warrior B’Patrick: I would like to suggest a user place-able fishing spot…
    Unlikely. We do have plans to add resources to town scenes that scale based on the number of claimed lots (more claimed lots = less resources).

    Doctorface: Why are shoguns the only ones who have craftable housing as far as factions go?
    No reason

    Ajumma: Could we have some water deco? like water lilies for decoration and tall reeds as a hedge that can go around a water deed.

    Ajumma: Could water deeds have a uniform size bit of land that could accommodate say a stage so we have a basic minimal amount of land we know we can use?
    Water lots already have a strip of land. We cannot make it bigger.

    Alleine Dragonfyre: Can we make it so that greenhouses are considered indoors for lighting?

    AthenaBorune: can we get some elf statues?

    Brass Knuckles: will nested POTs have the ability to gain overworld access when you allow new pots to be sold?
    Yes but only on the new landmass

    Infernal: Can the mages who sell passage in control points be placed on the world map?
    Interesting suggestion

    Infernal: who has visited the most town crier to collect their 100 gold?
    Atos: It looks like several players have done all of them and yes, we should have a new title for people who do them all!

    Alarion: Just finished the “Betty” chicken quest. The reward is a mounted timber wolf. Can that be made more unique, possible calling it ” An Alpha Wolf Trophy” or some such.
    We are polishing the wolf (and other animals in Q1) so we can consider this as part of this.

    Womby: Can we please have a pop-up text box appear when we click on the skull pole at a scene entrance, giving some background lore and context for the scene? Maybe hint at things to discover. This would make exploration more interesting.
    Cool idea

    Gregg247: Could Vauban Pass have an “alternate” route that, much like Eastreach Gap, is still difficult, but more of a straight-forward run-through, so lower level players have a fighting chance to make it?
    There are paths over the hills

    Gregg247: Much of the game is balanced in a way that tries to be fair to both “casual” players and “high-end” players. Could you share with us the percent of players who have Adventure Levels of 1-40, 41-80, and 81+ (or at least some general ranges)?
    Atos: The vast majority of players are in the 1-40 range largely due to the free trial players. There around just over 6000 players who are level 40+ and just over 2000 players level 80+

    Ancev: Could we get a duplicate mining section of the lower area of serpent spine mines, but this area would be connected to The Fall dungeon?
    Hmm. We can consider but lower priority than the uncloning of other scenes

    Arturius Magnus: Could we use Fyndoros Tablet of Finding to actually find something?

    Skeggy media: could you at some time in the future give us tailoring dummies to display in our properties all of the great armor sets and our own creations?

    Sway: For the pirate bundle can we get a held in off hand dagger that makes your hand a hook?
    Cool idea

    Warrior B’Patrick: As far as linking a nested POT there are boats, wagons, and balloons. I would like to propose a link that is like a building or sewer entrance. That way I could have a POT and a nested holdfast with an underground template.
    We do have that already

    Daxxe Diggler: Do stats on an off-hand weapon get applied only when using the off-hand attack skill, or do they also get applied to your main hand weapon attacks?
    Atos: Currently, they only apply their damage when used with the offhand skill but they always give their stat bonuses and also a bonus to the amount of damage that can be parried.

    Daxxe Diggler: Are there any rules to stacking stats from gear (will the same stat on multiple pieces all get applied additively, multiplicatively, or just using the highest one by itself?)
    Atos: They should all be additive.

    Christjwhite: Can we get the Task List in a movable pinnable window like the chat box and other boxes?

    Disynethic: Is it possible to put new, ultra rare materials next to bosses that spawn is limited amounts, and exhibit tier 3 properties?

    Disynethic: Is there any intention to go over masterworks and make some of the less-desirable ones become either much more desirable or replaced with better options?
    Yes, like we are doing with Riposte in R49

    Stryker Sparhawk: Traps Traps Traps... is there to be a way to disarm these traps traps traps?

    JPower: Can we hope to see in the game a new skill like the "Incognito - Kal In Ex" of Ultima Online?

    JPower: Can healing modifier be applied to all kind of healing?
    Atos: Not quite clear on what “healing modifer” is referring to. If this is the no harm bonus you get from being being peaceful, I think I intentionally tied that only to life magic

    Boedy Arc: Players have found all Artefacts that ingame or how much are Missing?
    Atos: At least one of every artifact has been found but I plan on adding many more prior to launch.

    Boedy Arc: can we get on website account oversight....ADD-ONs Newest on top instead at last down? Need already some minutes to scroll down to show what i bought last.
    Yes we can look at this

    Elas: what is the new +1 stat on the new artifact wands actually do?
    Atos: I probably should just hide those stats so their effect is mysterious. There are several stats that were added and each has different abilities. For instance, the boost on the air want makes lightning spells hit 1 extra target.

    Daxxe Diggler: I received an email from Seedinvest today showing some "quick stats" about the investment. Can DS or Richard comment / explain that a bit please?
    Most of the key points in there have been covered in much greater detail by us in our weekly updates like our partnerships with Travian and the Neverdie tokens. Monthly revenue is what we expected leading up to launch and our partnership with Travian is going great!

    Lightiger: can we Rez other players that are not in party, to promote helping others out??
    Atos: Probably not but we can re-evaluate it. There are issues with griefing and also with PVP with random strangers casting res on players. We can evaluate post live but I think for now it will be staying as it is.

    Angel Mhor: can we make raising our rez skill worth while. Suggestions: Higher level rez reduces the death xp penalty, or raises the character with more XP when they come back to life.
    Chris: Agree, right now there is not a very good reason to raise your res skill. I think there are balance issues with having it further reduce the XP loss. My plan had been to increase the base cast time and then have level decrease cast and recast times and range.

    Ravnos FelRidden: FPS is increasing in r49, BUT, what improvements will specifically address the amount of "outdoor/loaded" deco items in both NPC towns and POTs? Thanks!
    Atos: We have a number of changes this release to improve deco loading. Primary boost coming from switching from text to binary serialization but a number of other changes as well. For R49 we won’t have any run time performance improvements for the decos but in R50 we hope to make the switch to Unity 2017.3 (vs 2017.2 now) which unblocks us on some optimization options that should help with decos.

    Istyrl Miroa: could pavers not considered in the number of items that we can stack?, when building, the second floor cannot be used to place items if we use a paver on the ground (we don’t want building laying on the grass…) example: paver/column/blocs/columns/blocs/no objects
    We will consider

    Istyrl Miroa: could we get more deco items such as statues linked to chaos (daemon statue)? could we get an air elem statue?
    Yes to both

    Rennik: has any more thought been given regarding protecting player written books from being copied by anytime other than the original author?

    Echondas: Can we get a humane society / animal charity?
    Yes. Nature Conservancy / WWF is probably going to be our next charity

    Bankee: will we get more cool plate mail armor designs?

    Bankee: Will we get 2 copies of the cloth map one with english and one with runic?
    No. Just Runic, as were all the cloth maps of the past.

    Dragon: Will Ranged Combat ever affect the damage of ranged combat skills instead of just auto attacks? What does ranged combat actually affect Base Bow damage or something else?
    Atos: Actually, all combat skills base their damage of the average of the base skill + skill used.

    Kelly O’Shay: I think it is time to make the music match the actions the avatar is performing. In other words, when just walking through town a locale appropriate music should be playing. Then, if you go overworld the music could change slightly based on where you are. Then if you enter a battle area with little conflict a tense or suggestive of danger tune should play, then if you are attacked the music should change to a frenzied upbeat scary or whatever matches the type of battle you are in genre.

    Widsith [MGT]: Can we get an add-on store ornate weapon and pattern for the bludgeons class? (There are none right now.) Some love for head bashers?

    Merrik Dragon: is there a package for streamers with SotA Overlays and such? and if not... can we get one?
    We don’t have one but we agree we need one.

    Solazur: is the currrent "lawnmower" PoT tool the final iteration we should expect?
    Nothing is ever “final” but that’s what it will be for a while

    Paulie Walnuts: Is it possible that we could get the nightmare horse statue changed to an onyx or black marble color?

    Tharizdun Baphomet: Could Melee summons deal a combination of physical damage and damage from their specific tree? For example, a Skeleton would deal physical/death damage.
    Atos: This would be very hard to calculate the resistance and apply armor correctly. There are times we set multiple damage types on physical attacks but that is generally just so we can check for immunity.

    Browncoat Jayson: why is there a focus on Tier 1 scenes now that completing the Outskirts maps basically puts players beyond them?
    Because even after the Outskirts many players are still not that good at playing and still need easy scenes.

    Browncoat Jayson: (for LB) Do you have certain events you have already scheduled (at least in your mind) to happen on a specific date in NB time? Episode launch, in-game events, etc?
    We have some in mind yes

    Browncoat Jayson: Would you guys consider Russian themed bundles (or a themed telethon)? Some great styles, and would go well with the Black Sun partnership

    Browncoat Jayson: Crafting really encompasses two different "games". The gathering, refining, and production side that Starr is talking about is "general crafting". That part requires you to gain xp in a skill, but there is no real failure there, just time and loss of fuels. However, then there is the enchanting and mastercrafting of gear, where you are playing roulette with the RNG, and when you fail you lose everything and have to go back to redo the "general crafting" game to try again. One of the ways we could "fix" this would be to not make gear explode on failure, but "use up" that slot for enchantment/masterworking, so it can't ever be used and play more like the rest of the crafting cycle. Why is crafting so destructive?
    Because without the destructiveness there would be a flood of items into the market.

    Browncoat Jayson: Can each masterwork/enchantment be tagged with the name of the player who added it? Can only show these (and the initial item crafter) when holding Ctrl, since it's so much detail.
    Interesting suggestion

    Browncoat Jayson: Could you please add a "White" Supply Bundle to the Outskirts (and other low level zones) that might drop common things (simple patterns, normal recipes, etc)? New players really need to know where certain item types can be found throughout the game.
    We will consider

    Browncoat Jayson: Can we add "simple" patterns, which would basically be patterns for the normal crafted armor? If I wanted to use Augmented Leather but make it look like Epic Leather, why can't we?
    We will consider

    Vladamir Begemont: Viola needs some of those rugs moved from the NPC vendor into her crafting recipes.
    We will be adding more rugs

    Vladamir Begemont: How do the developers handle inflation?
    Atos: Like any real economy, we actually want a little bit of inflation. We monitor total gold in the system, gold per player per hour per scene, drop rates of all items, mining rates, prices on vendors, and all sorts of other indicators. We can control drop rates and resource rates on the server if we were to ever see significant sudden inflation rates but we haven’t needed to do that in more than a year. We talked a bit about inflation during the video stream so might be worth going back and watching that section for more details!

    Vladamir Begemont: Do they have a rough idea of how mail will be redone? (particularly in reference to how it overflows merchants mailboxes and makes it unusable?)
    We do not have details at this time

    Sentinel: are we looking to add minigames such as dice or card games. Thinking of opening a casino in Novia

    Sharp Courage: Can there be a better system for poison? Maybe have the poison not start ticking down until the first strike of the weapon? Having it begin the countdown the moment it's applied isn't very user friendly.
    Atos: Poison is very powerful but not really intended for constant use or convenience. Something I have considered doing that might achieve your goal is making it so they have longer durations but each hit with it reduces it by a certain number of seconds.

    Gareth: With the addition of new map areas, will there be additional alphabets? I.E. Runic, Obsidian, etc.

    Jaan: when might be a good time to get feedback on the story in before release?

    Jaan: Any plans for more overworld-based activities?
    Yes we plan to add more roving encounters like merchants

    Jaan: Please give us a concrete example of an active "trade route"
    This is players gathering resources in one area and transporting it to another for purposes of creating finished goods.

    Jaan: Any plans for in-game cryptocurrency?
    Yes. See our announcements about our partnership with Neverdie

    Jaan: now that pots and scrolls are in the loot tables.. how does a novice alchemist fit into the economy?
    That is a good question and we are in the process of reducing the drop rates of those items.

    Veradey: What is the possibility of a "gear bag" a bag our wearables can stay in rather than be mixed with loot and other items
    We are considering

    Diego.DG: Is it possible to get a personal journal/diary book that allows multiple additions of text without locking the book from further additions?

    Numa: Could a system be set up to distill and combine the essences of raw ingredients to render far more potent catalysts to be used in crafting?
    Perhaps eventually

    Numa: Could steampunk vending machines be offered as an alternative to human-like vendors? Then slots or spaces for such machines could be made available to lease at public places at reasonable rates?
    We can consider

    Numa: As an offshoot of a more evolved economy, could special delivery by semi-automated Balloon drop (somewhat like slower drones) be possible?
    Why would we do this versus the existing mail system that is already in place?

    Mishikal: WIll there be a LUA or similar API interface for the ability to create MODs to expand the game?
    Atos: Unlikely for episode 1 but we do plan on adding this in the future. Likely only for display and UI purposes though.

    Scoffer Kada: Which zone contributes to the biggest influx of cash into the economy (not value, actual cash generated)
    We could tell you but then we would have to nerf that scene. :)
    Atos: I won’t name the scene that puts the most total gold into the scene but I will tell you that the one that generated the most per person was The Rise. Coincidentally, The Rise is also the scene with the most player deaths per hour played as well!

    Lord Andernut: What are the best things that drop from supply bundles, such as the legendary supply bundles.
    Atos: I think currently the legendary bundles only drop very rarely off of a few boss mobs. In general though, humanoids tend to drop more bundles than non-humans. As for the legendary bundles, they are super rare. Only 12 have dropped in the past 30 days.

    Umuri: Can we please for the love of all that is holy make the signature speed the same for long character names as short character names? A 4 char length name sells things 3x faster than a 15 char length name
    Good suggestion

    Rentier: will the old "Elven Woodwind Long bow" also get the possibility to get some special ingredients (and the elven Mage Staff, or the old Kobold Slag Sword?)
    Perhaps eventually. We are adding new components all the time

    Majoria70: Can we get a half stage and walls lay on their side with like the R key to border the stage for example or to lighten up the dark walls as a border.
    We can consider

    Majoria70: Can we get back more than a few scraps at a destroyed item especially at higher crafting skills? It is such a slap in the face.
    Currently high skill in salvage has a chance to return components but failure when enchanting and masterworking does not. Failure only returns scraps and we intend to keep it this way for now. This keeps the value of salvage high and keeps the number of finished goods in the economy controlled.

    Selene Brightshadow: Are other magic disciplines getting new craftable Staff's??
    I don’t understand the question

    Umuri: If darkstarr and atos had a choice, what will be sota's first minigame?
    Starr: Deck of cards!
    Atos: Channeling Winfield... FISHING!

    Draugur: Darkstarr you said you would remove Riposte from blacksmith masterworking last telethon, what happened? I didn't want to bug report it since you know about it and said it would be taken care of.
    Fixed in R49

    Gareth: Will mobs start dropping more armor for salvaging purposes?
    Yes. Barbarians in Q1
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
    Time Lord, Hazard, 3devious and 13 others like this.
  2. Rufus D`Asperdi

    Rufus D`Asperdi Avatar

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    If you don't have it pinned, it fades out and you have no on-screen indication you're in Deco Mode... Perhaps an icon in the upper right where the Social and Mail notification icons appear.
  3. Rufus D`Asperdi

    Rufus D`Asperdi Avatar

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  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Stryker Sparhawk
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
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  5. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
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  6. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    Please consider this as an improvement to the current poison system. Give poison weapon a much longer active time. But when you hit with it once, it's gone. You need to re-poison the weapon. This helps balance out the poisons that do direct damage, as you can no longer spam them. However, it changes the way poison works significantly, so you'd have to go back and re-balance all of them with these change in mind.

    The name of the game would be to have hard hitting poisons that do a lot of damage but don't last very long (and would have a longer cool down time before they could be reapplied), verses poisons that the longer they last (without a cure) the more damage they do over time.

    This would seem to fix many of the problems we have with poison today. But it would also create an opportunity for you to give Archers the ability to add poison to their arrows (because poison would be more of a one time (single shot) event now) This would probably make archers very happy.

    One of the major problems, as I see it, is that you have very high level players with 100 or 110 attunement in everything, wearing full plate or high avoidance armor. This creates the exact scenario the combat system was designed to stop - tank mages.

    It's not that these players are casting spells, they're just using their high attunement to avoid the pitfalls of wearing full plate armor. Magic is supposed to (largely) ignore armor in our combat design, but when we changed the attunement system that's not how it ended up working out for high level characters.

    That's why I suggested what I did, above.

    Do you have any ideas how to fix this? I would like to think that if you wear full plate armor (or high avoidance armor) and have high magic attunement you'd still have weaknesses.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  7. Lord Andernut

    Lord Andernut Avatar

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    This question was actually about what potential loot came from these bundles, not how many legendary bundles have dropped - though that was an interesting answer :)
  8. Preachyr

    Preachyr Avatar

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    As usual my question was ignored.

    @Berek or @DarkStarr or @Lord British

    Since I don't think I've had a single question in any telethon actually answered in the stream or these threads... Is there somewhere else I should be asking them??

    Do you not want tough questions public? Because just tell me who to pm to actually get answers and I will gladly do that instead!

    I've Tried multiple times to ask them in thrrads or posts only to have them deleted and be told to ask in telethons... Then I ask in telethons only to be ignored.

    I WANT to follow the rules! So just tell me how to properly go about asking some tough questions in a way that I will actually be answered and I will do it exactly as you say!

    Come on!
  9. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Hey hey .. 12 months later vallo got a half answer on GvG.

    So.. no guild keeps or guild crafted keeps for that matter... just control points in a dif setting? That somehow / not figured out yet will be somehow more interesting then control points.
    And im assuming not much more then current before release..

    So.. thats quite a huge step away from meaningful GvG with seigeable castles, that makes crafters meaningful as well...

    So essentially.. control points but with a flag that changes with your guild on it. ( but that would imply that customized guild banners were in yet)

    Yup.. 12 months for that disappointment.
    Sure hope you guys have some other plans for GvG or its going to be one of those features you brag about that come back around and shoot you in the foot.
  10. Ancev

    Ancev Avatar

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    Thanks to the Dev's for taking the time to answer all these questions!
  11. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Oh thank God! I have been recommending new players name themselves Bob, Ron, Dud, etc because it will save them hours of their life over the long haul.
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  12. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    This only comes up if I move a decoration. If it was always up when in decoration mode then that would be awesome!

    The reason I asked is to have some way to prevent accidentally moving decorations when I'm simply trying to interact with an item (like open a container). This is a constant irritation.

    [edit] Let me rephrase my question: Can you please make it so that the housing UI is always on-screen when in decoration mode?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  13. Solazur

    Solazur Avatar

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    Can this be clarified please? As I read it.. it would seem to be saying that having a high salvage skill would affect the ability to enchant or MW. Am I reading this wrong? Hopefully I am because if it were the case that high salvage skill penalized your other skills you'd have no reason to have salvage skill at all. You'd just have an alt do all the salvage from then on.


  14. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    It's not that i am surprised but....meh. Just meh.
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  15. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Yes I agree and I have not seen anything ever to evidence that I will ever get anything back from master working other than scraps which is my argument here. It should not be just scraps and should be varied by your crafting skill and it is all scraps no matter what level you get to. At least if we have a clarification about crafting form @Buzus or whichever dev is working crafting atm. So I am working carpentry for example and here are my stats:

    Carpentry crafting level 91 = 67.5 proficiency

    Carpentry salvage level 74 = 60.8 carpentry salvage

    carpentry master work level 48=49 carpentry masterwork proficiency

    Now this combination will give only scraps if I fail and when I was carpentry level 90 this combination would also give scraps for master working. Now if someone can say this is fun or interesting it is not me. That is the point of my question. Can we get a breakdown or more information on how this works and can we get more added to crafting that makes it more interesting. I understand I cannot make a perfect item always or at all with these stats of course in the current system but the road to perfect items is very unclear and not specified or wrote out for us. I don't have any idea if there are plans to fix this. It is also to me unsatisfying in it's current form. It needs to be an interesting journey in some way and it is not. Crafters just want to know that is the plan for the future and that it is not all about scraps. Does anyone hear me on this? No game I have ever played just gave scraps for every failure throughout your leveling journey of a crafting skill. Please fix this before we release.

    and yes I know I'm off topic. but but but. and this song is appropriate for me today ;)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
  16. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    I agree that limiting the number of options is important, however the ability to turn off autotargeting (prevent selecting a target when you are attacked without a target) could be helpful in a number of situations. This would allow players, whether they are using autoattack, charged attack, or even working as a dedicated healer, to remain focused on just those they want to target.

    This would be useful. One of the complaints I've heard is that jumping doesnt do anything because they can't jump over anything. They don't know that jumps are charged, or when they should release to get the height they want. A meter would help with that immensely.

    Yes, please! More lore, more background, more worldbuilding. You could even add this to the information popup before you go into the scene. It would be great if this description could adjust as you learn more, so its very generic on your first visit, and very specific by the time you complete most of the encounters or quests in the scene.

    There is SotA Stream, but its not a full overlay.

    Strongly disagree. If failed mw/enchanting did not destroy equipment, it would not really change how many top-end items there are, as those are already getting created. What it will do is fill in the middle tier of gear that is severely lacking. Those middle tier pieces would become the base gear, which is what players are trying to force pricing on, and the high end pieces would increase in value because there are alternatives. Players could also see a clear progression of gear, from starter gear to gear all the way to top-end; right now, there is nothing between the two, so crafters complain that they have to lose value in order to make any sales.

    The problem with this is that all resources are available regardless of the area, so there is no need to transport it. The only thing that is regionalized currently are recipes available from NPCs. To see real trade routes, we need to see regionalized resources, like trees that only grow in one area. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of resource types, so this is probably not feasible in Episode 1.
  17. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Just restate your question here, and if it's one we can answer, we will. Some questions were not answered because of the rules we have in place as to what questions you should ask. It also may have been framed poorly and was unanswerable, or simply not the right time to answer such a question.
    Numa and majoria70 like this.
  18. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    I really hope that was supposed to say, "Currently high skill in salvage has a chance to return components ON failure when enchanting and masterworking."
  19. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Who knows. I was ranting a bit. I just listed the skill I have in mastery and I always just get scraps back is my issue. I have never gotten any components but this is not the thread for this discussion but I do believe it needs to be discussed so we all understand and give our feedback for a system that needs work still and is probably going to get attention before release. *crosses fingers*
  20. Aartemis

    Aartemis Avatar

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    Aartemis: Can you please add the Bundles to the respected COTO Vendors in the game? Maybe at least to the Row and Village level?
    Is the request to add the entire bundle as a mega purchase vs. selling all the individual items? We can consider it.

    The Request is to add the Full Bundles from the add-on store to the COTO Vendor. I don't want you to combine what you already have there, I want the ability to buy a bundle in-game with COTO.
    Since "Someone" had to buy the COTO at one point, this should fill the checks and balances of not offering for just IGG. I have tons and tons of assets I have purchased with RL money already.
    I want those to work for me with trades and such to get a Store Bundle without paying even MORE RL cash. Yes, I can do the whole sell the assets for cash but i'd rather just buy with COTO.

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
    mass and Vladamir Begemot like this.
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